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猪对菜籽饼的可接受量FiredrichSchone著胡锦平摘译卢福庄校近年来随着低含量硫代葡糖苷菜籽品种的育成,新品种菜籽中硫代葡糖苷在脱脂干物质中的含量已由过去的100mmol/kg下降到30mmol/kg。1猪对硫代葡糖苷的可接受水平营养界关于猪...  相似文献   

本文对西藏菜籽饼采用传统的水蒸法、水浸法、焙炒法和坑埋法等4种脱毒方法处理,测定其不同类型中营养物质(干物质、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、粗灰分和无氮浸出物)和有毒物质异硫氰酸盐(ITC)、恶唑烷硫酮(OZT)、硫代葡萄糖甙的含量,比较脱毒前后营养成分和ITC、OZT的含量变化。结果表明:西藏菜籽饼与内地其它省份的比较,营养成分相差不大,但含毒量较低;4种方法均有一定的脱毒效果,且营养物质损失较少,但综合处理工艺、加工成本和脱毒效果看,以水蒸法明显优于其它各组方法,效果最好,可保证西藏菜籽饼饲用的安全性.适于在西藏畜牧业生产中推广使用。  相似文献   

硫代葡萄糖苷是一种含硫的阴离子亲水性植物次生代谢产物,广泛存在于芸苔属植物籽实或粗饲料中,其含量和组成因植物种类、栽培方法和气候环境等条件不同而变化很大。菜籽饼粕粗蛋白质含量较高,且氨基酸组成与大豆饼粕接近,但在实际应用中受到限制,主要原因是菜籽饼粕中含大量硫代葡萄糖苷,影响饲料适口性,且摄入过多易引起动物中毒,降低生产性能。  相似文献   

双低菜籽(粕)的营养成分及抗营养因子的含量分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
分析测定了华双 3号菜籽、华杂 4号菜籽、华双 3号菜籽粕和 Canola菜籽粕 4个双低菜籽(粕)的常规营养成分、能量、氨基酸和抗营养因子的含量。结果表明:国产双低菜籽粕的常规营养成分与 Canola和普通菜籽粕基本一致,粗蛋白质含量略高。华双 3号菜籽粕的赖氨酸含量为 1.97%,与 Canola菜籽粕接近;蛋氨酸和胱氨酸含量偏低。华双 3号菜籽粕的硫葡萄糖甙总量、唑烷硫酮和异硫氰酸酯含量高于 Canola菜籽粕,低于普通菜籽粕。植酸、单宁、芥子碱含量各品种间基本一致。  相似文献   

菜籽饼中粗蛋白质含量约33—38%,是家畜的一种较好的蛋白质饲料。但是,菜籽饼中含有硫葡萄糖甙,它被芥籽酶水解后,产生异硫氰酸盐,噁唑烷硫酮等有毒物质,影响家畜的生长发育,限制了菜籽饼的广泛利用。为了给生产上合理利用提供科学依据,我们在全省九个地州市三十五个县采集不同加工类型的菜籽饼样品四十七个、当前面上种植的主要油菜品种七个,引进的低毒  相似文献   

菜籽饼作为猪鸡蛋白质饲料的注意事项   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
菜籽饼是油菜籽经加温压榨或浸提分离油脂后的残留物,其粗蛋白含量达35%~38%,氨基酸比较完全,而价格仅为豆粕的1/2—1/3,是我国重要的蛋白质饲料资源。菜籽饼中含有有害物质,主要是硫葡萄糖甙、植酸、单宁、芥子碱等毒物与抗营养因子,降低了菜籽饼的营养价值,使其使用受到一定限制。  相似文献   

一、菜籽饼含粗蛋白质32—38%,与豆饼比较,蛋氨酸含量较高,赖氨酸较低。菜籽饼含有硫葡萄糖甙,被芥子酶水解后,其主要产物异硫氰酸盐和恶唑烷硫酮会引起甲状腺肿大,对肾上腺、脑垂体及肝脏也有毒害。猪、鸡对菜籽饼较敏感,首先引起食欲和采食量降低,如果毒素含量较高则拒食。  相似文献   

