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[目的]比较绵羊输卵管移植和子宫角腹腔镜微创移植2种胚胎移植方法的受胎率。[方法]以杜泊羊为供体本地蒙古羊为受体,采用CIDR-FSH法对杜泊种羊进行了超数排卵,采用PRID+PMSG法对受体进行了同期发情,并对输卵管移植和子宫角腹腔镜微创移植2种胚胎移植方法的受胎率情况进行了对比分析。[结果]输卵管移植受体178只,受胎率为50.6%;腹腔镜微创子宫角移植受体109只,受胎率为73.4%。[结论]输卵管移植受胎率显著低于子宫角移植法。  相似文献   

本试验在绵羊的繁殖季节9~11月份进行,试验各组供、受体同期发情及超数排卵的处理方法基本相同,均埋植阴道栓(自制海绵阴道栓或CIDR)13d,供体发情后采用本交和人工授精相结合的方式进行配种。供体发情开始后的第6d(发情当天记为第0d)进行手术法子宫角冲卵,冲出的胚胎在1h内移植入受体体内。  相似文献   

胚胎移植又称人工授胎,是提高种母羊繁殖力的一种方法。此技术方便了优良品种的引进及资源保存,同时使母羊一胎多羔,有利于优良品种的迅速扩群,从而加速育种工作的进程。胚胎移植的基本过程包括供体和受体选择、供体超数排卵和受体同期发情处理、冲卵、检卵和移植。1同期发情为受精卵提供先决条件。要求供体羊与受体羊发情基本一致,发情愈接近则受胎率愈高。实验证明,绵羊受精卵移植时,同期差异±24h以内的受胎率可达70%以上,相差±48h便低于50%。近年来,由于前列腺素的出现,同期发情基本上得到解决。一次肌内注射15mg的前列腺素,即可达到发…  相似文献   

阿尔巴斯白绒山羊胚胎移植技术推广研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对阿尔巴斯白绒山羊供体选择、同期发情、超数排卵、手术采卵、受体羊同期发情处理、手术移植等技术应用,探索了规模化阿尔巴斯白绒山羊胚胎移植技术的组装配套,以加快胚胎移植在养羊业生产中的推广与应用.总结了供体羊选择标准、供体羊同期发情海绵栓法应用经验.供体发情率达100%、利用率为98.33%、输卵管法平均回收胚胎13.9枚、平均可用胚胎10.2枚:受体发情率81.66%、鲜胚移植受胎率77.92%、产羔率105.78%、繁殖率79.28%.结果表明,使用配套技术进行绒山羊胚胎移植较适合目前养羊业种羊改良的生产实际,技术较成熟、稳定,可在农村牧区广泛推广应用.  相似文献   

在非繁殖季节应用CIDR法和Progestagen Sponge法对受体绵羊进行同期发情处理后,进行冷冻胚胎移植,研究不同同期发情处理方法、卵巢状况、胚龄、移植方法和移植时间对冷冻胚胎移植妊娠率的影响,以期为当地实现绵羊胚胎移植产业化提供理论依据和技术参考。结果表明:经同期发情处理后,绵羊在去栓后24~72 h集中发情,在去栓后36~48 h发情最为集中;CIDR法和Progestagen Sponge法的同期发情率分别为91.11%和87.78%(P>0.05),同期发情绵羊移植利用率分别为82.93%和78.48%(P>0.05);单侧卵巢上含有1个和2个黄体其妊娠率分别为46.07%和48.78%(P>0.05);桑椹胚和囊胚的妊娠率分别为49.25%和42.11%(P>0.05);腹腔镜法和手术法的妊娠率分别为45.16%和48.52%(P>0.05);11月和12月进行冷冻胚胎移植的妊娠率分别为50.76%和43.08%(P>0.05),该试验的绵羊冻胚移植妊娠率为46.92%,基本接近国内冻胚移植水平,但低于目前国内羊鲜胚移植妊娠率(50%~60%)。由此可以得出,不同同期发情处理方法、卵巢状况、胚龄、移植方法和移植时间对胚胎移植妊娠率的影响均无显著性差异(P>0.05),大规模群体羊同期发情时,可选价格便宜的Progestagen Sponge法;只要受体绵羊黄体质量好即可移植胚胎;为了减轻受体绵羊的应激反应,降低术后子宫粘连的发病率,可广泛应用腹腔镜法进行胚胎移植;该试验的绵羊冻胚移植妊娠率低于目前国内羊鲜胚移植妊娠率,通过筛选高效低毒的抗冻保护剂,以及提高基层技术人员操作水平,则有望进一步提高绵羊冷冻胚胎移植妊娠率。  相似文献   

