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Summary. Cereal crops were grown at Jealott's Hill in 1962 and 1963 without cultivations, following the use, before drilling, of paraquat to kill unwanted vegetation. This investigation was extended with a series of trials at outside centres. Three trials with winter wheat were drilled in the autumn of 1963, two into pasture and one into stubble. Three barley trials were drilled into stubble in spring 1964.
All the autumn trials and one spring trial compared direct-drilling with normal cultivations at two levels of nitrogen. The other two spring trials compared rates and times of application of paraquat without any plough comparison.
Individual trials showed significant yield differences between direct-drilling and ploughing, but there was no consistent advantage in favour of either technique.
Spraying in advance of drilling generally resulted in similar yields to spraying and drilling on the same day. Winter wheat drilled into pastures showed some retardation of spring growth when spraying and drilling had been carried out on the same day.
When averaged over times of application, yields after spraying paraquat at 2 lb/ac were significantly higher than after 1 lb/ac.
In the trials where two levels of nitrogen were included crops responded to an increase from 60 to 120 units nitrogen/ac as top dressing for winter wheat and from 60 to 90 units nitrogen/ac combine-drilled for spring barley; the response was not always significant.
Semis direct de céréales après application de paraquat  相似文献   

Summary. It is practicable to use herbicides as an alternative to ploughing grass swards for the preparation of a seedbed for the sowing of cereals and kale. The yields of spring barley and kale following a glaass/clover sward killed with 10 lb/ac amitrole-T were similar to those obtained following ploughing. Yields of tip to 40 cwt/ac of winter wheat were obtained following grass swards killed with amitrole-T compared with up to 45 cwt/ac after ploughing.
The ideal herbicide must kill all plants in a sward and have no residual toxicity to the subsequent crop. At 10 lb/ac, amitrole-T killed most plants in the sword, but it was considered necessary to delay sowing for at least 3 weeks after spraying to minimize the danger of residual toxicity. Ploughing gave the lowest incidence of grasses persisting from the sward. Paraquat did not control clover and Agropyron repens , while broad-leaved weeds were more common on the ploughed than on the sprayed land.
There were differences in the amount of nitrogen mineralized in ploughed and In undisturbed soil, but these were insufficient to affect crop yields materially. When a lower yield followed herbicidal destruction of the sward, this was not accompanied by a reduced percentage nitrogen content.
L'emploi des déherbants pour la rénovation des prairies  相似文献   

Summary. Comparative experimental results with dalapon-sodium and paraquat for the control of barley grass ( Hordeum leporinum Link) in lucene and subterranean clover pasture are reported. Sprays were applied 3–4 days after a simulated grazing.
At all rates tested (1–4 lb/ac), dalapon provided satisfactory control of, but did not eradicate, barley grass. Subterranean clover productivity was reduced substantially whether application was in May or July; lucerne growth was retarded by 4 lb/ac applied in July.
Paraquat applied at 0.06–0.25 lb/ac in May gave similar but somewhat less effective control than did dalapon. Some re-establishment of barley grass occurred as a result of late germinations following the May applications. Paraquat applied in July at 0.06 lb/ac gave unsatisfactory results, but at 0.12 and 0.25 lb/ac the control was comparable with that given by dalapon. Subterranean clover was damaged slightly by the May treatments but recovered quickly, after initial scorching, following applications in July. Lucerne was neither damaged nor retarded by paraquat.
The addition ofa wetting agent increased the efficacy of paraquat in controlling certain more tolerant annual grasses, but not barley grass.
Désherbage sélectif des pâtures ft des luzernes: lutte contre l'orge des lièvres  相似文献   

