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四川省马铃薯种薯体系现状、问题和对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
受立体气候条件影响,四川省不同地区一年四季均有马铃薯种植和收获。自2006年来全省马铃薯年种植面积已达到60万hm2以上,2009年达到了73.3万hm2。全省需要种薯量达到了近150万t,其中来自农民自留种的比例约为70%,外购种薯约占30%。虽然各级部门正想方设法改进种薯体系,但存在着优质种薯供应量不足、三代种薯体系尚未建立、质量控制体系尚未健全和种薯质量较差等问题,造成全省马铃薯产量长期徘徊在每公顷16.5~17.9 t之间。通过建立省级基础脱毒种苗供应中心、建立三代种薯体系、增加各级种薯生产能力、改进种薯贮藏条件、提高自留种薯质量和规范种薯繁供体系,将迅速提高全省种薯质量,促进马铃薯产业健康发展。  相似文献   

在内蒙古乌兰察布盟后山地区武川原种基地,对各级种薯生产技术及其良繁体系进行了系统的研究。现已明确:在开放条件下生产脱毒小薯(原原种),产量可达8073~9465kg/hm2,种薯产量和质量不低于温、网室生产的脱毒小薯;不同薯重的脱毒小薯旱坡地直播效果,以10g和8~10g薯重的效果好,产量和商品率均高;1级种薯在不同旱地类型种植的增产效果,以旱滩地的产量最高,其次为旱坡地,分别比对照(未脱毒)增产71.28%、171.28%;8月上旬为有翅桃蚜迁飞盛期,从7月上旬迁飞初期开始喷药防蚜,防治效果显著;在乌盟后山半农半牧地区以原原种、原种、1、2级种薯建立的3级脱毒良种繁育体系符合该地区的生产实际,能达到留种和保种的快速、优质、高产、低成本的效果。经过6年示范推广,现已在武川等3个旗县普及,累计各级种薯种植面积达到2.32万hm2,平均单产3万kg/hm2左右,生产出各级种薯及商品薯6985万kg,累计创造社会财富7150万元。  相似文献   

云南马铃薯贮存损失的调查和评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
调查了云南马铃薯主产区 17个农户家庭贮存马铃薯的现状和损失。作为商品薯贮存失去商品价值的损失率达到 4 7 4 % ,其中发芽薯占 35 4 % ,损失最大 ,贮存时间 12 0d块茎发芽率仅1 5 % ,但 15 0d迅速增加到 5 6 88% ;破损块茎占 7 2 % ;病害烂薯占 4 8%。马铃薯种薯与商品薯同仓混贮 ,在同样无光照的条件下 ,造成种薯过早发芽 ,而且芽细弱 ,降低了种薯的质量。马铃薯疮痂病 (S .scabies)发生普遍 ,在一些地方发病率高达 10 0 % ,应当引起重视。讨论了马铃薯贮存中存在的问题 ,提出了马铃薯贮存技术发展的意见。  相似文献   

Increased productivity of potatoes can improve the livelihood of smallholder potato farmers in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia and is required to meet the growing demand. This paper investigates the opportunities for potato system improvement that could result in improved productivity. Through a diagnosis of the potato systems in the three countries on the basis of surveys and stakeholder workshops, seed potato quality management, bacterial wilt control, late blight control and soil fertility management were identified as key technical intervention topics. For effective problem solving in these areas, the functioning of the potato innovation system requires improvement to better deliver the functions of potato marketing as well as knowledge development and information exchange. With use of a ‘system failure framework’ the shortcomings of the potato innovation system are identified and discussed and options for improvement are suggested.  相似文献   

The flavor of boiled potatoes was investigated using sensory and instrumental methods to get basic information concerning sensory features and aroma compounds for use in breeding research and quality control. The sensory odor profiles of three genotypes were found to differ especially in negative sensations like “burnt”, “fodder” and “musty”. The aroma volatiles were isolated by a modified simultaneous steam distillation and extraction method. Nineteen character impact compounds of boiled potato aroma were pointed out by gas chromatography with nitrogen specific detection, gas chromatography —mass spectrometry and gas chromatography —olfactometry. The comparison of the quantified odor impressions in three genotypes by chromatography —olfactometry revealed the substances responsible for the typical boiled potato odorants and off-flavor notes.  相似文献   

