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在诸多的林火行为中,"飞火"这一特殊林火行为的发生,会给扑救森林火灾工作带来以下6种情况的发生:一是扩大火场面积;二是延长扑救火灾的时间;三是加大扑救的难度;四是消耗大量的人力和物力;五是增加扑救人员的危险系数;六是扩大森林资源的损失。因此,各级扑火指挥员要了解和掌握森林火灾中发生"飞火"的时机,种类及其特点规律,有利于更好的安全组织指挥森林灭火。  相似文献   

扑救森林火灾是一项群众性、社会性工作,要在当地政府的统一领导下进行。要坚持“打早、打小、打了”的原则,做到早发现、早出动、早消灭。具体要做好以下五个方面的工作。一、及时掌握火情森林防火机构或其他领导机关得到火情消息后,要向火情报告者或知情者了解火灾发生的地点、起火时间、当前火场面积、火势强弱、燃烧地类、有无人员扑救、需投入多少人员才能迅速扑灭等情况,并作记录。如果情况不详,可立即派出火情侦察员携带通讯工具到火场核查火  相似文献   

从国内外直接扑救森林火灾中的人员伤亡案例看,发生伤亡的次数和人数最严重、极易发生扑火人员群死群伤事件是在接近火场这一扑火环节.为此.在扑救森林火灾中各级指挥员和扑火人员,接近火场时不可盲目行动和掉以轻心,应在判明风向、掌握地形、了解可燃物分布及载量的情况下,才可接近火场.  相似文献   

额敏县林业局利用GPS与Mapgis地理信息系统在在森林火灾预防和扑救上积累了一些经验,技术人员使用GPS对卫星监测到的林火热点数据进行预处理,然后基于Mapgis地理信息系统对预处理过的林火热点数据定位,确定具体的地理坐标和四周地形、植被覆盖情况、交通状况,便于护林防火指挥部就近调遣护林人员首先到达现场,向指挥部汇报准确预报火险等级,详实的火场面积,火势,风向、火的类型。指挥人员根据汇报上来的现场情况,确定灭火方案,以便在第一时间内将森林火灾扑灭,最大限度地节省了时间、人力、物力,为森林火灾的预防和扑救提供了强有力的技…  相似文献   

直升机吊桶灭火在扑救森林火灾方面具有其独特优势,有时甚至会成为顺利扑救火场的关键力量,尤其是针对大型火场和地面人员无法到达的陡峭地形火场。一般火场越大,情况越紧急则越需要多架直升机共同作业,进行高强度机群灭火。机群作业需提前做好调机准备,包括临近机场或临时起降点与火场等位置信息确认、油料供给、人员食宿等具体问题。同时,要做好机群作业方案以确保作业安全和效率。本文根据多年参与直升机吊灭森林火灾任务经验,探讨如何在确保安全的基础上,调度指挥直升机机群快速、高效地对火场执行吊灭任务,最大程度地保护珍贵的森林资源。  相似文献   

火场参数的计算与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个扑火指挥员,要想尽快将森林火灾扑灭,需要做很多工作。除了平时加强扑火队伍的训练以外,还应该了解火场四周短期天气变化,如大风、气温、相对湿度是否有降水等气象要素的变化。还应该掌握火场、地形、山脉、河流的分布,各种可燃物类型的分布等对扑火指挥都是非常重要的。此外,扑火指挥人员还应该掌握火场参数的变化。由于火场参数的变化对子扑火指挥人员十分重要,它是扑火指挥人员在指挥现场扑火的重要依据。扑火指挥人员到达火场后,应及时了解火场的面积大小、火场周边长度、火场周边增长的速度,以及火  相似文献   

Google Earth在陆良县森林防火中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陆良县近年来利用Google Earth与相关信息相结合进行森林防火监测、指挥,在极短的时间内实现准确定位,掌握火灾发生的具体乡(镇)、村、组、山头地块等信息,为火灾的指挥扑救赢得宝贵的时间.在森林火灾扑救中,指挥员及时采取措施,快速准确地指引扑火人员到达现场开展扑救工作,从而有效防止小火酿成大灾,做到"打早,打小,打...  相似文献   

今年春季,内蒙古、黑龙江、四川、云南、西藏、甘肃、新疆等省区相继发生多起森林火灾,其来势凶猛、面积之大、扑救之艰难,是近年来少有的。面对严峻的扑救森林火灾形势,东北、西南航空护林中心(总站)以十六大精神和“三个代表”的重要思想为指导,紧密联系林业发展实际,积极协调各有关单位,精心组织、周密安排,较好地完成了各项任务。在扑救黑龙江大兴安岭草甸森林火场、富拉罕火场、伊春阿廷河火场、内蒙古大兴安岭金河火场、阿尔山外蒙入境火场中,东北航空护林中心适时派出工作组,对火灾扑救工作进行了有效的指导、协调和服务。工作组全体…  相似文献   

