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<正> 羽毛是以角蛋白为主的动物性蛋白质,其粗蛋白含量在80%以上,但如不经特殊加工处理很难为动物直接消化利用。为此我们采用了酸、碱水解羽毛蛋白,使其成为易被消化吸收的氨基酸或短肽等小分子物质,以作为高蛋白饲料或饲料蛋白添加剂。一、试验方法将羽毛漂洗干净,装入加压锅中加入一定量的水和酸或碱,在一定的压刀、时间下水解,再用碱或酸对水解的羽毛蛋白液中和,经减压干燥、粉碎即得饲用水解羽毛蛋白粉。 1.工艺流程羽毛→浸泡水洗→碱(酸)水解→酸(碱)中  相似文献   

叶元上  肖湘 《饲料工业》1990,11(12):11-12
<正> 目前,我国畜禽肉类加工厂存在较多废弃的角蛋白(如羽、毛、蹄)等尚待有效地开发和利用。这类角蛋白可以加工成蛋白粉或复合氨基酸用作饲料蛋白。其加工方法有酶解法、碱水解法和酸水解法等。酶解法和碱水解法因技术难度较大或因碱对氨基酸有较大的破坏作用而较少采用,一般采用酸水解法。酸水解制备复合氨基酸的技术难点在于酸浓度的选择和水解时间的掌握。为此我们以废猪毛为原料,对酸水解制备复合氨基酸的酸浓度和水解过程中氨基酸总量的变化进行了试验研究。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对拔节期碱茅游离氨基酸成分和脯氨酸含量的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
碱茅成株叶片和根中的丙氨酸、谷氨酸和天冬氨酸含量较高,丙氨酸是碱茅氮化物运输和贮藏的主要形式。随着土壤中盐分含量的增加,叶片中总游离氨基酸含量不断递增,其中脯氨酸含量增加幅度最大,且脯氦酸的相对含量也较高,约占总游离氨基酸的19%~53%,而其它氨基酸含量变化不大;根中总游离氨基酸含量随土壤中盐度的增加而不断下降。初步分析了碱茅成株与幼苗中游离氨基酸变化的异同点。  相似文献   

1玉米 玉米是“饲料之王”。玉米在谷物饲料中消化能和代谢能值最高。玉米的粗纤维含量低,仅为2%;淀粉含量多,日粮中过多的淀粉有利于细菌繁殖,细菌产生毒素引起腹泻、脱水、死亡;粗脂肪含量高,约4%,过多脂肪积蓄于生殖系统,使母兔不易发情或难以受胎或减少产仔数;含亚麻油酸59%,故口味特别好;粗蛋白质含量8.5%,但蛋白质品质不佳。主要是其中的氨基酸含量不平衡,特别是赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、胱氨酸、  相似文献   

鱼粉是养殖业最优质的动物源蛋白质饲料,但其价格昂贵,鱼粉替代研究成为饲料研究关注的热点,而饲料适口性问题是其中的难点。氨基酸作为构成蛋白质的基本物质,兼具呈味功能,并能作为重要的诱食剂。为找出鱼粉良好的适口性与氨基酸含量间的相关性,本研究通过对大量鱼粉、豆粕、鸡肉粉和DDGS中氨基酸含量的测试,比较分析其中16种氨基酸含量、酸碱氨基酸含量以及酸、甜、苦、鲜四种呈味氨基酸含量的特点,结果发现鱼粉中氨基酸总量越高,Met、Lys、Thr、His、Leu、Ile及Tyr含量的占比越高,Glu、Gly、Pro和Phe含量占比越低,Ser、Ala、His、Arg和Phe含量占比则没有显著差异(P≥0.05);鱼粉中酸、碱氨基酸含量比值以及酸、甜、苦、鲜四种呈味氨基酸的比值分别稳定在25.18和37.25.20.18。  相似文献   

