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猪为六畜之首,养猪在畜牧业中占有举足轻重的地位,据统计1997年龙岩市生猪存栏1713万头,出栏2104万头,出栏率达1292%,猪肉总产量176万吨,比1985年增加了1311万吨,增长较快。瘦肉型猪受到群众欢迎,其价格比脂肉型约高10%...  相似文献   

同光大队是余姚县蜀山公社的一个养羊新区,这个大队,属平原纯稻地区,解放前后,都没有养过湖羊,畜牧生产以养猪为主,在183户社员中,1962年仅养猪60头,粮食亩产285公斤,1963年响应了党的号召,积极发展畜牧生产,贯彻了“粮畜并举,猪羊并举,公养和私养并举”的生产方针,全年养猪365头,湖羊227头、平均每户养猪羊3.2头,积猪羊肥17.65万公斤,粮食亩产415.5公斤,1964年有了进一步的发展,全年养猪482头、湖养398头,每户平均养猪羊4.8头,共积猪  相似文献   

吉林省梨树县是产粮大县,也是养猪大县,到1998年底,全县养猪203.5万头,出栏135.2万头。因梨树农民饲养的猪品种好,食用玉米及其秸秆等优质饲料,饲养科技含理高,所以瘦肉率高、皮薄、肉嫩、槽丰满,毛色洁白,所以人称“梨树白猪”。“梨树白猪”实际是三元杂交猪,这种猪不仅当地走俏,在国内市场也销售势头良好。表现为:1.点名进货。北京、沈阳、大连等市的肉联厂,点名收购“梨树白猪”。2.挂牌销售。在一些大中城市的肉摊上,业主挂出“梨树白猪”牌子吸引顾客。3.价格看好。凡是“梨树白猪”商品价均高出其…  相似文献   

我国的养猪业历史悠久,具有许多地方特色的猪种资源。同时,我国是一个养猪大国,据联合国粮农组织统计,1999年我国生猪存栏4.291亿头,屠宰5.094亿头,猪肉产量3985万吨,分别占全世界的47.01%、44.74%和45.07%,均居世界各国之首。中国养殖业的发展,在世界养猪业生产中有着举足轻重的地位。近半个世纪以来,我国养猪科学技术发展迅速,在猪种的资源开发利用、猪的遗传育种与繁殖、猪的营养与饲料、养猪生产工艺、猪生长的环境控制、猪病的防治、猪场的经营管理、猪肉制品的加工等方面,均有长足的…  相似文献   

自古以来,猪在我国为六畜之首.改革开放以后,养猪业经历了几起几落的大波动,但总体来讲处于大发展阶段,生猪出栏量突飞猛进:1981年出栏生猪2亿头,1996年3.63亿头,2003年5.92亿头,2004年6.18亿头,2005年6.61亿头,是1981年的3.3倍;2006年一季度出栏生猪2.26亿头.  相似文献   

我国工厂化养猪生产的现状及发展对策刘丑生,魏彩虹(甘肃省畜牧兽医研究所,平凉市,744000)我国猪存栏数在3亿头以上,位居世界第一,而按每头存栏猪的产肉量却低于世界平均水平,猪的出栏率1990年为89.1%,世界平均为105.5%,养猪发达国家在1...  相似文献   

养猪业步入整理转型期自古以来,猪在我国为六畜之首。改革开放以后,养猪业经历了几起几落的大波动,但总体来讲处于大发展阶段,生猪出栏量突飞猛进:1981年出栏生猪2亿头,1996年3.63亿头,2003年5.92亿头,2004年6.18亿头,2005年6.61亿头,是1981年的3.3倍;2006年一季度出栏生猪2.26  相似文献   

