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本试验对牦牛的卵巢结构进行了研究,主要是通过大体解剖和显微结构的观察。通过研究,把牦牛的卵泡分为了原始卵泡、初级卵泡、次级卵泡和囊状卵泡。研究发现,牦牛的卵巢中数量较多的是原始卵泡,它主要分布在皮质的浅表层。原始卵泡是由卵母细胞以及周围单层的扁平卵泡细胞组成。初级卵泡体积增大,透明带开始形成。次级卵泡体积迅速增大,透明带厚度明显增加,卵泡膜增厚。囊状卵泡腔体大,卵母细胞位于卵泡一侧,形成放射冠状的卵丘。  相似文献   

东北梅花鹿卵泡发育的显微结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为揭示雌性东北梅花鹿的生殖机理提供组织依据,利用光学显微镜观察7只成年东北梅花鹿卵巢的组织结构和卵泡的发育过程,同时利用目镜测微尺和显微照相技术分别对60个原始卵泡、60个初级卵泡、25个次级卵泡、34个三级卵泡和3个成熟卵泡及透明带厚度进行测量和拍照。结果表明,东北梅花鹿卵巢组织也是由生殖上皮、白膜、皮质和髓质构成;皮质部在卵巢的外周,但间质腺不发达;髓质位于皮质深层,分布有较多的血管。卵泡在发育过程中,各级卵母细胞和卵泡的直径差异较大,卵泡和卵母细胞的生长呈双向生长;透明带物质出现于3~4层卵泡细胞包围卵母细胞时;卵泡闭锁发生于卵泡生长的各个时期,主要表现为卵母细胞和卵泡细胞的形态变化,有两种形式;三级卵泡的闭锁过程分为早期、中期和后期3个阶段。  相似文献   

运用组织学常规石蜡切片-HE染色和过碘酸-雪夫染色(PAS)方法,分别对3日龄及165日龄育成猪卵巢组织结构、各级卵泡的发育变化特点及其黏多糖分布情况进行了研究。结果显示,3日龄的猪卵巢皮质、髓质界限模糊,皮质部分由外向内依次分布着密集的卵原细胞和卵原细胞巢、共质体样的卵原细胞群,皮质深层与髓质相邻处分布着合胞体样的卵母细胞簇状结构和卵泡。育成猪卵巢中,皮、髓质界限明显,能观察到原始卵泡、初级卵泡、次级卵泡及近成熟卵泡,但是很少能见到黄体的结构。PAS染色结果表明,3日龄的猪卵巢中PAS阳性反应主要分布于卵原细胞周围的基质、卵原细胞巢和合胞体的外膜上,以及原始卵泡周围的基质、初级卵泡的卵泡膜及刚形成的透明带上,此外卵巢的白膜、髓质的结缔组织、血管壁及卵巢网周围也可见到广泛的阳性着色。育成猪卵巢中,PAS阳性反应主要分布于基质、生长卵泡的卵泡膜、卵泡的透明带、次级卵泡的卵泡液、黄体被膜及髓质的结缔组织和血管壁。  相似文献   

运用组织学常规石蜡切片-HE染色和过碘酸-雪夫染色(PAs)方法,分别对3日龄及165日龄育成猪卵巢组织结构、各级卵泡的发育变化特点及其黏多糖分布情况进行了研究。结果显示,3日龄的猪卵巢皮质、髓质界限模糊,皮质部分由外向内依次分布着密集的卵原细胞和卵原细胞巢、共质体样的卵原细胞群,皮质深层与髓质相邻处分布着合胞体样的卵母细胞簇状结构和卵泡。育成猪卵巢中,皮、髓质界限明显,能观察到原始卵泡、初级卵泡、次级卵泡及近成熟卵泡,但是很少能见到黄体的结构。PAS染色结果表明,3日龄的猪卵巢中PAS阳性反应主要分布于卵原细胞周围的基质、卵原细胞巢和合胞体的外膜上,以及原始卵泡周围的基质、初级卵泡的卵泡膜及刚形成的透明带上,此外卵巢的白膜、髓质的结缔组织、血管壁及卵巢网周围也可见到广泛的阳性着色。育成猪卵巢中,PAS阳性反应主要分布于基质、生长卵泡的卵泡膜、卵泡的透明带、次级卵泡的卵泡液、黄体被膜及髓质的结缔组织和血管壁。  相似文献   