Summary. Paraquat, amitrole-T and disodiumn methylarsonate (DMA) were evaluated for the control of the stoloniferous grass Paspalum conjugatum in young rubber plantations in Malaya. The herbicides were tested alone, in mixtures and in split applications. Paraquat at 0–5 lb/ac gave good initial desiccation but regeneration was extremely rapid and repeated sprays of 0–25 lb/ac were required for a long period of suppression. Amitrole-T at 15 lb/ac was very slow to act but gave complete kill after 10 weeks. DMA at 8–12 lb/ac gave marked suppression, but regeneration rapidly developed after 8 weeks. Mixtures of either amitrole-T or DMA with paraquat gave less than the expected additive effects of the components, indicating an antagonistic action. Sub-lethal rates of amitrole-T or DMA applied to regenerating shoots after paraquat treatment gave results inferior to those from higher rates of the herbicides alone.
When paraquat was applied 2 weeks after an initial sub-lethal dose (0.375 lb/ac) of amitrole-T, desiccation was rapid and complete eradication was achieved; this did not occur when a low rate of DMA was used as the first spray. In terms of both speed of kill and final effect, a split application of a low rate of amitrole-T followed by paraquat was the most effective treatment. A possible explanation of the apparent synergism between amitrole-T and paraquat applied in this way is advanced and suggestions for further work outlined.
Une méthode améliorée pour la lutte centre Paspalum conjugatum avoc l'amitrole-T et le paraquat  相似文献   

Summary. Herbicide combinations containing paraquat were synergistic and provided control of established Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. (quackgrass) sods for the entire growing season. Paraquat applied at 0–5 lb/ac with simazine or diuron at 4–0 lb/ac was more phytotoxic than either herbicide applied singly and the enhanced activity was more than additive. This synergism was not due to increased absorption or translocation of either herbicide in aerial portions of the plant. Paraquat applied to the shoot increased the susceptibility of quackgrass to simazine action through the soil. Pre-treatment of quackgrass with aminotriazole or amitrole-T at 10 lb/ac 7 days before paraquat application at 0–5 lb/ac provided increased toxicity over that obtained when the two herbicides were applied together or singly. Subsequent studies indicated that aminotriazole applications prior to shoot destruction by either paraquat or clipping resulted in more chronic aminotriazole toxicity. Using methyl-14C-paraquat it was found that aminotriazole pre-loading also increased the movement of paraquat in and out of the treated leaf. This increase was even more pronounced with amitrole-T. When the two herbicides were applied together, antagonism in absorption and translocation occurred. Action synergique de combinaisons d'herbicides comprenant du paraquat sur Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.  相似文献   

Summary. The adsorption of diquat cation was found to be 0.3, 2.0–2.5 and 80–100 mg/g on a sandy loam soil, Grade Hydrite 10 Georgia kaolinite and National Standard Bentonite, respectively. Bentonite (113 lb/surface ac) applied to plastic pools previously treated with 1 ppm paraquat reduced the concentration of paraquat to less than 0–05 ppm within 24 hr of application. Only bentonite appeared to hold either diquat or paraquat in a form unavailable to wheat. Appreciable uptake by wheat from soil treated with diquat or paraquat (16 lb/ac pre-emergence) occurred only in soil or sand in which the herbicide leached below the 05 in. zone. A 12 hr dark period following foliage application did not appear to enhance movement of either herbicide in wheat. Loss of radioactivity was observed when diquat or paraquat was exposed to ultraviolet light (2537 Å).
Facteurs agissant sur la persistence et l'inactivation du diquat et du paraquat  相似文献   

Summary. Trials with dalapon, paraquat and fenuron in 1963 and 1964, and with bromacil and amitrole-T in 1964, were carried out on mature Spartina sward. Dalapon, paraquat and fenuron all gave complete kill on some plots in 1963. In 1964, paraquat gave variable results and lower percentage kills than in 1963, whereas dalapon and fenuron were more consistent. Fenuron allowed a greater degree of regeneration than dalapon and was uneconomic at the high dose (60 lb/ac) required for complete kill. Dalapon gave the best results and with 100 lb/ac there was 98–100% kill 2 years after treatment. At 50 lb/ac results were initially good, but there was more regeneration in the second season after spraying. Bromacil at 5 and 20 lb/ac and a mixture of 5 lb/ac bromacil and 4 lb/ac amitrole-T maintained more than 99% kill lor 2 years after application.
La lutte chimique contre les formes fertiles de Spartina townsendii (s.l.) sur la cóte du Cheshire dans l'esluaire de la Dee I. Essais au champ sur des pelouses de Spartina  相似文献   

