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随着我国畜牧业的迅速发展,滥用饲料及添加剂、密集舍饲饲养、运输过程不规范、不文明的屠宰等问题凸显。同时,动物的福利问题越来越受到关注。文章旨在分析当前我国畜牧生产中动物福利的现状,提高人们对动物福利的认识,为实现畜牧业健康有序的发展提出对策。  相似文献   

一、水产动物福利的现状 动物福利的核心内容是“五项自由”:让动物享有不受饥渴的自由、生活舒适的自由、不受痛苦伤害的自由、生活无恐惧感和悲伤感的自由以及表达天性的自由。改善动物福利可最大限度地发挥动物的作用,让动物更好地为人类服务,可最大限度地提高畜牧生产水平,可以使动物尽可能免受不必要的痛苦。动物福利贯穿于动物的饲养、屠宰和运输过程中。  相似文献   

目前,关于在猪场中实施动物福利对猪只生长成绩影响的报告还比较缺乏。试验以生长育肥猪作为研究对象,分别探索了猪场员工与猪接触时间和猪只占据面积对生长育肥猪的福利和生长表现的影响。研究发现,猪只占据面积均对生长育肥猪的福利和生产成绩产生重要影响。尽管猪场员工对猪只的态度对生长育肥猪的影响不明显,但保证一定次数的查猪可以缓解猪只的应激,减弱猪只对人类的恐惧。试验研究为实际生产提供重要理论依据和实践参考。  相似文献   

动物福利是人类倡导的可持续发展的重要表现之一,正受到全球各国越来越多的关注。伴随着经济全球化和贸易自由化,传统非关税壁垒不断被消除或规范。在这种形势下,随着动物福利意识的不断加强,一些发达国家利用自己国家的动物福利法案为屏障,阻止一些国家的动物及动物源性商品的进口,将动物福利与国际贸易紧密结合,形成了这种新的贸易壁垒。  相似文献   

动物福利的良好应用体现在健康上的生物功能;基于自然状态的方式,即自然条件下动物行为的附加值;基于情感的方式,如恐惧和悲伤,或是快乐。人们通过对这三个领域进行不同的组合,阐述着自己对动物福利的理解。主要分析了动物福利的重要性及其在养猪生产中的应用。  相似文献   

对动物福利的涵义、国内外对动物福利的要求进行了研究,结合水产养殖认证指南、欧盟良好养殖规范、最佳养殖规范和中国良好农业规范(GAP)标准中对水产养殖过程中维护动物福利的要求,总结出维护和应用水产养殖动物福利应关注的环节和采取的相应措施.  相似文献   

实验动物福利的概念提出后,如何实施好动物福利的相关规定是重中之重。作为动物设施管理者应注重设施内IVC笼具的选择、温度、光照、噪声、振动、饲料质量等条件的严格监控。研究表明饲料中的营养成分配比影响着实验小鼠的繁殖能力。实验动物福利不仅是设施管理者的专职,它需要所有参与动物实验的研究者共同努力推进。研究者本身更应关注实验过程中的动物福利问题,例如掌握熟练轻柔的操作技巧、经常观察小鼠状态、对废弃小鼠实施安乐死等。  相似文献   

动物福利与我国养鸡业的应对   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
动物福利是对动物权利的一种保护,对于习惯把动物当作工具或者是一种个人的享受品的人类而言,无疑是一种挑战,但又是一种必须面对的全新理念。本文就动物福利的起源、动物福利的基本范畴以及动物福利法对现代养鸡业的挑战和我国养鸡业必备的应变措施进行了阐述。  相似文献   

正在2015年12月南京林业大学举行的江苏省自然辩证法研究会三十周年暨2015年学术年会上,专家透露,随着经济的发展,动物福利在国内正在被重视。专家介绍,随着经济、科技的发展,我国对动物福利的研究也逐渐兴起,国家相关部门对此也日益重视。2014年,我国首个动物福利标准《农场动物福利要求·猪》也由中国标准化协会批准发布。《标准》要求,养猪场要  相似文献   

