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[目的]为了解盘锦口岸外来有害生物现状,掌握盘锦口岸外来有害生物数据,为盘锦口岸开发、建设和管理提供参考依据.[方法]主要采取线路调查的方式,结合文献资料和分子生物学手段,对盘锦口岸外来有害生物种类、生活型和生境、原产地、入侵方式等进行研究.[结果]初步确定盘锦口岸杂草和昆虫种一共137种,其中杂草84种25科,外来种39种,检疫性杂草3种;昆虫56种30科,均为中国种.(1)菊科杂草种类最多,有29种,占总数的35.8%.(2)杂草以1年生和2年生为主.(3)原产于美洲的杂草最多,有24种,占总数的61.5%;其次是欧洲,有12种,约占30.8%.(4)杂草长势不佳,因此并没有发生入侵状况,发现后铲除即可.[意义]盘锦口岸新开放粮食泊位,建议各部门严格把关、加强监管监测,科学引种,加强公众教育,提高公众意识,完善外来有害生物防治体系.  相似文献   

为了给当地外来入侵植物的防控提供基础数据,推进宁夏生物多样性保护,于2018—2022年进行野外实地调查,并结合相关文献与数据库查阅,对宁夏外来植物进行分类统计分析,研究宁夏外来植物的种类组成、原产地、生活型、入侵途径和危害状况等,形成宁夏外来植物名录。结果表明:宁夏有外来植物180种,隶属44科124属,其中外来入侵植物106种,外来非入侵植物74种。外来植物中菊科(Asteraceae)种类最多,有41种;其次是豆科(Leguminosae)15种、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)12种、苋科(Amaranthaceae)12种、禾本科(Gramineae)9种,这5个科占外来植物总数的49.44%。外来植物中草本植物种类最多,有132种,占总种数的73.33%;乔木次之,有27种;灌木、藤本植物分别19、2种。来源于美洲的外来植物最多,占总种数的59.44%;其次是欧洲,占29.44%;地中海地区最少,占6.11%。恶性入侵、严重入侵植物分别有10、15种,占外来入侵植物总种数的23.58%。从入侵途径方面来看,各植物表现为有意引入>无意引入>自然传播,其中有意引入达141...  相似文献   

[目的]为了解江西庐山风景区天牛昆虫的种类.[方法]采用诱捕器诱集和样木解剖等调查法,对庐山风景区海拔0~1200 m处天牛种类进行了调查研究.[结果]庐山风景区天牛种类13种,隶属于5亚科12属,其中沟胫天牛亚科8种最多,占总种数的61.54%;天牛亚科2种,占总种数的15.38%;花天牛亚科、椎天牛亚科和幽天牛亚科均只有1种最少,占总种数的7.69%.对庐山风景区天牛昆虫进行区系分析发现该地区天牛均为跨区分布种,以华中区和华南区占主要成分.该地区共有9种分布区类型,其中4区系类型最多,物种数量以一种5区型和一种6区型最占优势.[结论]研究为庐山风景区今后防控天牛昆虫提供参考.  相似文献   

为了全面摸清长沙地区典型生境中外来入侵植物的种类构成、区系组成,为保护长沙地区本地生态系统,防止外来植物的入侵危害提供决策依据,以长沙市9种土地利用类型、22种生境类型为调查对象,采取标准样地法、样方法、样线法进行外来入侵植物实地调查,通过文献资料对调查物种进行了补充。调查结果表明,长沙地区有外来入侵植物116种,隶属38科83属,其中菊科(29种)、豆科(12种)及苋科(11种)为优势科,占物种总数的44.83%;种类最多的属为苋属(5种)和大戟属(5种)。原产地分析结果表明,81种外来入侵植物来自美洲地区,占物种总数的69.83%。从入侵等级来看,处于恶性入侵种(1级)、严重入侵种(2级)、局部入侵种(3级)的物种数分别为21、24、14种。植物区系分析结果显示,长沙地区外来入侵植物科的主要分布类型为世界广布、泛热带分布;属的主要分布类型依次为泛热带分布、世界分布、东亚(热带、亚热带)及热带南美间断分布、北温带分布。  相似文献   

