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Leadership skills can be learned and leadership activities can be stimulated with an effective educational program. The University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine has demonstrated and previously reported on the enthusiasm for and outcomes of their five-day leadership program for incoming veterinary students. The course was altered and again offered as a five-day program to the next veterinary class but, because of timing and limited resources, was reduced to three days the following year. Thirty students were accepted each year on a first-come first-served basis. This article compares the five-day and three-day program curricula and post-program evaluations. Although the students decided whether or not to participate, short-term effects of the programs were the introduction of a new vocabulary, improved confidence to become leaders, and stimulation of student participation in veterinary student leadership roles. A course like this can get students off to a good start, but it is very likely that to achieve a long-term effect, continued exposure throughout the veterinary curriculum is needed.  相似文献   

Leadership skills are important for many facets of professional life, but no known leadership training programs exist in North American veterinary schools. It was the purpose of this project to develop, deliver, and evaluate a leadership program for first-year veterinary students. Leadership attributes emphasized in the course included effective communication, openness to learning from others, self-awareness, commitment beyond self-interest, motivation, decision making, understanding issue complexity, and team building. The five-day course was delivered to 21 new veterinary students randomly selected just prior to their first-year orientation in the fall of 2000. Participants ranked themselves higher than non-participants in a post-course evaluation on their ability to be effective leaders. Participants reported an increase in self-confidence and a clearer understanding of their leadership roles. Participants also noted new support systems among co-participants and expressed a new ability to consider complex issues more broadly. Most reported that they frequently used enhanced skills in giving and receiving feedback and team building. Other leadership tools identified as valuable included negotiation, group dynamics, a structured approach to problem solving, time management, and an awareness of personal learning style preferences as a means to improve communication.  相似文献   

Assuming leadership roles in veterinary student governance or club activities could be considered an added stressor for students because of the impact on time available for personal and academic activities. The study reported here evaluated the effects of participation in a leadership program and leadership activity across two classes of veterinary students on measures of stress, using the Derogatis Stress Profile (DSP), and on veterinary school academic performance, measured as annual grade-point average (GPA) over a three-year period. Program participants and their classmates completed the DSP three times across the first three years of veterinary school. On average, participating students reported self-declared stress levels that were higher and measured DSP stress levels that were lower than those of the general population. Students were more likely to assume elected or appointed leadership roles while in their first three years of the veterinary degree program if they participated in the optional leadership program and demonstrated lower stress in several dimensions. Some increased stress, as measured in some of the DSP stress dimensions, had a small but statistically significant influence on professional school GPA. The study determined that the most important predictors of students' cumulative GPA across the three-year period were the GPA from the last 45 credits of pre-veterinary coursework and their quantitative GRE scores. The results of the study indicate that neither participation in the leadership program nor taking on leadership roles within veterinary school appeared to influence veterinary school academic performance or to increase stress.  相似文献   

The demand for more effective leadership is heard throughout the health professions. Modern concepts of leadership differ from the traditional definition of a charismatic individual leader. Historically, leadership has been vested in positions, while today leadership is seen as a role one moves continuously into and out of, depending on the circumstance. Leadership ideas have evolved so that newer characteristics of leaders include being a team builder; possessing creative and strategic thinking skills; demonstrating honesty and integrity; and having the ability to motivate others to action. This article discusses some of the history of leadership, current thoughts on attributes of effective leaders, and the differences and similarities between leaders and managers; identifies selected teachable leadership tools; and describes various styles and purposes of existing leadership programs.  相似文献   

