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叶肉细胞产生的渗透吸力和根细胞产生的渗透压力是水分吸收运输的主要动力。根压是吸水结果而不是吸水动力。蒸腾只是一个失水过程而不能直接产生吸水动力,所谓蒸腾拉力是叶肉细胞通过渗透吸水在导管内产生的负压。水分的吸收运输完全是建立在渗透平衡基础上进行的。  相似文献   

内聚力-张力学说(C-T学说)是目前解释高大树木体内水分上升机理的唯一理论,但对其的质疑从来没有停过。本文就该理论中关于负压的使用提出几点疑问。在C-T学说中,张应力(单位面积上受到的张力)具有和大气压强、静水压强、水势相同的单位-帕斯卡,且都可为负值,即负压。由于四者单位相同,张应力的负压被等同于负的大气压强、负的静水压强和水势。然而,四者具有不同的物理意义,不能相互比较和代替。负的大气压强和负的静水压强在物理学上不存在;水分在水势的作用下可以自由扩散,水分子间内聚力消失,而被蒸腾拉力往上拽时水分子间需要具有强大的内聚力才能承受张应力,因此,植物体内水分的水势和张应力不可能共存。张应力、水势、大气压强和静水压强四种负压只有一种是存在的,C-T学说需要对该理论中涉及到的负压进行重新合理的诠释。  相似文献   

山西太岳山辽东栎夏季树干液流通量研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
树干液流指蒸腾在植物体内引起的上升液流。土壤液态水进入根系后 ,由茎输导组织向上运送达冠层 ,经由气孔蒸腾 (包括角质层及皮孔蒸腾 )转化为气态水扩散到大气中去。根部吸收的水分有 99 8%以上消耗在蒸腾上 (王沙生等 ,1 991 )。通过精确测算茎流量 ,可以基本确定植株蒸腾失  相似文献   

从六种紫胶虫优良寄主树钝叶黄檀、思茅黄檀、瓦氏葛藤、大叶千斤拔、山合欢、聚果榕的自然分布与生态特性看出,它们均为耐旱性较强的树种。进一步测定其蒸腾强度、水势、水分饱和亏等水分生理指标发现,蒸腾强度与水势受气温、空气相对湿度、光照和风速等综合气候因素的影响。蒸腾强度随气温、光照强度、风速的增大而增高,随相对湿度的增大而降低;水势的变化则正好相反。蒸腾强度增大,水势下降,被动吸水能力随之增强,抗旱能力增强。植物体内的临界饱和亏越大,需水程度就越小,抗干旱能力越强。测定结果反映出,六种紫胶虫优良寄主树种的抗旱性由强到弱依次为:山合欢,钝叶黄檀,瓦氏葛滕,思茅黄檀,大叶千斤拔,聚果榕。  相似文献   

采用野外采集与室内实验相结合的方法,对磴口地区8种沙生植物的水分代谢进行了相关研究。结果表明:沙生植物的水势与抗脱水能力呈负相关,与蒸腾日变幅呈正相关,可溶性糖、盐含量对沙生植物的水势起决定作用,蛋白质含量和亲水基团的多少决定束/自比的大小。出现与无贮水组织的沙生植物中的束/自比与日蒸腾强度之间的相关性,在具贮水组织的...  相似文献   

【目的】对84K杨树(Populus alba×P.glandulosa)苗木完整植株的根压进行连续测定,研究根压昼夜节律和蒸腾作用、木质部汁液渗透质的关系,为揭示在自然条件下完整植物的根压昼夜节律及发生规律提供参考。【方法】在自然条件下,运用侧面开孔法对杨树苗木完整植株的根压昼夜周期进行测定,并测定叶片水势、根系和茎干木质部汁液的渗透势、无机离子及可溶性糖含量的日变化。【结果】完整杨树植株的根压可以通过侧面开孔法进行监测,测定结果可靠性强。在自然条件下完整植株的根压和去顶根系的根压具有相似的昼夜节律,即昼高夜低,但是完整植株的最大根压值相对较小,且受蒸腾作用的影响。上午蒸腾拉力导致的水势下降并没有抑制根压的上升,中午水势降到一定程度后,根压才迅速下降。1天内任何时间,杨树苗木茎干不同部位木质部汁液存在自上而下渗透势梯度,越到上部渗透势越低,中午尤为突出。此外,茎干木质部汁液渗透势比根系木质部汁液低,根系木质部汁液渗透势在凌晨最低。根系木质部汁液的渗透物质主要是由矿质元素组成,其次是可溶性糖。【结论】完整植株的根压和去顶根系的根压一样,具有明显的昼夜节律,但是在蒸腾作用的影响下最大根压值较小。根压具有较强的自主性,在一定程度上能够抗衡蒸腾拉力。茎干木质部汁液渗透势比根系木质部汁液低,根系木质部汁液的渗透势在凌晨最低,吸水动力最强。  相似文献   

