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我们将模型Y/R=(?)用于研究秋汛对虾渔业不同的开捕期和捕捞死亡对世代相对产量(Y/R)的影响。根据渤海对虾渔业的实际情况,在限定捕捞死亡F_旬≤0.3(捕捞力量约相当于1,000对标准机帆船)的条件下,获得最大世代相对产量的最佳开捕期为9月21日。当前秋汛渤海对虾渔业的捕捞力量(约1,700—1,800对标准机帆船)太大,额外消耗能源和渔业经济效益很差。秋汛对虾渔业有明显的生长型捕捞过度的倾向。秋汛对虾渔业管理主要是开捕期与捕捞力量的管理和合理分配资源问题。限定虾流网、机帆船和机轮拖网三种主要网具的数量和它们的开捕期,是合理利用和分配资源的有效途径。  相似文献   

为评估环境突变、被捕食、纳潮、非法捕捞和交尾死亡对资源量和渔获量的影响,及5种死亡因素和与生长有关的参数引入不确定性对估算生物学参考点(Fmax和F0.1)的影响,基于发展的可应用于研究放流增殖渔业的YPR(yield per recruitment)模型,模拟5种死亡因素不同水平下放流中国明对虾的资源变动规律。结果显示,环境突变、被捕食、纳潮、非法捕捞和交尾死亡水平越高,单位放流资源量和渔获量越少,交尾死亡尤其对累计单位放流渔获量的影响明显;在未引入不确定性时,作用于开捕前的环境突变、被捕食、纳潮和非法捕捞死亡的不同水平对生物学参考点无影响,与生长有关的参数及5种死亡因素引入不确定性可能存在低估F0.1和Fmax的现象。研究表明,减小与放流技术有关的环境突变、被捕食、纳潮和非法捕捞死亡水平对提高放流中国明对虾渔业效果有明显的作用,交尾死亡发生的时间及死亡水平对放流中国明对虾渔获有直接的影响,当参数引入不确定性时进行放流中国明对虾资源评估,生物学参考点的中位数较均值抗不确定性干扰能力更强。  相似文献   

根据1985~1992年黄海北部中国对虾幼虾放流前后相对资源量资料,估算放流虾在混合虾群中占的平均比例约为92%,平均回捕率92%。放流量(X)与放流后相对资源量(Y)的关系为Y=2410X-1003X2,R=0898。经F—检验相关显著。结果表明:中等放流量才能获最好增殖效果;与最大渔获量相应的放流量约16亿尾;与最大相对资源量相应的放流量约12亿尾。描述了放流虾的死亡特征,并估算了各类死亡值。用Cohort分析方法估算了放流虾到开捕时(8月15日)的存活数量,平均占放流量的105%。渔汛的捕捞死亡率约082,自然死亡率011,其余007游出黄海北部去越冬场  相似文献   

定向交尾技术在中国对虾家系构建中的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为满足中国对虾家系选育中所需的家系材料,本研究在2004年进行了中国对虾室外和室内定向交尾实验。室外定向交尾实验采用3个不同地理群体的中国对虾,设计了5个交配组合,1尾雄虾搭配4尾雌虾,自然温度下让亲虾交尾,获得了5%的平均交尾率;室内定向交尾实验通过控制水温和密度,促使中国对虾交尾,获得了16.9%的平均交尾率。其中,室内交尾的温度实验设计了12、14、16、18℃4个梯度,雌、雄性别比例均为4∶1,x2检验分析表明,4个温度梯度的交尾率存在差异,其中14℃平均交尾率最高,为31.3%,12℃平均交尾率最低,为6.3%。实验结果表明,室外定向交尾的影响因素较多,不容易控制,很难满足建立大量家系的需要;室内定向交尾在14~16℃的水温条件下,采用雌、雄性别比例为4∶1,可获得较好的交尾效果。本实验结果为大规模建立中国对虾全同胞和半同胞家系奠定了基础,为中国对虾进一步育种工作提供了依据。  相似文献   