采用线路调查法对铜仁学院校园外来入侵植物的种类和分布进行调查,用层次分析法(AHP)建立风险评价指标体系对其危害现状进行评价。结果表明,铜仁学院校园的外来入侵植物有11种,隶属5科8属。其中菊科最多,有6种,占总数的54.55%;从入侵植物的原产地来看,来源于北美洲和欧洲的最多,均占总数的27.27%;从危害程度来看,铜仁学院校园内无高风险危害入侵植物,但喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)评分最高,危害最大。铜仁学院外来植物入侵现状与校园生态环境密切相关,建议加强对校园内植物的管理,重点防控喜旱莲子草,并对校园外来入侵植物进行定期调查,确保校园生态安全。  相似文献   

通过对公园、道路、小区(园区)等30个调查样区园林绿地的调查,发现石家庄市园林绿地中共有20科44属56种外来入侵植物。在生活型上,草本植物占绝对优势,为92.9%;原产地为美洲的最多,占66.1%;在引入途径上,人工引种和无意引入的植物几乎各占一半;外来入侵植物分布的种类和数量与绿地面积大小、样区建成时间的长短、绿地组成结构以及绿化管护水平相关,其中绿地面积大、建成时间长、绿地以草本植物为主、绿化管护水平较低的样区分布较多;在56种外来入侵植物中有3种具有毒性,从入侵性上看,外来入侵植物共分为恶性入侵类、严重入侵类、局部入侵类、一般入侵类以及有待观察类5个等级。  相似文献   

为了解南宁市园林绿地外来入侵植物物种及其分布状况,抽取该市园林绿地系统34个绿地单元,调查其外来入侵植物。结果表明,南宁市园林绿地外来入侵植物种类繁多,共有116种,隶属于32科88属,其中以菊科物种最多,达24属31种,分别占属数和种数的27.27%、26.72%;其次为豆科和禾本科,分别有8属12种和8属9种,种数各位居第2和第3。南宁市园林绿地系统出现频率较高的入侵植物有11种,隶属于5科9属,这些外来物种入侵了30多个绿地单元,鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)、红花酢浆草(Oxalis corymbosa)、藿香蓟(Ageratum conyzoides)等为广布种,几乎在每个绿地单元均可见其踪影,表明此类植物极易在南宁市定殖,占据生态位并排挤本地植物。按生活型统计,南宁市园林绿地外来入侵植物以草本植物占绝对优势,共有96种,占入侵植物种数的82.76%;其中一年生、二年生草本植物有56种,占48.28%;多年生草本植物有33种,占28.45%;草质藤本植物有7种,占6.03%;木本植物种类较少,共有20种,占17.24%。南宁市园林绿地系统外来入侵植物原产于美洲、非洲、亚洲(除中国外)、欧洲和大洋洲。其中原产于美洲的物种最多,有89种,占76.72%;其次原产于非洲的有10种,占8.62%;原产于大洋洲的最少,仅有2种,占1.72%。  相似文献   

石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物种的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区(以下简称石首麋鹿保护区)外来入侵植物的种类、生活型、原产地、入侵途径等进行野外实地调查和分析,初步确认有外来入侵植物27种,隶属于13科25属,其中以菊科的种类最多,有7种;所有入侵植物均为草本植物,一年生草本占40.7%;除南极洲以外的其他六大洲都有植物入侵该区,而以美洲大陆最多;入侵途径多样,以无意传播途径为主。根据调查和分析的结果,分析了麋鹿对部分入侵植物种的采食利用,从植物入侵特点和对石首麋鹿保护区生物多样性的影响两方面对该区植物入侵现状进行分析,针对上述调查和分析的结果提出对保护区内入侵植物的防治措施。  相似文献   

通过实地调查、监测和文献调研,对四川口岸外来入侵杂草的种类组成、分布、生活型、原产地、入侵途径以及危害程度进行了分析。结果表明:四川口岸常见杂草种类共48科、138属、196种,其中外来杂草14科31属39种,尚未见检疫性入侵杂草分布。外来杂草中,菊科植物种类最多,生活型以一年生草本为主;原产地以美洲为主,引入途径以人为无意引入为主;有11种入侵杂草给当地生态环境带来严重危害;在和我国其他省市分布的入侵植物种类资料对比后,提出了对口岸防控外来入侵植物的建议。  相似文献   

