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科尔沁沙地沙丘植被发育过程及物种组成变化   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
以处于流动沙地、半固定沙地、固定沙地等阶段的群落样地为对象 ,研究了沙地植被发育过程群落物种组成的变化。研究结果表明 ,从流动沙地到半固定沙地、再到固定沙地 ,每一阶段对应着典型的群落类型 ,每一群落类型优势种的作用明显。植被发育过程物种丰富度、Shannon Wiener指数、生活型结构和科属组成的变化 ,都表明了植被发育程度的提高和群落生态功能的恢复。禾本科植物在群落中的地位和作用不断上升 ,植被的草原成分增加 ,草地质量改善和提高。  相似文献   

为进一步揭示塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘植被恢复对沙土的影响,调查研究了4种不同植被恢复程度沙地的土壤理化性质。结果表明:植被恢复与土壤理化性质动态的关系密切。随着植被恢复程度增加,沙土细粒成分增加,中砂成分减少,土壤平均粒径减小,但沙地土壤粒径峰度、偏度和分维值差异不大;不同土层深度沙土粒径组成的变化表现出与沙漠化逆转过程相一致的特点;植被恢复对土壤化学性质的影响表现为中、下层土有机质、有效磷、有效钾含量增加,但沙地土壤全氮的差异不显著。以植被恢复为前提的沙漠化逆转是土壤细粒化和营养富集的过程,但其演变是一个较为长期的过程。  相似文献   

植被变化与水沙响应关系研究——以延河流域为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以延河流域为研究对象,利用TM影像和降雨、径流泥沙数据,基于统计学和RS/GIS技术方法,分析了流域植被与水沙之间的响应关系及自然恢复植被的减水减沙效益.结果表明:2003-2005年与80年代相比,降雨增加导致径流量、输沙量增加8.1%、47.5%;人类活动导致径流量、输沙量减少23.4%、55.6%;人工林草植被减少径流量、泥沙量为0.228亿m3、543.478万t,自然恢复植被减少径流量、泥沙量为0.121亿m3、152.970万t;人工林草植被的减水、减沙效益占人类活动贡献的46.94%、30.64%,而自然恢复植被的减水、减沙效益占24.97%、8.62%.植被在水土保持中的作用日益突出,自然恢复植被减水减沙比重增大,“封育”措施在流域治理中具有重要意义.  相似文献   

塔里木河流域土地荒漠化的现状、成因及防治对策   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
本文分析了塔里木河流域土地荒漠化的现状和形成原因 ,阐述了自然因素及人为因素在土地荒漠化过程中的交互作用 ,人类不合理的经济活动是叠加在自然因素之上对土地荒漠化的发生和扩展起着“催化剂”的作用。提出了流域综合整治措施 ,加强塔河水资源利用管理、保护天然植被、营造防风林、发展节水农业、合理耕作、提高人民群众生态意识等防治土地荒漠化的有效措施  相似文献   

石羊河下游沙地退耕地植被演替与土壤水分调控研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对区域植被演替规律的研究,特别是破坏生态系统自然修复与植被重建的过程和机理的研究,是植被管理、改造和修复的重要依据,具有重要的理论和实际意义。以石羊河流域下游不同退耕年代沙地退耕地植被为对象,利用重要值和相似性理论研究了植被演替规律以及与土壤水分变化。结果表明:沙地退耕地植被群落主要由骆驼蒿+芦苇+蒙山莴苣群落→骆驼蒿...  相似文献   

