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This paper describes the nutritional aspects, including drinking water, that produce a negative influence on safety, health, nutritional and technological properties of food of animal origin, such as dairy and meat products, eggs, fish, and including processed and manufactured products. The purpose was to define an overview concerning the main aspects of food safety and to produce guidelines that best fit the different breeding systems, aiming to prevent health risk to consumers from fraudulent practices that should be avoided with the application of current rules in animal husbandry.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和技术的进步,人们的生活质量也在逐步提高,食品消费也从注重数量向注重质量和安全转变。而随着经济全球化的加速,食品安全问题也超越了国界,变成了全球性的问题。提高食品质量安全水平,尤其是动物性食品质量安全水平,成为我国迫切需要解决的重大问题,已经引起全社会的高度重视。加强兽药残留监控,对于提高养殖业产品质量、保障动物源性食品健康、促进农产品国际贸易、保护人民身体健康具有重要意义。  相似文献   

硒是人体和动物必需的微量元素,具有重要的生理功能。硒能预防心血管疾病、抗肿瘤、维持免疫系统功能。本文就硒的生理功能,富硒产品开发的必要性,有机硒对动物产品硒富集的影响以及开发富硒动物产品存在的问题进行简要综述。  相似文献   

目的:研究营养和安全因素对牛奶产品选购种类的影响.方法:以自填式问卷调查北京市713名消费者牛奶产品的选购行为,采用SPSS 18.0进行数据分析.结果:购买牛奶的消费者看重其中的营养益处,乳糖不耐和不喜欢牛奶味道是最大的障碍.对健康相关障碍因素的认知虽然抑制了全脂奶的选购意图,但是有利于各类营养成分调整牛奶产品或有机产品的选购.结论:对营养和安全因素的关注促进消费者对多样化健康宣称产品的接受度.  相似文献   

近几年来,畜产品质量安全问题一直是社会关注的焦点,动物疫病的流行,畜产品投入品的不当使用,是造成动物源性食品安全的重要因素。因此,加强畜产品质量安全监管,对于确保畜产品消费安全,促进畜牧业和农村经济的健康发展具有十分重要的意义,本文结合康乐县畜牧兽医工作的情况,从防疫监督,疫病防控,动物检疫监督等方面分析了本县的畜产品质量安全现状,指出了影响畜产品质量安全工作的主要因素,并指出了针对性的对策及建议。  相似文献   

The last century of food animal agriculture is a remarkable triumph of scientific research. Knowledge derived through research has resulted in the development and use of new technologies that have increased the efficiency of food production and created a huge animal production and food manufacturing industry capable of feeding the US population while also providing significant quantities of high-quality food for export to other countries. Although the US food supply is among the safest in the world, the US Center for Disease Prevention and Control estimates that 76 million people get sick, more than 300,000 are hospitalized, and 5,000 die each year from foodborne illness. Consequently, preventing foodborne illness and death remains a major public health concern. Challenges to providing a safe, abundant, and nutritious food supply are complex because all aspects of food production, from farm to fork, must be considered. Given the national and international demand and expectations for food safety as well as the formidable challenges of producing and maintaining a safe food supply, food safety research and educational programs have taken on a new urgency. Remarkable progress has been made during the last century. Wisdom from a century of animal agriculture research now includes the realization that on-farm pathogens are intricately associated with animal health and well-being, the production of high-quality food, and profitability. In this review, some of the developments that have occurred over the last few decades are summarized, including types, sources, and concentrations of disease-causing pathogens encountered in food-producing animal environments and their association with food safety; current and future methods to control or reduce foodborne pathogens on the farm; and present and future preharvest food safety research directions. Future scientific breakthroughs will no doubt have a profound impact on animal agriculture and the production of high-quality food, but we will also be faced with moral, ethical, and societal dilemmas that must be reconciled. A strong, science-based approach that addresses all the complex issues involved in continuing to improve food safety and public health is necessary to prevent foodborne illnesses. Not only must research be conducted to solve complex food safety issues, but results of that research must also be communicated effectively to producers and consumers.  相似文献   

Microbiological contaminations and other food safety hazards are omnipresent within the European Union (EU) and a considerable risk for consumers, particularly in imported meat and meat products. The number of rejections at external EU borders has been increasing in recent years. Official authorities in each member state are therefore obliged to notify border rejections of food and animal feed due to a direct or indirect risk to human or animal health. This study explored the trends and temporal and spatial distribution of notifications on food safety hazards between January 2008 and December 2013 with a special emphasis on microbiological zoonoses in meat and meat products including poultry at border checks resulting from the rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF). Results indicated that border rejection notifications are increasing exponentially, frequently due to Salmonella in poultry and shiga‐toxin‐producing E. coli in meat and meat products.  相似文献   

