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通过对河沟养殖情况的调查分析,结合河沟生态特点,认为可将河沟划分为宽浅型和窄深型两种类型,浅滩面积占40%以上的宽浅型河沟养殖河蟹效果较佳,应侧重养蟹;浅滩面积低于40%的窄深型河沟养殖河蟹则不理想,应侧重养鱼。  相似文献   

从上世纪80年代初期就开始进行河蟹养殖,由于当时养殖技术经验不足,大部分采取掠夺性养殖,不注重水体生态环境保护,生态环境平衡受到了严重破坏,致使河蟹越养越小。自2006年以来,笔者开始在河沟等流动水体进行生态养蟹试验,成蟹产量、规格和品质有较大提高,取得了一定成效。现把2006年~2007年生产试验总结如下:  相似文献   

<正>江苏省扬州市江都区水产养殖示范户陈文全,为了探索河蟹套养新模式,在现有河蟹池塘养殖基础上大胆探索套养罗氏沼虾和部分青虾进行养殖,取得很好的经济效益和社会效益,在2014年河蟹市场低迷的情况下实现产值242600元,亩纯利润4161元,套养罗氏沼虾亩平均增加效益1429元。现在将其养殖情况总结如下,供大家参考。一、池塘条件池塘面积28亩,东西向长190米、南北向宽100米,沙质土壤,池塘坡比1∶2.5,沿池埂四周向池内有4米宽环形深沟,比塘底深30厘米,夏季平均水深能达到1.2米,池塘中间浅滩面积占池塘面积  相似文献   

钱华  于波 《水产科技情报》2000,27(4):154-155
黄鳝营养丰富 ,肉味鲜美 ,有滋补保健作用 ,深受消费者的喜爱。养黄鳝投资少、周期短、见效快、经济效益高 ,是一项很好的农村副业。利用现有的养鱼池及河沟进行网箱养鳝 ,既不影响常规养殖产量 ,又能将小规格的黄鳝培育成大规格的商品鳝 ,不占土地 ,节约建池费用 ,增加水产养殖的经济效益。我市于1999年利用宁界乡 3.2 hm2 养鱼池塘和河沟进行网箱养鳝试验 ,取得了良好的经济效益。现将试验情况总结如下。一、试验条件与方法1.池塘、河沟情况  池塘面积 2 hm2 ,河沟面积 1.2 hm2 ,养殖季节平均水深在 1.8m以上。池塘、河沟均照常放养鱼种…  相似文献   

郭勇 《水产养殖》2000,(4):14-14
目前,河蟹养殖大多在池中混养传统的四大家鱼而且放养密度稀,虽然相对投入较少但产出效益也很低。根据河蟹的生活环境和生长特性,利用河沟发展鱼蟹混养无疑是增加经济效益的一种有效途径,现将具体技术介绍如下。1养蟹池条件要选择水质清新无污染,一般常年水位在1~2m左右,各处可深浅不一,土质最好是通气性能好的粘土或按粘土,淤泥不宜过深,以不超过20厘米为宜。2苗种放养考虑到少投入,低风险,一般4月~5月购回人工繁殖的V期幼蟹,1kg在2000只左右,每亩水面放种150~300只,具体根据河蟹中的饵料生物及鱼类放种数量而定。3饲养…  相似文献   

河蟹天然产量的衰竭,其养殖为人们所重视。东台市滩涂开发利用综合试验场大面积围滩蓄水养蟹,通过两年实践,取得了很好的经济效益和社会效益。一、基本概况蟹池是由一片茅草地通过改造而成,四周挖有宽10一20米,深2米的沟,挖沟的土围成堤。1988年在东西向间隔1米,挖宽0.5米,深O。3米的小沟,挖的草  相似文献   

塘沟网箱养殖黄鳝试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱华 《淡水渔业》2000,30(5):18-19
1999年我市在宁界乡的 4 8亩养鱼池塘、河沟中搞了 70个网箱养殖黄鳝试验 ,取得了较好的经济效益。1 试验条件与方法1 1 池塘河沟。试验水面 4 8亩 ,其中池塘 30亩(2公顷 ) ,河沟 18亩 (1 2公顷 ) ,在养殖季节 ,平均水深在 1 8米以上 ,池塘、河沟按原有的情况正常放养鱼种。塘沟水质良好 ,无污染 ,池塘水的透度度在 35cm左右 ,河沟透明度在 50cm左右 ,水的pH值在 6 8左右 ,溶氧较丰富。1 2 网箱。网箱采用统一规格 ,长 8米 ,宽 3米 ,高 1米 ,水上、水下各 0 5米。采用网质好、网眼密、网条紧的聚乙烯网。网目大小视养殖黄…  相似文献   

