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武汉东湖是人工放养的湖泊,每年要投放大量以鲢、鳙为主的大规格鱼种。近20~30年来,大量生活污水和工业废水排入东湖,使水体磷、氮含量显著增加,富营养化日趋严重。东湖每年渔获量中,鲢、鳙鱼占90%以上。为评价鲢、鳙在东湖水体磷、氮循环中的作用并为研究该...  相似文献   

一、鱼种放养要合理鱼种放养前应对水库中饵料资源有一定程度的了解,保证水库中鱼类种群数量与天然饵料之间保持动态平衡,并根据自身的经济实力和管理水平确定一个合适的产量。1.投放大规格鱼种:规格太小的鱼种摄食力较低,成活率也较低,而放养大规格鱼种能取得较高的回捕率和商品率。具体规格为:鲢、鳙鱼20~30尾/千克,草鱼15~20尾/千克,鲤鱼30尾/千克,鲫鱼40~50尾/千克。2.多种品种混养:为了充分合理地利用水库中的各类天然饵料资源,投入水库中各类鱼的数量要有适宜比例。主养鱼类鲢鳙鱼应占到各类投放鱼种总数的70%~80%(其中鳙占60%~7…  相似文献   

土拦库湾是在新安江水库低水位时,选择库湾拦坝蓄水或在库中岛屿之间,岛屿与半岛之间的缺口拦坝与水库隔离而形成的养鱼水域,主要养殖鲢、鳙鱼种。 土拦库湾的库形,底貌复什,用捕捞池塘鲢、鳙鱼种传统的网具——地拖网是难于解决土拦库湾鲢、鳙鱼种的捕捞。 敷网(即抬网)是新安江水库土拦库湾鲢、鳙冬花鱼种主要的捕捞网具。 抬网捕捞鲢、鳙冬花鱼种的数量约占上拦库湾鲢、鳙冬花鱼种起捕总数的80%。  相似文献   

对山东省大,中型水库1989,1990年鲢,鳙生长状况进行了调查,结论是:鲢,鳙生长属于等比生长;丰水年生长速度大于缺水库;可用2龄鱼生长状为描述水库鲢,鳙总生长状况;放养鱼种规格对成鱼规格有显著影响。  相似文献   

2004-2005年间对碧流河水库鲢、鳙进行取样调查分析,对渔获物中鲢、鳙的年龄、生长、回捕率及可捕群体的资源量进行了初步探讨。渔获物中鲢由Ⅱ-Ⅷ龄组成,以Ⅳ、Ⅴ龄为主;鳙由Ⅱ-Ⅸ龄组成,以Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ龄为主。水库中鲢、鳙基本上是匀速生长。回捕率鲢为7.78%、鳙为5.09%。可捕群体资源量鲢为3.35×10^5kg、鳙为4.5×10^5kg。适宜的捕捞规格为鲢1.5-2.0 kg、鳙2.0-3.0 kg。  相似文献   

大通湖是我省最大的内陆养殖湖泊,水面10万余亩,平均水深2.5米,年产鲜鱼近干吨。自1980年起以鳙、鲢放养为主,搭配放养草、青鱼,放湖比例为6:2:2,1986—1988年鳙鱼产量均占该湖年总产鲜鱼重量的67%左右,为准确估测鳙鱼年龄与生长情况,确定合理的养殖生产周期,本文研究了该湖1988年冬捕渔获物中随机取样的150尾鳙鱼的年龄组成,生长指标及生长速度等,对合理放养规格与养殖生产周期。适宜起捕规格进行了探讨。  相似文献   