Summary. Phytotoxic effects of eight herbicides on young coconuts were assessed by recording visual symptoms of injury and growth following treatment. The growth-regulators 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T and MCPB were lethal at the normal doses used for annual weed control. Dalapon at 5–9 lb/ac applied in 100 gal/ac of water caused yellowing and necrosis of the foliage, reduced growth, and sometimes killed the whole plant, while doses down to 2.2 lb/ac caused some fusion of the pinnae. Monuron at 3.2 and 6.4 lb/ac resulted in serious frond damage and reduced growth, and some frond injury occurred at 1–6 lb/ac. Diquat at 0.25–1.0 lb/ac and paraquat at 1.0–l.5 lb/ac caused extensive necrosis of existing fronds but there was no appreciable reduction in new growth. Amitrole produced considerable chlorosis both at 3.1 and G.3 lb/ac, but only the higher dose caused a reduction in growth.
Essai d'herbicides sur jeunes cocotiers  相似文献   

Summary. Trials in 1959, 1960 and 1961 failed to show significant differences in yield between potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) of three varieties receiving from seven to nine separate tractnr cultivations and similar potatoes in which the weeds were well controlled by pre-emergence applications of a mixture of dinoseb(6.0 lb/ac)*and dalapon (2.5-5.0 lb/ac), With less effective herbicide treatments. including simazinc and 2,4-DES, there were significant reductions in yield.
Preliminary taint tests in 1959 on cooked tubers suggested that slight tainting might have been caused by one of the treatments, but tests on potato crisps made from the 1959 and 1960 crops were completely inconclusive. Tubers from all the treatments in the 1959 and 1960 trials sprouted normally in the spring after harvest.
Le désherbage des pommes de terre par des herbicides de pré-émergence  相似文献   

The effects of take-all, nitrogen and cropping sequence on grain yield were compared for spring barley and spring wheat grown in extended monoculture. Initial crops showed least take-all and maximum yields. Yields fell to a minimum more rapidly in wheat than in barley while the take-all intensity increased to a maximum; take-all decline occurred and yields improved from the 4th and 5th years respectively. Without nitrogen, yields were at their lowest level; application of nitrogen increased yields considerably with responses in proportion to the rate applied. At optimum rates, yield losses were 33% for wheat and 11% for barley with maximum disease intensity but only 9% and 3% respectively with take-all decline. Potential maximum yields in the absence of take-all were calculated to be greater with barley than with wheat.  相似文献   

