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长枝修剪对桃树生育状况的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于1994 ̄1996年,在北京农业大学实验农场对“庆丰”和“燕红”桃树进行了长“长枝修剪”试验,研究了长枝修剪对桃树生育状况的影响。结果表明:和传统的“短枝修剪”树相比较,“长枝修剪”树开花期提前1-2天,早期叶面积形成快,并且在整个生长季节里维持一个较高的叶面积水平;叶片的光合速率得到显著地提高,株高,单果重和果实可溶性固形物的含量有不同程度的增加。  相似文献   

长枝修剪对桃树营养状况的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1994~1996年,在中国农业大学实验农场(河北涿州)对庆丰和燕红桃树进行不同方式的冬季修剪处理:短枝修剪(即传统的冬季修剪技术,对所保留的1年生中、长果枝进行短截)和长枝修剪(不短截,仅疏剪、缩剪),比较研究了长枝修剪对桃树体氮、碳营养状况的影响。结果表明:长枝修剪树1~3年生枝的全氮、全碳含量优于短枝修剪树,这种差别尤以落叶后的休眠期和开花前后一段时间更为显著。  相似文献   

冬季长枝修剪对桃树花芽质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对庆丰和大久保桃树进行不同方式的冬季修剪。试验结果表明:同一时期长枝修剪树上的花芽鲜重明显高于短枝修剪树,枝条中部的花芽最重,下部的花芽最轻;长枝修剪后所形成的花芽中全氮和全碳含量都明显高于短枝修剪;1年生枝中部和上部花芽的全氮及全碳含量明显高于下部花芽。  相似文献   

桃树多数品种结果枝数量多,成花容易,花芽量大,自然坐果率高,成龄树常因开花坐果过多,导致树势衰弱、果实小、品质差,而且会削弱当年新梢生长势、降低花芽分化水平,减少树体贮藏营养,影响下一年或连续几年的产量和质量。因此,必须严格疏花疏果。1疏花疏花的基本手段是修剪,通过冬剪保留适量的果枝(长枝修剪时,主枝上每15~20cm留1个果枝;短枝修剪时,主枝上每10~15cm留1个果枝)和花芽。其次是疏蕾疏花,一般从花芽萌动期开始,一直延续到花期。用手掰去瘦弱花、基部花、密挤花,保留中、上部花。中、上部则疏双花,留单花。预备枝上的花全部疏掉…  相似文献   

苹果传统整形修剪体系庞杂,始终没有一个操作性强可统揽全局的总纲.一般将整形与修剪分开考虑,不同的品种、不同的树形采用不同的修剪方式,整形修剪技术复杂,不易掌握.短截和回缩是整形修剪的主要手段.但是,过多的短截对树体刺激过大,使营养生长过旺,花芽形成困难,树体结果晚.回缩过多易使枝轴变短,果实容易偏斜.传统整形修剪方式容易造成果园树体郁闭,果实产量低、品质差.因此,急需研制符合果树生长发育规律、简便易行的苹果整形修剪技术.  相似文献   

大雪枣的主枝、二次枝和三次支均可在腋间开花,二次枝和三次枝为结果枝. 大雪枣具有当年分化,分化速度快,花期持续时间长、花量大,一年多次开花结果的特性,自开花到果实成熟需120 d左右,而且花芽容易形成,往往花芽分化和新梢生长同时进行.花芽分化期为5~8 d,二、三次枝为结果枝,二、三次枝的花量和结果量约占全树开花和结果总量的90%以上.当主枝和二、三次枝长到一定长度时要及时摘心,促进结果枝的生长和花芽分化,使营养生长转为生殖生长,提高坐果率.另外在初花期、盛花期、幼果期进行叶面施肥效果显著,能提高光合作用,对开花坐果很有好处,在花期喷硼砂、硫酸锌、氨基酸钙、硫酸镁等均可起到保果增产作用.在坐果期喷80~100 mg/kg的赤霉素,对提高坐果率有较明显的效果.  相似文献   