应用群落物种多样性特征值和生物量分析了福建海岸带不同防沙工程措施中沙地植被的两种恢复过程,即网格草地恢复:厚藤群落,鬣刺+海边月见草+海滨蟛蜞菊群落,鬣刺+厚藤+海滨蟛蜞菊群落;平台草地恢复:绢毛飘拂草+海边月见草+厚藤群落,丁葵草+厚藤+海滨蟛蜞菊群落,矮生苔草+绢毛飘拂草+马缨丹群落。生活型为匍匐草本或草质藤本的物种较其它生活型的物种能更好的适应海岸带沙地环境。两恢复过程中,植被的群落物种丰富度和多样性指数都表现为先增大后减小的n形变化趋势。在网格草地恢复中,网格设置与匍匐草本厚藤促进了物理环境的改善,并为后期定居者创造了较好的定居条件,而在平台草地恢复初期,化学材料与黏土混和平台的设置提高了下垫面稳定性,使近缘防护林内的草地物种得以成功定居和繁殖。海岸防沙工程为先锋种的定居提供了优越的下垫面条件,促进了组成的多元化和结构的复杂化,使土壤有机质和全氮含量增加,pH值明显降低,并对海岸带沙地植被生物量的积累起到了促进作用,因此采用工程方式恢复海岸带沙地植被,对于海岸带退化生态系统的恢复有着重要意义。  相似文献   

以内蒙古镶黄旗北部的封育工程为研究区域,以2000年7月和2007年8月的TM影像为数据源,结合地面调查数据,从植被、土壤和风沙活动3个方面12项指标对镶黄旗北部沙漠化草原封禁效果进行了分析.结果表明:禁牧区内的植被盖度、地上生物量、植被高度等均显著高于自由放牧地,在植被恢复的同时,控制了地表的风沙活动,与工程实施前相比,固定沙地比例增加,流动沙地比例降低;土壤理化性质也得到了改良,如土壤有机质和细砂比例增加,出现土壤结皮等.  相似文献   

泾河流域生态建设与可持续农业发展对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
泾河流域是全国水土流失的重点区域,影响泾河流域生态环境建设与农业可持续发展的主要限制因素是植被极度破坏,水土流失严重,荒漠化趋势加剧;人口增长过快,资源难以为继;农业结构单一,整体效益差。发展对策应以植被的恢复建设为突破口,通过“生态塬”、“圈层结构”和“梯层结构”等治理模式,以小流域为单元,统一规划,综合治理;发挥川塬旱作农业优势,提高土地生产力,发展高效优质的旱作农业体系;以恢复农业生态系统的良性循环为核心,通过退耕还林还草和农业生产结构的调整,带动土地利用结构的调整与优化,实现生态环境改善与经济协调发展。  相似文献   

黄土高原南部坡地土地生产力衰退过程和恢复途径研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用PI模型对黄土高原坡地生产力的自然衰退过程,以及在水土保持和施肥管理措施下土地生产力的变化趋势进行了模拟,结果显示:在自然侵蚀环境中,土地生产力的衰退速度很快,平均每年以0.25%到0.5%的速度衰减,若采取水土保持措施则其衰退速度较自然侵蚀下年均减缓0.07%(水平梯田)、0.15%(坡式梯田)和0.21%(等高带状种植),而采用水土保持措施并结合施肥管理措施则可使土地生产力得到明显恢复;水土保持措施可以减缓土地生产力衰退的速度,但不能使其生产力得到有效恢复,只有采用水土保持措施并结合合理的施肥管理措施才能使土地生产力水平得到恢复和提高.  相似文献   

西藏一江两河地区荒漠化控制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于人口密度增大,人类活动强度增加,西藏—江两河地区荒漠化的进程在不断加快,沙地面积在不断扩大。该区域控制荒漠化的主要途径是:保护自然植被、改变向荒山要粮的传统思路和强化对沙化石质化低质草地的改造。据此本项研究提出了该地区荒漠化控制措施是:进行农业景观结构调整,不提倡开荒要粮,而是以推广农业新技术为主的方法提高现有农田单产水平;用封育和恢复植被相结合的方法改造沙化石质化低质草场;推广以能源改造为中心的新技术。这样才能有效地遏止荒漠化进程。  相似文献   

沙尘暴的发生和发展与荒漠化息息相关,沙尘暴的频频发生正是对土地荒漠化程度发出的黄牌警告。干河谷,干湖床区;洪积-冲积区;基岩风化的残积、堆积区;黄土丘陵区;冲积泛滥、平原区;沙丘活化区等六大区域的风蚀及水蚀为沙尘暴提供大量的沙物质来源,干旱大风条件成为沙尘暴的动力。防治沙尘暴、减缓沙尘暴威胁,必须从增加地面粗糙度、降低风速、防风固沙入手,首先从生态恢复开始,以植被自然恢复为主体方向,再辅以人工造林、种草等生态建设措施,共同构建人与自然协调发展的生态平衡模式。  相似文献   

