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2008年开始的全球金融危机对我国经济的影响正逐步显现,这给正处于转型期的我国畜牧业也带来了不同程度的影响。业界人士纷纷采取措施,积极应对,以减少金融危机造成的不利影响。新年伊始,世界畜牧业发展前景如何?2009年畜禽产品的生产和进出口又将有怎样的发展?美国农业部国外农业服务局对此做出了预测,这些预测在我们制定相关政策、采取应对措施时值得借鉴。  相似文献   

全球畜产品结构变化及其原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界人口的迅速增长、收入增加以及生产力提高等因素使人们的膳食结构逐渐转向以畜产品为主,尤其是发展中国家,畜产品的需求量在将来的20年内将成倍增长,这种强烈的需求极大地刺激了畜牧业的飞速发展.随着公众健康意识的提高和膳食结构的改变,全球畜产品的产量在稳步增长的同时,生产结构也发生了变化.作者通过近年全球畜产品产量和结构变化数据的分析与比较,阐述了畜产品生产结构的变化及原因.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国畜牧业持续稳定发展,逐步成为独立的支柱产业,在发展国民经济、提高人民生活水平、增加农民收入等方面发挥了重要作用。2003年,我国肉类产量达6932.9万吨,禽蛋产量达26067万吨,居世界首位;奶及奶制品产量也实现了较陕增长,从1979年90万吨发展到2003年的1848.6万吨。畜牧业的发展带动了市场供求关系的转变,基本满足了不同消费层次的需求,实现了畜牧业生产由数量型向质量效益型转变。然而,从现实情况看,近几年我国畜产品质量安全问题却十分突出,主要表现在:  相似文献   

入世与畜产品质量安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、入世后我国畜产品安全工作面临的新形势 1.畜牧业由过去的保障供给向保障质量和安全转变。改革开放以来,我国畜牧业持续稳定发展,逐步成为独立的支柱产业,在发展国民经济、提高人民生活水平、增加农民收入等方面发挥了重要作用。2000年,我国肉类产量达6250万吨,禽蛋产量达2220万吨,分别占世界总产量的27.4%和407%,居世界首位;奶及奶制品产量也实现了较快增长,从1979年90万吨发展到2000年的900万吨。畜牧业的发展带动  相似文献   

时光荏苒,半年又过去了,今年的上半年可谓不平凡。SARS在我神州大地肆虐,但终被我们所击败。SARS给我们的畜牧业带来了一定的危害。国外大门紧闭,畜产品难以出口;内地又"消化不良",使我国畜产品在低价徘徊。现将京郊的畜产品市场形势分析与预测向读者作一简单的介绍,以期对畜牧业生产有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

据美国农业部国外农业服务局预测,2009年全球牛肉进口需求量将增加2%左右,这主要是美国国内预期需求增长的影响;猪肉的进口需求量将减少1%,这主要是由于中国在2008年进口激增后采取了放缓政策,而又无别的市场来弥补,系1997年以来首次下降;禽肉进口需求量,由于墨西哥、古巴和委内瑞拉等国需求量的增加而增加2%左右,与前2年相比,呈低增长态势。  相似文献   

消息:俄罗斯畜牧业协会执行主席日前称,俄罗斯肉制品供应面临短缺的威胁。俄罗斯每年要花费数百亿美元用于进口肉类、牛奶以及其他农产品,但是畜牧产品的供应短缺,特别是肉类产品的供不应求情况却仍然愈加严重。到2005年,供应出现问题的除了肉类产品之外还将有乳制品。2003年后3个月俄罗斯国内牛奶产量减少了20万吨,而今年这一数字将达到40万吨。种种不利因素导致俄罗斯肉牛的存栏数量在最近的14年里减少了57 % ,奶牛数量减少了49 % ,猪的数量减少了60 % ,羊的数量减少了75 % ,家禽数量减少了50 %。并且在这一段时期内肉类产品屠宰重量减少…  相似文献   

培育多元化流通主体,搞活畜产品流通,构建现代畜牧业经营体系,是加快发展现代畜牧业的重要途径。搞活畜产品流通不仅可以解决当前畜产品卖难和农民增收的困难,更能提高畜产品的市场竞争力,抵御市场风险,增强畜牧业整体素质,对加快发展现代畜牧业、推进农业和农村经济发展起到巨大作用。有利于培植知名品牌,提高畜产品市场竞争力;有利于提高农民组织化程度,增加农民收入;有利于密切产加销关系,发展畜牧业产业化;有利于带动畜牧业结构调整,扩张高效特色规模产业;有利于加快科技成果转化,提高科技贡献率。  相似文献   

2004年1~9月份我省畜产品价格较高,畜牧业养殖效益明显增加,现将我省畜牧业前三季度畜产品价格情况及后期走势预测如下:  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国畜牧业产值增长速度明显高于种植业,畜牧业占农业总产值的比重已经从1980年的18%上升到1998年的31%,并且畜牧业已经成为农牧民就业和增收的重要来源,畜牧业收入已经占到农民现金收入的50%,畜牧业收入增长对农民家庭收入增长的贡献率达30%以上,个别畜牧业发达地区更高。畜牧业的发展还促进了粮食转化和农副产品的有效利用,也促进了饲料工业和畜产品加工业的发展。但畜牧业的比重却因畜产品国内市场的暂时性相对饱和而出现停滞状态。我国畜产品主要由肉、蛋、奶和毛构成,其中肉的份额占绝对多数…  相似文献   