菜籽饼发酵脱毒的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
菜籽饼(粕)是油菜籽经加热压榨或浸提分离出油脂后的残留物。据统计,我国菜籽饼(粕)年产量约350万吨,仅有30%左右用作畜禽饲料,其余多作为肥料肥田。菜籽饼(粕)粗蛋白质含量约为36%──38%,仅次于机榨大豆饼(40%左右),是宝贵的植物性蛋白质饲料资源。但由于其中含有有毒成份而影响了其在饲料中的应用。本试验研究采用生物发酵技术,对菜籽饼进行脱毒处理,探讨菜籽饼脱毒的较理想菌种和处理时间。1影响菜籽饼用作蛋白饲料的主要因素菜籽饼的营养价值与豆饼接近,但由于含有毒成分应用受到很大限制。硫代葡萄糖甙是菜籽饼中…  相似文献   

菜籽饼粕固体发酵去毒作饲料研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油菜是世界主要油料作物之一,也是我国的主要油料作物。油菜籽在现代工业生产条件下加工,通常可得到大约35~40%的油和将近60%的菜籽饼粕,菜籽饼粕含蛋白质35~45%,其中各种必需氨基酸含量丰富而且比例恰当,其品质可以与大豆饼粕相媲美。虽然经过去毒后的菜籽蛋白质具有很高的营养价值,但制取这种蛋白质却比较困难,这是因为在菜籽中含有多达0.5~7%的硫葡萄糖甙,还含有较多的植酸、芥子碱、单宁、皂素、粗纤维和  相似文献   

洪学 《中国猪业》2007,(5):49-49
菜籽饼中约含粗蛋白质35%-36%,菜籽粕中约含37%-39%。有些菜籽饼(粕)的干物质中粗纤维含量高达18%以上,按照国际饲料分类原则应属于粗饲料。但一般菜籽饼(粕)中粗纤维含量为12%-13%,属低能量蛋白质饲料。菜籽饼(粕)中含有较高的赖氨酸,约超出猪需要量的1倍,所含硫氨基酸、色氨酸、[第一段]  相似文献   

本研究旨在评定固态发酵菜籽粕(fermented rapeseed meal,FRSM)在生长育肥猪上的营养价值。将16头体重为(71.25±1.23)kg的健康"杜×长×大"去势公猪随机分到4个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复1头猪,4个处理组分别饲喂玉米-豆粕型基础饲粮、菜籽粕(rapeseed meal,RSM)饲粮、发酵菜籽粕(fermented rapeseed meal,FRSM)饲粮(分别等氮替代基础饲粮35%的氮)以及无氮饲粮。代谢试验预试期3 d,正式期4 d,采用全收粪尿法测定养分消化率。结果表明:1)发酵菜籽粕混合物发酵后较发酵前pH下降了1.68,粗蛋白质(CP)、水溶性蛋白质(WSP)、酸溶性蛋白质(ASP)和粗脂肪(EE)的含量分别提高了1.91%、52.88%、44.40%和24.27%,17种氨基酸含量均有所提高;中性洗涤纤维(NDF)降低了5.21%;异硫氰酸酯(ITC)和噁唑烷硫酮(OZT)的降解率分别达到92.20%和100.00%,单宁和植酸含量分别降低了35.81%和24.22%。2)FRSM干物质的表观消化率为75.28%,显著高于RSM(P<0.05);FRSM的消化能、氮表观(真)消化率和氮表观(真)利用率分别为13.84 MJ·kg-1、70.89%(72.84%)和68.12%(71.12%),均极显著高于RSM(P<0.01);FRSM的钙、磷和粗灰分的表观消化率与RSM差异不显著(P>0.05)。3)FRSM氨基酸(除半胱氨酸外)的表观(真)消化率均显著或极显著高于RSM(P<0.05或P<0.01)。综上,通过双菌固态发酵菜籽粕,降低了抗营养因子的含量,提高了菜籽粕在生长育肥猪上的养分消化率和利用率,有效地改善了菜籽粕的饲用价值。  相似文献   

任莉  芦志刚  张力  龚月生 《猪业科学》2004,21(12):46-47
探索用新的蛋白质保护剂氯化锌保护豆粕、棉籽粕、菜籽粕和胡麻粕4种饲料,用尼龙袋法测定4种饲料处理前后蛋白质的瘤胃降解率。结果表明:ZnCl2处理可以降低饲料蛋白质在瘤胃的降解率,能够保护饲料蛋白质,提高过瘤胃蛋白的数量。0.5%ZnCl2处理可降低豆粕、棉籽粕、菜籽粕和胡麻粕蛋白质有效降解率8.2%、3.8%、14.9%和9.8%。从降解动力学分析,ZnCl2处理降低了饲料蛋白质的快速降解部分和降解速度,从而降低了蛋白质的有效降解率。  相似文献   