通过对干旱区4种木本植物体内Na+,K+浓度和水分、光合等指标的测定、比较,分析盐分积累与其耐旱性的关系。结果表明:梭梭和柽柳能够吸收、积累较多的Na+,而花棒和沙枣组织Na+浓度相对较低;与花棒和沙枣相比,梭梭和柽柳具有较低的组织水势和渗透势、较小的蒸腾失水量和较大光合作用有效水势范围。表现为植株水势、渗透势和蒸腾失水量与其组织Na+浓度呈负相关,而光合作用有效水势范围大小则与其呈显著正相关。由此可见:盐分积累能够降低组织渗透势和水势、增强水分吸收的动力,同时还可以减少蒸腾耗水,有利于植株在低水势下维持较高的光合作用能力,即干旱地区的植物通过积盐可以增强其抗旱能力。  相似文献   

森林土壤水分动态,吸收特性及水量平衡研究动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水分条件是森林生态系统中重要生态因子之一,它在植物生命活动中起着极其重要的作用。一方面森林通过根系统从土壤中吸收水分维持生长,另一方面森林通过林冠截留、树冠蒸腾、林地蒸发等对水分进行重新分配,改善其数量和质量。有关森林的水文作用早在公元前第1世纪森林水文学家维特鲁维耶斯(Vitrvius)就有所认识,他提出,在山区“不存在由于蒸发而造成水的损失”,因为“那里有森林存在,太阳的光线不会照射到地表水”,而且,“由于茂密的森林存在,雪在地面上的滞留时间也较长”(Biswas,1970)。1893  相似文献   

树木体内水分上升的原理,自十九世纪植物学家提出问题以来,众议纷纭,后来一般认为比较可信的只有内聚力学说。内聚力学说由Bohn、Dixon、Toly、Renner等人提出,他们认为“水在植物体内的上升不能用以下部上推的压力来解释,应当从植物的上部寻求上升动力。认为叶的吸水力是水分上升的动力,而这种吸水力由于叶的蒸腾作用可以不断地保持着。后来植物生理学家又从多方面丰富了这一学说。  相似文献   

木材中的水分会严重影响木材加工和使用性能,必须通过干燥使木材含水率控制在适宜范围内。常规蒸汽干燥耗能大、干燥缺陷多,热泵除湿干燥、太阳能干燥等新型节能干燥技术工业化应用尚不理想,因此,本文从木材水分来源和树木水分生理特性出发,探讨基于蒸腾作用降低木材水分的活立木生理干燥理论和技术,并从水分与植物生理的角度阐述活立木生理干燥的理论基础。通过分析树叶水分蒸发研究进展,总结叶内水分可能的3种蒸发位点,即暴露在内部气体空间的所有叶肉细胞和表皮细胞、气孔下腔室周围大部分区域的叶肉细胞和表皮细胞以及气孔下腔室周围其他区域的叶肉细胞和表皮细胞。通过分析植物体内水分传输机制研究进展和现状,总结植物叶内水分传输的3种可能途径,即通过胞间连丝的共质体传输途径、通过水孔蛋白的跨细胞传输途径以及通过未栓化细胞壁的质外体传输途径。阐明被广泛用于解释木质部水分长距离运输的内聚力-张力学说,分析其目前存在的争论及一些新提出的学说,如补偿压学说、多驱动力学说或水门学说,并分析木质部水分运输过程中时常发生的空穴和栓塞现象及其可能的恢复机制。在此基础上,提出今后研究活立木生理干燥过程中水分传输和散失机制的几个重点和方向:一是探讨生理干燥过程中处于水分胁迫状态下树叶叶孔蒸腾和角质层蒸腾之间的关系;二是探讨生理干燥过程中处于严重水分胁迫状态下树木叶内水分传输途径和蒸发位点;三是探讨纹孔等微观构造在木质部水分长距离传输中的作用以及在空穴和栓塞产生和恢复过程中的作用;四是探讨生理干燥过程中木质部内空穴和栓塞的产生和恢复机制及其对水分长距离传输的作用和影响。  相似文献   

在渗透胁迫条件下,甜菜碱是高等植物中最主要的代谢积累产物之一,可以维持细胞的正常膨压,使许多代谢中的重要酶类保持活性。本文主要讨论甜菜碱的生理功能、作用机制及其在植物抗渗透胁迫基因工程中的应用。  相似文献   