The Loess Plateau of China has experienced extensive vegetation restoration in the past several decades,which leads to great changes in soil properties such as soil bulk,porosity,and organic matter with the vegetation restoration age.And these soil properties have great effect on the soil infiltration and soil hydraulic conductivity.However,the potential changes in soil hydraulic conductivity caused by vegetation restoration age have not been well understood.This study was conducted to investigate the changes in soil hydraulic conductivity under five grasslands with different vegetation restoration ages(3,10,18,28 and 37 years)compared to a slope farmland,and further to identify the factors responsible for these changes on the Loess Plateau of China.At each site,accumulative infiltration amount and soil hydraulic conductivity were determined using a disc permeameter with a water supply pressure of –20 mm.Soil properties were measured for analyzing their potential factors influencing soil hydraulic conductivity.The results showed that the soil bulk had no significant changes over the initial 20 years of restoration(P0.05);the total porosity,capillary porosity and field capacity decreased significantly in the grass land with 28 and 37 restoration ages compared to the slope farmland;accumulative infiltration amount and soil hydraulic conductivity were significantly enhanced after 18 years of vegetation restoration.However,accumulative infiltration amount and soil hydraulic conductivity fluctuated over the initial 10 years of restoration.The increase in soil hydraulic conductivity with vegetation restoration was closely related to the changes in soil texture and structure.Soil sand and clay contents were the most influential factors on soil hydraulic conductivity,followed by bulk density,soil porosity,root density and crust thickness.The Pearson correlation coefficients indicated that the soil hydraulic conductivity was affected by multiply factors.These results are helpful to understand the changes in hydrological and erosion processes response to vegetation succession on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Land degradation causes serious environmental problems in many regions of the world,and although it can be effectively assessed and monitored using a time series of rainfall and a normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI)from remotely-sensed imagery,dividing human-induced land degradation from vegetation dynamics due to climate change is not a trivial task.This paper presented a multilevel statistical modeling of the NDVI-rainfall relationship to detect human-induced land degradation at local and landscape scales in the Ordos Plateau of Inner Mongolia,China,and recognized that anthropogenic activities result in either positive(land restoration and re-vegetation)or negative(degradation)trends.Linear regressions were used to assess the accuracy of the multilevel statistical model.The results show that:(1)land restoration was the dominant process in the Ordos Plateau between 1998 and 2012;(2)the effect of the statistical removal of precipitation revealed areas of human-induced land degradation and improvement,the latter reflecting successful restoration projects and changes in land management in many parts of the Ordos;(3)compared to a simple linear regression,multilevel statistical modeling could be used to analyze the relationship between the NDVI and rainfall and improve the accuracy of detecting the effect of human activities.Additional factors should be included when analyzing the NDVI-rainfall relationship and detecting human-induced loss of vegetation cover in drylands to improve the accuracy of the approach and eliminate some observed non-significant residual trends.  相似文献   

Alamusa 《干旱区科学》2012,4(4):431-440
Litter phosphorus(P) return is important to maintain the P cycle and balance in the sandy land of arid areas.In this study,we determined the loss and return of litter P in sand dune areas and elucidated their relationship.We investigated litter production and litter P amount,and simulated leaf litter moving dynamics to understand the relationships between the loss of litter P and the total litter P,and between the return of litter P and the total litter P in active(AD),semi-stabilized(SSD) and stabilized(SD) dunes in Inner Mongolia,northeastern China.The vegetation litter P was 12.6,94.5,and 201.6 mg P/m2 in AD,SSD,and SD,respectively.A significant movement and loss of leaf litter P with time occurred on the three types of sand dunes.As a result,the loss of P was 7.4,46.9,and 69.8 mg P/m2 and the return of P was 5.5,47.6,and 131.8 mg P/m2 in AD,SSD,and SD,respectively.The relationship between both loss and return of P and total litter P in AD,SSD,and SD was revealed by linear regression.The slope of the regression line indicated the rate of loss or return of litter P.From AD to SD,the loss rate showed a declining slope(0.52,0.32,and 0.17 for AD,SSD,and SD,respectively),and the return rate showed a rising slope(0.48,0.67,and 0.83 for AD,SSD,and SD,respectively).The loss of litter P should be regarded in the local management of vegetation and land in sand dune areas.Improved vegetation restoration measures are necessary to decrease litter P loss to maintain the stability of ecosystems in sand dune areas.  相似文献   