为了研究母犬出生后生殖器官发育的组织学变化,试验采集了从初生至18月龄Beagle母犬的卵巢、输卵管和子宫,并采用石蜡切片、光学显微镜方法检查。结果表明:初生犬卵巢皮质部含有大量原始卵泡,且扁平卵泡细胞排列在卵母细胞周围,3月龄出现初级卵泡,6月龄出现次级卵泡,9月龄出现成熟卵泡和黄体。犬卵巢中有多卵卵泡,数量随年龄增长呈下降趋势。初生时,子宫腺体体积小、数量少,以后不断发育增生,腺体周围的基质也逐渐密集。初生至9月龄的输卵管黏膜仅有初级皱襞,12月龄后开始出现较多次级皱襞。  相似文献   

鸡胚胎性腺发生发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由原始性腺分化为卵巢或睾丸的变化规律是:孵化3.5-5天,迁移入原始性腺内PGCs,其胞质内的糖原颗粒逐渐崩解;孵化第6天,性腺显示为卵巢或睾丸的特征,PGCs的糖原颗粒进一步崩解,鸡胚性腺开始分化;孵化第7天,性腺分化更为明显,PGCs胞质内糖原颗粒完全消失,细胞分化为卵原细胞或精原细胞;孵化第10-11天,卵巢明显区分为皮、髓质部,皮质部外区有大量增殖的卵原细胞群,呈共质体--合成体结构。卵原细胞已发育为初级卵母细胞的核网期。睾化第13天,卵巢皮质部变大,卵巢皮质部变大,髓质部变小。睾丸曲精细胞索的支持细胞增多,孵化第14-15天,卵巢皮质部出现原始卵泡,数量逐渐增多。睾丸内支持细胞进一步增多,间质细胞数达最多,成群分布在间质内;孵化第16-18天,雌性左侧卵巢皮质部外层的卵泡数量多,大小不一,呈有腔卵泡样结构;右侧性腺退化,似睾丸样结构。在雄性两侧睾丸,右侧稍大于左侧;精原细胞在曲精细索内数量地多达3层(18天)支持细胞在进一步增多,间质细胞分布稀疏。  相似文献   

鹅卵巢中含有众多的卵泡,产蛋期卵巢中总存在陆续成熟、大小不等的卵泡。卵泡壁由颗粒层和膜层组成,中以基膜相隔。颗粒层成于颗粒细胞。卵泡膜有成纤维细胞和分泌细胞,两种细胞混杂在一起,以至于卵泡膜的内外层分界不清,且在卵泡膜外层含有典型的平滑肌细胞。禽类产蛋性能主要由发育至等级发育阶段的卵泡数决定,而促进卵泡发育的等级与阶段主要取决于体外激素的分泌。  相似文献   

研究休情期银黑狐卵巢形态和卵泡的显微结构,以揭示银黑狐卵巢发育的一般规律。本试验于2012年12月份采集5只健康一岁龄银黑狐卵巢10枚,用游标卡尺测量其长、宽、厚,用电子天平测量其重量,并对其表面可见卵泡数量进行统计,然后利用光学显微镜对各级卵泡分别观察1~3个,共计原始卵泡30个,初级卵泡20个,次级卵泡15个,三级卵泡12个,成熟卵泡10个,并进行拍照。结果表明:随银黑狐卵巢体积不断增大,其中80%的卵巢重量也随之增大;可见卵泡数量与卵巢体积及重量没有相关性;卵巢由被膜、皮质和髓质构成,髓质位于卵巢内层,分布着较多血管,皮质位于卵巢外层,内有不同发育阶段的卵泡;原始卵泡由卵母细胞和颗粒细胞构成,初级卵泡开始出现透明带物质,到次级卵泡阶段发育完整,三级卵泡出现卵泡腔,卵泡及卵母细胞直径在有腔卵泡阶段比腔前卵泡阶段增长速度快,成熟卵泡的直径及透明带厚度达到最大,各级卵泡均有闭锁现象。  相似文献   