中国对虾是渤海的主要渔业资源。近几年由于捕捞过度等原因,资源处于低谷,更为渔业界有识之士所担忧。亲虾作为对虾资源的补充来源,其资源的丰欠和科学管理将直接影响着秋季补充量的高低。为此,在黄海水产研究所等单位多年调查研究的基础上,1989年由黄海所和黄渤海区渔政局联合对烟威渔场亲虾相对数量进行调查,试图以亲虾相对数量进行秋汛产量预报,并通过亲虾的科学管理,提高对虾资源的补充强度,为对虾渔业振兴提供出路。本文仅对1989年至1994年烟威渔场亲虾相对数量调查进行总  相似文献   

茅绍廉 《海洋渔业》1984,6(2):54-57
<正> 渤海中国对虾(Penaeus orientalis)由于资源量变动剧烈,1982年的捕捞量曾降到历史的最低水平。与此同时,养殖对虾的产量迅速增长,出现了对虾捕捞与养殖生产并驾齐驱的局面,使对虾养殖生产在我国对虾渔业中开始起到举足轻重的作用。为了进一步  相似文献   

渤海区发生的对虾是黄渤海对虾的主要组成部分,约占黄海区对虾发生量的88%左右(见表一),这部分虾主要为我国和日本所捕捞。它具有生长快、经济价值高、资源结构简单等特点。因此,搞好渤海区对虾秋汛渔获量预报工作无论是从对日斗争,对渔业生产,还是对渔获量预报工作的研究方面均具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

<正> 对虾流网属漂流刺网,依网片层数分单层刺网和三重刺网两种,以捕捞对虾为主,其捕虾量已占对虾总捕捞量90%左右,兼捕斑鰶黄姑、鲬鱼、黄鲫等,渔期自9月初至11月中下旬,渔场在渤海及黄海北部。目前,我国对虾流网的主网衣是用无色透明的尼龙胶丝编织的,而渔业技术先进的国家已普遍使用彩色尼龙胶丝流网,流网的色彩对捕捞效果有何影响,国内报告很少。 1989年秋季本所使用橘黄、浅蓝、水绿  相似文献   

<正> 近几年来,我国渤海区的对虾资源状况较好,以产量作比较,1966~1972年的7年间,秋汛年平均产量为9,300吨,而1973~1980年的8年间,年平均产量已上升到26,000吨,约为前期的3倍。由于对虾是一年生的虾类,无论在前期或者在后期,资源量的年变动都很大,例如1979年秋汛的对虾产量高达4万吨,比1976年同期增长4倍。在渤海的3个湾中,尤以辽东湾对虾资源的  相似文献   

以东南太平洋智利竹鱼为对象、以资源量动态模型为基础,使用模拟方法构建了"真实"的智利竹鱼种群及其渔业,评估了观测误差和过程误差对智利竹鱼资源评估和管理的影响。模拟的"真实"的智利竹鱼种群及其渔业结果显示,1997—2014年太平洋智利竹鱼资源量总体上呈逐年下降趋势,且远低于B_(MSY)的50%;捕捞死亡系数波动剧烈,仅在2012—2014年低于F_(MSY)且相对稳定。渔业资源评估模拟结果显示,观测误差和过程误差使资源量和B_(MSY)被低估,捕捞死亡系数和F_(MSY)被高估,且随机误差越大,资源量、B_(MSY)被低估,而捕捞死亡系数、F_(MSY)被高估的程度越大。渔业管理模拟的结果表明,捕捞控制规则采用恒定捕捞死亡系数时,未来10年基于50%2014年捕捞死亡系数的管理措施为最佳管理措施。由于捕捞死亡系数被高估,最佳管理措施实施后使得年总可捕捞量高于预期,而年资源量低于预期,资源量增长或恢复的速度变慢,资源可能同时处于过度捕捞状态和正遭受过度捕捞。过度捕捞的风险与随机观测误差和过程误差的大小成正比。  相似文献   