杏树保花保果技术措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于杏诸多品种存在程度不同的雌蕊败育现象,再加上开花早,花及幼果易受冻,造成减产甚至绝产。除了选择地势较高处建园,选择抗性强、丰产优质品种,加强土肥水管理,提高抗性外,在生产中采取以下措施,可提高杏的坐果率。1减少花期冻害的措施11树盘覆草2月中旬...  相似文献   

在苹果树的栽培中,多以冬季修剪来调节花芽量。但是,由于冬剪时对花芽和叶芽辨别不准,或有的品种腋花芽较多,花期往往花量过大,对树体贮藏的营养物质消耗多,雌性器官发育不全,影响了受精,降低了坐果率;有的树由于坐果率过高,消耗了树体内贮藏的大量营养物质,影响了树势,造成腐烂病的发生;同时由于坐果过多,营养分散,果品质量差,还有大小年。近几年生产实践说明,不论是苹果还是梨,冬剪时在调节花芽量的基础上,早期进行一次  相似文献   

1增施有机肥在秋季果实采收后,应增施堆肥、厩肥及秸秆等有机肥.以提高树体贮藏养分,增强树势,提高花芽质量,促进花器发育正常,有利于果树开花整齐,单花花期长,便于授粉受精,提高坐果率.  相似文献   

柑橘保花保果技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柑橘花量多,坐果率低,一般不超过3%,栽培上依照树体可能负荷范围,采取保花保果措施,提高坐果率,方法有下面几种. 1修剪 尽早剪除干枯枝叶,减少树体水分蒸发,防止继续枯枝.开春后萌芽前,进行全面修剪,剪除病虫枝,无叶衰弱枝,荫蔽枝,对冻伤枝回缩短截到枯死以下部位,生长正常的枝梢宜轻剪,少短截,尽量保留绿叶与花芽,增加开花结果量.  相似文献   

To improve the quality of the important Swedish apple cultivar Aroma and increase its resistance to bruising and storage decay, three studies were conducted at Kivik research station during the period 1998–2003. The effects of tree age, pruning time and nitrogen fertilization were investigated. Fruits from young trees (younger than 6 years) had a lower resistance to bruising and Pezicula malicorticis decay, while fruits from trees older than 20 years seemed to show a quality and storability decline. Choosing a suitable summer pruning time was an effective factor for fruit storage potential. Thinning cut during August (5–6 weeks before harvesting) improved fruit colour and decreased decay without negatively influencing tree yield. Applying fertigation according to fruit development phase and soil nitrogen content had a very important influence on fruit quality and storability. Appropriate nutrition supply produced more deeply coloured fruit that maintained their quality after storage for 4 months. The bruising sensitivity of cv. Aroma apples was correlated with their N and K/Ca content. More coloured fruits showed less sensitivity to bruising.  相似文献   

花粉直感对京白梨品质的影响   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
为研究京白梨生产中花粉直感与所出现的品质退化现象的关系,试验选用11个梨品种为授粉品种,以生长势健壮、结果盛期的京白梨为母本进行人工授粉,测定了不同授粉组合的坐果率、成熟种子数、果实外在品质及内在品质等几个主要指标。结果表明:京白梨果实在坐果率、成熟种子数、单果重、可滴定酸、可溶性固形物等方面表现明显的花粉直感现象,而在果形指数、可食用部分表现不明显。成熟种子数与可滴定酸显著相关,表明花粉可通过种子对果实品质产生一定影响。京白梨最适宜的授粉品种是白梨系统的鸭梨、金水2号、中梨2号和七月酥。  相似文献   