刘建平 《山西林业》2002,(3):13-13,16
森林防火是一项社会性很强的工作 ,一旦发生森林火灾 ,火场如同战场。扑救森林火灾的指挥人员是决定扑火效率的重要因素和关键环节。在扑救森林火灾时 ,主要依靠各级指挥员的才能和恰到好处的运筹、谋划 ,并能因地制宜 ,因势利导 ,使兵力布置、扑火力量、战斗方案灵活运用 ,做到随机应变 ,只有这样 ,才能打一场漂亮的歼灭战 ,把损失降低到最低限度。因此 ,在决定扑救森林火灾成效的诸多因素中 ,扑火指挥人员具有十分重要的地位和作用。不管扑救森林火灾工作如何发展 ,科学技术如何进步 ,不论哪个国家、哪个地区的扑救森林火灾的工作 ,都必须…  相似文献   

通过对贮木场木材加工剩余物的燃烧蔓延规律的分析,将贮木场木材加工剩余物分布简化为多孔燃烧床。根据风和坡度对火势蔓延规律的影响情况,建立了火场燃烧形状模型,得出了火场面积、火场周边长以及增长速度公式,建立了其燃烧蔓延模型。通过模型计算与试验结果对比,证明该模型是可行的。该模型为计算机模拟技术提供理论基础,为贮木场火灾预防和减少火灾损失提供科学手段。  相似文献   

A key challenge in modern wildfire mitigation and forest management is accurate mapping of forest fuels in order to determine spatial fire hazard, plan mitigation efforts, and manage active fires. This study quantified forest fuels of the montane zone of Boulder County, CO, USA in an effort to aid wildfire mitigation planning and provide a metric by which LANDFIRE national fuel maps may be compared. Using data from 196 randomly stratified field plots, pre-existing vegetation maps, and derived variables, predictive classification and regression tree models were created for four fuel parameters necessary for spatial fire simulation with FARSITE (surface fuel model, canopy bulk density, canopy base height, and stand height). These predictive models accounted for 56–62% of the variability in forest fuels and produced fuel maps that predicted 91.4% and 88.2% of the burned area of two historic fires simulated in the FARSITE model. Simulations of areas burned based on LANDFIRE national fuel maps were less accurate, burning 77.7% and 40.3% of the historic fire areas. Our results indicate that fuel mapping efforts that utilize local area information and biotic as well as abiotic predictors will more accurately simulate fire spread rates and reflect the inherent variability of forested environments than do current LANDFIRE data products.  相似文献   

遥感技术在火监测中的应用研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火是地球表面频繁发生的异变现象,也是森林、灌丛、草地等生态系统中植被演替的主要动力。植被火烧释放出来的大量气溶胶颗粒物以及各种痕量气体,会引发大气环境和全球碳循环过程的深刻改变。遥感卫星能够监测和记录全球地表信息,尤其适用于地表异变现象特别强烈的火灾事件。遥感技术在野火识别和监测中的应用主要为了实现以下4个目的:1)火点精确地理位置判定;2)在燃火线的范围制图和火场发展趋势判定;3)火烧强度评价;4)火烧迹地植被恢复监测与评价。文中总结了遥感卫星技术和数据在火险评价与制图、火点识别、火烧面积统计以及火烧迹地植被恢复评价中的应用和贡献。  相似文献   

本文根据森林火灾发生规律,结合森林扑火实战经验,采用攻防原理,探讨不同情况下扑救森林火灾应当采取的战法。提出森林扑火战法研究是森林扑火技术的应有之义,火场指挥人员应在准确把握火场形势的前提下,实施速决战或持久战,以及针对特殊火场形势,采用猛攻空袭、避实击虚、防守隔离带和抢抓清晨有利时机等战法,最大限度地保证人员安全,取得最好的扑火效果。  相似文献   

During the summer of 2001, survey data were collected from Colorado residents living near public lands (i.e., the wildland urban interface). Data were collected by telephone after mailing respondents a survey. These data include detailed information of respondents' views towards wildfire management and willingness-to-pay (WTP) values for prescribed burning. Results indicate that Colorado residents living near public lands are aware that fire is a natural process in their area and are in favor of using prescribed burning for fire risk reduction. They also are willing-to-pay an annual tax for prescribed fire undertaken on the public lands near their homes. Respondents' support for adopting a fire risk mitigation policy based on prescribed fire depended on perceived fire frequency intervals. The substantial WTP values for prescribed burning indicate that the public living in the wildland urban interface could potentially pay an annual tax, so the burden of wildfire management need no longer predominantly lie in the hands of the general taxpayers.  相似文献   