池塘养蟹应种草   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年河蟹养殖发展迅猛,其整体效益要高出常规养殖鱼类,许多养鱼户见养殖河蟹有利可图,便纷纷弃鱼养蟹,池塘养蟹面积大增。然而有的养蟹户对养蟹知识知之甚少,有的并不了解河蟹的生活习性,盲目跟随,结果并未取得理想的养殖效果,甚至亏损。  相似文献   

宣州市 80年代中期试养河蟹,现已发展到 0.6万 hm2的养蟹规模,成为宣州渔业的支柱产业,有力地促进了农业产业结构调整。随着养蟹规模的扩大及集约化养殖程度的提高,养殖水域水质恶化、河蟹品质下降,病害严重,影响了养殖效益。宣州市朱桥乡近几年采取种草、投放螺蛳养殖河蟹,取得了单产河蟹 45 kg/667 m2的好成绩。其主要做法如下。 1池塘要求 养殖池塘要求水源充足,水质清新,池水深可达 1.5 m,池底平坦,淤泥 20 cm以下 ,面积以 0.67~ 1.33 hm2为好。养蟹池的进、排水口设置成对角线;实行高灌低排,以加强水体交换。池塘用钙塑…  相似文献   

河蟹又名毛蟹,因原产于我国,2只大螯上有绒毛,故学名中华绒毛蟹。它以丰富的营养,独特的风味成为我国著名的水产品,并且蜚声海外。随着市场需求的变化,河蟹在国内外市场需求量倍增,并以高昂的价格畅销海内外。近年来池塘、河沟、水库、稻田养蟹以及大水面网围养蟹业的发展使我国的养蟹业进入一个前所未有的新阶段,然而小规模的养殖远满足不了市场的需求,  相似文献   

The present study identifies and quantifies appropriate sites for brackish water aquaculture development in southwestern Bangladesh using remote sensing, GPS and geographical information systems (GIS). A colour composite Landsat TM image from 1996 covering the southwestern part of Bangladesh was used to identify the extent of brackish water and to classify land use. The remotely sensed data were complemented by secondary data digitised from a range of sources, including hard copy maps, to create a spatial database that included environmental and infrastructural data. A series of GIS models were developed in order to identify and prioritise the most suitable areas for brackish water shrimp and crab farming. Using qualitative and quantitative output from the models, the benefits of shrimp and crab farming and alternative land uses in the Khulna region were compared, based on gross production, economic output and employment potential. Comparisons were made of brackish water shrimp and crab culture with moderately saline-tolerant tilapia and prawn culture, freshwater carp culture and traditional rice production systems. Shrimp was identified as the most capital intensive and risky production system. Earnings per hectare were a little higher for shrimp culture than for crab culture. The present study demonstrates the usefulness of GIS as an aquaculture planning tool in a region where natural resources are already under considerable pressure.  相似文献   

不同饵料对中华绒螯蟹幼体发育和存活的影响   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
江洪波 《水产学报》2000,24(5):442-447
采用高度不饱和脂肪酸(HUFA)营养强化的轮虫、轮虫与卤虫组织投喂中华绒螯蟹幼体,以各项幼体的存活率为评判指标,对不同饵料及其组合的投喂效果进行了探讨。研究结果表明:轮虫是中华绒螯解早期幼体(Ⅰ、Ⅱ期)的适口饵料,幼体存活率随轮虫密度的增加而逐渐上升,但当轮虫数量超过最适密度时,幼体存活率反而有所下降。其中,未强化的轮虫达投喂密度为60ind.mL^-1,强化轮虫最适密度为40ind.mL^-1。Zao状Ⅰ、Ⅱ期投喂40ind.mL^-1轮虫,从Ⅲ期开始投喂10ing.mL^-1卤虫无节幼体,能较好地满足中华绒螯蟹幼体发育的营养需求,提高大眼幼体的存活率。表明强化幼体饵料HUFA特别是EPA和DHA能有效地促进幼体的发育与存活和脱壳率。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in a randomized block design to compare growth and economic performance between monosex and mixed-sex culture of red mud crab ( Scylla olivacea Herbst, 1796) fed with trash fish at 5–10% body weight per day in the mangrove tidal flat at Burigoaliny Union of Satkhira District, Bangladesh. The experiment had three treatments in triplicate each: (a) all-male culture, (b) all-female culture and (c) mixed-sex culture. Crabs of 80–120 g in size were stocked at a density of 0.5 crab m−2 and cultured for 100 days. Specific growth rates (SGRs) by weight and internal carapace width (ICW) in the all-male culture were significantly higher than those in the all-female culture ( P <0.05), while SGRs in the mixed-sex culture showed no significant differences from those in the all-male and all-female culture ( P >0.05). No significant differences in final mean body weight, ICW, daily weight gain, survival rate, gross and net yields were found among all the treatments ( P >0.05). The area of high water level with mangroves gave significantly better results in terms of feed conversion ratio, survival rate, gross and net yields than the area of low water level ( P >0.05). The experiment suggests that the all-female culture in the area of high water level with mangroves could be suitable in developing commercial pen culture of red mud crabs in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