[目的]分析山东口岸进境矿产品植物疫情截获情况,提高矿产品有害生物疫情检出率,有效保护国门生物安全.[方法]分别从截获植物疫情变化规律、疫情类别、矿产品类型、检疫性有害生物与一般有害生物情况、来源地、不同隶属关截获情况等方面对山东口岸2008—2017年进境矿产品截获的各类疫情进行了统计分析.[结果]山东进境矿产品中截获有害生物总计54种(属),2560种次,1574批次,检疫性有害生物4种(属),29种次.进境矿产品中有害生物截获种类和种次均呈现中间多两端少的特点,以昆虫、线虫和杂草截获种类最多,占截获种类总数的87.04%,昆虫截获种次最多,占截获总种次的65.70%;有害生物的截获种类和种次均以非金属矿产截获最多,金属矿产次之;共截获4种(属)、29种次检疫性有害生物,50种(属)、2531种次一般性有害生物;截获种次前三位国家分别是朝鲜、韩国、印度尼西亚.[结论]研究结果对口岸进境矿产品疫情截获及防控提供了理论和数据支持.  相似文献   

Invasive alien plants have caused negative ecological and economic impacts and numerous studies have focused on determining which traits make these plants successful invaders. Although it is commonly believed that only a small proportion of introduced species can become invasive, it is unknown why many alien species fail to establish. In order to identify the alien species that are exhibiting a limited distribution in their new habitat, the vegetation in an international trading port, which is a primary site for the introduction of alien plants, and residential areas of Kobe, western Japan, were surveyed every month from April–October, 2014. A total of 167 species, of which 59.3% were annual and 61.2% were alien, was found. Species that originated in Mediterranean regions were the dominant alien species, followed by those from North America. A principal component analysis showed that the species compositions were different between the port and the residential areas, particularly in spring. The species from the port areas were major weeds from the cereal crop fields of North America and Australia, but were limited in distribution in Japan. The residence time might be too short to allow them to expand or climatic differences between the areas where these aliens are naturally dominant and Japan could serve as ecological barriers to the range expansion of such species.  相似文献   

草地植物入侵的预防和控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外来植物入侵属于生物入侵的范畴,对生态、环境和生物多样性具有破坏性影响。植物入侵的途径很多,但有意引进是最主要途径。本文阐述了国外一些地方由于植物入侵所造成的损失和教训。重点介绍了我国植物入侵的形势及主要有害外来植物种类、来源、入侵途径、分布范围及危害程度,并根据国际、国内目前应对植物入侵的作法和未来趋势,提出了预防和控制植物入侵的办法和措施。认为预防和控制植物入侵是草地保护的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

Although invasive alien plants are gaining increased attention within EPPO countries, there is no existing widely agreed method to identify those alien plants that are considered invasive and represent the highest priority for pest risk analysis. In the framework of the ad hoc Panel on Invasive Alien Species, EPPO proposes a prioritization process for invasive alien plants designed (i) to produce a list of invasive alien plants that are established or could potentially establish in the EPPO region and (ii) to determine which of these have the highest priority for an EPPO pest risk analysis. The process consists of compiling available information on alien plants according to pre‐determined criteria, and can be run at the EPPO region level, or at a country or local area level. These criteria examine whether the species is alien in the area under study, and whether it is established or not. The criteria used primarily rely on observations in the EPPO region but, if the species is not established, the invasive behaviour of the species in other countries should be investigated, as well as the suitability of the ecoclimatic conditions in the area under consideration. The spread potential, the potential negative impacts on native species, habitats and ecosystems, as well as on agriculture, horticulture or forestry are considered. If the species qualifies as an invasive alien plant of major concern through this first set of questions, the process then investigates the efficiency of international measures (to be justified through a pest risk analysis) to prevent the entry and spread of the species. The second set of questions are designed to determine whether the species is internationally traded or enters new countries through international pathways for which the risk of introduction is superior to natural spread, and whether the species still has a significant suitable area for further spread. If used by several EPPO countries, this prioritization process represents an opportunity to provide consistent country lists of invasive alien plant species, as well as a tool for dialogue and exchange of information.  相似文献   