犬胚胎移植手术路径研究性试验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
犬胚胎移植手术路径的确定是移植能否成功的关键。我们选择了12例自然发情的母犬,分为供体组和受体组,每组6头。通过生物检测镜确定排卵时间,用腹腔镜观察卵巢黄体发育情况,同时于交配后第9、11、13天剖腹探查,确定冲卵时间。结果于交配后第11天冲洗供体犬左侧子宫角,保留右侧子宫角的两例犬受孕,移植给2头受体犬左侧子宫角。  相似文献   

为了解决细毛羊优质种源短缺的问题,选用鄂尔多斯细毛羊种羊作为供体羊,蒙古羊作为受体羊,进行胚胎移植试验,以期通过胚胎移植技术进行优质种源快速扩繁。试验选取55只(其中36只进行二次冲胚)鄂尔多斯细毛羊母羊作为供体,以蒙古羊作为受体,采用递减法注射FSH进行超排处理。经同期发情、超数排卵、人工授精等过程后,采用手术法子宫角回收供体的胚胎,经鉴定后移植。结果表明:91只供体共获得胚胎788枚,可利用胚胎479枚,供体平均冲胚8.66枚/只,供体平均可利用胚胎5.26枚/只,胚胎可利用率60.79%。将479枚胚胎移入469只受体,妊娠290只,受胎率为61.83%,产羔253只,繁殖率为53.94%。  相似文献   

为确定最佳人工输精时间,缩短胚胎移植供体、受体发情同步差,采用孕激素阴道海绵栓+PMSG+PG法对胚胎移植供体、受体绵羊进行发情同期化处理,探讨不同季节、不同品种绵羊的发情规律。结果表明,春、秋两季供体羊黑头杜泊羊的发情率和形成功能性黄体羊只的比例无显著性差异(P>0.05);春、秋两季受体羊杂交小尾寒羊的发情率无显著性差异(P>0.05),而形成功能性黄体羊只的比例存在显著差异(P<0.05)。不同品种供体羊之间、2个品种的受体羊之间在繁殖季节的发情率及形成功能性黄体羊只的比例均无显著差异(P>0.05)。供体羊黑头杜泊羊和受体羊杂交小尾寒羊从撤栓到开始发情的间隔时间分别集中分布在12~36 h和24~48 h。在繁殖季节,不同品种的供体羊和2个品种的受体羊从撤栓到开始发情的间隔时间分别集中分布在12~36 h和24~48 h。提示不同季节、不同品种绵羊的发情规律存在一定差异。  相似文献   

生产条件下山羊胚胎移植的组织实施与质量控制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从我国国情出发,系统论述了生产下山羊胚胎移植的组织实施步骤及质量控制因素。提出了生产条件下山羊胚胎移植的主要质量控制指标:选择适宜的供、受体、并加强饲养管理;用FSH300 ̄350IU以减量法进行供体超排;用孕激素阴道海绵栓配合促性腺激素进行受体同期发情;鲜胚移植采用从供体子宫角手术的回收的桑椹胚 ̄囊胚期胚胎,胚冻冷冻或胚胎分割采用囊胚期胚胎,并移植于受体羊子宫角,完整的记录体系。  相似文献   

在羊胚胎移植实践中,对胚胎的回收及移植常用子宫角和输卵管等方法,科学地选择回收及移植方法对胚胎移植成功率影响较大。2002年以来,我们在巢湖市推广波尔山羊的胚胎移植良繁技术,开展了子宫角和输卵管法回收及移植胚胎效果对比试验,现报告如下。1材料与方法1.1供体和受体羊选择选择个体生产性能优异的供体羊10头,按照1∶20的比例选定同期发情受体。要求所选羊体况良好,无传染性疾病、慢性病和生殖系统疾病,同期发情处理前观察一个以上正常发情周期。1.2场地准备30~40m2的操作间,分为缓冲间、胚胎移植手术室和检胚室。室温保持在22~25℃,室…  相似文献   