<正>生长正常的育成鸡到18周龄时卵巢重量约2 g,卵巢中的初级卵泡开始生长发育,形成大小不一的生长卵泡,其中有4~6个卵泡迅速生长,9~10 d便可发育为成熟的卵泡并开始排卵。排出后的卵子被输卵管伞部接纳进入输卵管蛋白分泌部,在其中裹上蛋白,经峡部时形成内、外两层蛋膜,然后进入子宫,在其中形成硬蛋壳(褐壳蛋的颜色,也在子宫内形成),强壳完全形成,最后覆盖上胶质膜后产出体外。这个过程是在与生殖有关的激素  相似文献   

王前 《养猪》2003,(2):14-15
第二讲母猪的生殖生理第一节母猪的内生殖器官母猪的生殖器官主要有内生殖器官(卵巢和生殖道—输卵管、子宫和阴道)和外生殖器官(包括尿生殖前庭、阴唇、阴蒂),还有副性腺体(位于子宫颈以及阴道的一些腺体)共同构成母猪的生殖器官。一、卵巢在卵巢表面皮质部有一层生殖上皮,其中发育着卵泡。卵泡由原始卵泡开始经初级卵泡发育为次级卵泡,再继续发育形成卵泡细胞,再和卵丘上的卵泡壁相连,发育为三级卵泡,最后发育为成熟卵泡。发情期卵泡体积增大,卵泡中通常只有一个卵母细胞。未成熟的卵泡退化为闭锁卵泡。发情前夕,卵泡不断增长,卵泡液增多,…  相似文献   

An enzymatic method of isolating primary follicles in the turkey has been described previously, but no similar work has been done in the hen. In this study, primary follicles from domestic hens (Gallus domesticus) were isolated using an enzymatic method, and the isolated follicular quantity, quality, and development in vitro were assessed. About 400 primary follicles ranging from 60 to 1125 microm in diameter were recovered with trypsin and collagenase from hen ovaries (per ovary). Of these, 76.5% were intact follicles with a complete single layer of granulose cells surrounded by the basement membrane, and their ultrastructures appeared this way in situ. Follicles (351 to 500 microm in diameter) were cultured in vitro, and 46.67% of them survived after 5 days. Ultrastructural examination showed that elongated mitochondria forming a ring were distributed to the periphery of the oocyte, the Golgi was oriented with the maturing face toward the granulosa cell layer, and the oocyte plasma membrane presented a few short microvilli lying on the oocyte surface, which confirmed that the surviving follicles were developmental. These results suggest that a simple, rapid, effective enzymatic method can be used to isolate a great number of intact primary follicles from the hen ovary.  相似文献   