拟穴青蟹两种养殖模式的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以拟穴青蟹为主养品种,比较半封闭式养殖模式与传统开放式中水体理化生因子、放养品种的存活率和产量,以探索汕头牛田洋的适宜青蟹养殖模式。经过10个月的养殖试验,半封闭式养殖模式水体理化指标、污染物指标、菌体指标等总体优于开放式养殖模式。半封闭式养殖模式青蟹存活率高出开放式养殖模式66.22%,其他养殖品种的存活率和产量也均高于开放式养殖模式。研究结果表明,与传统的开放式养殖模式相比,半封闭养殖模式能有效降低水体污染指标,提高养殖产量,较为适合在汕头牛田洋青蟹养殖区进行推广。  相似文献   

为提高笼养青蟹的暂养成活率,试验开展青蟹海区越冬笼养暂养技术研究。在塘养青蟹打洞越冬前,从池塘中捕获拟穴青蟹(商品名:三门青蟹),转移到三门湾内适宜海区的养殖渔排上,采用自主设计的水中养殖笼,以悬挂吊养的方式进行越冬笼养暂养。结果表明:暂养的青蟹宜选择肥满度好,附肢健全,单个体重在250 g以上的个体,以保证暂养的成活率。青蟹暂养时在养殖笼内不需要放置掩蔽物。养殖笼以离水面100 cm以上悬挂较适宜,养殖周期控制在60 d内,如延长养殖将会增加青蟹死亡的风险。海区笼养暂养有非常可观的优势,短期内养殖生产,风险少,投资回报率高。该技术适于应用推广。  相似文献   

不同增养殖水体中华绒螯蟹一般营养成份比较分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实验对不同增养殖水体中华绒螯蟹可食部分一般营养成分营养指标进行分析研究,结果显示在中华绒螯蟹成熟的10月,粗蛋白雌、雄蟹分别为19.48%、16.17%,与其他甲壳类水产动物蛋白质含量相当,粗脂肪雌、雄蟹为13.21%、10.91%,显著高于其他甲壳类水产动物。粗蛋白、粗脂肪含量雌蟹大于雄蟹,水份、灰份雌蟹小于雄蟹。不同增养殖水体10月份中华绒螯蟹粗蛋白含量呈现养殖水体(湖泊网围、池塘养殖)大于增殖水体(湖泊放流、长江野生)态势。  相似文献   

This is an initial paper in a series of overviews of biological research and aquaculture development of the mud crab, Scylla serrata, in China. Results of experimental ecological studies on mud crabs are reported here. As a result of these experimental studies, results that are important for mud crab culture were also discovered and these include, methods to condition and manage broodstock, determination of ecological conditions that are suitable for embryonic development, and the influence of temperature, salinity, diet and larval density on development and survival of larvae. Results of this work will be useful in establishing a good method for artificial mass culture of larvae.  相似文献   


Apart from penaeid shrimp culture, crab farming and fattening and other several diversified aquaculture practices are now emerging as viable ventures in India. About 11 types of crab products are being exported from India with an average unit value realization of US$ 3.73 kg?1, pinpointing its importance in the foreign exchange earnings. An economic evaluation of mud crab culture, fattening and fattening with composite culture of shrimp/finfish has been attempted in this paper. The major operating cost was that of seed and it was higher for crab fattening (87% of the total operating cost). Feed costs were very low compared to that of shrimp farming. Annual profit obtained was US$ 22812.5 ha?1 year?1 for culture and US$ 30820.8 ha?1 year?1 for fattening. Economic indicators such as net profit, rate of return, pay back period and breakeven price indicate that crab fattening/culture is much more profitable than any other coastal aquaculture operations currently in practice, provided hatchery production is established in the country to ensure adequate supply of mud crab seeds.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,稻田综合养殖的概念开始被提出。随着科学技术的发展,越来越多的稻田综合养殖模式在实践中被探索出来,而稻蟹养殖就是属于稻渔综合种养模式的一种创新与探索。稻蟹养殖模式在国内外均有分布,我国养殖面积和养殖产量均为世界第一,技术处于领先地位。该文对生产中稻蟹养殖的技术要点进行了回顾,对一些地方模式进行了探讨,通过对稻蟹养殖的技术要点进行总结,以期为稻蟹养殖的理论创新提供新的视角,为稻蟹养殖的推广提供理论基础。  相似文献   

文章通过对大庆市杜蒙、林句、肇源三县的实地调查,全面介绍了这些地方河蟹养殖的基本情况、突出特点,分析了河蟹养殖发展过程中存在的制约因素和问题,结合大庆市的实际情况,提出了今后发展河蟹养殖业的相关对策建议。  相似文献   

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