渤海秋汛对虾数量预报方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
渤海秋汛对虾的数量预报,是我国渔业预报中比较成功的报例之一。本文简述了此项预报工作的发展过程,介绍取得预报指标——相对资源量的原则和方法、加权系数的推算以及对各种回归方程的预报效果的检验结果,提出了针对不同资源水平的预报计算方法。此外,还对有争议的预报中的渔捞努力量因素问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

蓝点鲅渔业的最佳经济效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶昌臣  朱德山 《水产学报》1984,8(2):171-177
蓝点鲅(Scomberocmorus Niphonius Cuvier & Valennes)是我国渔业的重要捕捞对象之一。本文用生物经济模式(基于 Schaefer 模式和 Fox 模式)讨论了蓝点鲅渔业的经济效益、能源消耗和就业等问题。对其最大经济效益(Umax)、最适能源消耗(Oopt)和最适经济捕捞努力量(foop)等数值作了估算,列于表2。如果以最大经济效益为这个渔业的管理目标,将捕捞努力量控制在最适经济捕捞努力量水平(foop 约为 290O),就能获得最大经济效益(Umax=19.65百万元)。把这个结果与最大持续产量的结果相比,渔业的经济效益将增加15.5%,能源消耗减少26.8%,但产量将下降7.2%,约2000吨。如果以增加就业为这个渔业的管理目标,捕捞努力量可控制在5400左右、和最大经济效益的结果相比,捕捞力量可多安排76.8%,但是渔业经济效益下降35.2%,能源消耗将增加78.9%。  相似文献   

Otter-trawl catch rates and population structure of the prawn Melicertus kerathurus were studied at the fishing ground of Thermaikos Gulf (North Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean), where the stock is exploited both by otter-trawlers and the artisanal local fleet. Sampling was conducted on board commercial trawlers on a monthly basis in two consequent open fishing seasons (October to May 2000–2001 and 2001–2002) resulting to a total of 70 hauls. Samples were also obtained through experimental trawling (24 hauls) during the closed season. The main trawling ground is located near the border between the outer and the inner gulf, and along the western and northeastern coasts of the outer gulf in depths ranging from 35 to 70 m (most frequently at 40–50 m). Catch per unit effort (CPUE) varied significantly with month but not with fishing season (mean CPUE 3.18 and 1.78 kg/h for the 2 successive years) or depth. Catches were at maximum (up to 7.5 kg/h) at the beginning of the open season in autumn and decreased sharply as the season proceeded (<2.5 kg/h), which is likely to be due to induced fishing mortality in the preceding months, to prawn dispersal and/or to its tendency for longer burrowing. Commercial fishing trips consisted of multiple, short efforts when catches were high, whereas low yields during winter–spring led to less hauls of longer duration: ln CPUE = 2.974 − 2.047 ln HD, r = −0.57. Prawn size ranged from 17 to 60 mm CL, showing a consistent difference in favor of females. A weak recruitment to the fishery was observed from autumn through winter, while, as shown by experimental trawling, the main recruitment pulse to the fishery occurs just prior to the season's opening. The delayed arrival of the prawns on the fishing ground during the second fishing season, accompanied by smaller prawn size and shallower exploitation depth, was possibly related to decreased autumn rainfall. In both years, sex ratio showed a temporal pattern, which seems to be the result of sex-related differences in fishing vulnerability, in timing of inshore migration and in mating mortality.  相似文献   

