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东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)是体型最大的猫科(Felidae)动物之一,是极具代表性的珍稀野生动物。现有研究表明,我国野生东北虎种群遗传多样性较低、近交水平较高。尽管目前我国野生东北虎的数量在逐步增长,但通过人工干预来提高野生东北虎的遗传多样性会更利于其数量的恢复,通过野化放归进行遗传拯救是一种关键策略,但实施遗传拯救之前,必须确定圈养个体与现存野生个体间的遗传关系。采用粪便DNA的高通量测序数据组装了51只横道河子圈养东北虎和13只完达山、老爷岭等地的野生东北虎的线粒体基因组,分析两者之间的关系,评估线粒体基因组的遗传多样性。结果表明:圈养东北虎的遗传多样性高于野生种群,所有遗传变异均为无害。部分圈养个体与野生种群同属一个进化支,且具有野生种群所不包含的遗传变异,可用于实施遗传拯救。此外,圈养种群存在显著的遗传分化,一个与当前野生种群关系很远的分支可能代表未知的地理种群,因此,建议对该远缘分支开展野外来源的追溯,确定其谱系地理学地位和保护价值,使其成为恢复野外历史遗传多样性的后备资源。  相似文献   

貉(Nyctereutes procyonoides)是一种重要的经济动物。经过50年的人工驯养繁育,国内养殖种群不断扩大,但对其遗传多样性和结构了解很少,难以开展有效的遗传管理。本研究分析了东北、华北地区养殖貉种群(N=160)的线粒体细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因和控制区(CR)序列,并与已经发表的同源序列进行比较。结果定义了5个Cyt b基因和6个CR序列单倍型,其中与俄罗斯产乌苏里亚种共享单倍型分别是3个和4个。种群遗传多样性分析表明,养殖貉种群单倍型多样性处于临界点(Hd=0.50)、核苷酸多样性处于较高水平(Pi>0.5%),但二者均明显低于俄罗斯野生乌苏里貉种群。这种遗传多样性模式可能主要是由奠基者效应(founder effect)导致的。此外,红褐色型貉遗传多样性水平显著低于野生型和白色型貉。系统发育分析表明国内养殖貉种群分为3个世系,主要是乌苏里亚种、与同亚种的俄罗斯野生种群亲缘关系密切。研究还发现有1个单倍型(CH5-DH5)与越南产指名亚种共享同一个单倍型世系。这说明建群引种中可能偶然引入了华南地区分布的指名亚种。综上分析,我国养殖貉种群已经出现遗传多样性下降的迹象,需要监控种群遗传多样性的变化,引入具有新基因型的野生貉种,制定科学的交配模式,避免近交衰退。  相似文献   

李波  马跃  杨国祥  王震 《野生动物》2011,32(4):233-236
如何认识、正确处理野生动物的保护与利用之间的关系是极为重要的。与中国传统医药发展息息相关的黑熊养殖业,在中国已经存在20多年了。目前已完成了自野外捕获向自我繁殖以维持种群发展的关键转折,实现了养殖技术的升级、取胆技术的革新、养殖规模呈现集约化发展趋势。本文概述了中国野生黑熊分布和种群数量,为保护黑熊所采取的各种措施和成效,以及黑熊养殖业的历史和发展现状。介绍了国内与黑熊保护和驯养有关的法律和政策,在此基础上,详细分析了野生黑熊保护与黑熊养殖业的关系,揭示二者间即保护与可持续利用的内在关联,并对黑熊养殖业涉及的问题进行了解析。以化解黑熊保护与利用之间的矛盾,引导黑熊养殖业迈向健康发展之路。  相似文献   

塔吉克斯坦与中国西部接壤,在生物多样性和地理环境方面与中国西部有一定的相似性.本文对塔吉克斯坦生物多样性现状、野生动物保护管理和利用状况,包括自然保护区、濒危动物保护、狩猎与捕捞管理等进行全面的介绍.一方面建议塔吉克斯坦以旗舰种为中心做好野生动物生境管理与保护,通过人工辅助驯养繁殖及放归野外促进种群增长和恢复;另一方面,中国和塔吉克斯坦两国动物资源之间具有一定的互补性,某些在塔吉克斯坦极度濒危的动物在新疆种群数量众多,而一些在新疆极度濒危的物种在塔吉克斯坦分布广泛,因此可以开展物种互换和再引入的合作.本文为下一步开展两国之间野生动物保护管理和开发利用的合作研究,特别是跨国界保护区的管理提出建议,供相关部门参考.  相似文献   