Summary. Paraquat-based treatments were evaluated for the control of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv., a perennial grass with extensive rhizomes of great regenerative power. Single applications of 0–5 lb/ac paraquat gave good initial control, but regeneration was rapid. Increases up to 2–0 lb/ac had little effect on the duration of control, nor did the volume rate from 40 to 120 gal/ac. When an initial application of 05 lb/ac was followed by two further applications of 0–25 lb/ac, when the level of control had decreased to 50%, lasting control was obtained. Application of 6–8 lb/ac dalapon followed by 0–25 lb/ac paraquat also gave good control, comparable with that achieved by the conventional treatment of dalapon alone at 15–20 lb/ac. La lutte chimique contre Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. en Malaisie Résumé. Des traitements utilisant le paraquat ont étè essayés pour lutter contre Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv., graminée pérenne avec des rhizomes importants qui manifestent un pouvoir de régénération élevé, Des applications uniques de paraquat à la dose 0,56 kg/ha ement un bon eifel initial mais la régéneration fut rapide. L'accroissement de la dose jusquà 2,2 kg/ha n'eut qu'une faible incidence sur la durée de l'action herbicide, l'augmentation du volume de traitement de 450 à 1350 1/ha ne provoqua pas non plus d'augmentation de I'efficacité. Une seule application de paraquat à 0,56 kg/ha, quand le niveau de I'efficacité eut décru jusquà 50%, suivie de deux applications supplémen-taires à 0,275 kg/ha, donna une efficacité plus durable. Des applications de dalapon de 6,7 à 9,0 kg/ha suivies de traitements au paraquat à 0,275 kg/ha donnèerent un résultat aussi bon que celui obtenu par les traitements habituels au dalapon seul, à la dose dc 16 à 22 kg/ha. Chemisehe Bekampfung von Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. in Malaysia Zusammenfassung. Es erfolgten Untersuchungen zur Bekämpfung von Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv., einem mehrjährigen Gras mit einem ausgedehnten Rhizomsystem und starker Regenerationskraft, mit Paraquat, Einmalige Applikation von 0,56 kg/ha Paraquat hatte zwar eine gute Anfangswirkung, doch erfolgte rasche Regeneration. Eine Erhöhung bis auf 2,2 kg/ha war ebenso wie eine Änderung der Spritzbrühmenge von ca 450–1350 I/ha von geringem Einfluss auf die Nachhaltigkeit der Bekämpfungs-massnahmen. Eine einmalige Anwendung von 0,56 kg/ha Paraquat gefolgt von zwei weiteren Applikationen von 0,28 kg/ha, wenn die Regeneration ungelahr 50% erreicht hatte, ergab nachhaltige Wirkung. Behandlungen mit 6,7-9 kg/ha Dalapon gefolgt von 0,28 kg/ha Paraquat hatten ebenfalis eine gute Wirkung, die mit der einer konven-tionellen Behandlung mit 16,8-22 kg/ha Dalapon vergleiehbar war.  相似文献   

Use of isoproturon, alone and in combination with other compounds, post-emergence in winter and spring on winter wheat and winter barley Isoproturon, alone and combined with dinoseb acetate and bifenox, was applied post-emergence in winter and spring to winter barley and winter wheat. The experiment was on two sites (sandy and clay soils) and lasted for two years. Although after winter application the initial herbicide level in the soil was higher than after spring treatment, there were no differences at the end of the growing season. The DT50 (time to 50% disappearance) value for isoproturon was between 12 and 33 days in both years for both soils and the DT90 value varied from 34 to 68 days. Soil residues of isoproturon were not affected by the presence of the other compounds. Winter application gave better weed control and higher crop yields.  相似文献   

Summary. In Malayan rubber plantations where the weed flora was dominated by grasses paraquat was superior to diquat as a herbicide. At the rates needed to give satisfactory grass weed control paraquat also gave an adequate control of broad-leaved weeds.
The rate of paraquat needed varied between 0.75 and 1.25 lb/ac depending on the weed flora and the growth stage of the rubber trees. In young rubber 1.0–1.25 lb/ac gave 8–10 weeks' control, but in mature rubber there was only 20% recovery 6 months after an application of 0.75 lb/ac. Where weed regrowth was very rapid after the initial spray, as in the case of Paspalum conjugation in young rubber, a second application some 2–3 weeks after the first was an advantage. The volume of water in which it was applied was not critical.
Rain falling soon after application did not reduce the herbicidal activity of paraquat. Paraquat did not injure rubber trees providing it was not sprayed onto green tissue and this feature combined with its inactivation by soil made it safe to use from a very early stage in the growth of the rubber trees.
L'évaluation du paraquat et du diquat pour la lutte contre les mauvaises herbes dans les plantations de caoutchouc  相似文献   