小型水库施肥养鱼技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小型水库一般水深在10米左右,溶氧及饵料丰富,面积不大,在几十亩到几百亩之间,是施肥养鱼的理想水面。结合我县几十座小型水库施肥养殖技术,介绍几个要点。一、合理放养1.放养大规格鱼种水库养鱼的主要经验之一,就是要放养大鱼种。水库比池塘敌害多,饵料基础差,小鱼种逃避敌害能力差,摄食能力也较低,所以放养鱼种规格太小,成活率较低。一般应放养在13厘米以上的大规格鱼种,方能取得较高的回捕率和商品率。2.品种搭配要合理采用化肥养鱼,应以鲢鳙为主,其产量可占总鱼产量的90%以上,放养鲢、鳙鱼比例为4∶1。搭配…  相似文献   

在水库渔业中,从各地普遍的经验看,采用以放养鲢、鳙鱼为主,结合放养草、鲤、鳊、鲂、鲴等鱼,是迅速增加水库鱼类资源,提高鱼产量的极为重要措施之一。我们通过对省内外近50座水库的调查,了解到各地水库放养的鲢、鳙等鱼种在质量上,特别是规格上差异很大,一般在2寸多至4寸(全长)左右,也有放养夏花鱼种的。因此,究竟放养多大的鱼种才比较适宜于水库的条件,  相似文献   

<正>春节过后,长江中下游地区迎来了鱼种放养高峰,各地广大养殖户正为新一年的生产经营而忙碌。笔者近日下乡调研时发现,少数大水面养殖户主养鲢鳙鱼,思路很好,但在放养鱼种时不是一次性放足,而是采取二次放养法,即春节过后先按一定比例放养一批大规格鲢鳙鱼种,待到六七月份再放养一批鲢鳙鱼夏花,心想这样做到年底既可以收获成鱼,又可以培育出大规格鲢鳙鱼种,为下一年鱼种放养提供种源,可谓是一举两得。笔者认为,这种在大水面中套养鲢鳙鱼夏花的模式不可取,理由如下:一是鲢鳙成鱼价格远高于鱼种,利用大水面培育  相似文献   

成鱼塘套养鱼种的做法成鱼塘套养鱼种,就是在塘中同时放养大、中、小三种规格的鱼种。其做法是。1.放养鱼种的规格:成鱼塘第一次开始或年初放养时,同放大、中、小三种规格的鱼种。草、鲢、鳙、鲮鱼种大规格每尾重100~200克,中规格每尾重50~60克,小规格...  相似文献   

王骥  梁彦龄 《水产学报》1981,5(4):343-350
本文根据浮游植物生产量求得对鲢、鳙的供饵能力,并通过浮游植物对鲢、鳙转化效率的计算,估算出武昌东湖鲢、鳙的生产潜力,进而求得武昌东湖鲢、鳙的合理投放量。作者求得东湖浮游植物全年对鲢、鳙的供饵能力是61,153吨(鲜重);由此估算出东湖鲢、鳙的生产潜力是789公斤/公顷以上,每年鱼种(四寸以上)的合理投放量,鲢是209万尾,鳙是110万尾。  相似文献   

在3005m^2的池塘里,高密度培养大规格草鱼种,且塔养鲢,鳙,鲤种。采取的技术措施是:草鱼种入池先喂芜萍,20天后改喂浮萍并驯喂粗蛋白含量较高的小颗粒配饵。草鱼种长到10cm后,改喂粗蛋白含量较低的配饵;定期注入新水,增氧,泼洒药物,投喂药饵,高温季节,使池水保持长流水。结果:共产草鱼种5032kg,平均规格80.1g;鲢鳙鱼种2660.6kg,鲤种536.3kg,纯利48928.6元,投入产出  相似文献   