测定饲料中氨基酸含量的简易方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要得知饲料中氨基酸的配比情况,首先要测定其各种氨基酸的含量。氨基酸是以螺旋状方式结合形成蛋白质分子,并非以游离状态方式存在饲料中,所以要测定其含量,必须将蛋白质或肽类水解为组成氨基酸,并呈游离氨基酸小分子状态,然后才能进行组成分析。水解方法很多:有酸水解、碱水解、酶水解等等。分析游离的氨基酸含量方法也有多种,常用的有柱后衍生化法、柱前衍生化法两种。本文介绍采用的是往后衍生化法。1原理饲料中含有大量的蛋白质,并且蛋白质是一种生物大分子物质,具有多方面的性质,其分子由肽链组成,而肽键是由不同的氨基酸…  相似文献   

NaCl对碱茅游离氨基酸成分及脯氨酸等含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了NaCl胁迫下碱茅幼苗中15种游离氨基酸的消长规律。结果表明在适境条件下碱茅地上部脯氨酸占总游离氨基酸的10.53%,盐逆境下脯氨酸稳定地增加。随着盐浓度的升高,碱茅地上部中丝氨酸增加倍数较大,精氨酸含量降低或略有增加;其地下部中丝氨酸含量增加甚小,精氨酸含量在一定盐度范围内增加较大。此外NaCl胁迫下,处理1,2及3植株地上部中蛋白质含量分别下降了3.46%,7.55%和7.04%,淀粉含量分别下降了3.53%,11.81%和12.35%;其地下部中蛋白质含量分别增加了4.15%,2.04%和2.18%。处理1和2淀粉含量增加了1.45%和2.93%,处理3淀粉含量下降了2.92%。  相似文献   

鱼用动物蛋白源饲料,是将马面鲀鱼或其它鱼废弃物绞碎后,加一定量的酸或糖蜜制成的液状鱼蛋白。该饲料各种氨基酸含量丰富,畜、禽、鱼、虾生长发育所需养分齐  相似文献   

[目的] 建立微波水解—氨基酸自动分析仪快速测定饲料中色氨酸含量的方法。[方法] 以奶牛全混合日粮饲料(TMR)为研究对象,通过单因素试验和正交试验筛选微波碱水解最佳条件,联合氨基酸自动分析仪LCAK06/Na(4.6 mm×150 mm)色谱柱分离及快速测定饲料中色氨酸含量。[结果] 水解温度是影响饲料色氨酸含量的最主要因素。微波碱水解测定饲料中色氨酸含量的最佳条件是:水解温度170 ℃、水解时间30 min、碱浓度5 mol/L,通过氨基酸自动分析仪测定TMR饲料色氨酸含量为0.14%。色氨酸在0.025~0.600 μmol/mL峰面积与浓度线性关系良好,相关系数(r)为0.999 7。定量限(LOQ)为0.05%,色氨酸回收率93%~104%,精密度RSD为3.58%。[结论] 该方法高效、准确,检测结果与国家标准《饲料中色氨酸的测定》(GB/T 15400—2018)中的常规碱水解法对比无显著差异,对于饲料中色氨酸含量测定具有参考价值。  相似文献   

<正> 饲料粗纤维测定是饲料常规分析中重要项目之一。目前粗纤维测定是依据GB6434—86进行的酸、碱分次水解法,它需要经过取样、酸水解、抽滤、洗涤、转移试样、碱水解、再拍滤.再洗涤、再转移试样、醇洗(醚洗)、烘干、灼烧等步骤,操作繁琐,费时费力,受人为因素影响大。为了简化操作步骤,提高工效,减少误差,可将酸、碱分次水解法改进为酸、碱连续水解法。酸、碱连续水解法在试剂与器皿上,除以3.52%(W/V)的氢氧化钠溶液代替1.25%的氢氧化钠溶液,以800毫升烧坏代替500毫升烧杯做消煮器外,其余与酸、碱分次水解法完全相同。操作步骤除省去了酸水解后的抽滤、洗涤、转  相似文献   