张友明 《畜禽业》2006,(14):32-33
随着畜牧经济和国际贸易的发展,动物福利及畜产品安全越来越成为全社会关注的话题。关注和实施动物福利的,既是畜牧业健康发展的需要,同时又是人类文明进步的象征。  相似文献   

In the Federal Republic of Germany the ownership of birds of prey and owls is subject to legal provisions for the conservation of nature and wildlife, as well as to the game law. Minimal requirements for housing and care of such birds result from regulations for animal welfare. According to these--arranged as to the pertinent paragraphs--recommendations are supplied for dealing with all aspects of animal welfare in the management and care of birds of prey and owls.  相似文献   

Methods and problems are discussed evaluating pathological indicators potentially related to animal welfare in modern husbandry systems of brood sows. A variety of interrelationships of diseases and genetic dispositions concerning the locomotive and cardiovascular system interferes with the required forensic evidence between individual sickness and housing and/or neglected care. There are no defined pathological processes indicating disproportionate husbandry as well as insufficient ability of physical exercise. Highly restricted possibilities to move caused by modern housing may result in pathologically manifest alterations. Technopathic diseases (induced by housing systems) may be prevented by enhanced care concerning the health control of animals and the functioning of the technical equipment as well as by appropriate prophylaxis. Farmers and veterinary surgeons should co-operate for the needs of animal welfare. One of the resulting conclusions is to plan for and to provide more labour for specific care necessary to maintain animal welfare. One should consider such management calculations with major precaution in which the size of working units relative to manpower gets increasingly maximized.  相似文献   

滕勇 《畜禽业》2002,(8):X033-X035
转基因技术的研究和应用已渗透到生命科学的各个领域,动物营养学的发展需要在分子水平上分析及解释营养物质对动物机体的变化调控,如生长发育、新陈代谢、遗传变异、免疫与疾病等。本文综述了转基因动物在动物营养学中的应用:改善生产性状,提高生产性能;建立遗传性疾病、肿瘤和其它疾病的实验动物模型;增强抗病力;利用转基因动物生产药用蛋白质。  相似文献   

为准确评估罗氏沼虾的育种值,利用罗氏沼虾106个家系中2628尾个体的体重资料,分别考虑日龄、性别和雌虾出池时是否抱卵等因素,设计了4种单性状动物模型,应用BLUP法估计个体的体重育种值。4种模型所估计的体重遗传力差别较大,遗传力范围在0.02~0.13之间。分析表明,家系混养前日龄与家系出池体重测定值存在极显著的相关(r=0.434,P<0.01),说明家系混养前日龄对混养后家系个体的体重有显著影响,提示在动物模型设计时,应该考虑家系混养前日龄作协变量;在考虑性别效应、雌虾出池时的抱卵效应,并以家系混养前日龄为协变量,获得的育种值估计较其他模型更为准确。实验还对育种值选择与表型值选择的效率进行了比较。结果表明,依据育种值选择与依据表型值选择的结果存在着较大差异,两种选择方法选取的前53个家系育种值的平均值分别为0.70和0.58g,前者比后者提高20.7%,提示依据育种值的选择效率要高于表型值选择效率。  相似文献   

细胞受体是介导病毒入侵的决定因素。本文阐述动物病毒与细菌受体间的关系,一般来说二者之间是一对一,但也有多个病毒共用一个受体或一个病毒有多个受体的情况。病毒与受体的相互作用启动子病毒的生命特环,包括结合和进入的过程;一些寻找病毒受体的直接观察法及分子生物法。介绍了一些已经确定的病毒受体及其在对虾病毒病研究中的应用。  相似文献   