The term "animal health", in particular applied to herds and flocks of food animals, needs to be newly defined in the light of the growing societal concerns with modern husbandry systems and animal welfare. This paper deals with a definition of animal health, which is extended to the well being of the animals and to pre-harvest food safety aspects. The future activities of food animal veterinarians have to meet the new demands and societal expectations discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

王苇  秦瑶  李爽  周霞 《中国畜牧兽医》2013,40(11):217-220
微生态制剂具有绿色、环保、无害等诸多优点,其已在食品、医疗、改善环境、动物疾病防控及健康养殖等方面应用。随着人们对动物产品安全性关注程度的增加、自身健康保健意识的提高及对自身生存环境改善的迫切需求,微生态制剂还将拥有更广阔的发展空间。作者现对枯草芽孢杆菌作为微生态制剂在动物生态养殖、动物疾病防制、生态环境改善及其他一些领域中的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的持续发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对动物源性食品的需求产生了由量到质的转变,动物源性食品安全问题也逐渐显露,对公共卫生安全和人类的健康已造成严重的威胁,引起了各方面的高度重视。文章针对目前动物源性食品安全现状,对其存在的问题及带来的危害提出相应的解决办法,以保证动物产品的健康使用,促进畜牧业的迅速发展。  相似文献   

动物源性食品安全问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着现代化经济的快速发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,对动物源性食品的需求也越来越多,然而,动物源性食品安全问题也日益显露无疑,严重威胁着公共卫生安全及人体健康,已造成严重后果,引起了各方面的高度关注。本文系统分析认为,饲料的污染、养殖场生态环境的严重污染、养殖生产中滥用抗生素、使用违禁添加剂、动物源性食品加工和储藏过程中违规或超量使用食品添加剂、检出手段落后、法律法规体系不健全、管理部门多、政务分割是产生动物源性食品安全事故的根源。针对目前的现状,提出了动物源性食品安全的控制对策是加强宣传,提高人们对畜产品安全重要性的认识,发展生态畜牧业模式,完善疫病防控体系,强化动物疫病防控意识,加强监管,确保动物源性食品源头的质量安全、强化监管职责,确保畜产品的屠宰加工质量、加强动物疫病监测体系建设、建立与国际标准接轨的奶业标准体系,各职能部门应切实承担起这项工作,加强此方面的监管力度,以保障人体健康,维护社会安定。  相似文献   

乳制品被世界各地人群消费,这主要与乳制品能引起感官愉悦和健康、营养有关.随着食品工业的发展,目前的一个关键趋势是食物产品提供更多功能性,以提高消费者的健康程度,如功能性乳制品.本文综述乳制品的功能性,包括改善血脂、肠道、骨骼及血糖健康,并就应用于乳制品中的降血糖功能物质进行介绍.  相似文献   

近年人们生活水平和生活质量日益提高,对食物安全性提出更严格的要求,尤其是对肉食品的选择上。市场上各种食品安全问题层出不穷,严重危害国民的身体健康,也影响畜牧业的经济效益。因此,动物健康状况尤为重要,相关工作人员要十分重视动物防控检测工作,了解这项工作的重要意义,对检测工作中存在的问题及时实施可行的对策。  相似文献   

张重丽  侯扶江 《草业科学》2011,28(6):1162-1167
畜产品安全引起人们从另一个角度对动物福利的关注,片面地追求GDP和人的福利,忽略甚至否定动物福利的必要性,最终结果是危害人类自身的健康。保护动物福利可以提高畜产品的品质,保证食品安全。草地农业系统为动物福利提供了生态系统基础。在实现动物福利时,要结合国情把握好“度”。国内外动物福利的研究有一定区别,因时代局限性和不同步性,动物福利发展受到多因素的影响。我国制订动物福利法刻不容缓,可以通过草畜耦合、完善草地农业系统,提高动物福利的社会承认度,全面实现动物福利。  相似文献   

中草药饲料添加剂能提高动物生产性能、繁殖机能、改善畜产品品质、抗应激,且毒副作用小,不易在肉、蛋、奶等食用畜禽产品中产生有害残留,是确保饲料和动物性食品安全及人体健康的理想添加剂。  相似文献   