作者对藏羚羊被毛纤维氨基酸含量进行了测定,结果表明,藏羚羊粗毛中谷氨酸含量比绒纤维的提高32.5%,但组氨酸和胱氨酸含量仅为绒纤维的66%和15.48%。藏羚羊被毛角蛋白氨基酸的组成与山羊、绵羊被毛纤维相同;但在各种氨基酸的含量比例上有一定的差异,藏羚羊绒组氨酸含量为5.88%,均高于山羊绒和绵羊毛中组氨酸的含量;胱氨酸含量为10.60%,高于其它所测山羊的绒和毛;碱性氨基酸与酸性氨基酸含量接近(14.87%,15.23%);藏羚羊绒促螺旋蛋白(Paa)含量低于降螺旋蛋白(Daa)。  相似文献   

Gao J  Luo J  Fan R  Guan G  Ren Q  Ma M  Sugimoto C  Bai Q  Yin H 《Veterinary parasitology》2007,147(1-2):140-149
There should be some differences between antibodies generated by feeding ticks on animals and those derived by immunizing animals with tick extracts. Here, we found serum collected from sheep immunized with Haemaphysalis qinghaiensis salivary gland extracts could detect two more protein bands with molecular weights of 22 and 37 kDa (P22 and P37) on Western blots of extracts of tick salivary glands than serum from tick infected animals. Rabbit anti-H. qinghaiensis differential protein immune serum was then generated from P22 and P37 and was used to immunoscreen a cDNA library constructed from salivary glands, Malpighian tubules and ovaries of partially engorged H. qinghaiensis. A cDNA contains an open reading frame of 483 bp that codes for 160 amino acid residues with a coding capacity of 18 kDa was cloned and designated Hq02. Expression analysis by RT-PCR showed that this gene is expressed in salivary glands, midguts, other organs and different developmental stages of H. qinghaiensis. The predicted amino acid sequence of the Hq02 gene had high homology to some known myosin alkali light chain (MLC) proteins. A fusion protein consisting of 130 amino acids of Hq02 protein and 335 amino acids of T7 gene 10 protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and used to immunize sheep. Western blot showed that only rabbit anti-H. qinghaiensis differential protein immune serum could recognize the expressed Hq02 protein, while rabbit anti-H. qinghaiensis saliva immune could not. This proved Hq02 protein was a "concealed" antigen. Immunization with the recombinant Hq02 conferred a 21.8% reduction of engorgement weight for adult female ticks that fed on the immunized sheep. This is the first report of tick myosin alkali light chain and the function of this protein is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the Mongolia muscle characteristics and nutritional value, six Mongolia bullocks aged 4 years grazed in Kubuqi desert were chosen to analyze the regular nutritional components and amino acid contents of Mongolia muscle.The results showed that the contents of water, crude protein (CP), crude fat (EE), crude ash (ash), calcium and phosphorus of Mongolia muscle (fresh) were 68.21%, 22.60%, 6.49%, 2.69%, 0.58% and 0.55%, respectively.A total amino acid (TAA) content of beef was 24.297 g/100 g, essential amino acid content was 10.265 g/100 g, the proportion of essential amino acid justified and exceeded the FAO/WHO standard.The ratio of essential amino acid and total amino acid contents (EAA/TAA) was 42.25%, the ratio of essential amino acid and the non-essential amino acid (EAA/NEAA) was 73.15%.In functional amino acid, the content of palatable taste amino acid and sweet flavor amino acid in total amino acid was 46.891%.In addition to valine, essential amino acid contents of Mongolia muscle were superior to ideal protein of FAO/WHO standard, the percentage of valine reached 83.972% in ideal protein.These results indicated that Mongolia muscle belonged to the comprehensive nutrition and high quality protein food on the evaluation of the regular nutrient content and the amino acid content of beef.  相似文献   