水生生物作为人类生活的重要组成部分,其在养殖、运输以及展示等过程中福利水平低下现象层出不穷,寻求合适的方法来解决水生生物福利低下的问题,成为保障并提升水生生物福利的一大重要工作。环境丰容作为一项能够通过对圈养动物生存环境进行优化,提升圈养动物福利水平,使得圈养动物获得生理和心理健康,展示其自然行为的技术,成为保障和提升水生生物福利的一个重要手段。目前,与国外相比,国内对水生生物环境丰容技术的研究还处于起步阶段,如何利用环境丰容技术改善水生生物的生存环境,保障并提升水生生物福利水平日益成为研究热点。为此,本文综述了环境丰容的定义、发展历程、环境丰容与动物福利的关系以及在水生生物中的4种主要环境丰容技术。同时,就水生生物环境丰容技术存在的问题进行讨论并提出建议,以期为水生生物环境丰容提供更多方案参考和理论支撑。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,中医技术逐渐被人们认可,而中草药的应用也在逐步被人们所接受。文章综述了中草药及其多糖在预防以及治疗畜禽多种传染性疾病上的应用,并对其提高畜禽机体免疫力做了简单阐述,通过文献报道,中草药对这些传染性疾病起到了相应预防和治疗作用。  相似文献   

L. vannamei postlarvae are normally raised with a protein dense diet (50% protein) rich in fishmeal. Part of the protein is utilized for energy purpose instead of protein synthesis. Based on a previous energy partitioning study, the effects of two isoenergetic compounded feed treatments – animal protein (AP) and vegetable protein and carbohydrates (VPC) – upon growth efficiency and energy budget of shrimp postlarvae and early juveniles were determined. Recovered energy (RE) or production (P) after 50 days trial was similar (2 J day 1) in both treatments, from PL14 to PL19. However, early juveniles discriminated between animal protein (116 J day 1) and vegetable protein and carbohydrates (88 J day 1). The difference in respiration indicated a higher heat increment with AP compared to VPC. At maintenance level, energy used was lower with AP than VPC treatment. Postlarvae and early juveniles employed protein as a main energy substrate (O:N < 20). Differences in the efficiencies observed in the calculated energy budget were attributed to the presence of carbohydrates in diet and not to the protein source. The advantage of incorporating vegetable protein source in the diet of harvesting shrimp may eventually contribute towards a reduction of fishmeal costs and waste products as well as to achieve sustainable shrimp farming.  相似文献   

Fish welfare issues are increasingly appearing on social and political agendas and have recently gained prominence in fisheries literature. By focusing on examples from recreational fishing, this paper challenges some of the previous accounts of fish welfare. Issues of concern encompass: (1) the feelings‐based approach to fish welfare; (2) the artificial divide between human beings and nature; and (3) ways in which stakeholders can address fish welfare issues. The different approaches to characterizing the interaction of humans with animals are animal welfare, animal liberation and animal rights. We show that the suffering‐centred approaches to fish welfare and the extension of the moral domain to fish – characteristic of the concepts of animal liberation and animal rights – are not the cornerstone of animal welfare. This, however, does not question the need of fisheries stakeholders to consider the well‐being of fish when interacting with them. There are many ways in which recreational fishing stakeholders can modify standard practices to improve the welfare of fish, without questioning fishing as an activity per se. Examples are choice of gear and handling techniques. Previous accounts have failed to include discussions of the many efforts – voluntary or mandated – pursued by fisheries stakeholders to reduce fish stress, injury and mortality. Progress towards addressing fish welfare issues will be enhanced by avoiding the viewing of humans as ‘non‐natural’ disturbance to fishes and keeping three types of crucial question in separate compartments. The three questions cover the symptoms of good and poor welfare, the conscious experience of suffering, and the ethical attitudes towards animals. Fish biologists should focus on the first question – objective measurement of biochemical, physiological and behavioural indicators – to evaluate whether human interactions with fish impair the latters’ health or prevent them from receiving what they need, if held in captivity.  相似文献   

畜产品质量安全问题是一个民生问题,本文分别从国内外畜产品质量安全的现状,对整个社会的影响,包括民生健康、畜产品市场,畜产品出口、畜牧业四方面来阐述,并且对生产经营者、质量监管机制、生产和质量监管技术、地区生态环境、畜牧业产业化发展水平等方面进行了分析,并提出解决的对策。  相似文献   

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