Eight days after petal fall in 1991, mature 'Delicious'/MM. 106 apple trees and four days after petal fall in 1992, mature 'McintoshVMM. 106 were ringed, scored, root pruned (1 m from the trunk, two sides, 30 cm deep), or treated with ethephon (500 mg 11). Only ringing and scoring reduced vegetative growth. Ethephon advanced fruit maturation and fruit abscission, but root pruning did not affect the trees or fruit significantly. Mature 'Cort-land'/M.7a apple trees were root pruned 8 d after petal fall in 1991 and/or at full bloom in 1992. Root pruning reduced shoot growth, even in the year after treatment. Fruit abscission was reduced in 1991 and 1992 by root pruning in 1991, but root pruning in 1992 had no impact on abscission, in 1992. In an additional experiment, mature 'Mcintosh'/ MM.106 were root pruned 4 d after petal fall in 1991 or root pruned both in 1991 and at full bloom in 1992. Growth and preharvest fruit abscission were reduced in both the year of root pruning and the year after.  相似文献   

以7 a生的冬枣(Zizyphus jujuba Mill.)为试材,采用不同时间覆网并辅之根剪措施,研究防护网对冬枣生长及果实品质的影响。结果表明:冬枣开花前搭覆防护网结合根剪显著抑制了冬枣的二次枝生长、枣吊数量、坐果率、花量及产量,并明显降低了果实中的维生素C和可溶性糖含量,但未造成果实农药残留。而坐果后覆网加根剪对二次枝、坐果率、产量的抑制效果较小,并对枣吊数量和花量无明显影响作用。虽然坐果后覆网果实中检测到了农药残留,但相比对照显著降低,未对果实品质带来不利影响。2种覆网方式均降低了冬枣的光合特性。综合分析认为,坐果后覆网与根剪相结合是提高果实品质的有效措施。  相似文献   

Five pruning treatments were compared on Cox’s Orange Pippin on M.II rootstock, viz.

1. Open-centre tree, established-spur pruned

2. Open-centre tree, renewal-pruned

3. Delayed open-centre tree, established-spur pruned

4. Delayed open-centre tree, renewal-pruned

5. Regulated-pruned tree.

At 15 years, secondary pruning treatments were begun and carried on for a further 7-year period, the trees being pruned by the same methods but either annually or in alternate years. Differences in growth and cropping between trees pruned to open-centre and delayed open-centre shapes were small, but open-centre trees cropped more heavily than did delayed open-centre trees when renewal-pruned, probably on account of their greater branch spread. The method used in pruning the laterals had an effect upon cropping during the first 10 years. At the end of the trial there was no effect of either primary or secondary treatments upon trunk girth, neither was there a significant difference in girth increment between the secondary treatments. Almost the same amount of wood was removed from trees pruned in alternate years as from those pruned annually, but a greater proportion of old to new wood was removed from trees pruned in alternate years. Pruning in alternate years increased the cropping of established-spur pruned trees but not with regulated or renewal-pruned trees. There was no consistently adverse effect upon fruit size but, when a year of heavy setting followed a winter when the trees were left unpruned, fruit size was reduced and early fruit thinning would have been necessary to lessen the proportion of fruit in the two smallest size grades. With this variety fruit colour was unaffected by pruning in alternate years.  相似文献   


The effects of light, moderate, or heavy thinning (5, 10, or 20 cm between fruit, respectively), conducted before (7 d or 15 d), during, or after (7 d or 15 d) pit hardening (PH), on the incidence of split pits, fruit yield, fruit quality characteristics, and leaf mineral contents, were studied in the canning peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch.) cultivar ‘Andross’ over two growing seasons. The percentage of fruit with split pits increased by 58.2% in heavily-thinned trees compared with moderately- or lightly-thinned trees, and by 22.9% for the earliest time of thinning (15 d before PH) compared with thinning during, or after PH. Fruit fresh weight (FW) was greater in moderately- and heavily-thinned trees compared with lightly-thinned trees, but yields were similar among the different crop-load treatments. The latest time of thinning (15 d after PH) also had a negative impact on yield at first harvest and on total yield, fruit FW, and delayed fruit ripening compared to thinning during, and 15 d before PH. Total anti-oxidant capacities and phenolic contents were usually greater in fruit from heavily-thinned compared with lightly- or moderately-thinned trees only when thinning was conducted during, or 15 d after PH. Moreover, anti-oxidant levels were highest in fruit from the earliest-thinned trees. There was no significant effect of crop load, or of time of thinning application treatment on fruit colour, or on the K, P, Fe, Mn, and Cu contents of leaf tissues. In conclusion, light or moderate thinning during PH resulted in minimal split pits during processing, and in optimal yields and fruit quality characteristics in the canning peach cultivar ‘Andross’.  相似文献   

