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畜牧业是农民致富的首选项目 ,但在不少养殖户中却出现了增产不增收、高产难以高效的问题。通过调查了解 ,主要是农户在养殖项目选择上存有很大盲目性。怎样选择好养殖项目 ,养什么 ,养多少 ,销售市场在哪里 ,这是农民最关心的问题。1 选择利用本地资源条件的项目资源优势就是经济优势 ,畜牧生产的资源条件水平决定着畜牧生产的潜在功能 ,畜牧生产的过程就是通过调整畜禽结构以充分利用畜牧生产资源条件 ,不断提高畜牧生产实际水平的过程。因此农户在选择畜禽养殖项目时必须考虑本地的资源优势 ,因地制宜确定畜牧生产结构和生产布局 ,充分…  相似文献   

1.《农村养殖技术》主要为读者传播什么?答:传播养殖新技术新观念和市场最新信息,提高养殖者的生产力,提升养殖效益。2.《农村养殖技术》适合什么样的读者看?答:以规模养猪户、规模养鸡户为主。还包括草食动物羊兔养殖户、特种养殖项目介绍等。3.《农村养殖技术》的读者分布在哪里?  相似文献   

"一年之计在于春",对水产养殖品种的选择最好的时间段也就是在年后,不过具体选择什么来养,又该怎么去养,如何才能达到最好的利益效果,这是每一个养殖户所必须考虑的问题。对此,基于传统模式下而衍生出的生态养殖模式更为受欢迎。本文就选择泥鳅养殖的方法,以生态养殖的模式来分析其具体的优势,以此来给养殖户在理论以及实践上进行一定的帮助,促进相关经济的发展。  相似文献   

水产生态养殖技术是综合性较强的养殖技术之一,具有较明显的特点。该项技术要求使用者熟悉并掌握多个领域的知识内容,才能获得高品质的水产养殖产品,既满足人们对水产品的需求,又能确保水产食品安全。1水产生态养殖技术的要点1.1科学选择优良水产养殖苗种水产养殖户要充分了解养殖水域的水质与水环境状况,对现有的养殖水域的各项指标进行检测,再根据养殖户的经济状况及市场的需求状况,选择适合现有水域、抗病力强、产出率高、深受市场欢迎且养殖效益好的水产养殖苗种。  相似文献   

近年来,随着水产养殖的迅速发展,各养殖户为了追求高效益。在生产过程中大量频繁的使用各种药物,而在用药时据了解很多养殖户缺乏用药知识、盲目用药,最后反而使产量低、质量差,降低了经济效益。科学安全的用药,促进水产业健康发展。现对水产养殖生产中安全用药常识作一分析总结。  相似文献   

中药在水产养殖中应用前景   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
中药应用于水产动物养殖刚刚起步,几年来的实践可见中药在防治水产养殖动物疫病中效果显著,不仅产量有了明显提高,并给养殖户带来了经济效益,中药在水产养殖中的应用有着广阔的前景。  相似文献   

冬季既是水产养殖的收获季节,同时也是下一个养殖周期的开始。抓好鱼种管理,确保鱼种安全越冬,是鱼类养殖生产过程中的重要技术环节,事关鱼种培育和成鱼养殖效益能否顺利实现。为此,笔者提醒养殖户应抓好以下几个方面。  相似文献   

随着水产技术的发展,颗粒饲料在水产养殖中得到广泛的应用.目前,市场上渔用颗粒饲料品牌众多,鱼龙混杂,质量参差不齐.在这种情况下,养殖户在没有任何设备检测的时候怎样鉴别饲料的好坏呢?本人根据多年生产实践总结,可从这几个方面进行初步的判断.  相似文献   

近年来,不少水产养殖户纷纷由养殖常规品种转向特种水产养殖,致使特种水产养殖热潮居高不下。没想到经过市场几次洗礼后,养殖户少有欢乐多有愁,挣的没有赔的多。因此,笔者提醒广大养殖户要冷静下来,养殖特种水产要抱着一颗平常的心。  相似文献   

从农业部渔业局和全国水产技术推广总站获悉,从11月1日起在全国开展水产养殖规范用药的活动。农业部渔业局负责人说,我国水产养殖地域广阀,基本是以家庭承包养殖为主,养殖户分散,且水产养殖品种繁杂、养殖方式多样。水产养殖用药作为水产养殖生产中重要的投入品,在使用时既要考虑用药对象的安全,还要兼顾水环境的安全。农业部将以坚持优化环境、增强体质、预防为主的原则,逐步理顺管理、执法、指导关系,逐步建立起科学用药的规范和标准体系,建立和完善水产养殖用药开发研究、评价与评估、质量监测与检测、指导用药的技术队伍和体系,从而建成日趋合理的管理体制。  相似文献   

Present knowledge on the capability of fish to feel pain and of suffering is presented. According to these data it has to be supposed, that fish are able to feel fish. Suffering and damage can be proven by biochemistry and morphology. Under these aspects, angling ponds and cesarean section in sturgeon have to be regarded as a violation of the German animal welfare act.  相似文献   