A market-research study conducted in 2000 indicated a need for a degree program in food safety that would cover all aspects of the food system, from production to consumption. Despite this, such a program was not enthusiastically supported by employers, who feared losing their valued employees while they were enrolled in traditional on-campus graduate programs. A terminal professional degree was successfully created, offered, and modified over the succeeding five years. The innovative, non-traditional online program was developed to include a core curriculum and leadership training, with elective courses providing flexibility in specific areas of student interest or need. The resulting Professional Master of Science in Food Safety degree program provides a transdisciplinary approach for the protection of an increasingly complex food system and the improvement of public health. Enrollment in the program steadily increased in the first three years of delivery, with particular interest from industry and government employees. The curriculum provides a platform of subject material from which certificate programs, short-courses, seminars, workshops, and executive training programs may be delivered, not only to veterinarians but also to related food and health specialists. The program has fulfilled a need for adult learners to continue as working professionals in the workforce. The benefit to the employer and to society is an individual with enhanced knowledge and networking and leadership skills.  相似文献   

In the present market, veterinarians with a strong background in career development, practice management, and business skills have a clear advantage in achieving financial success. Although there is ample evidence that the scientific and clinical skills of veterinary college graduates are high, there are also data that suggest that additional capabilities in the business realm may promote greater economic success. As noted in the KPMG executive summary, the field of veterinary medicine must make changes in its "current business practices and attitudes" to be successful in the future. Furthermore, the KPMG study found that 36% of industry employers reported that some jobs within their companies had specific job requirements that were not met by a veterinarian with only a veterinary medical degree. The areas of additional training most often cited included business, administration, personnel management, sales and marketing, and financial skills. Yet, Lewis and Klausner found that veterinarians reported challenges in the business realm, such as "how business works and how business goals are translated into action. This challenge held true for veterinarians in industry, academia, government, and private practice." The present gender trends in the field of veterinary medicine provide additional impetus to make career development and business skills training more prevalent. Presently, women comprise >65% of the veterinary student population and approximately 45% of all practicing veterinarians. In some areas of practice, the rate is much higher. For example, in 2002, women comprised 48.2% of all small animal exclusive private practitioners. Unfortunately, the KPMG study found that female veterinarians in private practice report lower self-evaluation of business management and financial skills, compared with their male cohorts. Female veterinarians in nonprivate practice report lower self-evaluation in communication, personnel management, business management, and marketing skills than that reported by males. As a result of these pressing needs, CSU CVMBS has undertaken a major initiative to improve the veterinary practice management and business skills training of veterinary students by offering a variety of options to gain this knowledge: a combined MBA/DVM degree program, a Business Certificate Program for Health Professions, and core curriculum courses. In this way, students can select the amount of focus they want to place on career development and business skills as they earn their DVM degree, to best ensure that they become successful veterinarians.  相似文献   

As we plan our future in the twenty-first century, many believe that we face more problems than ever before, including the rising cost of sustaining teaching, research, and service programs in a climate in which state support for higher education is declining. Some commonly held opinions blame leaders and thus propose solutions that are based on the premise that leaders who are perceived to be ineffective should be replaced by those who promise to correct the situation. Leadership is a frequently discussed term, whereas the concept of followership is generally ignored. Followership, however, has been an unidentified facet of leadership in veterinary academia. The present article examines the premise that the primary way to solve the expanding list of problems facing academia is by zealously seeking, teaching, and encouraging leadership. Organizations such as universities succeed or fail on the basis of how well followers follow in addition to how well leaders lead. The truth is that without followers there would be no leaders. Yet the train of followers is almost nonexistent in most educational settings. Striving to recruit and entertain the proper balance of followers and leaders should be one of the goals of every college of veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