富营养化湖泊围栏养殖鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)控制蓝藻水华在生物操纵示范中得到了广泛应用。在2004和2005年,研究了太湖梅梁湾生态修复区内大型生物控藻围栏中鲢鳙的季节生长特征,分析了影响其生长的因素。结果表明,鲢鳙生长受养殖密度的影响...  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾大型生态控藻围栏内鲢鳙的生长特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
富营养化湖泊围栏养殖鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)控制蓝藻水华在生物操纵示范中得到了广泛应用。在2004和2005年,研究了太湖梅梁湾生态修复区内大型生物控藻围栏中鲢鳙的季节生长特征,分析了影响其生长的因素。结果表明,鲢鳙生长受养殖密度的影响很大,鲢在养殖密度低的2004年和养殖密度高的2005年的日均增重分别为6.07 g和4.30 g,鳙则分别为11.29 g和5.09 g。鳙的生长速度比鲢快,但受密度影响的程度比鲢大。从季节变化来看,鲢属于单峰型生长,生长速度和水温显著正相关;而鳙一年中呈现出2个生长高峰期,分别在5~6月和9~10月,夏季爆发的蓝藻水华对鳙的生长速度有所抑制。为使当年投放的鱼苗在年底能达到出售的商品规格,太湖梅梁湾水域围栏养殖鲢鳙的初始鱼苗投放密度应低于12 g/m3。  相似文献   

丹江口水库翘嘴红鲌资源评析与合理利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
熊国胜 《水产学报》1990,14(2):79-88
本文论述对翘嘴红鲌所作的观测,获得年龄、生长资料。采用Schaefer,Beverton-Holt模式评析。结果表明:翘嘴红鲌体重生长拐点为3.4110龄,自然死亡率M=0.4079,捕捞死亡率F=0.1050,总死亡系数Z=0.5129,最大持续产量MSY=113.21吨,最适捕捞强度f_(MSY)=458164公斤/日·吨,当F=0.2、t_e=2.5时,渔获量是现行产量的2.65倍。  相似文献   

Growth and survival in the primary rearing phase (42 days) for bighead carp, silver carp, bighead × silver carp (BHC × SC), and silver × bighead carp (SC × BHC) in ponds and concrete tanks stocked at 370 500 fry/ha were studied. Mean survival for fishes in ponds was 93%, that in tanks was 73%. Yields among all fishes averaged 338 kg/ha. The growth rates of fishes in ponds were similar; in tanks, silver carp grew faster than the bighead carp.Growth, survival, and harvestability by seine during the secondary rearing phase (60-day duration) for the same groups of fish were studied. Fingerlings (0.9 g mean weight) were stocked in earthen ponds at 49 400 fish/ha and 98 800 fish/ha. Mean survival of fishes at low stocking rate was 77%, similar to that (71%) for the high stocking rate. Fish yields were similar at the low stocking rate. At the high rate, the BHC × SC yield (846 kg/ha) was greater than the SC × BHC yield (582 kg/ha). The BHC × SC and SC × BHC had greater mean weights at low stocking rate than at high stocking rate. The mean weights for bighead carp were similar at both rates. Bighead carp and the reciprocal hybrids were more easily harvested by seine than silver carp.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to 1) evaluate the compatibility of prawns (Macrobrachiurn rosenbergii) with carps, especially the effect of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio); and 2) measure the ability of prawns to utilize the foods available in manured systems. Carps used were the silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), bighead (Aristichthys nobilis), grass (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Four ponds (0.09 to 0.17 ha) were stocked with silver, bighead and grass carps while common carp were stocked in only two ponds. Total fish densities were 8,600/ha where four carps were stocked, but only 6,200/ha when common carp were omitted. Post-larval prawns (wt 0.116 g) were stocked at densities of 17/m2. Swine (approximately 60/ha of pond surface area) were housed on pond dikes so that fresh manure continuously entered each pond. Two lots of swine were fattened during the experimental period and loadings of swine manure were calculated based on hog size and feed consumption. Growth periods were 163 days for fish and 107 and 121 days for separate stockings of prawns. Gains in biomass by prawns averaged 714 kg/ha in ponds without common carp and 364 kg/ha in ponds containing common carp. Gains in biomass for both fish and prawns were 3,619 kg/ha (19.8 kg/ha/day) in ponds with common carp and 2,924 kg/ha (18.0 kg/ha/day) in those without common carp. Prawn survival was higher (X = 84.5% vs X = 72.5%), but final average weight of prawns was lower (2.64 vs 5.86 g) in the presence of common carp due to competition for food between common carp and prawns. Competition from carp is believed to have exerted less influence on prawn survival than predation on small prawns by larger, faster-growing prawns.  相似文献   