P. AYRES 《Weed Research》1977,17(6):423-428
Populations of Arrhenatherum elatius var bulbosum were established either from seed or vegetatively and studied under four cultivation regimes. Treatments were carried out in the autumn and winter and the experiment was sown with barley in the following spring. Winter mouldboard ploughing gave the greatest reduction of tillers and bulbs of established plants, but was less effective when preceded by rotary cultivation in the early autumn. Tine cultivations increased the numbers of tillers and bulbs, but the largest increase in growth was recorded on plots that were not cultivated. The germination of seeds was not affected by early autumn cultivations. Mouldboard ploughing, tine cultivation and paraquat at 060 kg a. i. /ha each gave complete control of seedlings in winter. A simple test on the morphology of plants grown from seed agreed with earlier conclusions that the bulbous form is not a distinct variety. It is suggested, nonetheless, that the bulbous form should be named seperately as in practice it alone succeeds as an arable weed.  相似文献   

K. Andersson 《EPPO Bulletin》1984,14(3):409-416
The effects of increasing inputs of pesticides, nitrogen and growth regulators were studied in field trials in winter wheat and spring barley in southern Sweden. The trials also included a comparison of different strategies: no control, routine control and supervised control. In 1982 EPIPRE, a computerized pest and disease management system developed in the Netherlands, was included. High inputs of nitrogen only slightly influenced the yields. In winter wheat, routine control, comprising one insecticide and three fungicide sprays, heavily increased the yield and was more profitable than supervised control. On an average only 1.2 pesticide sprays were carried out in supervised plots. However, in spring barley supervised control was slightly more profitable than routine control comprising one fungicide and one insecticide application. The average number of sprays in supervised was 0.6 only. In both winter wheat and barley the yield increase for routine control significantly increased with increasing nitrogen level. In barley a significant relationship between number of aphids per tiller and yield increase could be proved.  相似文献   

As part of a programme of work evaluating the role of seeds in regenerating or initiating infestations of Agropyron repens and Agrostis gigantea, the growth of the weeds was analysed in cereal crops in two experiments. The first experiment investigated the effects of time of planting the weed seedlings (simulating different times of emergence), nitrogen supply and cereal seed rate in winter wheat and the second, the same factors in spring wheat and spring barley. In winter wheat, delaying planting of the weeds from autumn until spring greatly decreased shoot growth and almost completely prevented rhizome formation. Nitrogen fertilizer increased the weight of shoots of both species planted at both times but whereas it increased the amount of rhizome produced by Agropyron it decreased that of Agrostis. Without nitrogen Agrostis had twice as much rhizome as Agropyron but with nitrogen Agropyron had twice as much as Agrostis. Decreasing the cereal seed rate had little effect on rhizome weight when nitrogen was not given but it allowed twice as much rhizome to be produced when it was supplied. However, more longer rhizomes were formed at the smaller than at the larger seed rate with both amounts of nitrogen. In spring cereals, late planting decreased the shoot growth of Agrostis more than that of Agropyron, and of Agropyron in barley more than in wheat, especially at the smaller seed rate. Nitrogen increased shoot weight of Agropyron in wheat but had little effect in barley; it decreased that of Agrostis in barley. On average, rhizome growth was decreased by nitrogen, by increasing the seed rate and by delaying planting. Agropyron rhizomes were heavier in wheat than in barley but those of Agrostis were heavier in barley than in wheat. Agropyron produced most rhizome in thinlysown wheat given nitrogen, but Agrostis most in thinlysown barley without nitrogen. The two treatments had an equal number of rhizomes longer than 100 cm. The agricultural significance of the interaction of the various treatments is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

J. M. WAY 《Weed Research》1963,3(4):312-321
Summary. The effects of sub-lethal doses of MCPA-sodium on the morphology, yield and maturity of French beans, and on the morphology of broad beans, were studied in field and glasshouse experiments. Epinasty in French beans developed at 0.002 lb/ac a.e., but formative effects were not seen at less than 0–1 lb/ac. With doses up to 0.4 lb/ac there was no significant reduction in yield or haulm weight, but at 1.0 lb/ac and above, yield was reduced and some of the plants sprayed at an early stage of growth were killed. There were characteristic modifications of the roots and stems and of those leaves which were at a susceptible stage of development when sprayed. Broad beans were only slightly injured by 0.2 lb/ac but were generally killed by 2.0 lb/ac. Abnormalities were noted in the germination of seed produced by affected plants.
Effets de doses sub-léthales de MCPA sur la morphologic et le rendement des cultures légumières IV. Haricots verts et fèves  相似文献   