果子狸 ,又名花面狸 ,在动物分类学上属食肉目灵猫科花面狸属 ,是皮肉兼用型经济野生动物 ,由于长期滥捕 ,果子狸的自然资源已大为减少 ,不但国内市场供不应求 ,在港、澳市场更是货源奇缺。进行果子狸的规模化人工驯养繁殖 ,大量生产商品果子狸 ,不仅可以满足市场的需要 ,创造较高的经济效益 ,同时对减少野外捕捉 ,恢复野生种群 ,以及人类对这一资源的永续利用都具有积极的意义。1996年下半年 ,湖南省野生动物救护繁殖中心与湖南省林业厅森保局开始合作进行果子狸的规模化人工驯养繁殖 ,几年来 ,经过引种 ,驯养和繁殖 ,目前建立了全国最大的…  相似文献   

目前,栖息地的破坏是野生动物处于濒危状态的主要因素之一。东北马鹿是国家重点保护动物,近年来,人类活动的干扰使其生境明显减少并呈斑块状分布,这将使东北马鹿的种群遗传结构发生变化。然而,在野生动物遗传结构研究中,传统的取样方法直接或间接地对动物造成了伤害。因此,本文以粪便为研究材料,对来自完达山地区的9个东北马鹿样品进行mtDNA序列分析,共发现29个变异位点,定义了7个单倍型,其单倍型多样性(h)平均值为0.917、核苷酸多样性(π)平均值为2.803,种群总体遗传多样性较高。这一结果不但表明运用粪便DNA分析技术可以有效地进行马鹿遗传结构研究,而且还为野生东北马鹿的保护管理以及更加深入的研究提供基础数据资料。  相似文献   

据国家林业局介绍 ,我国野生动物保护法规定保护的野生动物与特种养殖涉及的野生动物既有联系 ,又有区别。第一 ,划分的依据不同。野生动物保护法根据保护对象的重要程度将野生动物划分为三个等级 ;特种养殖动物的品种根据经济目的划分为皮用、肉用、毛用等。第二 ,目的不同。野生动物保护法的立法目的是保护野生动物资源 ;特种养殖的目的主要是利用 ,而不是扩大野外的资源数量。第三 ,两者在管理上是有联系的 ,即特种养殖涉及的野生动物如果属于国家重点保护的野生动物 ,则必须按照野生动物保护法的有关规定办理驯养繁殖许可证 ,如果属于地…  相似文献   

<正>向海大雁是一个种类较多、形体较大、经济价值很高且分布广泛的鸟类群体,是湿地中非常重要的动物资源,国家二类保护动物。发展向海大雁人工养殖前景良好,经济效益可观。在人工饲养条件下进行驯养繁殖,建立规模化、产业化的人工繁殖种群,既能满足人们对野味的需求,创造高产值的经济效益,同时还可添补自然生态种群,降低野生种群的生存威胁,对野生动物资源的保护具有重要意义。《大雁人工饲养综合配套技术研究》课题组对向海大雁人工繁殖技术进  相似文献   

1、特种养殖的涵义 特种经济动物简称特种动物,泛指具有较高的经济价值和特殊用途及不同生物学特性的一类动物.大体包含毛皮动物、药用动物、观赏动物、特禽与珍禽等,既有驯养的、可开发利用的,也有受保护的濒危野生动物.简言之,除了一般的家畜家禽外,都可归纳入特种动物的范畴之内.繁殖、饲养、保护和开发利用特种动物的产业称之为特种养殖业,其主要目标是依据市场需要发展驯养的特种动物,以求获得最大的经济效益;根据人民生活水平的提高,开发利用、扩大生产观赏动物的饲养,以拓展旅游业的内容;在<濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约>的原则下,大力提倡饲养繁育野生动物,或回放自然或供科学研究或供人们观赏,以保护、扩展种群.  相似文献   