The early post-hatch development of immunoreactivity to vimentin, desmin, smooth muscle actin (SMA) and laminin, in relation to follicle histogenesis, was described in this study. Ovigerous cords in day old quails contained pre-granulosa cells and oocytes. Pre-granulosa cells at the cortico-medullary junction were vimentin immunopositive. A laminin immunopositive basement membrane and desmin immunopositive mesenchymal cells lined the ovigerous cords. Ovigerous cords in 3-day-old quails contained developing primordial follicles, the vimentin immunopositive pre-granulosa cells of which were partially encircled by a basement membrane and desmin immunopositive mesenchymal cells. In 5- to 7-day-old quails, ovigerous cords formed an outer cortical region, while primordial follicles formed the inner cortical region. Early pre-vitellogenic follicles were present in 9- to 13-day-old quails. Underlying the granulosa cells of these follicles was a laminin immunopositive basement membrane and a layer of desmin immunopositive thecal cells. Early and late pre-vitellogenic follicles dominated the ovary in 15- to 17-day-old quails. The thecal layer in these follicles was desmin immunopositive, but SMA immunonegative. The results of the study have shown that the process of primordial follicle development in the Japanese quail is similar to that reported in mammals. The study suggests that in the quail pre-granulosa cells originate predominantly from the medulla. The study has shown that, in the Japanese quail, thecal cells are derived from desmin immunopositive mesenchymal cells lining the ovigerous cords.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the number of microscopic follicles present in the ovaries of cattle selected for twin births (Twinner) would be greater than in the ovaries of contemporary Controls. Ovaries were collected from seven Control and seven Twinner cows at slaughter. The number of Small (1 to 3.9 mm), Medium (4 to 7.9), and Large (> 8 mm) surface follicles was counted and one ovary was fixed for histological evaluation. Fifty to sixty consecutive 6-microm slices were taken from a piece of cortical tissue, approximately 1 cm x 1 cm in area, located between the surface follicles. Microscopic follicles were classified as primordial (oocyte surrounded by a single layer of squamous pregranulosa cells), primary (oocyte surrounded by a single layer of one or more cuboidal granulosa cells), secondary (oocyte surrounded by two or more layers of granulosa cells), or tertiary (oocyte surrounded by multiple layers of granulosa cells with initiation of antrum formation to < or = 1 mm in diameter). The total number of follicles was counted in 200 fields (2 mm x 2 mm) per ovary. A field containing no follicles was classified as empty. There were significantly more secondary follicles in Twinner compared with Control ovaries (12.9 vs 6.3; P < .05). Twinners also tended to have more small surface follicles (35.4 vs 49.0; P < 0.1). We conclude that ovaries of Control and Twinner cows do not differ in the number of primordial follicles or in the number of follicles activated into the growing pool; however, Twinner cows are able to maintain more growing follicles at the secondary and subsequent stages of development.  相似文献   

PMSG对兔超数排卵的影响及卵巢组织学观察   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
分别用50IU和100IU两种剂量的PMSG对两组各13只成年哈白母兔进行超排处理,48小时后配种,同时耳静脉一次性注射人hCG 50IU,52小时后手术冲卵.50IU和100IU两种剂量处理后的母兔卵巢平均排卵点数分别为10.83个和13.80个(P>0.05),平均获卵数分别为7.05个和7.96个(P>0.05),平均充血卵泡数分别为7.30个和15.36个(P<0.01);50IU处理情况下,卵巢单位面积各级卵泡数量(个/1000μm2),原始卵泡43±4,初级卵泡10±1,次级卵泡3±1,充血卵泡2±1;100IU处理情况下,原始卵泡52±5,初级卵泡14±4,次级卵泡6±1,充血卵泡4±1.卵泡膜在卵泡细胞达2层时出现,透明带在卵泡细胞达3层时出现,卵泡腔在初级卵泡末期、卵泡颗粒细胞层达7层时出现.  相似文献   