In two trials, 358 female and entire male pigs vaccinated against boar taint (YxH) were single-phase-fed with diets that were planned to contain 0.78?g standardized ileal digestible (SID) lysine/MJ net energy and 14.5?g SID CP/g SID lysine. A reference diet with soya bean meal (SBM) as the protein feed ingredient, was replaced with either cereal by-products (CBP), rapeseed meal (RSM), faba beans (FB) or mixtures of 50% CBP and 50% RSM (CBP?+?RSM) or 50% FB and 50% RSM (FB?+?RSM) in the experimental diets. Treatments had no effect (P?>?0.05) on daily weight gain, feed efficiency, carcass weight, lean meat content or dressing percentage and carcass value. Single-phase-fed pigs on diets with local protein ingredients can perform as well as single-phase-fed pigs on diets with soya bean meal, and CBP, RSM, FB have the potential to replace soya bean meal in nutritionally well-balanced diets to growing-finishing pigs.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the influences of Aspergillus niger fermented rapeseed meal (FRSM) on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of growing pigs. A total of 72 growing pigs (body weight = 40.8 ± 2.1 kg) were used in feeding trials, lasting for up to 42 days, and were randomly allotted to one of three diets, including a corn‐soybean meal control diet as well as two experimental diets containing 10% unfermented rapeseed meal (RSM) or 10% FRSM. The results showed that average daily gain and feed conversion ratio of pigs fed FRSM were superior (P < 0.05) to that of pigs fed unfermented RSM and did not differ from the control. Pigs fed control diet had higher (P < 0.05) total tract apparent digestibility for dry matter, protein, calcium and phosphorus than pigs fed unfermented RSM diet and did not differ from the FRSM diet. Pigs fed FRSM had lower levels (P < 0.05) of serum aspartate transaminase compared to unfermented RSM. In conclusion, solid state fermentation using Aspergillus niger may improve the growth performance and nutrient digestibility of RSM for pigs and FRSM is a promising alternative protein for pig production.  相似文献   

The objective was to study whether thermally treated lupins (TTL) can replace solvent-extracted soybean meal (SBM) and rapeseed meal (RSM) in dairy cow rations. Three total mixed rations (TMR) were used. They differed in the inclusion of the main protein feeds (TTL alone, TTL + RSM and RSM + SBM) but were equal in organic matter digestibility and metabolizable energy content. In vitro organic matter fermentation was not significantly different between the TMR. Efficiency of microbial crude protein (MCP) synthesis was significantly higher for TMR RSM + SBM than for TTL. In vitro gas production potential was similar for the three TMR. The maximal rate of gas production was achieved later in TMR TTL than in RSM + SBM. Feed intake of dairy cows was significantly lower when TMR TTL was fed than when TMR TTL + RSM or RSM + SBM were fed. Milk yield was significantly lower with the high inclusion rate of TTL in comparison with the other TMR. The contents of milk protein and milk fat were significantly lower when the two TTL containing TMR were fed in comparison with the RSM + SBM ration. Effects of TTL inclusion on MCP synthesis may affect the amino acid supply to the duodenum of cows to a greater extent than differences in the degradability of feed proteins.  相似文献   

