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Certain diseases cause an increase in the amount of fluid present in the pleural and/or peritoneal cavity (an effusion). Uroperitoneum subsequent to kidney, ureter, bladder, or urethra rupture also can cause an increased amount of fluid in the abdomen. Evaluation of fluid samples often is helpful in identifying the mechanism causing the effusion and, occasionally, results in a specific diagnosis. The TP, TNCC, and general cytologic examination can be performed easily, quickly, and inexpensively in-house. The TP and TNCC are used to classify effusions as transudates, modified transudates, or exudates. Transudates usually are caused by hypoalbuminemia, but also can be caused by leakage of fluid from efferent intestinal lymphatics. Cytology and culture usually are not rewarding in the evaluation of transudates. Modified transudates usually are caused by increased vascular permeability or increased intrahepatic hydrostatic pressure. Cytologic and radiographic examinations often are helpful in evaluating patients with modified transudates, while cultures usually are unrewarding. The exudate class encompasses the inflammatory exudates (septic or nonseptic), neoplastic exudates, and chylous effusions. Inflammatory exudates have a high TP and predominantly contain inflammatory cells. They may be septic or nonseptic. When septic, degeneration neutrophils often, but not always, are found. Cultures often are needed to determine whether sepsis is present, to identify the specific organism, and to determine the best therapy. Neoplastic exudates may contain numerous neoplastic cells. If there is concern that the cells are dysplastic instead of neoplastic, the cytology preparation should be referred to a consultant. Chylous effusions usually contain many small lymphocytes with a variable number of neutrophils and macrophages. In chronic chylous effusions, however, neutrophils and/or macrophages may predominate. Chylous effusions usually are differentiated easily from pseudochylous effusions by cytology. Comparison of fluid and serum triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations can be used to differentiate chylous and pseudochylous effusions when differentiation cannot be accomplished by cytology.  相似文献   

Pleural effusions from 23 dogs and 25 cats hospitalized between November 1986 and April 1987 at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (VHUP) were classified as chylous (chylomicrons present) or nonchylous (chylomicrons absent) by the presence or absence, respectively, of a chylomicron band on lipoprotein electrophoresis gels of the effusions. Triglyceride concentrations, cholesterol concentrations, and cholesterol/triglyceride (C/T) ratios were compared between the chylous and nonchylous groups in each species. Cholesterol concentrations were not significantly different between chylous and nonchylous effusions in both dogs and cats. Cholesterol/triglyceride ratios of less than 1 were present in all dogs and cats with chylous effusions; however, 12% of dogs with nonchylous effusions and 50% of cats with nonchylous effusions also had a C/T ratio less than 1. Triglyceride concentrations accurately classified all effusions as chylous or nonchylous in both dogs and cats. Pleural effusions with triglyceride concentrations greater than l00 mg/dl were chylous in all cases, whereas, effusions with triglyceride concentrations less than l00 mg/dl were nonchylous in all cases.  相似文献   

Serum and pleural fluid cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations and cholesterol/triglyceride ratios were determined in 9 dogs and 9 cats with pleural effusion (8 nonchylous, 10 chylous). The pleural fluid triglyceride concentrations were significantly higher (P less than 0.05) and the pleural cholesterol/triglyceride ratios were significantly lower (P less than 0.05) in chylous effusions than in nonchylous effusions in all animals. There were no differences in serum cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations and serum cholesterol/triglyceride ratios for chylous and nonchylous effusions in either species. There also were no differences in pleural fluid cholesterol concentrations between the 2 groups in the dog or cat. It was concluded that determinations of cholesterol/triglyceride ratios may be an accurate method for helping distinguish chylous from nonchylous effusions in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

A review over the most applicable areas of veterinary clinical cytology is given. The areas described are body fluids, lymph nodes and selected skin neoplasms. The review includes tables that survey general and specific cytologic criteria and is supplemented by photomicrographs. A classification of effusions according to cytologic criteria is discussed and there is a short discussion of 62 cases which also included histopathology.  相似文献   