A decision making scheme is proposed for integrating and evaluating variables important for judging tuber quality in the potato industry. Within the scheme, variables affecting potato quality are grouped into categories according to their mutual association in a decision, and their values are rated according to a common linear scale. Expert opinions, as to which range of variable values ensure “commercially acceptable” and “ideal” potato quality, were superimposed as shaded areas over the numerical ratings. Observations of variables used in a decision can be compared to values delineated by experts to judge whether sampled potatoes would be acceptable for commercial use. The scheme is designed to be utilized at various points in the life cycle of a potato from field to market. It is demonstrated for one variety of sampled tubers that were being stored for chip processing.  相似文献   

Summary Potatoes account for about half of the world's annual output of all roots and tubers, and since the early 1960s, the increase in area planted in developing countries has been higher than for any other major food crop. Annual world production currently totals 274 million tons on 18 million hectares, with China and India accounting for 22 percent of this total. In less than a generation, most of the world's potatoes will be harvested in Asia. Africa, or Latin America, where the potato is becoming an increasingly important source of food and its cultivation provides rural employment and income for the growing population. The rapid emergence of processing facilities for the fast food industry, and the indirect influence of improved rice and wheat irrigation systems have also contributed to the expansion of potato production in Asia. The demand is strongest for processing quality potatoes that supply the fast food chains in large urban concentrations where processed potato products fetch top prices. Such increasing demand is putting strong pressure on national and international breeding institutions to produce high quality processing varieties well adapted to the wide array of agro-ecological conditions, in South East Asia in particular. The lack of adequate seed systems in this region is the single most important impediment to the expansion of the cultivation of the crop. Unfavourable agro-ecological conditions interfere with the production of high quality seed in most Asian potato growing areas, and the availability of high quality seed of the right quantity at the right time remains the most consequential bottleneck to efficient potato production. The seed issue is also the principal problem of potato cultivation in the traditional potato growing areas of Central and Eastern Europe. A review of “the development of integrated systems for large scale propagation of elite plants using in vitro techniques” with specific focus on “potato seed production by tissue culture” is therefore very timely. It provides a platform for analysis and discussion of solutions for some of the most common seed problems facing the potato industry in many parts of the word. All efforts to improve the potato crop and to solve the associated seed problems begin with the right choice and use of the available genetic resources. Resistance to certain pests and diseases has a direct bearing on the success of a seed program. Multiple virus resistance, in particular, would ensure a halt to seed degeneration caused by an accumulation of viruses and thus greatly prolong the ability of seed producers and ware potato growing farmers to grow their crops at great economic benefit. This paper will therefore deal with the current status of the World Potato Collection held in trust by the International Potato Center (CIP) in Peru by presenting up-to-date information on its classification, phytosanitary status and availability of the genetic material and its evaluation data to the breeders worldwide.  相似文献   

In Kenya, seed potato quality is often a major yield constraint in potato production as smallholder farmers use farm-saved seed without proper management of seed-borne pests and diseases. Farm-saved seed is therefore often highly degenerated. We carried out on-farm research to assess whether farmer-managed positive seed selection could improve yield. Positive selection gave an average yield increase in farmer-managed trials of 34%, corresponding to a 284-€ increase in profit per hectare at an additional production cost of only 6 €/ha. Positive selection can be an important alternative and complementary technology to regular seed replacement, especially in the context of imperfect rural economies characterized by high risks of production and insecure markets. It does not require cash investments and is thus accessible for all potato producers. It can also be applied where access to high-quality seed is not guaranteed. The technology is also suitable for landraces and not recognized cultivars that cannot be multiplied formally. Finally, the technology fits seamlessly within the seed systems of Sub-Saharan Africa, which are dominated by self-supply and neighbour supply of seed potatoes.  相似文献   

A study of “double-dip” caustic peeling of potatoes was made at two commercial potato processing plants. The “double-dip” system uses two caustic dips, each followed by a holding period at ambient temperature. The peel is then removed using rubber-tipped scrubbers. Four hundred and fiftyfour g of pure caustic peeled about 90 to 180 kg of potatoes. Good quality peel was attained with a 10 to 14% peel loss. The equipment in both plants performed with little mechanical difficulty. Quick changes in dip-time and holding-time were used to compensate for changes in the condition of raw material without causing excessive variations in caustic-use or peel-removal. Problems encountered and solutions applied to each are described in detail.  相似文献   