The nature of veterinary work in dairy health management in Europe has changed over the past years and will change even more dramatically in the near future. The consumers and the media show increasing concern about animal welfare, safety of products of animal origin and traceability of animal products. Farmers in Europe have to produce under strict, often expensive and laborious regulations, while still commercially competing with farmers outside the EU and not subject to the same rules. Veterinarians should adapt their knowledge and skills to the new challenges and developments of the dairy sector. Dairy farmers nowadays ask for support in areas that go beyond clinical activities: environmental protection, welfare, nutrition, grassland management, economics and business management. Bovine practitioners should be able to advise in many different areas and subjects--that is the challenge to our profession. Veterinary education with regards to cattle health management should start with individual animal clinical work, which constitutes the basis of herd health advisory programmes. The bovine practitioner should then look beyond that and regard the herd as the unit. Each diseased cow or group of cows should be detected early enough to avoid financial losses or such losses should be prevented altogether by detecting and managing risk factors contributing to disease occurrence. Herd health and production management programmes represent the first level to optimise dairy farm performance. Expansions to that should further be considered, comprising both animal health and welfare issues, as well as food safety and public health issues. The latter could be addressed by quality risk management programmes following the HACCP-principles. Cattle veterinarians should follow recent developments and invest in new skills and knowledge in order to maintain their usefulness to the modern dairy farmer. Finally we are convinced that the cattle practitioner should evolve into this direction, otherwise the veterinarian as we know him will miss the train in the next years.  相似文献   

兽用磺胺类药物常添加到动物饲料中用来治疗疾病和促进生长,但不合理的用药会导致磺胺类药物在动物组织中残留,影响食品安全,从而损害人类健康。此外,磺胺类药物在人体及动物体内并不能完全被吸收,大部分以原型及代谢物形式随尿液及粪便排出体外,引起细菌耐药性等一系列问题。因此建立食品和环境中磺胺类药物及其代谢物的检测方法对于保障环境及食品安全,保护人们身体健康具有重要意义。目前,检测磺胺类药物及其代谢物以色谱和质谱等仪器分析方法为主。由于食品和环境中样品基质复杂,药物浓度偏低,所以,在仪器分析前需采取适当的样品前处理对目标物进行富集和纯化。近年来,微型化、无溶剂化、自动化成为样品前处理的发展趋势,作者介绍了固相萃取、固相微萃取、分散液液微萃取、中空纤维液相微萃取、基质固相分散、分子印迹、免疫亲和色谱、场辅助萃取、QuEChERS法、浊点萃取等前处理技术的原理、优缺点及应用,并对未来样品前处理发展方向作出展望,旨在为磺胺类药物及其代谢物的检测提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Probiotics are cultures of special microorganisms, which have been used as feed additives since the seventies of the past century and already since the twenties in food specimen and in pharmaceuticals. The definition of "Probioticum" was formulated in 1974 simultaneously with the use of living cultures in feed for various animals in order to substitute the application of nutritive antibiotics or chemotherapeutics. In the meantime probiotics are applied not only as feed supplements or pharmaceuticals but increasingly in suitable food specimens such as dairy products, fruit juices, chocolates, and even meat products. Of course, heating of such products prior to consumption or application must be ruled out. The selection of a suitable strain of a microorganism can be regarded as the primary requirement for the use as a probiotic. These cultures must be able to pass the stomach-duodenum barrier in a viable state and to multiply at the site of destination in the intestine. Additionally, they must be capable of producing antagonistic metabolites against a dominating saprophytic microflora resulting in a competitive growth. These abilities are common among lactic acid bacteria, e.g. lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Yet, intended autochthonous species do not possess very good technological features for the enrichment in food specimens, because their viability will decrease rapidly under unfavourable conditions as it is the case with mineral supplements in feed or with low acidity in fermented dairy products. Therefore, some other microorganisms like spore-forming species or yeast cultures were introduced as probiotic components. These possess some similar features which render them suitable for probiotic use. But their physiological and ecological traits do not qualify them as probiotics of first choice. The special efficacy of probiotics must be strictly verified in animal nutrition due to restrictive EC-regulations, in pharmacy due to legal restraints, and in food applications in accordance with food law regulations. Safety aspects are considered very restrictively in feed applications, in the food and pharmaceutical sector they should be in accordance with the intended purpose of "fulfilling health claims". In the presented review the different requirements for the application of probiotics in animal nutrition, in food, and in pharmaceuticals will be provided. The special effect of competitive exclusion of pathogenetic and toxinogenic microorganisms in fowl performance are mentioned and even the application of probiotics as marine aquacultures of fish and Crustaceae will be included. Furthermore, the safety aspects resulting from the tremendous amount of industrially produced cultures which are distributed into the environment will be discussed. In conclusion it may be pointed out that probiotics may serve to partially replace the presently reduced or even prohibited application of nutritive antibiotics or chemotherapeutics in animal nutrition and in fulfillment of health claims in man and animals. Economic and environmental aspects will reduce the overall application of probiotics world-wide. Restrictions of use and controls of efficacy and safety are essential and must be implemented periodically.  相似文献   

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