安达市牧业生产以奶牛为主,奶牛存栏久居全国县级之首,素有“奶牛之乡”的称号。1996年末全市奶牛存栏11.4万头,比上年增长29.4%,鲜奶总产21.5万吨,比上年增长18.2%,牧业产值4.5亿元,占农业总产值51%,奶牛业产值3.22亿元,占牧业...  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,我国的养猪生产和养猪科技,取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就。到2005年,全国生猪年出栏量达6.52亿头,比1978年全国出栏肉猪1.61亿头增加了4.91亿头,增长率达304.97%,我国出栏猪数占世界出栏猪的49.8%。全国猪肉产量从1978年的856.3万吨,N2005年达5009万吨,增长率达484.96%,我国猪肉产量已占世界猪肉产量的48.86%。  相似文献   

中国养猪历史悠久,养猪文化源远流长,猪种资源十分丰富,猪的存栏数、生猪屠宰量以及猪肉产量均居世界之首。仅据2001年联合国粮食及农业组织(FA O)所公布的数字:世界猪的存栏总头数为9.229亿头,中国有4.544亿头,占49.24%;全世界屠宰猪数为11.723亿头,中国有5.574亿头,占47.55%;全世界总产猪肉量为9120.9万吨,其中中国产4262.9万吨,占46.74%。但从猪的出栏率、平均胴体重以及人均生产猪肉量看,就不可称首,说明我们的养猪生产水平还不如养猪发达国家。中国已经是W TO的成员国,农业和农村的经济以及我国的养猪业发展都面临新的形势,要迎接新…  相似文献   

Seoul National University (SNU) miniature pigs are originated from the Minnesota miniature pig. This study was conducted to investigate the maternal origin of SNU (Minnesota) miniature pigs and their phylogenetic relationships by analyzing the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D‐loop (control region) sequence. Two mtDNA D‐loop sequences of the SNU miniature pigs were identified. On an unweighted pair‐group method with an arithmetic mean (UPGMA) phylogenetic tree analysis, the large white was the pig breed closest to the SNU miniature pig, and the pairwise distance analysis showed the same result. While mtDNA sequences of 4 pig breeds which were used to establish Minnesota miniature pig were not known, our result might be different from the history of the Minnesota miniature pig development. In conclusion, we thought that some haplotypes of the Minnesota miniature pig maternally were originated from the Large white pig, or that wild pigs had similar mtDNA sequences to the Large white pig, and all SNU miniature pigs were derived from this colony.  相似文献   

荣昌猪是我国优良地方品种,巴马香猪和贵州小型香猪为我国独特小型猪品系。本研究采用美国猪基因组协作计划推荐的19个微卫星标记对荣昌猪、荣昌猪B系、巴马香猪、贵州小型香猪及外来猪种大白猪进行了遗传学检测和分析。结果表明:19个微卫星位点在群体中均表现为多态,每位点等位基因数10~23个。5个猪种中荣昌猪B系的遗传多样性最高,荣昌猪次之;2种小型猪的遗传多样性较低,其中巴马香猪的等位基因数(121个)略大于贵州小型香猪(114个),但其遗传多样性指数(平均期望杂合度0.6535±0.0347)小于贵州小型香猪(0.6919±0.0227),反映了巴马香猪较低的基因杂合度和较小的遗传变异;大白猪的遗传多样性最低。从品系的共有等位基因来看,荣昌猪B系基因背景组成中其亲本品系荣昌猪所占比例(30.22%)要大于大白猪(24.37%);大白猪和其他4个猪群体的共享等位基因数均较低(21.24%~25.12%);巴马香猪和贵州小型香猪之间共有等位基因数最高(45.06%)。采用基于遗传距离的NJ法和基于基因频率的最大似然法进行系统聚类,除了大白猪明显为独立分支及荣昌猪B系表现出较远的聚类关系外,其他3个猪种间的聚类有所不同。  相似文献   

应用RAPD技术对中国3品系实验用小型猪进行亲缘关系的分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
随机扩增多态DNA (RandomAmplifiedpolymorphicDNA ,RAPD)技术 ,在动物、植物、微生物种属鉴定 ,亲缘关系的划分及多态性分析中得到广泛应用 ,但应用于小型猪方面的研究报道很少 ,尤其是对我国特有的实验用小型猪的研究 ,目前国内外尚未见报道。贵州小型香猪、广西巴马小型猪及西双版纳近交系小耳猪由于其近交程度高、遗传性稳定以及良好的实验应用效果 ,已引起了国内外相关领域的关注。本实验应用 1 0 0条随机引物对上述 3品系小型猪的基因组DNA进行RAPD研究 ,旨在筛选具有品系间多态性的RA…  相似文献   