东海鲐鱼资源合理利用的研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
利用1970~2006年每年取样鲐鱼所得叉长体重组构成资料,重点分析了70、80、90年代的鲐鱼生物学表征;并结合我国围网捕捞的发展变化情况,应用体长结构实际种群分析法(LVPA)对各个年代的鲐鱼捕捞死亡系数(F)做了分析对比,研究显示,东海区日本鲭F由70年代的0.68上升为90年代的1.60,开发利用程度在不断地加大中。根据1990年以来的日本鲭渔获量资料,估算了1990~2001年东海区日本鲭资源量,结果表明,东海区日本鲭年平均资源量在(73.34~116.88)×104t之间波动。以LVPA法估算所得的90年代鲐鱼F值和最小开捕叉长的数据,利用B-H动态综合模型估算了不同渔业条件下的单位补充量渔获量(Y/R)的变化,结果显示,以目前的捕捞强度,日本鲭的开捕年龄从0.25龄提高为1.22龄,即最小开捕叉长由185 mm调整为247.61 mm,Y/R可提高15.1%,具有一定增产潜力。建议在实际渔业中,渔期适当推迟,禁止利用日本鲭幼鱼。  相似文献   

Production and population characteristics of monosex male (all‐male) giant river prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, were compared with a normal (mixed‐sex) population in separate studies in Mississippi and Kentucky (USA) under low and high density stocking conditions, respectively. In Study 1 (Mississippi), juvenile prawns were stocked into eight 0.05–0.06 ha ponds at 24,700/ha. The mean stocking weight of all‐male was 0.34 g and mixed‐sex was 0.39 g. Prawns were fed 23% crude protein “range cubes” and harvested after 120 d for the all‐male prawns and 112 d for mixed‐sex prawns. In Study 2 (Kentucky), juvenile prawns from each group were stocked into six 0.04 ha ponds at 60,000 juveniles per hectare. The mean stocking weight for all‐male was 0.38 g and for mixed‐sex juveniles was 0.34 g. Prawns were fed a commercial sinking pellet (33% protein) once daily at a standardized rate and harvested after 105 d. In both locations survival of mixed‐sex prawns and all‐male prawns was not significantly different and the final average weight of all‐male prawns was significantly greater than the average weight of mixed‐sex prawns. For the study in Kentucky, total production was not significantly different between treatments, whereas in Mississippi total production in the all‐male ponds was significantly higher than in the mixed‐sex ponds. For both studies, the production size index of all‐male prawns was significantly greater than that of mixed‐sex prawns. In terms of population structure, in all‐male ponds there was a significant increase in orange claw (OC) males compared with the mixed‐sex ponds both as a percent of sex and a percent of total population. The increase in OC numbers in all‐male populations may be due to a lack of females to stimulate the transition of males to the final, sexually mature, blue claw stage. As target weights increase from 20, 30, and 40 g, the all‐male populations were increasingly superior in terms of production (kg/ha) of those target sizes. The economic benefit of all‐male over mixed‐sex populations will be principally based on an examination of tradeoffs that primarily consider the cost difference of juveniles relative to the price differences for different final harvest weights.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2007,83(1-3):235-245
Management strategies for tiger prawns, Penaeus semisulcatus and P. esculentus, in Australia's Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF), are evaluated in terms of conservation- and economic-related performance measures. A two-stage process is used to determine the factors to which these performance measures are most sensitive. The first stage involves identifying the possible factors and their interactions, constructing a partial factorial design to allow the impact of first- and second-order interactions on the performance measures to be identified, and analysing the resultant performance measures using generalised linear models. The second stage entails an experiment based on a balanced design of the possible combinations of the key factors. The factors found to have the greatest impact on the performance measures are: (a) how fishing efficiency has changed over time and whether or not the assessment is based on the correct trend in fishing efficiency, (b) the catchability coefficient used to convert from fishing effort to fishing mortality, (c) the difference between the intended fishing effort and the actual fishing effort expended (implementation error), and (d) whether recruitment is spatially correlated among stocks or not.  相似文献   