以塔河林业局为研究区域,以ArcGIS Engine控件和可视化开发环境Visual Studio 2008(C#)作为系统开发平台,利用现有数据(包括林火数据、气象数据、地形数据等)进行数字化并建立access数据库,用简单椭圆模型和迷宫算法实现对已发生的森林火灾面积的科学模拟和火情趋势的标绘,并构建塔河林业局森林扑火辅助决策指挥系统,从而协助扑火指挥员在最短的时间内制定最佳的林火扑救方案,降低林火损失,辅助防火部门进行科学扑火决策。  相似文献   

通视性评价是G IS可视化的重要内容,在森林防火、建筑规划、景观分析等领域具有重要作用和广泛的应用前景。以宜昌市14个代表性的森林防火瞭望塔为研究对象,进行通视性分析,结果表明:①通视性受瞭望塔的高度、可视距离等因素限制,也与地形有很大关系;精度取决于空间数据和配套属性数据的准确性,与DEM建模中使用的插值方法有关。②宜昌市森林防火瞭望塔可视距离按10km计算,14个瞭望塔可视区域面积占市总面积的12.1%;防火瞭望塔可视距离按理想可视距离(无阻挡无限可视),则14个瞭望塔可视区域面积占市总面积的68.32%。③通视性分析可为宜昌市后期瞭望塔布点提供参考,并在图上实现先期可视化。  相似文献   

Crown fire occurrence and subsequent crown fire behaviour are strongly dependent on canopy fuel characteristics, especially canopy fuel load (CFL), canopy bulk density (CBD) and canopy base height (CBH). Therefore, quantification of such variables is required for the appropriate selection of silvicultural treatments aimed at reducing susceptibility to crown fire. Data from the IV Spanish National Forest Inventory and individual tree biomass dry weight equations were used to estimate the canopy fuel characteristics of four representative types of pine stands in north-western Spain. Probability of crown fire initiation and crown fire rate of spread were simulated by using the mean surface fuel load observed for each type of pine in this area and assuming different burning conditions. The results indicate that a 22.13 % of the sample plots analysed showed a rather high potential for active crown fire spread under moderate burning conditions, and this value increases to 69.27 % under extreme burning conditions. Equations relating the canopy fuel characteristics to common stand variables (stand density, basal area and dominant height) were fitted simultaneously for each pine, and weighting factors for heteroscedasticity were included. The models explained more than 93.90, 74.70 and 69.42 % of the observed variability in CFL, CBD and CBH, respectively. Basal area was the most important variable for estimating CFL and CBD while dominant height explained most of the observed variability in CBH. The use of the fitted equations together with existing dynamic growth models and fire management decision support systems will enable assessment of the crown fire potential associated with different silvicultural alternatives used in these types of pine stands.  相似文献   

林火碳排放研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
火是森林生态系统主要的干扰因子, 森林火灾的频繁发生不仅使森林生态系统遭到破坏, 同时也造成了含碳温室气体的大量释放。综述了火烧面积、森林可燃物以及燃烧效率等主要因子对森林火灾排放碳量估计的影响, 分析了这一领域未来研究发展趋势。大量研究表明:1)卫星遥感是估测大尺度上森林过火面积的主要手段, 随着高分辨率卫星的应用, 森林火灾面积的估计精度不断得到提高。目前的研究主要集中于大尺度上林火面积的估计和估算方法的改进。2)遥感数据是目前估计大尺度可燃物燃烧量的有效手段, 利用遥感数据的同时结合有效可燃物计算模型, 运用多元线性与非线性分析结合等方法提高对可燃物燃烧量的估计。3)燃烧效率是决定可燃物消耗量的主要因子, 也是估计森林火灾释放含碳气体量的关键。未来的研究是利用高分辨率的遥感数据, 结合复杂的可燃物计算模型, 更精确地估计林火碳排放。  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to produce forest fire susceptibility maps (FFSM) based on evidential belief function (EBF) and binary logistic regression (BLR) models in the Minudasht Forests, Golestan Province, Iran. At first, 151 forest fire locations were identified from Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectero Radiometer data, extensive field surveys, and some reports (collected in year 2010). Out of these locations, 106 (70%) were randomly selected as training data and the remaining 45 (30%) cases were used for the validation goals. In the next step, 15 effective factors such as slope degree, slope aspect, elevation, plan curvature, Topographic Position Index, Topographic Wetness Index, land use, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, distance to villages, distance to roads, distance to rivers, wind effect, soil texture, annual temperature, and rainfall were extracted from the spatial database. Subsequently, FFSM were prepared using EBF and BLR models, and the results were plotted in ArcGIS. Finally, the receiver operating characteristic curves and area under the curves (AUCs) were constructed for verification purposes. The validation of results showed that the AUC for EBF and BLR models are 0.8193 (81.93%) and 0.7430 (74.30%), respectively. In general, the mentioned results can be applied for land use planning, management and prevention of future fire hazards.  相似文献   

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