The inbred SLA miniature pig is a unique animal model developed for organ transplantation studies and pre‐clinical experimental purposes. Reported oestrous synchronization and superovulation treatments were examined in two SLA haplotypes (AA and DD) to allow collection of embryos for both practical embryo transfer and experimental technologies from a closed breeding colony. Pre‐puberal miniature pigs were poor responders to oestrous synchronization treatments, while post‐puberal sows were equivalent to commercial sows. Following superovulation, the ovulation number (corpora .hemorrhagica) was higher (p < 0.05) in the cycling sows when compared with non‐cycling sows. Ovulations were equivalent to commercial pre‐puberal gilts and non‐cycling sows (p > 0.05). No difference in ovulation number between haplotypes was observed, which differs from the previous report (DD>AA). Collection of zygotes for pronuclear injection was the highest in the non‐cycling post‐puberal miniature pig group (p < 0.05), although significantly lower when compared with the commercial pig treatment groups (p < 0.05). The incidence of cystic endometrial hyperplasia in our colony was equivalent to rates observed in commercial pigs. Pronuclear visualization following centrifugation was the highest in the non‐cycling miniature sow group and approximates to about 25% of ovulations and about half the rate observed in the commercial pigs (50%). Miniature pig embryos transferred between SLA haplotypes and transfer of DD embryos to commercial pigs resulted in live births at a higher efficiency than previously reported. This study demonstrates the feasibility of undertaking assisted reproductive technologies in a closed breeding colony of inbred SLA miniature pigs without compromise to the breeding programmes.  相似文献   

本研究对淳安花猪等6个浙江地方猪种的116条mtDNA序列进行了多态性分析,参照猪群为长白猪和皖南花猪。结果显示,浙江地方猪种581 bp mtDNA控制区序列中共存在14个变异位点,群体的核苷酸多样度Pi值为0.00403±0.00036;单倍型多样度Hd值为0.835±0.018。地方猪的单倍型从Hap_5至Hap_19共15种,而长白猪为Hap_1至Hap_4。淳安花猪和皖南花猪的单倍型频率均以Hap_8为主(0.680和0.833);嘉兴黑猪以Hap_5(0.625)为主;嵊县花猪和碧湖猪均以Hap_6为主(0.500和0.375);岔路黑猪以Hap_5、Hap_8居多(0.429和0.429);金华猪有11种单倍型,频率最高的是Hap_5(0.241)。NJ系统发生树中,浙江地方猪种大致可分为5支(编号A~E),其中,淳安花猪主要出现在E支,个体数占淳安花猪样本数的68.0%(17/25);C支全为金华猪,个体数占金华猪样本数的29.3%(17/58);D支金华猪个体数占金华猪样本数的24.1%(14/58)。本研究结果表明,浙江地方猪种的mtDNA多态性较为丰富,且与长白猪在基因序列上存在明显差别。地方猪种的单倍型组成和频率与其地理分布及品种的形成特点有密切关系。  相似文献   

Bone mineral density (BMD), distribution of its density and bone histomorphometric parameters were evaluated in lumbar vertebra of normally growing miniature pigs. The fourth lumbar vertebra (L4) of the G?ttingen miniature pig were used in this cross-sectional study in vitro. The BMD of the miniature pig was similar to that of humans in tendency of gender differences and some growth patterns during puberty. In these regards this animal appears useful as a model for human bone study. However, the trabecular and cortical BMDs of lumbar spine were extremely high value (399.43 +/- 26.36 mg/cm(3) in female trabeculae; 973.06 +/- 69.55 mg/cm(3) in female cortical bone; 419.04 +/- 34.84 mg/cm(3) in male trabeculae; 1038.81 +/- 125.72 mg/cm(3) in male cortical bone in pigs 30 months or more). Furthermore, histomorphometric analysis yielded values that were remarkably different from those found in humans. From these results, it was revealed that miniature pig had a higher bone mass and denser trabecular network than human, indicating that its bone is probably stronger. Therefore, care should be taken in choosing the miniature pig as a bone study model.  相似文献   