试验比较了盛果期灰枣树对不同修剪方法的反应。结果表明,枣树连年修剪,根的数量、冠幅、干周均大于(牙刂)枣处理树。萌发枣头的数量、质量和抽生有效枣拐的数量等也表现出相似的结果。修剪树有效枣股数多于(牙刂)枣树,差异显著;百果鲜重较(牙刂)枣处理多40.1g,单株产量提高15.3%。叶片总糖和全氮测定结果:修剪处理在6月下旬含量较高,此时正值枣吊、枣头生长,花芽分化,开花和幼果发育的关键时期,这对树体的生长发育和产量提高都起到良好的作用;其次,修剪与环切结合的效果优于修剪+(牙刂)枣,但次于修剪处理。  相似文献   

红晶李系从天目蜜李中选出的优质早熟李新品种。果实短圆形,果面艳红,平均单果重71.1g,最大果200.0g,果肉橙黄色,汁多,甜酸适口,肉质细嫩,可溶性固形物含量14%左右,品质上等,黏核,核小。当地5月下旬成熟。常温下可贮藏15d左右。较抗细菌性穿孔病,耐瘠薄。早果性好,丰产。  相似文献   

Three pruning treatments were compared on Worcester Pearmain on M.IV rootstock, viz.: open-centre tree, established-spur pruned; delayed open-centre tree, established-spur pruned; regulated pruned tree. In the fifteenth year secondary treatments were begun, the trees being pruned either annually or in alternate years, with and without fruit thinning by hand. The trees were grubbed after 21 years and scion weights were obtained.

There were no important differences in growth and cropping between open-centre and delayed open-centre trees. Regulated trees had an 11% smaller area of branch spread than established-spur pruned trees at 21 years. At 15 years there was no significant difference between treatments in total weight of prunings, but three times as much old wood as new had been removed from regulated trees compared with two and a half times as much new wood as old from established-spur pruned trees. During a 6-year period, the same weight of wood was removed from alternate-year pruned trees as from those pruned annually.

During the first 10 years regulated trees yielded twice as much fruit as did established-spur pruned ones, and 49% more during the second 10-year period. In many years, in the absence of fruit thinning, regulated trees bore smaller fruits than did established-spur pruned trees. Regulated trees had more red colour on the fruits than established-spur pruned trees, and alternate-year pruning, whether regulated or established-spur, gave more red colour on the fruits than did annual pruning, especially in seasons following no pruning. Alternate-year pruning had no harmful effect upon fruit size. Fruit thinning had no important effect upon red colour but it increased the percentage crop weight in the larger size grades, especially on established-spur pruned trees. The regulated method is well suited to the growth habit of Worcester provided that the fruit is thinned by hand or chemical spray in years of heavy setting.

The relative ratios between total crop : scion weight and crop 15–21 years : scion weight, were similar; scion weights were twice as heavy as weights of prunings.  相似文献   

螺旋环剥对幼龄荔枝树生长结果的调控作用   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
周贤军  赖军 《园艺学报》1996,23(1):13-18
‘糯米糍’和‘桂味’荔枝幼树不挂果现象相当普遍。采用螺旋环剥能显著促进成花、改善花质、减少落果、增加产量,改善品质。糯米糍、桂味幼树在生理落果期间出现旺盛的根梢生长峰,但其成年树和坐果比较正常的怀枝幼树都没有出现这种旺盛生长,表明了品种和树龄特性的差异。螺旋环剥明显减少生理落果期间的根与梢的生长量,使果实在与根、梢之间的库力竞争中获得优势,因而有利于坐果和果实生长。  相似文献   

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