The present paper suggests a method for estimating the fishing power of vessels and for analysing fleet dynamics. The approach is based on quantification of stocks catchability (q), derived from fishing mortality coefficients (F) as calculated by virtual population analysis. Catchabilities for each harvested stock are thus estimated relatively to the fishing effort (fn) of each vessel, according to the equation: q = (F/fn). A linear model is then fitted to these catchabilities. The model allows the identification and quantification of trends in average mortality rates per fishing hour for each stock. Under some assumptions, trends are interpreted as variations in the overall fishing power of each fleet. The approach is applied to three industrial and semi-industrial fleets of Brittany (Lorient, Concarneau and Douarnenez) and to the main gadoid stocks they exploit off the west coast of Scotland (ICES area VIa), and in the Celtic Sea (ICES area VIIf,g,h) for Concameau. Results show large variations in fishing power. Particularly, a marked increase trend in the fishing power exerted on saithe (Pollachius virens) is highlighted for the three fleets, over the period 1983–1989. These variations can be explained by the redirection of fishing strategies, which may occur on a large scale. Thus, we show how the collapse of saithe stock at first led the three fleets to intensify the harvesting of saithe, and from 1989 on, to adopt different strategies. The possible causes of the observed dynamics are discussed, as well as their consequences for fisheries management. In particular, the relevance of direct control of fishing effort as a regulatory tool is questioned.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Through most of the last century, three endemic kilka species supported major commercial species in the Caspian Sea. It is clear that catches and abundance of all species have changed, but catch and sampling data are limited and stock assessments are inadequate. Recent changes in the Caspian Sea ecosystem have occurred as a consequence of climatic environmental change (sea level change) and ecologic change caused by the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi . This paper examines the effects of these changes on the population biology and biomass of anchovy kilka Clupeonella engrauliformis in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea from 1995 to 2004. For most years during this 10-year period, we estimated the age structure of catch, length–weight relationship, von Bertalanffy growth parameters, condition factors, sex ratios, maturity stages determined from ovarian analysis, natural and fishing mortality, age at first capture, and spawning biomass. The instantaneous coefficient of natural mortality was estimated as 0.473/year and the instantaneous coefficient of fishing mortality varied during the 10-year period between 0.541 and 2.690/year. Biomass of anchovy kilka declined from about 186 000 t in 1996 to less than 12 000 t in 2004. Recent high fishing rates were not sustainable after the introduction of Mnemiopsis , so overfishing is part of the explanation for the collapse of anchovy kilka in the Caspian Sea.  相似文献   

A Bayesian population modelling tool integrating separable virtual population analysis, per‐recruit models and age‐structured demographic analysis was developed for the bigeye thresher Alopias superciliosus (Lowe) population in an area subset of the western North Pacific. The mortality rates for years 1989–2016 were estimated, various biological reference points and associated risks of decline were also estimated, and alternative harvest strategies for the stock were evaluated. Estimates of the posterior mean of fishing mortality for bigeye thresher shark suggest fishing pressure has been high in recent years (2011–2016). The estimated population growth rate (λ) (without fishing) obtained from age‐structured demographic model was relatively low (λ = 1.01 per year; 95% confidence intervals of 1.00 and 1.03 per year). Risk analyses revealed that only low levels of fishing pressure (10% of the current fishing pressure) over a wide range of ages could maintain a relatively low risk of population decline for bigeye threshers. Sensitivity testing indicated that the model is robust to prior specification. The developed framework could be used as an assessment tool to evaluate the risk of decline for other widely distributed pelagic shark species where insufficient catch and effort data are available.  相似文献   

黄海小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)生态和种群动态的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
本文通过1985年至1990年的大规模黄海调查,对小黄鱼的资源分布、种群结构、生殖和摄食、生长和死亡的变化进行了分析研究,表明八十年代以来小黄鱼种群结构趋于简单、性成熟提前、生长加快。当前捕捞死亡率过高,以至于小黄鱼大部分群体在性成熟之前已被捕获。在八十年代中期,小黄鱼的资源量已降至五十年代的十至十五分之一。渔获量和资源量的下降主要是由于过度捕捞所致。只要黄海周围过高的捕捞力量的存在,小黄鱼资源很难得以恢复并达到最大持续产量。若将目前的捕捞死亡系数至少降低50%,开捕年龄应不低于2龄,则其资源才有可能恢复。  相似文献   

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