The cloacal bursa (bursa of Fabricius) in the guinea fowls appeared either as an oval blind sac with a short thick stalk in one group or had a pointed cranial blind end with a slightly bulging middle part that was followed by a thick caudal stalk in the other group. Both groups of bursae originated from the proctodeal wall of the cloaca and were placed dorsal to the rectum. The average length of the bursa was 18 mm while the average width at die mid section was 15 mm. The internal surface showed about 12 – 14 primary folds. Histologically, the outline of the bursa was well established by day 18 of incubation. The primary folds had also been formed. Lymphocytes had already been encountered within the framework of the bursa at this day. The epithelium bordering the tunica propria was composed principally of two layers of cuboidal cells. Epithelial buds had also formed and some were already detached from the epithelial lining. The blood vessels present were positioned just beneath the outer covering. At day 19 of incubation, most of the epithelial buds had two layers of cells arranged in a circumscribed manner while a few had three layers of cells. Blood vessels had increased in number and were deeper placed inside the bursa than previously. At day 20, the cells of the upper layer of the epithelium were dorsoventrally flattened and stained paler than the cells of the lower layer. It was possible to distinguish the cortex from the medulla and the basement lining between both zones was distinct. Tiny vesicles within the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells at the mucosa and follicles were observed. Macrophges were also observed within the gland. At day 21, blood vessels were observed in the cortex of the follicles. The maximum number of primary folds (14) had been formed. At day 22, serveral follicles had severed connections with the mucosal epithelium. The mucosal lining had dropped to a single layer of cells in some areas. Goblet cells were observed amongst the mucosal cells. A plasma cell had first appeared. By day 25, dead cells had increased quite in number and there was also an increase in number of medium and small-sized lymphocytes within the gland. By day 26, the upper layer of the surface epithelium was composed primarily of tall columnar cells with numerous large vacuoles. Macrophages had suddenly increased within the thin interfollicu-lar spaces and most of them were crowded internally with various sizes of debris. By day one post-hatch, each fold was completely filled with follicles that were separated by thin connective tissue strands.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate the pattern of apoptosis in the healthy antral and atretic follicles of Philippine swamp buffaloes (BU) in comparison with Holstein-Friesian (HF) cows. Paraffin sections of healthy follicles and various stages of atretic follicles were stained using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated biotinylated deoxyuridine triphosphates (dUTP) nick end-labelling (TUNEL) method to detect DNA fragmentation and cleaved caspase-3 antibody to detect cells committed to undergo apoptosis. Five equidistant areas of a follicle were counted for the presence of TUNEL- and caspase-3-positive cells. Healthy follicles of BU and HF contained no TUNEL-positive cells in the granulosa and theca layer but showed some caspase-3 positivity. The granulosa layer of advanced atretic follicles showed a significantly higher frequency of caspase-3 positivity than the healthy and early atretic follicles in both breeds. The frequency of caspase-3-positive cells of BU was significantly higher than HF in the granulosa layer of healthy, early atretic and advanced atretic follicles. In the theca interna layer, BU and HF showed a significantly lower and higher frequency of TUNEL-positive cells in the late atretic follicles compared with advanced atretic follicle, respectively. However, the frequency of caspase-3-positive cells of both BU and HF in the late atretic follicles was significantly higher than the advanced atretic follicles in the theca interna layer. These results indicate that caspase-3 and DNA fragmentation is involved in the buffalo ovarian apoptotic process.  相似文献   