We used pressure-volume analysis and dewpoint hygrometry to determine leaf water relation parameters of mangrove (Avicennia germinans L.) seedlings grown at salinities of 0, 8, 20 and 32 per thousand. Seedlings responded to an increase in salinity from 0 to 32 per thousand by an increase in leaf succulence as reflected in an increase in leaf water content per unit area from 300 to 360 g m(-2). Additionally, osmotic potential at full turgor decreased from -2.3 to -3.5 MPa and osmotic potential at zero turgor decreased from -2.7 to -4.3 MPa. Cell elasticity decreased as salinity increased from 0 to 32 per thousand, as indicated by a progressive increase in volumetric modulus of elasticity from 19 to 27 MPa. Increased leaf succulence enabled leaves to sequester large amounts of solutes without adversely increasing cell osmotic pressure. On the other hand, osmotic adjustment facilitated turgor maintenance as water potential diminished. Salinity-induced decreases in tissue elasticity generated greater water potential differences between leaves and soil under saline conditions than under non-saline conditions.  相似文献   

We evaluated the osmotic adjustment capacity of leaves and roots of young olive (Olea europaea L.) trees during a period of water deficit and subsequent rewatering. The trials were carried out in Basilicata (40 degrees 24' N, 16 degrees 48' E) on 2-year-old self-rooted olive plants (cv. 'Coratina'). Plants were subjected to one of four drought treatments. After 13 days of drought, plants reached mean predawn leaf water potentials of -0.45 +/- 0.015 MPa (control), -1.65 +/- 0.021 (low stress), -3.25 +/- 0.035 (medium stress) and -5.35 +/- 0.027 MPa (high stress). Total osmotic adjustment increased with increasing severity of drought stress. Trees in the high stress treatment showed total osmotic adjustments ranging between 2.4 MPa at 0500 h and 3.8 MPa at 1800 h on the last day of the drought period. Osmotic adjustment allowed the leaves to reach leaf water potentials of about -7.0 MPa. Active osmotic adjustment at predawn decreased during the rewatering period in both leaves and roots. Stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rate declined with increasing drought stress. Osmotic adjustment in olive trees was associated with active and passive osmotic regulation of drought tolerance, providing an important mechanism for avoiding water loss.  相似文献   

We investigated the extent of osmotic adjustment and changes in transpiration rate that occur in response to repeated cycles of water deficit stress in 6-year-old Thuja occidentalis L. (eastern white cedar) trees. Groups of trees were water-stress conditioned by repeated exposure to predetermined thresholds of nonlethal water stress by withholding water until the predawn water potential fell to -0.9 (mild conditioning) or -1.4 MPa (moderate conditioning). Both the mild and moderate conditioning treatments resulted in a decrease in osmotic potential of 0.08 to 0.20 MPa and 0.11 to 0.28 MPa, respectively, relative to the well-watered controls. Mildly and moderately conditioned trees exhibited an approximately 35 and 50% reduction in cumulative transpiration, respectively, following at least two stress cycles. Transpiration rates of conditioned trees remained below those of the well-watered controls even when water potential integrals were similar. We conclude that the decrease in transpiration rate was more important than osmotic adjustment as a mechanism of response to repeated water stress.  相似文献   

Pressure-volume analysis was used to study effects of irrigation and fertilization on the water relations of newly expanded juvenile leaves of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. seedlings growing in Portugal's Atlantic region. In May, at the beginning of the dry season, fertilization and irrigation treatments had no significant effects on the water relations parameters investigated. In September, at the end of the dry season, leaves from non-irrigated plants had a significantly higher apoplasmic water content and a higher dry weight/turgid weight ratio than leaves of similar physiological age from irrigated trees. The osmotic potential at full turgor and the water potential at the wilting point were lower in non-irrigated than in irrigated plants. Changes in osmotic potential at full turgor were negatively correlated with changes in dry weight/turgid weight ratio, suggesting that reductions in osmotic potential at full turgor were largely the result of decreases in cell size. Fertilization had no detectable effect on these variables or on leaf tissue bulk modulus of elasticity. Tissue elasticity was also unaffected by irrigation. Independently of water and nutrient supplies, leaf elasticity was higher and relative water content at the wilting point lower in leaves sampled in May than in leaves sampled in September. In non-irrigated plants, leaves sampled in September had a lower tissue elasticity and a lower osmotic potential at full turgor than leaves sampled in May, indicating that leaves produced at the end of the dry season generate lower water potentials as turgor is lost than leaves expanded early in the season.  相似文献   