<正>国家林业与草原局野生动物保护与利用工程技术研究中心(CU-Tech)于2016年3月由国家林业和草原局科技司批准成立,中国工程院院士、野生动物保护和利用学科创始人马建章教授担任首任主任,国际野生动物法医学会理事、中国生态学会动物生态学专业委员会副秘书长、国家重点研发计划项目首席专家、东北林业大学徐艳春教授为现任主任。CU-Tech依托东北林业大学,由中国野生动物保护协会、中国实验灵长类养殖开发协会、中国中药协会,深圳华大生命科学研究院、中国农业科学院特产研究所、华南濒危动物研究所、黑龙江省野生动物研究所、中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所、中国海关科学技术研究中心、沈阳师范大学、吉林农业大学、东北农业大学,大连明威貂业有限公司、辽阳千山呈龙科技有限公司、福建归真堂药业股份有限公司、华隆农牧集团、中国横道河子猫科动物饲养繁育中心、深圳华大法医科技有限公司等行业组织、科研单位和高技术企业共同建设。CU-Tech秉持用科技创造生态文明的宗旨,源头创新和技术改进并举,着力解决野生动物生态保护和产业发展中的重大、重要工程技术问题。当前主要研究聚焦在如下几方面:(1)以DNA为核心的生物多样性监测和保护技术,重点解决野外和人工环境下野生动物材料中DNA的获取、高通量测序、遗传标记分析和遗传多样性信息的挖掘。  相似文献   

微卫星DNA是广泛存在于原核生物和真核生物基因组中的短串联重复序列,具有快速突变性、多态性信息丰富、易于检测等特点.在动植物遗传育种、遗传图谱的构建、群体遗传学研究、肿瘤学、亲子鉴定、濒危野生动物保护及法医鉴定等方面的研究中被广泛应用.论文综述了微卫星DNA技术的研究进展及其在寄生虫学中的应用.  相似文献   

Grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus) is a large rodent distributed across sub-Saharan Africa that is highly valued as a source of protein. There has been little effort to evaluate the genetic structure of grasscutters despite long-term harvesting pressure and over 40 years of grasscutter domestication in West Africa. Our objectives were to quantify the genetic structure of wild grasscutters, and to compare genetic variation from wild samples to those from various farmed samples within south-western Nigeria. We genotyped 145 wild and 88 domesticated individuals at 11 microsatellite loci and present results quantifying regional genetic structuring and the relative patterns of diversity among wild and domesticated grasscutter populations. Our data reflect high differentiation between wild and domesticated grasscutters, and significantly greater allelic richness and gene diversity in the former. Despite this, domesticated populations appear to have similar levels of observed heterozygosity and comparable levels of differentiation among domesticated samples relative to wild samples. This may be the result of high turnover within captive colonies, or frequent infusion of new animals. More detailed molecular and quantitative genetic studies are recommended on this species to be able to understand their natural variation, degree of connectivity and to improve strategies for domestication.  相似文献   

Research opportunities in the field of animal genetic resources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Animal genetic resources are those animal species that are used, or may be used, for the production of food and agriculture, and the populations within each of them. The working unit of a database for farm animal genetic resources is the breed, a term taken in its widest possible sense to mean a population within the species, possessing a number of particular traits that permit the grouping of these animals under a common label and are associated to geographical areas and human groups. Research opportunities cover a wide range of thematic areas. The biggest gap in knowledge is animal breeding for local populations in harsh environments. There is also a lack of research in functional genetics and genomics of adaptation and disease resistance traits. By comparison, breed characterization, in particular molecular characterization, has been a more popular research subject. The same can be said for conservation, although some fundamental questions on genetic diversity and risk of its loss are still unanswered. Research is required to understand the socio-economic, infrastructural, technical and formal constraints that limit the operation of sustainable conservation programs in less developed countries. Information systems on animal genetic resources need input from research and data capture networks, in order to achieve a reasonable degree of completeness. Economic analysis and issues related to gene flow and access and benefit sharing should also profit from more research.  相似文献   

家畜多位点DNA指纹的研究及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了DNA指纹的概念、遗传特性、分子基础和DNA指纹的制备技术。概述了家畜DNA指纹的研究概况和成果,研讨了DNA指纹在家畜遗传育种中应用的前景和可能性。  相似文献   

主要从野猪的染色体、野猪线粒体DNA与家猪的起源进化关系、部分核内基因等方面对野猪的遗传学研究进行了综述,以期为野猪进一步的遗传学研究和种质资源的保护与开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