The key to effective evaluation of pleural effusions lies in an understanding of the dynamic nature of its formation and alteration. Trying to fit a specimen neatly into a distinct diagnostic category will not only lead to frustration, but is often unnecessary or incorrect. Combined etiologies are common, and although the possibilities are infinite, certain patterns often present themselves: inflammation frequently complicates congestive failure and neoplasms, hemorrhage is common in neoplastic and chylous effusions, neoplastic effusions may cause transudation from venous obstruction or pericardial stricture, and sepsis is frequently secondary to traumatic effusions. In the presence of atypical findings and the establishment of one cause of pleural effusion, one cannot rule out other operative conditions.  相似文献   

SUMMARY A case of pseudochylous thoracic effusion associated with feline cardiomyopathy is described. At necropsy there was no evidence of structural damage to the thoracic duct or other major lymphatic vessels. The literature covering this syndrome was reviewed and it was concluded that the thoracic effusion may have been associated with congestive heart failure and interference with drainage of the thoracic duct into the anterior vena cava.  相似文献   

Comparative genetics provides veterinary researchers and clinicians with invaluable information for the understanding the possible genetic aetiologies and the disease process in congenital heart defects (CHDs) of dogs and cats. Although, the demand on this type of research has increased in the veterinary field, to date no fundamental genetic studies have been reported in the veterinary literature. In this second part of a two-part review, the general features and pathogenesis of major CHDs in humans and small animals are discussed. In addition, the known genetic aetiologies in human CHDs have been considered in parallel to CHDs in small animals.  相似文献   

Diagnostic value of pericardial fluid analysis in the dog   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The physical, chemical, and cytologic characteristics of 50 pericardial effusions were reviewed to determine their value to the clinician for distinguishing a variety of pericardial disorders in the dog. Pericardial fluid analysis allowed identification of chylous and bacterial pericardial effusions. Overlap in the ranges of RBC counts, nucleated cell counts, and protein concentrations between dogs with neoplastic and nonneoplastic disorders precluded identification of the cause of the effusion. Of 19 neoplastic effusions, 74% were not detected on the basis of cytologic findings and 13% of 31 nonneoplastic effusates were falsely reported as positive or suspect for a neoplasm. It was concluded that pericardial fluid analysis, including cytologic examination, did not reliably distinguish neoplastic from nonneoplastic disorders.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old neutered female cat had chylothorax, precaval syndrome, and a mediastinal granuloma resulting from infection with Cryptococcus neoformans. Diagnosis of a chylous effusion was made by cytologic examination of pleural fluid and by finding higher triglyceride levels in the effusion than in serum (825 vs. 64 mg/dl, respectively). Postmortem examination revealed cryptococcal organisms in the mediastinal granuloma, lungs, cerebral meninges, and connective tissues adjacent to the thyroid gland. Chylous effusion in a cat associated with cryptococcosis has not been reported previously. Cryptococcosis should be included in the differential diagnosis in chylous effusions in cats.  相似文献   

Samples were aspirated from 12 thoracic effusions, 10 abdominal effusions and four pericardial effusions in 17 dogs and nine cats. They were analysed cytometrically with the ADVIA 120 flow cytometer and the results were compared with the results of cytological examinations of May-Grünwald-Giemsa-stained smears. The conventional cytology revealed a purulent or pyogranulomatous inflammation in 12 of the animals, lymphoma in six, malignant histiocytosis in two, and an unspecified carcinoma in two; two animals had a chylous effusion, two had a modified transudate, and one dog had an idiopathic pericardial haemorrhage. The flow cytometric analysis was based on cellular volume, peroxidase staining intensity and the determination of nuclear lobularity, and made it possible to identify predominant cell lineages and cell debris, which were shown in characteristic cytograms. Inflammatory effusions, monocytic proliferation and lymphoma were easily detected, but carcinoma cells and mesothelial cells were classified as 'mononuclear blasts'.  相似文献   