<正>2006年12月12日,辽宁省水产品质量安全检验检测局根据省海洋与渔业厅的指示,对全省“多宝鱼”药残情况进行抽样检测。抽样分两次进行,第一次对葫芦岛市抽样,第二次在营口市抽样。共抽检企业30家,抽取样品31份,其中葫芦岛市抽检企业29家,取样30份,营口市抽检企业1家,取样1份。此外,为了弄清鱼体内药物来源途径,同时抽查了4份鱼饲料。具体情况见表1。  相似文献   

本文从鱼类的蛋白质需求、植物蛋白源对鱼类生长的影响等方面阐述了植物蛋白源在鱼类配合饲料中的应用。  相似文献   

The veterinarian with experience in preventive and herd health medicine is in a unique position to help the tropical fish farmer reduce losses and increase profits. This goal can best be accomplished through a comprehensive medical consultation program involving both problem-oriented and preventive medicine.  相似文献   

In the Federal Republic of Germany, 7% of the electric power is generated by Hydro-electric plants. A water current is used to drive a turbine, to generate electricity. Fish are passively drawn into the turbines by the water flow, or they migrate actively downstream (eels). Fish then may be injured or even killed. The national Countries' Fishery Acts are not sufficient to compel the prevention of fish gaining access to the turbines. To compensate for losses to the fishery, the owners of Hydro power plants can re-stock their water supplies. Superior to the Fishery Acts of the various Countries is the Federal Animal Protection Law. According to its principle, it is not allowed to cause pain, suffering or damage to an animal without a reasonable cause. It cannot be the intention of either the Fishery Acts or the Animal Protection Law to compensate losses in the fish population by re-stocking. On the contrary, the damage has to be prevented in advance. A suitable means to achieve this is the combination of electrified barriers with a bypass for fish.  相似文献   

The traditional method of processing fish waste is costly and usually overheats the waste, making it less digestible. In the present study, a fermentation technique using Aspergillus awamori was used to dry minced sardine fish to find a new model for processing fish waste and to evaluate its digestibility. Wheat bran (700 g), minced fresh sardines (2638 g) and A. awamori spores (0.7 g) were mixed together and kept in a ventilated incubator for 5 days at 40°C. At the end of the fermentation, a sample of fishmeal was taken to measure the nutrient content, enzyme activity and digestibility of crude protein (CP) and dry matter (DM) using an in vitro method. Furthermore, the effect of enzymes produced during the fermentation of DM and CP digestibilities of corn–soybean mixture in vitro were also examined. The percentage of moisture, CP, crude fat and nitrogen‐free extract in the fermented fish waste were 11, 39, 23 and 25%, respectively. The in vitro digestibilities of DM (69%) and CP (84%) of the fishmeal were almost the same as those of the heat‐dried sardine powder. During the fermentation, glucoamylase, α‐glucosidase, α‐amylase and acidic protease were produced, which may improve the DM digestibility of the diet. In conclusion, fish waste can be dried successfully using the fermentation technique described in the present study. Furthermore, the DM digestibility of the corn–soybean meal mixture is improved by the enzymes produced during the fermentation.  相似文献   

DNA vaccinations against fish viral diseases as IHNV at commercial level in Canada against VHSV at experimental level are both success stories. DNA vaccination strategies against many other viral diseases have, however, not yet yielded sufficient results in terms of protection. There is an obvious need to combat many other viral diseases within aquaculture where inactivated vaccines fail. There are many explanations to why DNA vaccine strategies against other viral diseases fail to induce protective immune responses in fish. These obstacles include: 1) too low immunogenicity of the transgene, 2) too low expression of the transgene that is supposed to induce protection, 3) suboptimal immune responses, and 4) too high degradation rate of the delivered plasmid DNA. There are also uncertainties with regard distribution and degradation of DNA vaccines that may have implications for safety and regulatory requirements that need to be clarified. By combining plasmid DNA with different kind of adjuvants one can increase the immunogenicity of the transgene antigen – and perhaps increase the vaccine efficacy. By using molecular adjuvants with or without in combination with targeting assemblies one may expect different responses compared with naked DNA. This includes targeting of DNA vaccines to antigen presenting cells as a central factor in improving their potencies and efficacies by means of encapsulating the DNA vaccine in certain carriers systems that may increase transgene and MHC expression. This review will focus on DNA vaccine delivery, by the use of biodegradable PLGA particles as vehicles for plasmid DNA mainly in fish.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Aquaculture has expanded rapidly to become a major economic and food-producing sector worldwide these last 30 years. In parallel, viral diseases have emerged and rapidly spread from farm to farm causing enormous economic losses. The most problematic viruses encountered in the field are mainly, but not exclusively, RNA viruses belonging to the Novirhabdovirus, Aquabirnavirus, Alphavirus and Betanodavirus genera. The recent establishment of reverse genetics systems to recover infectious fish RNA viruses entirely from cDNA has made possible to genetically manipulate the viral genome. These systems have provided powerful tools to study all aspects of the virus biology and virus-host interactions but also gave the opportunity to use these viruses as live vaccines or as gene vectors. This review provides an overview on the recent breakthroughs achieved by using these reverse genetics systems in terms of viral protein function, virulence and host-specificity factor, vaccine development and vector design.  相似文献   

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