The sheep is one of the most successful and widely spread domestic animals. Archaeological evidence traces the first domestic sheep back to the Near East region around 9,000 years ago. It is also known that soon after, the domesticated sheep started to flow out of the centre of origin and spread all over the ancient world following the expansion of agriculture. Throughout time, herders, nature elements and eventually some hybridization with different wild relatives produced a multitude of breeds. However, until the advent of the molecular genetics field, very little was known about the origins of most of those breeds. Two decades after the first genetic studies, we have gathered considerable information on the origins, phylogenetic relationships and patterns of genetic diversity of the sheep across the world. Indeed, the genetic studies confirmed the Near East region as the main centre of origin and also revealed other contributions from other regions. Specifically about the fat-tailed sheep, molecular genetics was also able to link their maternal origin to a specific group. So far, modern sheep have originated from five different maternal origins. Nonetheless, the technological advances of the DNA sequencing techniques are bringing more data that is showing the complexity of the domestication process.  相似文献   

This review assesses evidence from DNA analysis to determine whether there is sufficient genetic diversity within breeds to ensure that populations are sustainable in the absence of cross breeding and to determine whether genetic diversity is declining. On average, dog breeds currently retain approximately 87% of the available domestic canine genetic diversity. Requirements that breeding stock must be 'clear' for all genetic disorders may firstly place undue genetic pressure on animals tested as being 'clear' of known genetic disorders, secondly may contribute to loss of diversity and thirdly may result in the dissemination of new recessive disorders for which no genetic tests are available. Global exchange of genetic material may hasten the loss of alleles and this practice should be discussed in relation to the current effective population size of a breed and its expected future popularity. Genomic data do not always support the results from pedigree analysis and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA多态性研究对于了解家养动物的驯化历史十分重要.本文对家猪、黄牛、水牛、马、驴、绵羊、山羊与家鸡的线粒体DNA多态性最新研究进展作了总结.通过mtDNA D-loop研究,发现家养动物都是通过野生动物多次驯化而来,可能有多个驯化地点,表现出复杂的驯化历史.  相似文献   

Understanding population size and genetic diversity is critical for effective conservation of endangered species. The Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) is the largest felid and a flagship species for wildlife conservation. Due to habitat loss and human activities, available habitat and population size are continuously shrinking. However, little is known about the true population size and genetic diversity of wild tiger populations in China. In this study, we collected 55 fecal samples and 1 hair sample to investigate the population size and genetic diversity of wild Amur tigers in Hunchun National Nature Reserve, Jilin Province, China. From the samples, we determined that 23 fecal samples and 1 hair sample were from 7 Amur tigers: 2 males, 4 females and 1 individual of unknown sex. Interestingly, 2 fecal samples that were presumed to be from tigers were from Amur leopards, highlighting the significant advantages of noninvasive genetics over traditional methods in studying rare and elusive animals. Analyses from this sample suggested that the genetic diversity of wild Amur tigers is much lower than that of Bengal tigers, consistent with previous findings. Furthermore, the genetic diversity of this Hunchun population in China was lower than that of the adjoining subpopulation in southwest Primorye Russia, likely due to sampling bias. Considering the small population size and relatively low genetic diversity, it is urgent to protect this endangered local subpopulation in China.  相似文献   

Many local breeds are currently at risk because of replacement by a limited number of specialized commercial breeds. Concurrently, for many breeds, allelic diversity within breeds declines because of inbreeding. Gene banking of germplasm may serve to secure the breeds and the alleles for any future use, for instance to recover a lost breed, to address new breeding goals, to support breeding schemes in small populations to minimize inbreeding, and for conservation genetics and genomics research. Developments in cryobiology and reproductive technology have generated several possibilities for preserving germplasm in farm animals. Furthermore, in some mammalian and bird species, gene banking of material is difficult or impossible, requiring development of new alternative methods or improvement of existing methods. Depending on the species, there are interesting possibilities or research developments in the use of epididymal spermatozoa, oocytes and embryos, ovarian and testicular tissue, primordial germ cells, and somatic cells for the conservation of genetic diversity in farm- and other animal species. Rapid developments in genomics research also provide new opportunities to optimize conservation and sampling strategies and to characterize genome-wide genetic variation. With regard to gene banks for farm animals, collaboration between European countries is being developed through a number of organizations, aimed at sharing knowledge and expertise between national programmes. It would be useful to explore further collaboration between countries, within the framework of a European gene banking strategy that should minimize costs of conservation and maximize opportunities for exploitation and sustainable use of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

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