为了研究季节对杜泊羊体内胚胎生产效率及胚胎移植妊娠率的影响,于2016年选取内蒙古赛诺草原羊业有限公司种羊场经产纯种杜泊母羊作为供体,采用同期发情、超数排卵及腹腔镜人工输精等方法对供体羊进行处理后,利用手术冲胚的方法获得纯种杜泊羊胚胎,同时对受体羊进行同期发情处理和胚胎移植。经统计分析,2016年全年该公司共有放栓供体4 241只,超排处理4 180只,配种供体4 131只,冲胚供体3 987只,供体可用率为94.01%;冲出胚胎总数为23 516枚,可用胚胎18 002枚,胚胎可利用率为76.55%,平均每只供体能获得可用胚胎4.52枚。供体在10月、11月、12月冲胚所获得的平均冲胚数和平均可用胚数明显高于4月、5月、6月(P<0.05),其中10月的平均冲胚数和平均可用胚数最高(P<0.01),分别为7.04枚和5.62枚。将获得的部分胚胎用于胚胎移植,移植单胚怀孕受体数为4 446只,妊娠率为53.67%;移植双胚怀孕受体数805只,妊娠率65.02%。此外,受体在1月、3月、6月、12月受胎率较其他月份高(P<0.05)。该研究可为杜泊种羊超数排卵、胚胎移植和肉羊的产业化生产提供一定的数据参考。  相似文献   

Seventy-two crossbred gilts were utilized to examine whether the oviduct rendered zona pellucidae resistant to protease digestion, whether the uterus reversed this resistance and whether such a uterine reversal was necessary for hatching. Oocytes were aspirated from follicles 22 to 28 h after onset of estrus (d 0); oviductal and uterine oocytes or embryos were collected on d 1 to 6. These oocytes and embryos were subjected to a solution containing .1% trypsin and .1% pronase (37 degrees C) for observation of zona pellucidae digestion. Zonae of oviductal oocytes were more (P less than .001) resistant to digestion than were follicular oocytes. Placement of follicular oocytes in oviducts for 30 min rendered zona pellucidae more (P less than .001) resistant to protease digestion than oocytes not exposed to oviductal secretions. Resistance of zona pellucidae to proteases, however, decreased (P less than .001) after entry into the uterus. Zonae of morulae retained in oviducts took longer (P less than .001) to digest than those recovered from the uterus. Blastocysts also were treated with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA; 50 micrograms/ml) for 40 min to determine whether artificial induction of zona resistance to enzymatic digestion affected the ability of embryos to hatch. Though WGA treatment delayed (P less than .001) enzymatic digestion of zona pellucidae, time from collection to hatching was not affected. This experiment indicated that the oviduct delayed enzymatic digestion of the zona pellucidae, whereas the uterus reversed this delay. The re-establishment of enzyme susceptibility after uterine entry, however, appeared to be unrelated to the subsequent ability of blastocysts to hatch.  相似文献   

Ewes were treated with a medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) sponge for 8 d followed, at sponge removal, with 500 IU pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) at d 30, 40 or 50 (d 0 = lambing) to induce estrus. Dry and lactating ewes were divided into equal numbers at each postpartum day and bred at estrus. Conception rates and number of accessory sperm were determined by flushing the oviducts 3 d after mating and examining the recovered ova. There was no effect (P greater than .05) of lactational status on conception rates. Conception rates increased (P less than .05) from d 30 (10%) to d 40 (45%) and from d 40 to d 50 (80%). There were fewer (P less than .05) ova with accessory sperm (5/26) in d-30 ewes compared with d-40 (10/27) or d-50 (12/24) ewes. In Exp. 2, ewes were assigned to two groups after receiving PMSG on d 30: 1) mated naturally or 2) inseminated during laparotomy near the uterotubal junction (UTJ). Dry and lactating ewes were divided evenly within each of the two treatments. Oviducts were flushed and ova were examined for cleavage. The conception rate was 60% in ewes that were inseminated in the UTJ vs 10% in ewes mated to rams (P less than .05). Lactational status had no effect on results. In conclusion, conception rates in postpartum ewes treated with MAP sponge and PMSG increased from postpartum d 30 to d 50 with natural breeding, and d-30 conception rates were increased over natural mating by insemination into the uterine horn near the UTJ.  相似文献   