2012年5-10月,在面积为0.19hm2的试验池1中放养体质量160g的松浦镜鲤(Cyprinus carpio Songpu)117,700尾·hm^-2,混养体质量160g的长丰鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)春片、乌子头和鳙(Aristichthys no-bilis)夏花鱼种。在面积为0.19hm2的试验池2中放养体质量149.5g的松浦镜鲤3,450尾·hm^-2,只混养鲢和鳙夏花,采用常规饲养方法。2012年10月2日,试验池1平均每hm2产鱼21,025.5kg,其中松浦镜鲤平均全长34.3cm,体质量1425g,产量18,294.0kg;长丰鲢春片平均体质量674g,平均产量1,816.5kg,长丰鲢夏花平均全长18.6cm,体质量112.4g,平均产量592.5kg;鳙夏花平均全长达12.1cm,体质量39.9g,平均产量322.5kg。试验池2平均每hm2产鱼3,069.0kg,其中松浦镜鲤平均全长35.0cm,体质量1225g,平均产量2,766.0kg;鲢夏花平均全长达11.3cm,体质量24.9g,平均产量130.5kg;鳙夏花平均全长达11.1cm,体质量35.1g,平均产量172.5kg。试验表明,高密度养殖的松浦镜鲤产量显著高于密度低时,长丰鲢夏花的出池体质量是普通鲢的4.5倍,特殊生长率(6.27%·d^-1)是普通鲢(3.5%·d^-1)的1.79倍。文中还讨论了松浦镜鲤养殖池的水质和技术特点。  相似文献   

Abstract— Alternative fish species that can be cultured together with catfish Ictalurus punctatus provide an opportunity to diversify caffish farms. A 2-yr study was conducted in 0.10-ha earthen ponds to evaluate the effect of bighead carp (BHC) stocking density on growth, yield, dressout yield, and net returns. Initially, bighead carp (average weight of 22 g) were stocked at rates of 380, 750, or 1,130 fishha in ponds with catfish. Caffish were cultured under commercial conditions by stocking caffish at a density of 12,500/ha, aerating nightly and feeding at an average rate of 82 kgha per d. Stocking rates for 2-yr-old fish were reduced to 77, 260, and 435/ha in the second growing season. There were no significant differences among treatments ( P > 0.05) in summer growth of bighead carp in either year. Bighead carp stocked at 1,130 fishha had significantly higher yields than those stocked at 380/ha, but did not reach minimum market size of 2.2 kg during the first year ( P > 0.05). There were no significant differences ( P > 0.05) in caffish growth, yield, survival, or feed conversion ratios due to the bighead carp stocking densities. Partial budget analysis indicated that net benefits were positive for all three treatments over a range of prevailing prices of bighead carp. Bighead carp production in catfish ponds is economically feasible over a wide range of prices. Given the market risk of producing smaller fish at the higher density, the medium density is the preferred stocking density of fingerling bighead carp in catfish ponds.  相似文献   

为进一步提高我国广大池塘养鱼的产品质量、经济效益和改善其生态环境。本试验在武汉新洲973项目实验基地9个陆基鱼池中进行了三种不同混养模式鱼类生长和效益的比较研究,每种模式设3个重复。模式Ⅰ中放养草鱼、鲢、鳙和高背鲫;模式Ⅱ中放养草鱼、鲢、鳙、匙吻鲟和高背鲫;模式Ⅲ中放养草鱼、鲢和高背鲫。 结果表明:通过122d的养殖试验,模式Ⅱ中草鱼的生长不仅显著高于模式Ⅰ和模式Ⅲ(P<0.05),而且其经济效益模式Ⅱ同样高于模式Ⅰ和模式Ⅲ。  相似文献   

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