‘Alaska Red’ is the first red-skinned potato bred and selected in Alaska as a clone suitable for the fresh potato market. Its parents are Alaska Clone 11-57-1-59 and ‘Red Beauty’. It is a high yielding, medium specific gravity potato with uniform skin and eye basin color, shallow eyes, uniform oval-to-flattened shape and is very attractive. The flesh is snowy white and remains white after boiling. Alaska Red keeps well in storage at 38°F (3.3°C). Scab of the tubers is the only disease that has been observed. In this subarctic region, flowers abort in the early bud stage. Red-skinned potato varieties available to Alaskan growers for the past quarter century have been unsatisfactory due to one or more of the following characteristics: low dry matter content, poor yield, uneven skin pigmentation and internal or external tuber cracking. Although consumers buy far less red than white-skinned potatoes, the demand brings Florida “reds” to Alaska as well as “reds” from other regions so that there is a year round outlet. Imported “reds” never approach the high quality of Alaskan grown “reds”. During the screening of seedlings, ‘Red Beauty’ was selected as a parental line because of its excellent conformation, skin color and eye arrangement. Low yield and shatter cracking made it unsuitable for commercial production. Alaska Red is a selection from seedlings of the cross Ak. 11-57-1-59 and Red Beauty made in 1965 and is the first red-skinned potato released from Alaska’s potato breeding. It was first evaluated by potato growers in 1972 and released in 1976 by the Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Box AE, Palmer, Alaska 99645.  相似文献   

克山县发展马铃薯产业基础好,起点高,优势强,但生产中品种单一,多以菜用薯为主,产量低、品质差、产业链条短、效益不高。为进一步扩展马铃薯产业发展空间,作者提出在克山县重点发展种薯、菜用薯、加工薯、特色薯四大类型的专用薯生产建议,从而达到提高薯农种植效益和企业加工效益,提升全县马铃薯产业发展水平的目的。  相似文献   

马铃薯种薯质量控制现状与发展趋势   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
在分析马铃薯种薯质量控制体系不健全,影响中国马铃薯产业快速发展的基础上,对种薯质量控制的发展趋势进行了分析,同时提出了种薯质量控制促进产业发展的建议,为中国马铃薯种薯质量尽快与国际接轨奠定基础。  相似文献   

齐齐哈尔市马铃薯产业发展浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐齐哈尔市是黑龙江省马铃薯种植面积最大的地区,其辖区的讷河市、克山县是全国知名的马铃薯种薯种植基地,讷河市是我国最早命名的中国马铃薯之乡。浅析齐齐哈尔市马铃薯鲜食薯产业、种薯产业、淀粉加工产业、食品加工产业的优势,存在的问题,提出了以发展齐齐哈尔市马铃薯鲜食薯产业和种薯产业为重点的马铃薯产业发展思路,马铃薯鲜食、种薯产业需要提高质量,创建品牌;淀粉加工产业的基础比较好,但是仍需要扩大规模,建立稳固的原料来源。  相似文献   

马铃薯脱毒种薯生产繁育体系不健全,种薯生产不规范,种薯质量检测制度不健全,品种结构不合理,贮藏设施不配套是山西省马铃薯种薯生产中的主要问题,针对这些主要问题,提出了加强种薯繁育体系建设,规范生产行为,加快马铃薯专用型品种的引进筛选和培育,增加科技投入,加强基础设施建设,加强质量检测体系建设等项符合山西省马铃薯生产实际的发展对策。  相似文献   

One of the most used thermal treatments in potatoes to inactivate enzymes and prevent their oxidation is the boiling process. This treatment significantly decreases the taste of the potato and causes “off-odours” during storage, whatsoever, represents a big problem for the production of potato-based foodstuffs. This study focused on evaluating the sensory profile of potato slices subjected to a boiling process of three Mexican potato varieties (Alpha, Chica and Gallo) and on off-odours detection in potato produced during storage. According to the examined parameters through PanelCheck, the trained panel had a good performance, resulting 8 of the 12 attributes evaluated were significant. The formation of “cardboard-like off-odour” was detected in the Alpha and Chica varieties at the 24 and 33 h of storage, respectively. Chica potato presented this off-odours with at level significantly lower than Alpha potato (about 30% lower). With respect of Gallo variety, this presented different oxidation olfactory perceptions described by the assessors as “burnt note”, detected after 5 h of refrigerated storage. An adequate election of the variety of potato according to processing will allow an effective utilization of this vegetable and the obtention of potato-based foodstuffs much more stable.  相似文献   