[目的] 研究冷冻精液输精深度和时间对蒙古羊受胎率的影响。[方法] 选取体况健康、繁殖机能正常的蒙古羊母羊作为试验动物,采用孕酮海绵栓对受体母羊进行同期发情处理。应用常规人工输精法(n=135)、过子宫颈输精法[过子宫颈第一皱褶(1~2 cm)输精(n=120),过子宫颈第二到第三皱褶(3~4 cm)输精(n=120)]、腹腔镜辅助子宫内输精法(n=128)对发情后的母羊进行冷冻精液人工授精。接受常规人工输精法和过子宫颈输精法处理的受体母羊在发情后约14 h和22 h各输精1次,接受腹腔镜辅助子宫内输精法处理的受体母羊在发情后30~36 h输精1次。输精后40 d用B超仪检测母羊妊娠情况,计算并比较接受不同输精方法处理母羊的受胎率。[结果] 腹腔镜辅助子宫内输精法的受体母羊受胎率平均值最高,为60.2%;其次为过子宫颈第二到第三皱褶(3~4 cm)输精,受胎率平均值为58.3%;过子宫颈第一皱褶(1~2 cm)输精和常规输精法的受体母羊受胎率平均值分别为37.5%和36.3%。统计学分析表明,腹腔镜辅助子宫内输精法和过子宫颈第二到第三皱褶(3~4 cm)输精的受体母羊受胎率平均值显著(P<0.05)高于常规输精法和过子宫颈第一皱褶(1~2 cm)输精。[结论] 蒙古羊母羊发情后30~36 h采用腹腔镜辅助子宫内输精法完全穿刺子宫颈输精1次,可获得比常规输精法更高的受胎率;采用过子宫颈输精法在母羊发情后约14 h和22 h各输精1次,当授精深度接近4 cm时可达到与腹腔镜辅助子宫内输精法接近的受胎率。  相似文献   

Mechanisms of intrauterine migration were examined in 55 ewes. In the first experiment, corpora lutea were removed from unilaterally ovariectomized ewes on d 4 (d 0 = estrus) and pregnancy was maintained by giving exogenous progesterone. In Exp. 2, the reproductive tract was altered surgically such that embryos initially entered the uterine horn contralateral to the site of ovulation. In Exp. 3, ewes received beads of silastic polydimethylsiloxane that released either cholesterol or estradiol-17 beta in an attempt to mimic embryonic synthesis of estradiol. In the fourth experiment, unilaterally ovariectomized ewes were superovulated and spacing of embryos within the uterus was then examined. In all experiments, ewes were slaughtered on d 15 and recovery of embryos or beads from each uterine horn indicated that migration had occurred. All ewes in Exp. 1 and 2 that had two conceptuses experienced embryonic migration. Beads impregnated with estradiol migrated farther (P less than .01) than cholesterol-containing beads (27.6 +/- 4.3 vs 12.5 +/- 1.6 cm, respectively). In Exp. 4, only one conceptus had migrated into the contralateral horn in all ewes. These results demonstrated that 1) embryonic migration was not affected by local vs systemic exposure to progesterone, 2) embryos migrated into the unoccupied horn, regardless of the initial horn of entry, 3) estradiol may stimulate embryonic migration, and 4) conceptuses were not equally distributed between horns.  相似文献   

Eight experiments were conducted with 451 ewes to test effects of ergonovine, prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) and phenylephrine on sperm transport and fertility. In most experiments, ewes were mated at estrus and necropsied 2 or 3 h later. Sperm were flushed from the oviducts, uterus and anterior, middle and posterior thirds of the cervix and counted. Various doses of PGF2 alpha or phenylephrine given im at mating caused no significant increase in sperm numbers in any segment of the tract 2 h later. Three different dose levels of ergonovine were given im to ewes in natural estrus 1 h after mating and ewes were necropsied 3 h after mating. Doses of .2 and 1.0 mg were ineffective, but .5 mg increased sperm numbers about 10-fold in the oviducts and uterus. When given im at the time of artificial insemination, .6 mg of ergonovine increased the fertilization rate at 3 d from 5/25 in control ewes to 12/25 (P less than .05). In three experiments with ewes in PGF2 alpha-induced estrus, .6 mg of ergonovine increased sperm numbers in the cervix and uterus at 3 h after mating and in the uterus and oviducts at 23 h, near ovulation. Other ewes were artificially inseminated in the external cervical os and one-half of the ewes were given .6 mg of ergonovine im; ewes not returning to estrus were laparotomized at 22 to 26 d and embryos removed. After insemination during natural estrus with .2 ml of semen, pregnancy rates were 14/25 for control ewes and 15/25 for ergonovine-treated ewes; after insemination during natural estrus with .1 ml of semen, 6/35 and 18/35 (P less than .005); after insemination during PGF2 alpha-induced estrus with .2 ml of semen, 7/60 and 12/60. Fertilization and pregnancy rates combined were 32/145 (22%) for all control ewes and 57/145 (39%) for ergonovine-treated ewes (P less than .005).  相似文献   