为了评价蒙古牛肉的肉质特性与营养价值,本研究选择6头4岁的常年放牧在库布齐沙漠的蒙古阉牛,进行了牛肉常规营养成分及氨基酸含量的测定分析。结果显示,牛肉中水分、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、粗灰分、钙和磷含量分别为68.21%、22.60%、6.49%、2.69%、0.58%和0.55%;牛肉中总氨基酸含量为24.297 g/100 g,必需氨基酸含量为10.265 g/100 g,必需氨基酸的构成比例符合并超过FAO/WHO公布的标准。必需氨基酸占总氨基酸含量的42.25%,必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸比值为73.15%。功能性氨基酸中,鲜味氨基酸和甜鲜味氨基酸含量为总氨基酸的46.891%。另外,必需氨基酸中除缬氨酸之外其他氨基酸全部优于FAO/WHO规定的理想蛋白质模式,缬氨酸含量达到理想蛋白质的83.972%。因此,从牛肉的常规养分含量和氨基酸的营养价值方面来评定,蒙古牛肉属于营养全面的优质蛋白质食物。  相似文献   

采用国标及通用的方法,对饲用羽毛肽粉中各营养成分进行分析,并与其它饲料蛋白源进行比较。结果表明,饲用羽毛肽粉粗蛋白、粗脂肪、糖分和粗灰分、盐分含量分别为85.05%、7.9%、1%7、.76%、0.9%。饲用羽毛肽粉含有18种氨基酸,总氨基酸、必需氨基酸和呈味氨基酸分别占总量的70.47%、27.78%、38.70%,总氨基酸占蛋白质的82.86%,必需氨基酸和呈味氨基酸分别占氨基酸总量的39.42%和54.92%。饲用羽毛肽粉作为鱼粉替代品的限制性氨基酸为赖氨酸(Lys)、组氨酸(His)、色氨酸(Trp)、蛋氨酸+胱氨酸(Met+Cys)。饲用羽毛肽粉含14种脂肪酸,不饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸、多不饱和脂肪酸、ω-3不饱和脂肪酸分别占脂肪酸总量的25%、15%、10%、2%,EPA占脂肪酸含量的2%,未发现含有DHA。饲用羽毛肽粉含有丰富的营养成分,但其作为水产动物饲料蛋白源在氨基酸平衡及不饱和脂肪酸含量较鱼粉差,可通过调整营养配方,改善其应用价值。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the variations between the difference method and the enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method for determining endogenous amino acid loss and the true amino acid digestibility in ducks fed normal protein-containing diets. These methods were compared to the nitrogen-free (N-free) diet method. The difference method was based on soybean meal as the only protein source, with the experimental diets containing crude protein levels at 15% and 20%. The enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method was based on enzyme-hydrolyzed casein meal as the protein source, with the experimental diet containing a crude protein level of 17.5%. The N-free diet was prepared with starches and paper fibers. In each method, 64 Tianfu meat drakes (7-weeks-old) with an average body weight of 2.77 ± 0.16 kg were used and divided into four groups, and fed four different diets. Each group contained four replicates of four drakes and they were force fed trial diets according to the Sirbald method for detecting their apparent amino acid digestibility, endogenous amino acid loss and true amino acid digestibility. The results demonstrated that using the difference, enzyme-hydrolyzed casein and N-free diet methods, endogenous amino acid losses were 0.9946, 1.2243 and 0.9297 mg/g dry matter intake (DMI), respectively. The true amino acid digestibility measured by the difference method was 88.93% ± 4.43%. Using the enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method with two dietary crude protein levels of 15% and 20%, the digestibility was 91.15% ± 4.33% and 91.97% ± 4.16%, respectively, and by the N-free diet methods with two dietary crude protein levels of 15% and 20%, it was 88.55% ± 4.29% and 88.82% ± 4.61%, respectively. The results suggested that when the dietary protein level was 15% to 20 %, the true amino acid digestibility and endogenous amino acid loss as determined by the difference method was more accurate than the values determined by the enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method.  相似文献   