A rule-based expert system using CLIPS programming language was created to classify body cavity effusions as transudates, modified transudates, exudates, chylous, and hemorrhagic effusions. The diagnostic accuracy of the rule-based system was compared with that produced by 2 machine-learning methods: Rosetta, a rough sets algorithm and RIPPER, a rule-induction method. Results of 508 body cavity fluid analyses (canine, feline, equine) obtained from the University of California-Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital computerized patient database were used to test CLIPS and to test and train RIPPER and Rosetta. The CLIPS system, using 17 rules, achieved an accuracy of 93.5% compared with pathologist consensus diagnoses. Rosetta accurately classified 91% of effusions by using 5,479 rules. RIPPER achieved the greatest accuracy (95.5%) using only 10 rules. When the original rules of the CLIPS application were replaced with those of RIPPER, the accuracy rates were identical. These results suggest that both rule-based expert systems and machine-learning methods hold promise for the preliminary classification of body fluids in the clinical laboratory.  相似文献   

Immune-mediated neutropenia, also termed autoimmune neutropenia (AIN), is an uncommon event, rarely documented within veterinary literature, although the clinical profile and probable pathogenesis have been outlined in detail within medical literature. In this paper, we review 2 different manifestations of this disorder. The 1st case primarily involved peripheral destruction of mature neutrophils, with little impact on marrow precursors, whereas the 2nd case resulted in suppression of neutrophilic granulopoiesis within marrow. In both cases, absolute neutrophil counts dropped below 200/mL.  相似文献   

Twelve dogs with idiopathic chylothorax were treated by en bloc ligation of the thoracic duct. Six dogs recovered completely. Minimal follow-up in this group was 12 months. Five dogs were euthanized within 5 months of surgery because of persisting liquothorax: two with chylous and three with non-chylous effusions. One dog was euthanized 2 months after surgery because of a recurrence of dyspnoea. It is concluded that the results are comparable with those of a previously described surgical treatment; however, the technique described here is less complicated because it does not require mesenteric lymphangiography.  相似文献   

Systemic mastocytosis, characterized by infiltration of multiple organs by neoplastic mast cells, is a well-described entity in human medicine with specific criteria for diagnosis, but is ill defined in veterinary literature. Hemostatic disorders are reported in humans affected by systemic mastocytosis but have not been well described in veterinary literature. A 5-y-old, spayed female Greyhound dog had a 1-mo history of progressive ventral cutaneous edema, hemorrhage, and pain. Cytology of an antemortem aspirate from the subcutis of the ventral abdomen was suggestive of mast cell neoplasia, but no discrete mass was present. The dog was euthanized and submitted for autopsy; marked subcutaneous edema and hemorrhage were confirmed. The ventral abdominal panniculus and dermis superficial to the panniculus carnosus were infiltrated by a dense sheet of neoplastic mast cells. The neoplastic cells contained toluidine blue–positive granules and formed aggregates within the bone marrow and several visceral organs, including the liver, spleen, heart, and kidney. Diffuse edema and hemorrhage is an unusual presentation of mast cell tumors in dogs. Antemortem tests, including complete blood count, coagulation profile, and viscoelastic coagulation testing, were suggestive of a primary hemostatic defect. We discuss here the diagnostic criteria used in humans, how these can be applied to veterinary patients, and the limitations of the current diagnostic framework.  相似文献   

The evaluation of therapeutic response using cross‐sectional imaging techniques, particularly gadolinium‐enhanced MRI, is an integral part of the clinical management of brain tumors in veterinary patients. Spontaneous canine brain tumors are increasingly recognized and utilized as a translational model for the study of human brain tumors. However, no standardized neuroimaging response assessment criteria have been formulated for use in veterinary clinical trials. Previous studies have found that the pathophysiologic features inherent to brain tumors and the surrounding brain complicate the use of the response evaluation criteria in solid tumors (RECIST) assessment system. Objectives of this review are to describe strengths and limitations of published imaging‐based brain tumor response criteria and propose a system for use in veterinary patients. The widely used human Macdonald and response assessment in neuro‐oncology (RANO) criteria are reviewed and described as to how they can be applied to veterinary brain tumors. Discussion points will include current challenges associated with the interpretation of brain tumor therapeutic responses such as imaging pseudophenomena and treatment‐induced necrosis, and how advancements in perfusion imaging, positron emission tomography, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy have shown promise in differentiating tumor progression from therapy‐induced changes. Finally, although objective endpoints such as MR imaging and survival estimates will likely continue to comprise the foundations for outcome measures in veterinary brain tumor clinical trials, we propose that in order to provide a more relevant therapeutic response metric for veterinary patients, composite response systems should be formulated and validated that combine imaging and clinical assessment criteria.  相似文献   