In the experiment, 2 x 12 growing pigs received 19 or 6.7 mmol glucosinolates + aglucones/kg feed via conventional rapeseed meal (RSM) or RSM of a newly bred variety. These pigs and 24 littermates pair fed with a soya bean meal (SBM) diet were subdivided in groups of 4 animals each. Their diet contained either no supplementary iodine or an iodine supplementation of up to 1 mg/kg feed. In the RSM and SBM groups the lack of additional iodine lowered the serum T4 and T3 content below the detection limit and caused goitre with about 1 mg iodine in the total thyroid. The SBM diet with 0.0625 mg supplementary iodine/kg increased the serum T4 level and reversed the thyroid enlargement but not that of epithelial cells. The hypothyroidism (goitre and serum T4 level approximately 10 nmol/l) still existed in the case of this iodine dosage together with the RSM of the newly bred variety. A serum T4 level comparable to that of the animals fed SBM was only reached by supplementing the low glucosinolate diet with 0.25 mg iodine/kg feed. The iodine content of the thyroid, however, was reduced by 50 per cent. Though thyroid and epithelial cells were enlarged, this enlargement was not so obvious as in animals exposed to higher glucosinolate level. In spite of 1 mg supplementary iodine/kg feed, the feeding of the conventional RSM resulted in a lower serum T4 level a reduced thyroid iodine content and the enlargement of thyroid and that of epithelial cells. Compared to the high glucosinolate RSM, a significantly lower antithyroid effect of the low glucosinolate RSM was found in pigs with iodine supply. The degree of thyroid enlargement and the serum T4 level were the criteria.  相似文献   

选用六只装有永久性瘤胃和十二指肠瘤管的成年半细毛羊进行试验。通过对饲料干物质在瘤胃内的消失率,瘤胃挥发性脂肪酸、pH值和NH_-N浓度以及十二指肠食糜流通量和进入十二指肠氨基酸数量的测定,分别对生大豆粕、菜籽饼和蓖麻饼的热喷处理效果进行观察。结果表明,热喷处理大豆粕、菜籽饼和蓖麻饼,显著地降低了干物质在瘤胃内的消失率;对十二指肠食糜流通量无显著影响,但提高了进入小肠内氨基酸总量和赖氨酸数量。  相似文献   

1. There was a marked strain difference in the incidence of hepatic haemorrhage in White Leghorn hens receiving dietary rapeseed meal (RSM). 2. Tolerance to high dietary contents of RSM also varied between individual birds within a strain. 3. Glucosinolates were implicated in the development of hepatic haemorrhage among hens receiving dietary RMS but the exact relationship was not clear.  相似文献   

Inclusion of 20% rapeseed meal in calf starters for rearing male calves in substitution for soybean meal significantly (P < 0.05) decreased the organic matter digestibility as determined with sheep. Calf starter with 10% rapeseed meal had an intermediate, but not significantly different digestibility.Feeding calf starters with 0, 10 or 20% rapeseed meal to rearing calves did not result in a significantly different average daily gain. Growth rate during 20 weeks averaged 0.80, 0.76 and 0.77 kg per day, respectively. When glucosinolate content is considered, the use of high glucosinolate rapeseed meal provoked a lower but not significantly different daily gain in comparison with soybean meal as supplemental protein source. Substitution of soybean meal with rapeseed meal decreased total starter intake from 270.4 to 262.1 and 259.6 kg and increased hay intake from 53.7 to 55.1 and 62.7 kg. However differences were not significant (P > 0.05). Feed conversion was similar and amounted to 2.94, 3.00 and 2.98 kVEM. The utilization of 20% rapeseed meal with high glucosinolate content significantly (P < 0.05) reduced starter intake.The incorporation of rapeseed meal reduced the palatability of the calf starter. When 20% rapeseed meal was included the rate of intake was significantly lower during the 8th and 14th experimental weeks. The mean rates of intake for a calf starter containing 20% rapeseed meal with either a high or a low glucosinolate level were 76.6 and 83.7% of the rate obtained for the calf starter without rapeseed meal.  相似文献   


Four multiparous dairy cows, fitted with rumen and duodenal cannulas, were fed grass silage and one of four concentrates of barley (B), barley+urea (BU), barley+solvent-extracted rapeseed meal (BRM) or barley+heat-moisture-treated rapeseed cake (BRC). Despite marginal N deficiencies for the control diet (B), BU did not affect milk yield, ruminal fibre digestion or omasal total non-ammonia-N (NAN) or microbial NAN flow. In contrast, BRM and BRC diets significantly increased milk and milk protein yields and omasal dietary NAN flows. Effects of rapeseed meal (RSM) and rapeseed cake (RSC) on milk yield and omasal NAN flow were similar. The diets had no effect on rumen microbial protein synthesis. In general, non-protein N and soluble true protein comprised 0.20 of omasal total NAN flow, for all diets. Supplementary AAT from rapeseed feeds appeared to escape from the rumen as insoluble feed particles.  相似文献   

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