In this study,we examined the variations between the difference method and the enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method for determining endogenous amino acid loss and the true amino acid digestibility in ducks fed normal protein-containing diets.These methods were compared to the nitrogen-free(N-free)diet method.The difference method was based on soybean meal as the only protein source,with the experimental diets containing crude protein levels at 15% and 20%.The enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method was based on enzyme-hydrolyzed casein meal as the protein source,with the experimental diet containing a crude protein level of 17.5%.The N-free diet was prepared with starches and paper fibers.In each method,64 Tianfu meat drakes(7-weeks-old)with an average body weight of 2.77±0.16 kg were used and divided into four groups,and fed four different diets.Each group contained four replicates of four drakes and they were force fed trial diets according to the Sirbald method for detecting their apparent amino acid digestibility,endogenous amino acid loss and true amino acid digestibility.The results demonstrated that using the difference,enzyme-hydrolyzed casein and N-free diet methods,endogenous amino acid losses were 0.9946,1.2243 and 0.9297 mg/g dry matter intake(DMI),respectively.The true amino acid digestibility measured by the difference method was 88.93%±4.43%.Using the enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method with two dietary crude protein levels of 15% and 20%,the digestibility was 91.15%±4.33% and 91.97%±4.16%,respectively,and by the N-free diet methods with two dietary crude protein levels of 15% and 20%,it was 88.55%±4.29% and 88.82%±4.61%,respectively.The results suggested that when the dietary protein level was 15% to 20 %,the true amino acid digestibility and endogenous amino acid loss as determined by the difference method was more accurate than the values determined by the enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method.  相似文献   

利用氨基酸自动分析仪对从桑蚕丝条吐精炼液中回收的丝胶蛋白的氨基酸组成进行分析,采用聚丙烯凝胶电泳法对其相对分子质量进行测定,利用紫外分光光度计对其溶解性进行探究。结果表明:丝胶蛋白含有18种氨基酸,其中极性氨基酸占80.39%,丝氨酸占27.52%,天门冬氨酸占15.91%,苏氨酸7.41%;丝胶蛋白的相对分子质量集中分布于17~75 KD;丝胶蛋白溶解性优于大豆分离蛋白。  相似文献   

饲料型四倍体刺槐叶粉饲用价值的比较研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
测定了廊坊地区饲料型四倍体刺槐Robinia pseudoacacia叶粉的粗蛋白、粗纤维、钙、磷等常规营养成分的含量及18种氨基酸组分,运用必需氨基酸分、必需氨基酸指数及综合评价法对其营养价值及饲用价值进行评价.结果表明:饲料型四倍体刺槐叶粉的粗蛋白和18种氨基酸含量分别高达27.27%和18.55%,粗纤维含量为16.47%,属于优良的植物饲料蛋白源;其中12种必需氨基酸含量之和为10.67%,必需氨基酸分为68.1,氨基酸组成较平衡;对牛、猪、鸡、鸭、鹅、草鱼、对虾和羊8种动物的必需氨基酸指数均大于0.86,可作为这些动物的优良蛋白饲料.  相似文献   

The effect of different ratios of urea to amino acid N at a fixed concentration of soluble sugars as energy source and varying levels of soluble sugars at optimum urea cell suspension was obtained from the rumen fluid of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves fed on a growth ration. Under glucose fermentation, the bacterial protein content of the incubation mixture (I. M.) was increased to 3.91, 6.31 and 5.08 times the control value (urea alone) when 25, 50 and 75% of urea-N was replaced with amino acid N, respectively. With cellobiose, the corresponding increase was 4.06, 5.29 and 5.63 times. At 50% urea-N replacement with amino acid N (a ratio for maximum protein synthesis), the bacterial content was maximum when 1 g glucose or cellobiose per 100 ml of I. M. was added. Per cent incorporation of radioactivity from amino acids into bacterial protein was maximum at 25% amino acid N level with both the soluble sugar sources. The total amino acids incorporated into bacterial protein were, however, more at 50% than at 25% amino acid N level.  相似文献   

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