Previous anatomical and histochemical studies suggested that interstitial cells were the only steroidogenic cells in the theca layer of small follicles of the chicken ovary. However, the precise cellular site of steroid production in the small follicles is not certain. Therefore, our goal was to identify steroidogenic cells in small follicles (< 10 mm in diameter) of the chicken ovary which have not entered the follicular hierarchy by localizing steroidogenic enzymes with immunocytochemistry. Polyclonal antisera used were anti-cholesterol side-chain-cleavage cytochrome P450 (P450scc), anti-17-hydroxylase cytochrome P450 (P450c17), and anti-aromatase cytochrome P450 (P450arom) for pregnenolone-, androgen-, and estrogen-producing cells, respectively. Ovaries were collected 2 hr after oviposition and embedded in Paraplast after fixation with 4% paraformaldehyde, 10% formaldehyde, or Bouin's solution. Tissues were sectioned (4–6 μm) and sections were mounted on poly-L-lysine coated slides. Sections were incubated overnight at room temperature with each specific antiserum raised in rabbits against cytochrome P450 steroidogenic enzymes or normal rabbit serum as a control and were immunostained with an avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex. Immunoreactivity for the P450 enzymes was absent in the granulosa layer but was present in the theca layer of the small follicles (< 10 mm in diameter). Interstitial cells in the single theca layer of cortical follicles embedded in the ovarian cortex (less than 1 mm in diameter) contained P450scc and P450c17. Cells which contained P450arom, identified as aromatase cells, surrounded the interstitial cells in the theca layer. In small white follicles (approximately 1 mm in diameter), large white follicles (approximately 2–4 mm in diameter), and small yellow follicles (approximately 5–10 mm in diameter) which protruded from the surface of the ovary, the theca layer is divided into the theca interna and the theca externa. P450scc and P450c17 were localized in interstitial cells in the theca interna and externa whereas P450arom was localized in aromatase cells of the theca externa. With follicular development, more interstitial cells staining for P450scc and P450c17 appeared in the theca interna than in the theca externa whereas aromatase cells staining for P450arom were localized only in the theca externa. The distance between interstitial cells and aromatase cells within the theca layer increased as the follicles matured, resulting in a change in the anatomical relationship of steroidogenic cells. Our results of immunolocalization of cytochrome P450 steroidogenic enzymes in developing small follicles suggest that: 1) granulosa cells in small follicles are steroidogenically inactive; 2) steroids are produced in two distinct cell populations in the theca layer of small follicles, namely interstitial cells and aromatase cells; and 3) the anatomical relationship and location of interstitial cells and aromatase cells in the theca layer change with follicular maturation (a two-cell model for steroidogenesis in small follicles during follicular development).  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate leptin immuno‐staining of the porcine ovary in different reproductive stages. Ovaries from 21 gilts were collected from slaughterhouses. The ovarian tissue sections were incubated with a polyclonal anti‐leptin as a primary antibody. The immuno‐staining in ovarian tissue compartments was calculated using imaging software. Leptin immuno‐staining was found in primordial, primary, preantral and antral follicles. Leptin immuno‐staining was expressed in the oocyte and granulosa and theca interna layers in both preantral and antral follicles. In the corpora lutea, leptin immuno‐staining was found in the cytoplasm of the luteal cells. The leptin immuno‐staining in the granulosa cell layer of preantral follicles did not differ compared to antral follicles (90.7 and 91.3%, respectively, > 0.05). However, the leptin immuno‐staining in the theca interna layer of preantral follicles was lower than antral follicles (49.4 and 74.3%, respectively, < 0.001). There was no difference in leptin immuno‐staining in the granulosa cell layer between follicular and luteal phases (92.4 and 89.7%, respectively, > 0.05). However, the leptin immuno‐staining in the theca interna layer of follicular phase was greater than that in the luteal phase (72.7 and 51.0%, respectively, < 0.001). These findings indicated that leptin exists in different compartments of the porcine ovary, including the oocyte, granulosa cells, theca interna cells, corpus luteum, blood vessel and smooth muscles. Therefore, this morphological study confirmed a close relationship between leptin and ovarian function in the pig.  相似文献   

Cystic follicle is anovulatory follicular structure that is caused by an endocrine imbalance. The activity of cytochrome P450‐side chain cleavage (P450scc) is essential for the initiation of steroidogenesis in the follicle. The present study was designed to compare the frequency of cells containing P450scc between healthy and atretic small antral follicles, and among several types (I, II and III, classified based on the presence of granulosa layer) of cystic follicles. Paraffin sections of healthy (2–5 mm in diameter), atretic (2–5 mm) and cystic follicles (>25 mm) were immunohistochemically stained with rabbit polyclonal antibody to bovine P450scc. The P450scc‐positive cells were counted in four different regions of the follicles from the apical to the basal side. In small antral follicles and cystic follicles, P450scc‐positive cells were localized in the theca interna layers but not granulosa layers. The P450scc‐positive cell populations decreased in the late atretic follicles compared with the early and advanced atretic follicles at all the regions of follicle. Type III cystic follicles showed significantly lower frequencies of P450scc‐positive cells than those in the types I and II cystic follicles. These results suggest that in both small and cystic follicles in cows, total loss of granulosa cells may be associated with the reduction of frequency of P450scc‐positive cells in theca interna layer.  相似文献   

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