KE Zengming 《干旱区科学》2021,13(12):1201-1214
Soil physical properties (SPP) are considered to be important indices that reflect soil structure, hydrological conditions and soil quality. It is of substantial interest to study the spatial distribution of SPP owing to the high spatial variability caused by land consolidation under various land restoration modes in excavated farmland in the loess hilly area of China. In our study, three land restoration modes were selected including natural restoration land (NR), alfalfa land (AL) and maize land (ML). Soil texture composition, including the contents of clay, silt and sand, field capacity (FC), saturated conductivity (Ks) and bulk density (BD) were determined using a multifractal analysis. SPP were found to possess variable characteristics, although land consolidation destroyed the soil structure and decreased the spatial autocorrelation. Furthermore, SPP varied with land restoration and could be illustrated by the multifractal parameters of D1, ∆D, ∆α and ∆f in different modes of land restoration. Owing to multiple compaction from large machinery in the surface soil, soil particles were fine-grained and increased the spatial variability in soil texture composition under all the land restoration modes. Plough numbers and vegetative root characteristics had the most significant impacts on the improvement in SPP, which resulted in the best spatial distribution characteristics of SPP found in ML compared with those in AL and NR. In addition, compared with ML, ∆α values of NR and AL were 4.9- and 3.0-fold that of FC, respectively, and ∆α values of NR and AL were 2.3- and 1.5-fold higher than those of Ks, respectively. These results indicate that SPP can be rapidly improved by increasing plough numbers and planting vegetation types after land consolidation. Thus, we conclude that ML is an optimal land restoration mode that results in favorable conditions to rapidly improve SPP.  相似文献   

对延庆县龙庆峡荒滩恢复初期植被和土壤特征的变化进行了研究。结果表明:荒滩恢复过程中,人工植被长势良好,植物种类由恢复前的13种增加到60种,群落物种的丰富度指数、均匀度指数、多样性指数均比恢复前显著提高;生活型谱中一、二年生草本植物的比例由恢复前的61.5%降低到35%,植被盖度由恢复前的18%增加到80%。植被的恢复使土壤理化性质发生了变化,与恢复前相比土壤中有机质、碱解氮、速效钾以及细砂、极细砂、粉砂、粘粒含量显著增加,pH值和速效磷含量降低。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地人工固沙植被优化配置模式试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对科尔沁沙地7种人工固沙植被配置模式在植物生长季节土壤水分含量、蒸散量和植被盖度的综合分析,优选出可以维持较好的土壤水分状况、形成有效的植被盖度和保障稳定固沙效果的人工固沙植被建立初期的配置模式。结果表明:7种人工固沙配置模式处于人工固沙林定植初级阶段,沙地土壤含水量维持在2.32%~3.41%,基本满足固沙植被水分需求。但在降雨量较低的月份,部分固沙模式土壤含水量表现出较低水平,影响固沙植物的正常生长需求。7种人工固沙植被配置模式蒸散量占同期降雨量94%以上,基本能够维持土壤水量平衡。柠条纯林(525株/hm2)、山竹岩黄芪+沙蒿混交(沙蒿2 800株/hm2、山竹岩黄芪500株/hm2)、山竹岩黄芪(3 300株/hm2)的人工固沙配置模式适合初期建立的固沙工程应用。虽然山竹岩黄芪纯林(3 300株/hm2)固沙模式盖度较高,防风固沙效果好,但由于土壤耗水大,应采取措施,降低其密度。由于小叶杨纯林(1 350株/hm2)的固沙模式土壤耗水较高、植被盖度低,在固沙初级阶段,相对其他6种固沙模式,综合效果较差。  相似文献   