Leadership is a quality that can be learned. It is a behavior that one practices, and, after lots of practice, it becomes a habit. This is a lesson I learned from my father, who was a career pilot in the US Air Force and instilled this into me and my siblings from a very early age. It is also something I have learned in observing others. I have frequently asked why some people from certain disciplinary backgrounds seem to have an advantage in the leadership area. Think of the backgrounds of our Presidents, for example; so many of them have been attorneys. Members of Congress, as well, also frequently come from that disciplinary background. Key decision makers in government frequently come from economics backgrounds. I have also asked why this is the case. Frequently, the answer seems to be that these disciplines define themselves as being those that create leaders, not that they limit their members' aspirations. Why are so few veterinarians in leadership positions? It seems quite a paradox that they are not. The assets of an education in veterinary medicine are many. The education provides a very broad background in systems biology, medicine, and public health. There are many career paths for veterinarians. Most choose private practice, but, beyond that, career paths exist in industry, particularly the biomedical industry; in trade associations; in government and industry research; and in public health and regulatory positions. There are also many opportunities in academia, certainly in colleges of veterinary medicine but, beyond that, also in human medicine and in the biology disciplines. International opportunities also exist in governmental and non-governmental organizations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization at the United Nations and the World Health Organization, and in advocacy and lobbying. Veterinarians are also making news these days. The emerging zoonotic diseases that have seized headlines in papers around the world give prominence to veterinarians and the skills they bring to bear in fighting current outbreaks and preventing future outbreaks of these diseases, such as SARS, Ebola, West Nile virus, and even HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

Student-directed learning has been featured in a program aimed at promoting the entry of veterinary students into science-based careers. Pursuant to that objective, students participated in workshops and role-playing exercises calculated to enhance self-confidence and the development of leadership, teamwork, and communication skills. Insights into research careers and the optimal sequencing of graduate training were also gained through self-study and simulated interviews for research or service positions in industry. The modules were well received by students, who found them enjoyable and relevant to their career aspirations.  相似文献   

Teaching faculty in the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine assist students in their professional education by providing a new way of viewing microscopic slides digitally. Faculty who teach classes in which glass slides are used participate in a program called Virtual Microscopy. Glass slides are digitized using a state-of-the-art integrated system, and a personal computer functions as the "microscope." Additionally, distribution of the interactive images is enhanced because they are available to students online. The digital slide offers equivalent quality and resolution to the original glass slide viewed on a microscope and has several additional advantages over microscopes. Students can choose to examine the entire slide at any of several objectives; they are able to access the slides (called WebSlides) from the college's server, using either Internet Explorer or a special browser developed by Bacus Laboratories, Inc.,(a) called the WebSlide browser, which lets the student simultaneously view a low-objective image and one or two high-objective images of the same slide. The student can "move the slide" by clicking and dragging the image to a new location. Easy archiving, annotation of images, and Web conferencing are additional features of the system.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was conducted to describe the development and evolution of the combined internal medicine/PhD program, the Clinician Investigator (CI) Program, at North Carolina State University. Separate survey instruments were developed for individuals who had committed to completing both the residency and PhD components and for graduate advisors of individuals who were granted the PhD degree. Results are summarized here. Most CIs reported believing that each component of the program (clinical training and research training) provided mutual benefits and that their teaching skills were enhanced, particularly as a result of instructing students in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Opinions among both the CIs and the graduate advisors were divided about the benefits of a combined program compared with a sequential program; however, all but one of 11 CIs who completed the survey would enroll in the combined program again. The graduate advisors were overwhelming positive about the CIs they had advised and indicated that they would welcome a CI as a PhD student in their laboratory again. Suggested areas for improvement included guaranteed salary/stipend support for the average time to completion (six years) instead of for five years, as well as more emphasis on and guidance in identifying a graduate advisor earlier in the CI program so as to smooth the transition between the clinical and research training components of the program. It is hoped that other training programs will benefit from the summary of our experience with this program.  相似文献   

Basic animal-handling skills are essential for any veterinary practitioner to work safely and confidently. This short article offers the reflections of two students who undertook training in basic animal-handling skills at the University of Sydney as part of the Veterinary Science degree program. Several students attending their final-year clinical rotation at the University of Sydney were asked to informally assess their own basic animal-handling skills at the beginning of the course and in their final year. These perceptions were matched to career choices and demonstrated the positive effect of skills training in career choice. As with any skills-based training program, limitations such as time and finances place restrictions on student learning, and there is a continual need to assess and, where possible, make improvements to the program.  相似文献   