This study presents a list of invasive alien plants that are found along roadsides in seven selected European countries – Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Norway, Slovenia and Sweden – and an overview on the role of roadsides as a habitat for invasive alien plants. This compilation is based on national lists of invasive alien plants, a literature search and expert consultation. Comprising 89 species from 31 plant families, species introduced for horticulture dominate the list (65%). Thirteen species (14%) are widespread (occur in four or more countries) and include well‐known invasive plants such as Fallopia japonica, Heracleum mantegazzianum, Solidago canadensis and Solidago gigantea. Seventeen species are listed either on the EPPO List of Invasive Alien Plants or on the EPPO A2 List of pests recommended for regulation as quarantine pests. Five species are on the List of Invasive Alien Species of Union Concern (EU Regulation 1143/2014). The compiled list provides a snap‐shot of invasive alien plants currently found along roadsides in the selected countries. It allows for a more targeted approach to monitoring, containment and control of the most problematic invasive alien plants identified in each country. Moreover, the list may also be used to identify emerging (potentially) invasive alien plants along roadsides in other European countries that warrant monitoring and/or management.  相似文献   

An assessment of the invasive risk associated with the establishment and dispersal of plants available in the aquarium and ornamental pond industries in the Greater Toronto area (Canada) was made. In the risk model, sales volumes of individual taxa were used as a proxy for propagule pressure, to assess pathway risk potential. Organism risk potential, the ability to become established and disperse associated with a release, was assessed using an analysis of the biological traits of the species. Discriminant correspondence analysis was used to predict which biological traits were useful in discriminating native plants from alien invasive plants and alien non‐invasive plants. Importantly, a relatively small number of biological traits appear to be useful in predicting whether an alien aquatic plant had the characteristics that would support establishment and/or dispersal in new environments. Aquatic plants distributed by the industries that are cold tolerant, able to propagate by fragments and use a number of dispersal methods are of particular concern as potential invaders. The model identified 11 alien plants in the trade that have a high risk of becoming invasive, and an additional 52 with moderately high risk.  相似文献   

The European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) aims to prevent the entry and spread of organisms harmful to both cultivated and wild plants. Basing their activities on those of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the International Plant Protection Convention, the EPPO is developing a new concept for invasive alien species and ‘plants as pests’. A pest risk analysis is necessary in most cases to identify which organisms should be regulated and how. In accordance with the International Plant Protection Convention, an EPPO risk assessment standard exists for this purpose which has now been revised to be applicable also to potentially invasive alien plants and assess the effects they pose to the uncultivated environment. In 2003, the EPPO sent a questionnaire to its 44 member states asking for plants which have been intentionally or unintentionally introduced and are considered invasive. The member countries reported hundreds of species, of which 42 were selected for further assessment. This may result in recommendations for regulations and measures against the introduction and spread of all or some of these plants.  相似文献   

S. Brunel 《EPPO Bulletin》2009,39(2):201-213
Pathway analyses are regarded by National Plant Protection Organizations as a very efficient way to address the risks posed by invasive alien species. Data on import of aquatic plants was obtained from 10 EPPO countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Latvia, Switzerland and Turkey) and aggregated in order to consider whether invasive or potentially invasive alien plants could be introduced in the EPPO region through this pathway. This study highlights that this pathway mainly consists of the import of tropical plants for use in aquaria, and which do not represent a risk due to their climatic requirements. However, a few species require thorough attention owing to the threats they cause. Of the 247 species recorded as imported, only 10 are currently considered to be a threat, representing 4% of the total number of plants imported. These 10 invasive or potentially invasive species continue to be traded in huge quantities in spite of the fact that Crassula helmsii and Eichhornia crassipes are recommended for regulation by EPPO, Azolla filiculoides, Egeria densa, Elodea nuttalli, Lagarosiphon major, Ludwigia grandiflora and Myriophyllum aquaticum should have their entry and spread prevented by countries and Hydrilla verticillata and Pistia stratiotes are recorded on the EPPO Alert List. Six additional species have been identified as representing a moderate to high potential risk: Alternanthera sessilis, Adiantum raddianum, Gymnocoronis spilanthoides, Hygrophila polysperma, Limnophila sessiliflora and Syngonium podophyllum. These species could be subject to further investigation, possibly a pest risk analysis, to evaluate the risk they may represent.  相似文献   

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