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通长江水道是一些河海洄游性、江湖洄游性鱼类进行长江与鄱阳湖之间洄游的必经水域。近年来,由于围湖造田、过度捕捞、开挖湖沙、拦河筑坝等人类活动的影响,鄱阳湖的生态环境和渔业功能日渐恶化。为了解鄱阳湖洄游鱼类资源的种群变化,本文对洄游鱼类种类、群落结构及其影响因素进行了概述。  相似文献   

2017年7月-2018年6月,对湘江下游汨罗江段的仔鱼及幼鱼、成鱼开展了逐月调查,采集仔鱼1 559尾,隶属于4科12种,其中江湖洄游型鱼类7种,468尾,分别占总量的58.3%和30.0%;采集幼鱼、成鱼1 258尾,隶属于8科42种,其中江湖洄游性鱼类16种,547尾,11 486.8g,分别占总量的38.1%、43.6%和40.7%。分析结果表明,仔鱼及幼鱼、成鱼的丰度呈现明显的季节性变化特征,均为夏季高,冬季低;4-8月份,江湖洄游型鱼类的运动指数在0.1~0.7之间,呈现入湖趋势;10月份至次年3月份,江湖洄游型鱼类的运动指数在-0.7~-0.3之间,呈现出湖趋势;幼鱼、成鱼的丰度基本上夜间高于白天的;径流量和水温是鱼类出、入湖的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

<正>江苏省的高邮湖、宝应湖与邵伯湖一起统称为高宝邵伯湖,高宝邵伯湖总面积960.71平方千米,是淮河下游的入江口,雨季淮河上游的80%的洪水通过太平河、金湾河、凤凰河等受以万福闸为主控制的河道直接进入长江,是长江下游地区唯一的直接通江湖泊。同时高宝邵伯湖是江苏重要的渔业水体,是长江多种鱼类的洄游通道,历史上的资源调查显示湖区内存在着长江洄游性鱼类,包括刀鲚、花鲈、鲥鱼等重要长江经济鱼类。因  相似文献   

论述了鱼类洄游通道恢复的理论基础,我国鱼类洄游通道恢复的历史和现状,并分析了长江流域鱼类洄游通道阻隔现状及其对鱼类资源的影响。在此基础上提出了长江流域鱼类洄游通道恢复的对策:制定鱼类洄游通道恢复规划;建立鱼类洄游通道恢复的相关法律体系和协调机制;开展鱼类洄游通道恢复关键技术研究;加强鱼类洄游通道恢复研究能力建设,建立科学的技术支撑体系。  相似文献   

裕溪河为巢湖与长江的进出通道.全长46公里。1960年在巢湖县城关西南建成巢湖闸,1966年又在裕溪河口以上4公里处建成裕溪闸。两闸建成对促进农业生产和交通运输业起了很大的作用。但同时也隔绝了某些过河口洄游性鱼类及江湖半洄性鱼类(包括鱼苗、鱼种)的洄游通道,引起了巢湖鱼类资源变动及产量下降。  相似文献   

洄游通道的连通性及其水文条件,是制约鱼类正常洄游和产卵繁殖的关键因素,现有的生态流量相关研究更多侧重于产卵场栖息地模拟,忽略了鱼类洄游水流条件的重要性。为了探究流速条件对鱼类洄游上溯的影响,选取体长(55±5)cm的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)为实验对象,通过搭建鱼类洄游仿真河道,营造不同的流速工况,观察不同情景方案下实验鱼群上溯洄游情况,并利用模糊逻辑法对鱼类上溯洄游率、平均上溯时间及上溯持续性等实验参数进行综合分析,探索草鱼洄游的适宜流速条件与适应阈值。结果显示,在流速0.20m/s以下时,草鱼基本无上溯行为;流速0.25~0.80m/s,70%样本在15min内完成上溯,但0.25~0.30m/s时,鱼群上溯缺乏明显的持续性;0.90~1.00m/s时,80%以上样本在5min快速完成上溯;流速超过1.1m/s时,上溯成功率明显降低。研究表明,实验草鱼洄游的适宜流速范围是0.40~1.00m/s,而刺激草鱼洄游的最小流速阈值是0.20m/s。相关结果可为河流生态水力学模拟和河流生态修复以及水利工程生态调度提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