This article discusses recent developments in soft-tissue surgery teaching at the University of Sydney, Faculty of Veterinary Science. An integrated teaching program was developed for Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc) students with the aim of providing them with optimal learning opportunities to meet "Day One" small-animal soft-tissue surgical competencies. Didactic lectures and tutorials were introduced earlier into the curriculum to prepare students for live-animal surgery practical. In addition to existing clinics, additional spay/neuter clinics were established in collaboration with animal welfare organizations to increase student exposure to live-animal surgery. A silicon-based, life-like canine ovariohysterectomy model was developed with the assistance of a model-making and special effects company. The model features elastic ovarian pedicles and suspensory ligaments, which can be stretched and broken like those of an actual dog. To monitor the volume and type of student surgical experience, an E-portfolio resource was established. This resource allows for the tracking of numbers of live, student-performed desexing surgeries and incorporates competency-based assessments and reflective tasks to be completed by students. Student feedback on the integrated surgical soft-tissue teaching program was assessed. Respondents were assessed in the fourth year of the degree and will have further opportunities to develop Day One small-animal soft-tissue surgical competencies in the fifth year. Ninety-four percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they were motivated to participate in all aspects of the program, while 78% agreed or strongly agreed that they received an adequate opportunity to develop their skills and confidence in ovariohysterectomy or castration procedures through the fourth-year curriculum.  相似文献   

The small animal operative practice laboratory is the technical component of the fundamentals of surgery lecture course and should give students the basic skills necessary to actively participate in the operative and anesthetic management of client's animals in the teaching hospital. The surgery faculty is challenged with structuring a laboratory that will maximize use of available resources, including clinical and morphologic pathology faculty, for the benefit of the student. The laboratory can be structured as a small animal practice to give students the responsibility and equipment for preoperative, operative, and postoperative care of their animals. The keys to the educational success of the laboratory are the attitude and enthusiasm of the surgery faculty.  相似文献   

除了教学和科研工作外,大部分美国高校对农业类学科包括草坪学科的专业师资在职责要求方面还有重要的一项-"Extension",即社会服务。社会服务的工作量因人而异,但总体来看基本都做到了"分配到人";除了专业教师,学校对于学生也要求或鼓励其参与各类校内外拓展活动。这与我国高校教师社会服务(或专业拓展)工作,以及基于此提出的"产学研"等类似的工作模式都有较大不同。草坪科学是一门新兴的学科,应用性较强,知识生产和知识创新都离不开实践。因此从学术驱动的内因和大学的价值来讲,大学的社会服务工作是极其重要的。本文简略介绍美国高校草坪科学教师的社会服务工作情况,希望能够对我国的草坪科学学科建设以及师资组建和培养提供参考。  相似文献   

Mass bat exposures (MBEs) occur when multiple people are exposed to a bat or a bat colony, often over an extended period. In August 2017, a public health investigation was started in response to an MBE that occurred during May–August 2017 at a national park research station in Wyoming. We identified 176 people who had slept primarily in two lodges (Lodges A and B) at the research station, and successfully contacted 165 (93.8%) of these individuals. Risk assessments (RAs) were administered to all 165 individuals to determine degree and type of exposures to bats (e.g., biting or scratching). Exposure status for research station guests was classified as “non‐exposed,” “low risk” or “high risk,” and counselling was provided to guide post‐exposure prophylaxis (PEP) recommendations. Prior to public health notification and intervention, 19 persons made the decision to pursue PEP. The healthcare‐seeking behaviours of this group were taken to represent outcomes in the absence of public health intervention. (These persons received a RA, and their risk classification was retrospectively assigned.) Approximately 1–2 weeks after conducting the RAs, we conducted a follow‐up survey to determine whether recommendations regarding PEP were ultimately followed. The proportion of individuals that unnecessarily pursued PEP was higher among the 19 individuals that sought health care prior to receiving the RA (p < 0.00001). Among those receiving the RA first, all persons classified as high risk followed public health guidance to seek PEP treatment. Despite this, upon re‐interview, only 21/79 (26.6%) of guests could accurately recall their risk classification, with most people (55.7%) overestimating their risk. Study findings demonstrate that early public health interventions such as RAs can reduce unnecessary use of PEP and that messaging used during rabies counselling should be clear.  相似文献   