2003年在青海省东部农业区和环湖牧区开展了以特克赛尔、萨福克和无角陶赛特为主要品种的肉羊胚胎移植试验。对农区55只小尾寒羊受体和牧区76只半细毛羊受体进行了同期发情处理,小尾寒羊同期发情率为81.28%,半细毛羊为63.16%。半细毛羊移植胚胎44枚,产羔13只,流产1只(双羔),移植受胎率为31.82%;每只小尾寒羊移植2枚胚胎,共移植20只受体40枚胚胎,产羔5只,其中1只母羊产双羔,受胎率为12.50%。所产18只羔羊全部成活。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨不同月份和精液类型对利用定时输精程序处理奶牛后第一情期受胎率的影响.[方法]选择93头产后60 d以上不发情和产后配1~3次仍未受胎的奶牛,不检查卵巢直接利用激素生源2+1进行同期发情处理.1~3月份处理41头奶牛,6~8月份处理52头;其中,利用性控精液配种58头,常规精液配种35头.[结果]表明:经定时...  相似文献   

[目的]确定羊同期发情腹腔镜输精的最佳时间。[方法]选取繁殖机能正常、营养状况良好的适龄母羊,在试验母羊阴道内放置孕酮海绵栓10~14 d,撤栓时肌肉注射250~330 IU/只孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG)。撤栓后12~24 h开始试情,早晚各1次。按撤栓后时间及发情时间不同分4组进行腹腔镜输精:1组为撤栓后46~50 h输精(n=138),2组为撤栓后50~54 h输精(n=156),3组为撤栓后54~58 h输精(n=275),4组为羊发情后30~36 h输精(n=226)。输精后第40~45天进行B超检查,计算各组母羊受胎率。[结果]发情后30~36 h输精的母羊(4组)受胎率最高,为97.79%,其次为撤栓后50~54 h输精的母羊(2组),受胎率为97.44%,撤栓后46~50 h输精的母羊(1组)受胎率为91.30%;撤栓后54~58 h输精的母羊(3组)受胎率最低,为89.82%。[结论]采用同期发情配合腹腔镜输精技术进行母羊人工授精,最佳输精时间为撤栓后50~54 h以及母羊发情后30~36 h。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the fertility of ewes artificially inseminated with three different methods using a synthetic semen extender, AndroMed. The three methods of artificial insemination (AI) were cervical AI with fresh-diluted or frozen-diluted semen at observed estrus, and an intrauterine AI with frozen-thawed semen. A total of 80 ewes were treated with a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) containing 0.3 g progesterone per device for 12 days. In Experiment 1 (26 Suffolk ewes), superovulation was induced with 20 mg follicle-stimulating hormone and 250 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) two days and one day before CIDR removal, respectively, during the non-breeding season. In Experiment 2 (54 Suffolk and Suffolk crossbred ewes), an intramuscular injection of 500 IU eCG was administered one day before CIDR removal to synchronize estrus and ovulation during the breeding season. In Experiment 1, fresh-diluted or frozen-thawed semen was deposited into the cervical orifice after estrus detection, and an intrauterine AI with frozen-thawed semen was performed by laparoscopy at a fixed-time basis without estrus detection. Embryos were recovered by uterine flushing 6 days after AI, and the rates of recovered, fertilized (cleaved) ova and embryos at the morula or blastocyst stage were compared among the three AI methods. In Experiment 2, the pregnancy rates after the three AI methods were compared. In Experiment 1, the rates of recovered ova were not significantly different among the three AI methods (52.5-56.7%). The rate of fertilized ova (81.0%) by laparoscopic AI with frozen-thawed semen was significantly higher compared with cervical AI of fresh-diluted (25.5%) or frozen-thawed (3.5%) semen, but the rate of embryos at the morula or blastocyst stage (17.6%) was significantly lower than that of the cervical AI with fresh-diluted semen (69.2%). The rates of ewes yielding fertilized ova were not significantly different among the three groups (44.4, 11.1 and 62.5% for cervical AI with fresh-diluted and frozen-thawed semen and intrauterine AI with frozen-thawed semen). In Experiment 2, the pregnancy rate of ewes intrauterinally inseminated with frozen-thawed semen (72.2%) was significantly higher than those of ewes inseminated cervically with fresh-diluted (5.5%) or frozen-thawed (0.0%) semen. The present results showed that acceptable fertilization and pregnancy rates could be obtained by an intrauterine AI with frozen-thawed semen using a synthetic semen extender (AndroMed), but not sufficient by the cervical AI with either fresh or frozen semen.  相似文献   

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