设计引物通过RT-PCR扩增巴马香猪和贵州小型猪香猪药物代谢关键P450基因CYP3A29基因的全长编码区,纯化并克隆入pMD 18-T载体,通过序列测定和比对分析其序列变异情况。17头小型猪共发现CYP3A29基因的5个单核苷酸变异位点,均表现为同义替换,对编码的氨基酸序列无影响;猪CYP3A29的单核苷酸变异和品系相关,在不同品系中可表现出品系特有的单核苷酸变异;贵州小型香猪G3 a2902发现1个可变剪接,缺失89 bp并产生移码,改变编码蛋白。本研究克隆的巴马香猪和贵州小型香猪CYP3A29基因及其序列变异情况,可为其作为药物代谢模型的应用提供技术资料。  相似文献   

Experimental Isospora suis infections in miniature swine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Clinical responses to experimental Isospora suis infections were compared in Sinclair miniature pigs and cross-bred conventional pigs. Pre-patent periods, fecal consistencies, oocyst excretion dynamics, trends in surviving pig weights and lesions were similar in infected miniature and conventional pigs. The results indicate that the susceptibility of miniature pigs to I. suis is similar to that of conventional pigs. These findings should encourage their use as models for the study of neonatal coccidiosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize husbandry practices that could affect the risks of foreign animal disease in miniature swine. DESIGN: Survey study. STUDY POPULATION: 106 owners of miniature swine. PROCEDURES: An online survey of owners of miniature swine was conducted to obtain information about miniature pig and owner demographics; pig husbandry; movements of pigs; and pig contacts with humans, other miniature swine, and livestock. RESULTS: 12 states, 106 premises, and 317 miniature swine were represented in the survey. More than a third (35%) of miniature swine owners also owned other livestock species. Regular contact with livestock species at other premises was reported by 13% of owners. More than a third of owners visited shows or fairs (39%) and club or association events (37%) where miniature swine were present. More than 40% of owners fed food waste to miniature swine. Approximately half (48%) of the veterinarians providing health care for miniature swine were in mixed-animal practice. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results of this study indicated that miniature swine kept as pets can be exposed, directly and indirectly, to feed and other livestock, potentially introducing, establishing, or spreading a foreign animal disease such as foot-and-mouth disease. In addition, the veterinary services and carcass disposal methods used by miniature swine owners may reduce the likelihood of sick or dead pigs undergoing ante- or postmortem examination by a veterinarian.  相似文献   

Identification of major genes, that genetically impact fat tissue formation is important for successful selection of lean animals with good meat quality. Because of its central role in fat cell differentiation and muscle fibre type determination, PPARGC1 is a potential candidate gene affecting fattening traits and pig meat quality. In this study, a T/A substitution at position 1378 (GenBank accession no. AY346131 ) in the porcine PPARGC1 gene causing a Cys430Ser amino acid substitution at position 430 was genotyped on a total of 239 animals, including 101 from seven Chinese and 138 from six Western pig breeds. Bayesian analysis revealed that the mean frequency of allele T (Cys) was 92.64 ± 4.82% in Chinese pigs, and 45.99 ± 4.13% in Western pigs. The 95% interval of the posterior mean frequency of allele T was 0.82–1.00 in Chinese pigs and 0.38–0.54 in Western pigs, indicating these two groups of pigs diverged at this locus during genetic evolution of the breed. Because marked differences in fat and lean tissue deposition exist between Western and Chinese pig breeds, this Cys430Ser exchange in the PPARGC1 gene deserves further evaluation to determine its phenotypic effect on fattening and carcass traits in commercial pig populations.  相似文献   

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