Summary. The effect of winter wheat, winter rye, winter barley, spring barley, and fallow cultivated as for a winter cereal, on germination and growth of wild oats ( A. fatua ) was investigated on a naturally-infested field. Treatments were continued for 2 years on the same plots and in the third year all plots were cropped with spring barley. Wild oats were not allowed to shed seeds.
A. fatua was controlled by a dense crop of an autumn-sown cereal. The crop genus was unimportant provided it grew well on the site; its effectiveness depended on its density when the wild oats germinated in spring. Winter wheat and winter rye were equally effective. Even in a light crop of barley, wild oats grew much less vigorously than on the fallow plots. Beyond a certain crop density dependent on soil fertility, further increase in crop did not decrease the size of wild oats. The heaviest crop did not completely suppress the wild oats.
The crop affected the wild oats mainly by decreasing growth of the seedlings, but under winter wheat and winter rye some wild oat seeds may have remained dormant, germinating in the spring barley in the third year, perhaps because the crops decreased the soil moisture content. Nitrogenous fertilizer increased the weight of both crops and wild oats. Barley was more severely affected by soil acidity than wild oats and on acid areas of barley plots the wild oats were larger than where the pH was higher. In wheat and rye which were scarcely affected by soil acidity the size of the wild oat plants was unaffected by soil pH.
L'effet du competition des céréales sur la germination et le développement d' Avena fatua dans un champ naturellement infesté .  相似文献   

Summary. The effects of sub-lethal doses of MCPA-sodium on the morphology and yield of red beet, turnip and onion and on the morphology of spinach were studied in field and glasshouse experiments. Epinastic responses of beet were seen at 0.003 lb/ac a.c., but no serious formative effects or yield reductions occurred below 0–07 lb/ac and plants were only killed by doses above 0–1 lb/ac. Spinach was affected at 0–06 lb/ac, the lowest dose used, but the plants were not killed at 0–33 lb/ac. Epinasty in turnip occurred at 0–002 lb/ac, and at 0–01 lb/ac many of the roots were abnormal, while spraying with 0–1 lb/ac and above resulted in severe distortion or death of the plants. Onion was the least affected of all the crops studied. When a welting agent was included in the spray epinasty occurred at 0–3 lb/ac, but there were no serious formative effects or yield reductions below 1–0 lb/ac. The symptoms of injury in onion were often transitory because the affected parts were replaced as the bulb developed.
Effets de doses sub-léthatles de MCPA sur la morphologie et If rendement des cultures légumiéres. V. Betteraves, Epinards, Navets et Oignons  相似文献   

Use of isoproturon, alone and in combination with other compounds, post–emergence in winter and spring, on winter wheat and winter barley. II. Side effects on dehydrogenase activity, nitrogen transformation and straw decomposition in the soil The effect of isoproturon, alone and combined with dinoseb acetate and bifenox, on dehydrogenase activity, nitrogen transformations and straw decomposition following post–emergence application in winter and spring to winter wheat and winter barley was studied over two years at two sites. Isoproturon caused limited transient stimulation and inhibition of dehydrogenase activity, maximum 40%, and nitrogen turnover, 70–90%. Dinoseb acetate reduced general metabolic activity by up to 30%. Ammonium and nitrite concentrations were at times more than 100% higher than control values. In the laboratory, with temperature, soil moisture and sampling times similar25 to those in the field, isoproturon caused reductions in dehydrogenase activity in only a few cases but dinoseb acetate reduced the activity by up to 50%. The herbicide effects were clearer in a sandy than in a clay soil. The effect of time of application on the response of soil microbial activity to herbicides was evident only in the field.  相似文献   

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