欧洲各国虽然国情不同,但在鱼类保护问题上均面临着类似的难题,即如何恢复洄游鱼类的洄游通道;各国在该问题上密切合作与信息共享,取得了良好的效果,积累了丰富的经验。介绍了欧洲“共同体河流”项目恢复鱼类洄游通道的解决办法、监测与评价、信息交流等方面的研究与实践。  相似文献   

长江是世界上著名的生物多样性热点地区,是重要的物种基因库和天然的资源活体库,对维系我国水域生态平衡、保障生态安全和经济社会可持续发展具有极为重要的作用。在各种人类活动的影响下,长江水生生物资源严重衰退,鱼类完整性达到了“无鱼”的级别。2021年起,国家开始全面实施长江十年禁渔,现已初见成效。但是,水电开发、水污染、江湖阻隔造成的栖息地退化等问题依旧严重。本文综合评估了长江水生生物多样性现状和已有的保护措施,认为生境破坏、水质恶化、外来种入侵、科研和保护工作投入不足,是目前长江水生生物多样性保护中存在的主要问题。在十年禁渔实施的新形势下,为了修复长江水域的生态环境和保护水生生物资源,提出了加强长江水生生物多样性保护的若干建议,包括加强珍稀鱼类的人工保育,转换鱼类人工增殖放流目标;加强水生态修复的技术研究与项目实施;加强生态观测站和水生生物战略资源库建设;加大保护研究的投入;完善长江禁捕水域科研监测的审批和管理制度,健全长江水生生物保护管理体系等。  相似文献   

三峡工程的兴建具有防洪、发电、航运及旅游等巨大的综合经济效益。然而,大坝建成后所产生的生态效应也将对长江渔业资源产生一定的影响。本文从长江鱼类的生态学、生物学和繁殖生态学等方面出发,结合工程的生态效应,分析了三峡工程对长江珍稀名贵鱼类、洄游性鱼类、半洄游性鱼类影响的程度,提出了保护与补救的对策。  相似文献   

长江三峡水库的建立对长江渔业资源将会带来多方面影响,主要对江湖间洄游产漂流性鱼卵的鱼类(包括青、草、鲢、鳙等)遭受到大范围产卵场破坏。引起中下游天然捕捞产量下降;对江海洄游鱼类的影响表现为大坝阻断了中华鲟入川产卵的通道;汛期洪峰的削减使河口区咸淡水交融线内缩,不利于鲥鱼等鱼类上溯。水库建成后形成一个新的巨大的淡水渔业基地,要积极开展增殖、放养,保护珍稀鱼类(中华鲟、白鲟),发展名优水产品,使库区经济尽快富裕起来。  相似文献   

长江下游浅水湖泊石臼湖鱼类资源现状及变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2012-2013年对石臼湖水质和鱼类资源开展的2次调查数据,研究石臼湖水质、鱼类资源现状及演变趋势。采用水质单因子评价方法、营养状态质量指数,结合经济合作与发展OECO富营养湖泊判断标准,研究石臼湖、姑溪河、塘沟河、清水河的水质和富营养化状况;通过商业捕捞的渔获物调查,收集石臼湖和姑溪河鱼类资源数据,分析河网区鱼类种类组成、渔获物结构等渔业资源现状。结果表明,石臼湖及毗邻水域存在一定程度的水污染,且湖区受水量变化影响低于河流区,总体水质状况符合地表水环境质量Ⅲ~Ⅳ类,为富营养状态。石臼湖分布鱼类110种,2012-2013年共调查到54种;其中,石臼湖38种,固城湖33种,姑溪河51种。石臼湖、固城湖和姑溪河主要经济鱼类(数量和重量均超过1%的种类)分别有13、11和9种。石臼湖鱼类主要以鲤[Cyprinus(Cyprinus)carpio]、鲫(Carassius auratus)、鲇(Silurus asotus)等适应静、缓流生境的鱼类为主,并以歺又鱼(Hemiculter leucisculus)、鲫、棒花鱼(Abbotina rivularis)等小型鱼类或小规格个体鱼类(1 000 g)为主;湖区天然渔业资源呈衰退趋势,由于和长江下游干流相通,姑溪河鱼类种类数高于湖区,但其生物量远低于湖区;渔业资源的分布状况与水质状况无明显相关性,与河湖的连通性有关;受枯水期水量偏少、上游和周边来水污染以及高密度水产养殖的影响,石臼湖水质出现氮、磷和有机污染物超标等问题。宜采取源头控污、限制养殖、渔民转产以及人工增殖等措施,保护石臼湖水质,恢复天然渔业资源。  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal complexity of large river ecosystems likely promotes biological diversity within riverine larval fish assemblages. However, the focus of most previous riverine studies of larval fish distribution has tended to concentrate mainly on backwater habitats. There has been less focus on the value of the main channel for larval fishes. We sampled two habitats types (three main channel sites and three backwater lakes) along 20 km of the Illinois River ecosystem during 2 years to compare the larval fish distribution along both spatial and environmental gradients between these habitats. Across the 2 years of this study, we found similar trends in the spatial and temporal distribution of larval fish, although there were some differences in densities between years. The relative abundance and size of many of the different fish taxa varied among habitats. Centrarchids, clupeids, poeciliids, cyprinids (excluding common carp) and atherinids were more abundant within backwater lake habitat. In contrast, common carp (Cyprinus carpio), sciaenids, moronids and catostomids were more abundant in main channel habitats. Furthermore, sciaenid and clupeid larvae captured in the backwater lake habitat were larger as the season progressed than those captured in the main channel. Our study suggests that larval fish show habitat specialisation, similar to adults, indicating that both the backwater lakes and the main channel are both important for larval fish and preserving the diversity of the fish assemblages in large floodplain rivers.  相似文献   