渗透胁迫对青杨叶片氧自由基伤害及膜脂过氧化的影响   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
孙昌祖 《林业科学》1993,29(2):104-109
采用PEG-6000对青杨叶片进行渗透胁迫处理,研究其O_2~(?)产生速率、SOD和CAT活性水平及MDA含量的变化,并测定了相应发生的质膜透性和叶水势的改变。结果表明,青杨叶片的O_2~(?)产生速率随PEG浓度的加大而增加,在-2.5--1.25MPa间,胁迫强度与O_2~(?)生成量成正比。MDA含量的变化趋势与O_2~(?)产生速率的变化趋势相似;在一定胁强范围内,SOD和CAT的活性水平亦与O_2~(?)的变化相一致;细胞质膜透性的加大和叶水势的降低与MDA含量的增高呈明显的正相关,经统计处理结果之差有极显著意义。说明青杨叶片的渗透胁迫损伤,是由O_2~(?)引发的膜脂过氧化,致使MDA含量增高,破坏了细胞膜系统所致。  相似文献   

Components of dehydration tolerance, including osmotic potential at full turgor (Psi(pio)) and osmotic adjustment (lowering of Psi(pio)), of several deciduous species were investigated in a mature, upland oak forest in eastern Tennessee. Beginning July 1993, the trees were subjected to one of three throughfall precipitation treatments: ambient, ambient minus 33% (dry treatment), and ambient plus 33% (wet treatment). During the dry 1995 growing season, leaf water potentials of all species declined to between -2.5 and -3.1 MPa in the dry treatment. There was considerable variation in Psi(pio) among species (-1.0 to -2.0 MPa). Based on Psi(pio) values, American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.), dogwood (Cornus florida L.), and sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) were least dehydration tolerant, red maple (A. rubrum L.) was intermediate in tolerance, and white oak (Quercus alba L.) and chestnut oak (Quercus prinus L.) were most tolerant. During severe drought, overstory chestnut oak and understory dogwood, red maple and chestnut oak displayed osmotic adjustment (-0.12 to -0.20 MPa) in the dry treatment relative to the wet treatment. (No osmotic adjustment was evident in understory red maple and chestnut oak during the previous wet year.) Osmotic potential at full turgor was generally correlated with leaf water potential, with both declining over the growing season, especially in species that displayed osmotic adjustment. However, osmotic adjustment was not restricted to species considered dehydration tolerant; for example, dogwood typically maintained high Psi(pio) and displayed osmotic adjustment to drought, but had the highest mortality rates of the species studied. Understory saplings tended to have higher Psi(pio) than overstory trees when water availability was high, but Psi(pio) of understory trees declined to values observed for overstory trees during severe drought. We conclude that Psi(pio) varies among deciduous hardwood species and is dependent on canopy position and soil water potential in the rooting zone.  相似文献   

We examined the extent of osmotic adjustment and the changes in relative water content (RWC) and transpiration rate (i.e., relative stomatal function) that occur in water-deficit-conditioned 6-year-old Thuja occidentalis L. (eastern white cedar) trees in response to a severe drought. Trees conditioned by successive cycles of mild or moderate nonlethal water stress (conditioning) and nonconditioned trees were exposed to drought (i.e., -2.0 MPa predawn water potential) to determine if water deficit conditioning enhanced tolerance to further drought stress. Following drought, all trees were well watered for 11 days to evaluate how quickly osmotic potential, RWC and transpiration rate returned to preconditioning values. Both nonconditioned trees and mildly conditioned trees exhibited similar responses to drought, whereas moderately conditioned trees maintained higher water potentials and transpiration rates were 38% lower. Both conditioned and nonconditioned trees exhibited a similar degree of osmotic adjustment (-0.39 MPa) in response to drought relative to the well-watered control trees. The well-watered control trees, nonconditioned trees and mildly conditioned trees had similar leaf RWCs that were about 3% lower than those of the moderately conditioned trees. Following the 11-day stress relief, there were no significant differences in osmotic potential between the well-watered control trees and any of the drought-treated trees. Daily transpiration rates and water potential integrals (WPI) of all drought-treated trees approached those of the well-watered control trees during the stress relief period. However, the relationship between cumulative transpiration and WPI showed that previous exposure to drought stress reduced transpiration rates. Leaf RWC of the moderately conditioned trees remained slightly higher than that of the nonconditioned and mildly conditioned trees.  相似文献   

Yau DP  Sands R 《Tree physiology》1992,11(2):161-169
The elongation rate of root suckers of Dutch elm (Ulmus x hollandica Mill.) increased with increasing age of the sucker, soil water content and net growth pressure (the excess of turgor pressure over soil restraining pressure) and it decreased with increasing soil strength. The increase in the rate of sucker elongation with age was probably the result of a decrease in osmotic potential causing an increase in the turgor pressure. Increasing soil strength increased the rate of osmotic adjustment. The increase in the rate of sucker elongation with increasing soil water content was probably due to an increase in the water potential of the sucker and a decrease in soil strength associated with increasing soil water content.  相似文献   

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