上周,美国市场面临了联邦政府关门的问题.由于政府关门,美国农业部不再发布价格和生猪头数信息.未来将如何确定合同中的价格?根据生猪价格吗?让我们静观其变吧……如果政府长时间持续关门,价格的查询将会变得非常复杂.  相似文献   

一、全球黄油及奶酪现状分析及展望 全球黄油产量将增长29-3%。其中,印度黄油产量增长量将达到全球增长量的90%。印度是全球最大产奶国之一,其奶产量将继续增长。其中,牛奶和水牛奶产量将分别以每年1.4%和3.1%的速度继续增长。由于水牛奶乳脂率较高,因而更具营养价值。受其国内需求快速增长以及国际市场黄油价格上扬影响,印度黄油产量将上涨58.5%,而黄油出口量在预测中期创新高之后,由于国内需求量大涨,将再次下降。  相似文献   

正行业分析师Terry Evans在其对美洲肉鸡行业发展趋势调查的最后部分中预测,在未来10年中,全球禽肉的消费增长将快于猪肉和牛肉的,而美洲地区的鸡肉消费通常远高于全球的平均水平。全球肉类消费将持续上升,根据经合组织-粮农组织(OECD-FAO)2013年农业展望预计,从2013年至2022年,从过年10年以2.3%的幅度下降,到每年大约以1.6%的幅度增加。然而,根据这些预测,  相似文献   

蓝舌病为OIE规定的需通报疫病,我国将其列为一类动物疫病。该病已经给全球大部分流行地区造成巨大经济损失。我国于1979年首次证明该病存在,且在我国流行初期即造成大量易感动物死亡,给我国畜牧业带来了重大经济损失。但蓝舌病在我国仍属冷门研究方向,我国到底分离鉴定出多少个血清型的蓝舌病病毒,该病在我国的分布范围到底有多广?许多畜牧兽医工作者对这些问题并不是非常清楚。特别是在近年来鲜有蓝舌病引起动物发病死亡报道的前提下,人们对蓝舌病的重视程度进一步降低。本文对蓝舌病在全球的流行概况进行简要阐述,同时,对蓝舌病在我国40年的流行情况进行回顾,希望该病在我国能够得到足够的重视。  相似文献   

The public needs no reminder that deadly infectious diseases such as FMD could emerge in any country at any moment, or that national food security could be compromised by Salmonella or Listeria infections. Protections against these risks include the knowledge that appropriate and equivalent veterinary education will enable detection and characterization of emerging disease agents, as well as an appropriate response, wherever they occur. Global veterinary leadership is needed to reduce the global threat of infectious diseases of major food animal and public health importance. We believe that the co-curriculum is an excellent way to prepare and train veterinarians and future leaders who understand and can deal with global issues. The key to the success of the program is the veterinarian's understanding that there is a cultural basis to the practice of veterinary medicine in any country. The result will be a cadre of veterinarians, faculty, and other professionals who are better able (language and culture) to understand the effects of change brought about by free trade and the importance of interdisciplinary and institutional relationships to deal effectively with national and regional issues of food safety and security. New global veterinary leadership programs will build on interests, experience, ideas, and ambitions. A college that wishes to take advantage of this diversity must offer opportunities that interest veterinarians throughout their careers and that preferably connect academic study with intensive experiential training in another country. At its best, the global veterinary leadership program would include a partnership between veterinarians and several international learning centers, a responsiveness to the identified international outreach needs of the profession, and attention to critical thinking and reflection. The global veterinary leadership program we have described is intended to be a set of ideas meant to promote collaboration, coalitions, and discussion among veterinarians and veterinary educators who may be intrigued by the concept. The impact of the program can be summarized as follows: Outreach Programs: The global veterinary leadership program will establish new partnerships between veterinarians and veterinary college faculty as they supervise the international internships and see a relationship between their goals and the value of food safety to this country. Strategic Opportunity: The program will build on the critical role that US veterinarians and veterinary colleges already play in strengthening the safety of free trade in this hemisphere. Diversity in an Age of Specialization: The program will combine a global orientation, language ability, and access to comprehensive, research- and economic-related work/study opportunities to expose veterinarians to the expanding world market for veterinary expertise. New Linkages Through Corporate Partners: Through the success and high visibility of current research and education programs, most veterinary colleges are well positioned to engage industry, government, and university leaders in ways to use the proposed program to increase the flow of new ideas and talent into the world food enterprise. International Funding: A new partnership among veterinarians, industry, government, and university leaders can coordinate strong multilateral requests for funding from national and international sources. An Interdisciplinary Strategy that Benefits Veterinary Medicine: The program will combine the diverse veterinary research and education system with our strong national and international network of collaborators to provide globally competent veterinarians who will be needed for the corporate and public opportunities of the future.  相似文献   

The context of the conference presentation that gave rise to this article was the importance of veterinarians becoming more engaged in the public-health challenges of today. During the presentation, I sought to point out some of the pressing reasons why. Of particular concern to me are the missed opportunities to help influence human health and well-being as private veterinary practitioners in addition to public-practice veterinarians. Key elements: Public health, the protection and improvement of community health by organized community effort; the global community, the entire world; social responsibility, being, as members of society, morally and legally responsible for the welfare of human beings; terrorism, the systematic use of terror (fear), especially as a means of coercion (it is always local!); system integration, the interaction of interdependent groups to form a unified whole.  相似文献   

李玫 《饲料广角》2006,(14):37-40
世界上的一些主要饲料厂建筑工程全承包商,无论就方案、设计和建筑诸方面的技术和管理,还是在新厂的运转和改进饲料厂的生产能力方面都堪称专家。在3个大陆上所运作的工程,都展示了其多样性和创造力。  相似文献   

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