Second-year veterinary students were surveyed at the beginning and end of a 15-week semester regarding their confidence in performing three clinical reasoning skills: (1) making Problem Lists; (2) making Rule-Out Lists; and (3) selecting appropriate diagnostic tests. Each week during the semester, these skills were practiced in small-group case discussions. Changes in self-confidence were analyzed and studied in light of faculty assessments of student competence in performance of the three skills. RATIONALE: The purpose of the study was to determine if students' self-confidence in performing three clinical reasoning skills increased with practice. METHODOLOGY: On the first and last days of class, students rated their confidence in each of the three skills on a scale of 0 to 10. Mean confidence scores for the whole class both for time points and for each of the three skills were analyzed. RESULTS: There were significant increases in students' self-confidence in all three clinical reasoning skills over the semester each year. A greater percentage of students expressed improved confidence in selecting appropriate diagnostic tests than in the other two skills in three of the four years studied. CONCLUSIONS: Students' self-confidence in performing three clinical reasoning skills improved over the course of a semester in which they practiced the skills in a CBL format. Subjective faculty assessment of students' competence in these skills generally indicated improvement. However, no meaningful conclusions about the correlation of skill competence and student confidence could be drawn because of inadequacies in the measurement of student performance.  相似文献   

Food-supply veterinary medicine has been an essential part of veterinary degree programs in Australia since the first veterinary school opened in the late nineteenth century. Australian veterinary schools, like others internationally, are being challenged by the relevance of material in current curricula for modern food-supply veterinary medicine. Additionally, student aspirations are a major issue, as curriculum designers balance companion-animal training with the herd/flock-based issues that focus on productivity and profitability. One of the challenges is to examine the relative balance of education in generic skills (self-knowledge, change management, teamwork, leadership, negotiation) with more technically or scientifically based education. An ongoing process of curriculum review and renewal, which involves input from both external and internal stakeholders and allows regular review and assessment, is needed to ensure continuing curriculum relevance.  相似文献   

Following the recent introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) into several European university programs, a new interest has developed in determining students' workload. ECTS credits are numerical values describing the student workload required to complete course units; ECTS has the potential to facilitate comparison and create transparency between institutional curricula. ECTS credits are frequently listed alongside institutional credits in course outlines and module summaries. Measuring student workload has been difficult; to a large extent, estimates are based only upon anecdotal and casual information. To gather more systematic information, we asked students at the Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, to estimate the actual total workload they committed to fulfill their coursework obligations for specific subjects in the veterinary degree program by reporting their attendance at defined contact hours and their estimated time for outside study, including the time required for examinations and other activities. Students also reported the final grades they received for these subjects. The results show that certain courses require much more work than others, independent of credit unit assignment. Generally, the courses with more contact hours tend also to demand more independent work; the best predictor of both actual student workload and student success is the amount of contact time in which they participate. The data failed to show any strong connection between students' total workload and grades they received; rather, they showed some evidence that regular presence at contact hours was the most positive influence on grades. Less frequent presence at lectures tended to indicate less time spent on independent study. It was also found that pre-clinical and clinical courses tended to require more work from students than other, more general subjects. While the present study does not provide conclusive evidence, it does indicate the need for further inquiry into the nature of the relationship between teaching and learning in higher education and for evaluation of the benefits (or otherwise) of more "self-directed" study.  相似文献   

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