吉林省马铃薯、冬小麦栽培技术体系商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省马铃薯生产具有独特的气候特点,生产中为一年一作.本文依据马铃薯、冬小麦的生物学特点,提出了马铃薯复种冬小麦两年三作或马铃薯复种马铃薯的栽培模式,试图避开马铃薯病毒病高发期,用时间差换得地域差,本地延迟繁殖马铃薯种薯,在获得优质种薯的同时,获得更高的经济效益.  相似文献   

Altogether 365 isolates of Phytophthora infestans were sampled from potatoes propagated from seed potatoes of high (multiplied for two years in open field after meristem phase) and low (commercial certified seed multiplied for several consecutive years in open field) phytosanitary quality at different phases of epidemic progress during the growing seasons of 2001–2007 from field plots at two experimental institutes in Estonia, North-East Europe. High or low phytosanitary quality of seed potatoes had no effect on mating type ratio or response to metalaxyl in populations of P. infestans isolated from these two different groups of potato material. In contrast, the incidence of certain virulence factors, as well as the diversity of pathotypes, was very high in populations collected from potatoes propagated from low-quality seed in comparison to those from high-quality seed. The incidence of A2 mating type and fully metalaxyl sensitive strains was statistically significantly higher at the epidemic outbreak than later during epidemic progress. The incidence of most virulence factors and overall pathotype diversity were not affected by the temporal progress of the epidemic. Rare virulence factors 5 and 9 were more frequent at the outbreak of the epidemic and declined in the population during the course of epidemic.  相似文献   

NewLeaf potatoes could provide substantial ecological and economic benefits to potato growers. A concern with NewLeaf potatoes, however, is that Colorado potato beetle may develop resistance to the Bt endotoxin because of the intense selection pressure imposed by its constant presence in the transgenic crop. Before these cultivars were released, however, entomologists throughout North America conducted biological research needed for a strategy to prevent or delay resistance in Colorado potato beetle. This paper describes the considerations and research behind the proposed strategy. Because NewLeaf potatoes express a relatively constant and high concentration of Bt endotoxin throughout the foliage of each plant, reducing selection for resistance must come from planting standard potatoes as a refuge for susceptible beetles. Avoiding resistance through random mixtures of NewLeaf and standard potatoes was evaluated in laboratory and field studies. The conclusion from this research was that the seed mixture would not provide an effective refuge. The most effective alternative refuge was judged to be a block of standard potatoes planted in the same field as the NewLeaf potatoes. By allowing susceptible beetles to survive in their fields, potato growers might sustain the benefits of very effective controls.  相似文献   

1979~1984年,在黑龙江省北部黑土地区气象条件、生产水平和栽培条件下,通过田间试验,研究了整薯播种对马铃薯生育和产量的影响。结果表明:整薯播种与传统习惯的切块播种相比,6年期间平产出现频率为2次,一般年份整薯播种比切块播种增产9~12%,在春旱严重的1980年,整薯播种表现出非常突出的抗旱保苗效果。在群体叶面积发展进程上,整薯播种表现早发早衰,切块播种晚发晚表,一般年份光合势前者比后者高9.6%,春旱严重的1980年高82.8%。块茎商品率以112.5克为准时,6年平均整薯播种为74.1%,切块播种为80.0%,两者相差5.9%;以50克为准时,整薯播种为97.3%,切块播种为98.2%,两者相差0.9%。  相似文献   

为改变目前马铃薯脱毒种薯生产中存在的多、杂、乱、差、代数不清的局面,改革原有的脱毒薯多级生产体系,建立二级脱毒种薯生产体系,为市场提供质优、价廉的脱毒种薯.本试验尝试直接用脱毒试管苗经很植后,移栽于网棚内,株行距为20 cm×60 cm,生产零代薯.从而省去了用脱毒苗生产微型薯的环节,并且结薯量远远高于生产微型薯,大大...  相似文献   

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