水利设施运行影响下的鱼类早期资源发生规律被逐渐关注,坝下区域也成为鱼类产卵生境的关注热点。西苕溪作为太湖上游的重要补充支流,是太湖流域鱼类完成生活史过程的重要载体。为解析电站影响下的坝下河流生境变量与鱼类早期资源的内在联系,本研究于2022年4—7月在西苕溪江东电站坝下的东山段开展了持续90 d的鱼类早期资源调查以及时空格局研究。结果显示,该区域鱼卵日平均密度为(0.5±0.7)ind/m3,仔鱼日平均密度为(0.5±0.6) ind/m3。运用形态学结合分子生物学方法进行种类鉴定,共鉴定鱼类35种,隶属4目14科22属,其中产沉性卵鱼类9种,产浮性卵5种,产黏性卵9种,产漂流性卵12种。5月下旬、6月上旬和6月下旬为产卵高峰期。左右岸样线以沉性卵和以水生植物为黏附基质的产黏性卵鱼类为主,河心样线则以产漂流性卵、产黏性卵和浮性卵鱼类为主。该区域鱼类卵苗数量受水温、流速、水位影响较大,水位、流速是影响鱼类繁殖的主要因子,电站调度对卵苗量有显著影响。基于卵苗收获量、卵苗发育时期等结果,判定该采样区域——西苕溪江东电站坝下东山段为适宜多种鱼类繁殖的复合型产卵场,对太湖流域鱼类多样性和渔业资源...  相似文献   

The migration of fish from two large northern Finnish lakes to their outflowing rivers was studied by echosounding and exploratory fishing. Both lakes are regulated for hydroelectric purposes. In both rivers, two sonar stations with stationary up- and down-looking transducers were used to collect data for one year. The fish migration rate in the River Oulujoki was greater than in the River Paatsjoki. In the River Oulujoki, the fish migrated mainly downstream and in the River Paatsjoki both down- and upstream. In the River Paatsjoki, larger fish showed active migration in the spring and autumn, whereas in the River Oulujoki the increase in the migration occurred simultaneously in all size groups. The different species composition and the different nature of the lakes, together with the different regulation practices, were considered to be responsible for the varying migration patterns. It was concluded that no barriers to fish migration should be built on these rivers.  相似文献   

鱼类是湖泊食物网中的重要消费者, 占据食物网多个营养级。通过食物网营养级联效应, 鱼类对湖泊生物群落结构和水环境可产生重要影响。本研究以长江中下游浅水湖泊——傀儡湖为例, 研究了基于不同饵料类群渔产潜力估算前提下食鱼性鱼类、滤食性鱼类、碎屑食性鱼类的组合放养技术, 并探讨了底层杂食性鱼类针对性捕捞的复合调控策略对傀儡湖鱼类群落结构、沉水植物群落和水质产生的影响, 旨在揭示鱼类群落调控在优化湖泊生态系统结构方面的重要作用, 为湖泊生态修复提供新的思路和手段。  相似文献   