Current and prior veterinary cancer registries are few in number and scattered. Different inclusion criteria, dissimilar collection methods and variable reference population estimation methods pose obstacles in the comparisons between veterinary and human cancer registries. Veterinary cancer registries have yielded information on the risk and incidence of different cancer types in certain breeds and geographical regions, as well as provided information on genetic and environmental risk factors in some cancers. The objective of this article is to review the prior and current veterinary cancer registries, the information they have contributed and to discuss different issues relating to their structure including inclusion criteria, study populations, reference populations utilized in evaluations, recorded variables and the outcome from these.  相似文献   

胰腺周围脂肪组织和腺泡坏死被认为是急性胰腺炎(Acute pancreatitis,AP)的主要病理特征。胰腺炎轻者不累及其他器官,无并发症,为自限性疾病;重者胰腺出血、坏死、多器官功能衰竭,出现并发症,危及生命。近年来,胰腺炎在犬和猫中发病率非常高,而且病程一般是由急性期转至慢性期,由轻微转至严重。对其发病原因及其发病机制知之甚少,国内外兽医相关文献鲜有报道。论文参考大量研究文献并结合临床经验,综述该病的发病原因和发病机制,以期为临床预防和治疗提供思路。  相似文献   

A retrospective study assessing treatment-related toxicities in tumor-bearing cats treated with temozolomide (TMZ) alone or in combination with doxorubicin was conducted. TMZ was administered orally once a day for 5 days every 3 weeks at a dose of 20 mg/cat. Tumor response was evaluated with standard World Health Organization criteria and toxicity was monitored using veterinary co-operative oncology group-common terminology criteria for adverse events (VCOG--CTCAE) criteria. Ten tumor-bearing cats with various types of malignancies were treated with TMZ-based chemotherapy. Eight cats were evaluable for response. Two cats achieved a complete response, one achieved stable disease and five achieved a partial response. Four grade III and one grade IV hematological toxicities, and one grade IV gastrointestinal toxicity were observed. Four cats were euthanased as a result of apparent toxicity. One cat was euthanased as a result of severe and prolonged myelosuppression with fever. Three were euthanased for grade III pleural and pericardial effusions. Effusion was seen in cats treated with higher cumulative dose of TMZ (P = 0.0046). Planned additional case accrual was discontinued because of unacceptable levels of toxicity despite evidence of efficacy in some of the cats. Additional investigation is needed to elucidate this unexpected apparent cumulative toxicity.  相似文献   

Degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD) is the most common cardiac disease in dogs. Although the disease is frequently described in the veterinary literature, many aspects are still unknown or controversial. Based on recent research findings, this article addresses the etiology, pathogenesis, inheritance, diagnosis of early DMVD, diagnosis of mild decompensated heart failure, and efficacy of early medical intervention in clinically compensated dogs.  相似文献   

A 20-month-old, entire male boxer dog was presented with lethargy and intermittent shifting limb lameness. Diagnostic tests revealed aortic valve vegetations suggestive of infective endocarditis causing severe aortic outflow obstruction, and hypertrophic osteopathy of all four limbs. The dog was treated symptomatically and euthanased four days later. The association of infective endocarditis and hypertrophic osteopathy has been poorly documented in the veterinary literature. The pathogenesis of hypertrophic osteopathy is unknown; however, four theories have been put forth to explain this disease: pulmonary shunting, vagal nerve stimulation, humoral substances produced by neoplastic cells and megakaryocyte/platelet clump hypothesis.  相似文献   

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