Large areas of Artemisia ordosica Krasch., Caragana korshinskii Kom., and Caragana intermedia Kuang and H. C. Fu plantations were established on moving sand dunes in the Gonghe Basin(northeastern Tibetan Plateau) for vegetation restoration. Elevating our understanding of the changes in soil characteristics after the establishment of different plantation types can be useful in the context of combating desertification. To assess the effects of these plantation types on the restoration of sandy land, we measured soil physical-chemical properties at four depths(0–5, 5–10, 10–20, and 20–50 cm) in each of the three plantation types and also in non-vegetated moving sand dunes(as control sites). Generally, the establishment of A. ordosica, C. korshinskii and C. intermedia plantations on sand dunes has greatly ameliorated soil quality in the Gonghe Basin. Specifically, relative to the moving sand dunes, shrub plantation has increased the silt and clay contents, total porosity and water holding capacity, soil organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium contents. The calculated soil quality index suggested that in the Gonghe Basin, C. intermedia is the best choice for soil amelioration. In all the three plantation types, soil amelioration mainly occurred in the shallow depths.  相似文献   

以陕西省吴起县为案例,在大尺度植物群落地带性分布的背景下,按照主导性原则,筛选出在小尺度上对植物群落分布有影响的指标(降雨量、高程、坡度和坡向),应用GIS等技术完成了该县的适宜性植物群落的优化配置。结果表明:吴起县宜生态建设区为3740.98km2,占吴起县总面积的99.08%。各适宜植物群落面积从大到小排序依次为宜疏林草地区、宜灌木草地区、宜典型草地区和宜森林区。宜森林区多分布于吴起县东南地区的沟谷中。宜疏林草地区和宜灌木草地区是吴起县内主体适宜群落类型。这两种适宜植物群落类型在全县范围内分布都相当广泛,且面积相当。吴起县适宜典型草地群落区主体在高海拔地区。在进行吴起县适宜性植物群落配置时应重视小叶杨、刺槐、侧柏等14种植物物种。研究结果可为吴起县的退耕还林工作提供借鉴,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Understanding the characteristics of soil seed banks in sand dunes is crucial to stabilize the dune systems and maintain the plant populations in deserts. In this study, we conducted a survey investigation in the field and a seed germination experiment in the laboratory to explore the characteristics of soil seed banks at various geomorphic positions of longitudinal sand dunes in the Gurbantunggut Desert, China. Totally, 17 plant species belonging to 17 genera and 9 families were identified in soil seed banks, and 35 plant species belonging to 34 genera and 17 families were identified in aboveground vegetation. Plant species richness in soil seed banks decreased with increasing soil depth. The highest species richness was presented in the upper slope of the windward slope and the lowest species richness was presented in the base of the windward slope. There was no significant difference in seed density of soil seed banks among the examined seven geomorphic positions. The highest seed density occurred in the lower slope of the leeward slope while the lowest occurred in the crest. Moreover, seed density decreased with increasing soil depth, being the highest in the upper soil layer(0–2 cm). For both soil seed banks and aboveground vegetation, there was no significant difference in Simpson's diversity index among the seven geomorphic positions; however, Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Pielou's evenness index showed significant differences among the seven geomorphic positions. Those results showed that although there was no significant difference in seed density of soil seed banks among the seven geomorphic positions, the geomorphic positions significantly affected the species richness, diversity and distribution of soil seed banks. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of soil seed banks at different geomorphic positions of sand dunes is essential to vegetation restoration or reestablishment. Furthermore, the Jaccard's similarity coefficients of plant species between soil seed banks and aboveground vegetation at the seven geomorphic positions were low, suggesting that vegetation restoration or reestablishment processes should be promoted through adding seeds to surface layers.  相似文献   

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