Jiménez‐Segura LF, Palacio J, Leite R. River flooding and reproduction of migratory fish species in the Magdalena River basin, Colombia.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 178–186. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – In most tropical rivers subject to a single‐yearly flooding, migratory fish usually spawn in the onset of the flooding and larvae drift to their nursery habitats. To define when the migratory fish species reproduce, its relationship with the water level and when nursery areas in floodplain lakes are supplied with ichthyoplankton in the Magdalena River, a two‐yearly peak flooding river, we sampled the ichthyoplankton weekly throughout 2 years. The fish species Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum, Prochilodus magdalenae, Leporinus muyscorum, Sorubim cuspicaudus and Curimata mivartii spawn twice a year in the main channel and its larvae input into the floodplain lakes are not always associated with flooding. Spawning in the main channel and larvae inputs into the floodplain lakes suggest that the habitat used by the migratory fishes may be consistent with some hypotheses on habitats used by these fishes.  相似文献   

为了解过水型湖荡群浮游植物群落与水质变化特征,探究望虞河西岸湖荡群浮游植物时空分布及其环境影响因子,基于生物多样性分析、Pearson线性相关性分析、冗余分析(RDA)方法,于2018年9月—2019年7月对望虞河西岸湖荡群(宛山荡、嘉凌荡、鹅真荡、漕湖)的浮游植物和水环境因子进行采样调查分析,结果表明:①四个湖荡水质均处于GB3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》V类~劣V类水平,超标指标为TN和CODCr,春季优于其他季节。 ②湖荡群共鉴定浮游植物8门68属152种(含变种、变形),其中硅藻门、绿藻门、蓝藻门最多;主要优势种包括小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)、梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana)、颗粒直链藻(Melosira granulata)、铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、阿氏浮丝藻(Planktothrix agardhii)等;年均生物量为13.48 mg/L,年均藻细胞密度为15.25×106 cells/L;湖荡群浮游植物多样性指数呈秋高夏低趋势,处于中污染型至重污染型的过渡状态,其中Shannon-Wiener多样性指数多介于2~3之间,Pielou均匀度指数为0.5~0.8,Margalef丰富度指数处于1~2之间。 ③Pearson相关性分析与RDA分析结果表明,影响浮游植物的主要环境因子为WT(水温)、NH4+-N和NO3--N。 研究显示,望虞河西岸湖荡群浮游植物空间分布不均、季节特征明显,与太湖相比,优势种相近且多样性指数较好,但湖荡群水质较差,建议持续监测并加强针对性措施。  相似文献   

After many technical measures and restocking activities in the River Rhine, there are now signs of salmonids being able to complete their anadromous life cycle. In Lake IJsselmeer, a former estuary of the River Rhine, the large effort associated with professional fisheries has been used to collect bycatch data on rare, migratory fish. To clarify the function of the lake for salmonids, catch data collected throughout the year between 1995 and 1999 were related to various possible migratory strategies known for these species. Species-specific differences were found in timing, length–frequency distribution and maturity stage reflecting different behaviour of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. ( n =249) and sea trout, S. trutta L. ( n =3962). There was evidence that salmon exhibited traditional anadromous behaviour and use the lake only as a corridor. By contrast, sea trout appears to use the lake both as a corridor and as feeding habitat.  相似文献   

  1. River fish diversity is threatened by anthropogenic environmental alteration to landscapes. The early life-history stages of fish play an important role in maintaining diversity and population recruitment and can be heavily influenced by landscape patterns. Information on temporal and spatial distribution patterns of fish eggs and larvae is also important for biodiversity conservation and management of fish resources.
  2. The Yangtze River possesses a high diversity of fishes, including many commercially important species. The economy along the lower reach of the river is well developed, and most of the area is experiencing high pressure from human impacts. This section of the Yangtze River connects with the largest freshwater lake in China at the upstream end and flows into the estuary at the downstream end. These two landscape features are likely to have a significant impact upon the spatial distributions of fish egg and larval assemblages.
  3. Environmental variables, fish eggs, and larval assemblages were sampled in three locations, at Hukou, Anqing, and Jingjiang, in the lower reach of the Yangtze River. The results suggest that the higher number of species and greater abundance in upstream sites reflect the critical function of connectivity of Poyang Lake with the river for fish recruitment in the lower Yangtze. The delayed bloom of larval fish, occurrence of estuarine species, and a lower species number and abundance of freshwater fish downstream reflect the influence of tidal intrusion from the estuary.
  4. This study highlights the value of maintaining natural river–lakes connectivity in the Yangtze River as a conservation measure. The connected river–lake system should be designated as a priority area for fish resource protection in the lower reach of the Yangtze River. We recommend further measures to break down barriers between the river and other lakes and to restore the natural lateral connectivity of the floodplain ecosystem.

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