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定殖烟草根结线虫卵和雌虫机会真菌的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机会真菌对根结线虫的生物防治具有巨大潜力。本研究于2010—2011年针对来源于中国7个省份的156份烟草根结线虫样本,分别分离根结线虫游离卵、卵块和雌虫上定殖的机会真菌。应用18S rDNA-ITS片段测序结果结合菌株的形态学观察和培养性状鉴定定殖游离卵、卵块和雌虫上的真菌。根据分离到菌株的培养性状、形态学和rDNA-ITS序列分析,对定殖于南方根结线虫或北方根结线虫的9 839个游离卵、408个卵块和284个雌虫的真菌菌株,明确鉴定出9属13个种,其中定殖根结线虫新记录种5个,即长梗木霉、芬芳镰刀菌、渐狭蜡蚧菌、虫草棒束孢和交枝顶孢。淡紫紫孢菌Purpureocillium lilacinum(原名:淡紫拟青霉)为优势种,分布广泛,在云南、安徽、湖北、贵州和山东省均被分离到。该菌在南方根结线虫和北方根结线虫的游离卵、卵块和雌虫平均分离率分别为0.49%、24.00%和16.90%,说明其地理和生态适应性广泛。不同地区来源的烟草根结线虫卵和雌虫上定殖的机会真菌种类存在明显差异。目前尚无渐狭蜡蚧菌和虫草棒束孢作为线虫病原物的报道,有待于进一步深入研究其对根结线虫的致病性。  相似文献   

通过2种化肥用量、5种翻压绿肥量组成的10个处理田间小区试验,研究云南红壤翻压绿肥量对烟草农艺性状及线虫危害的影响。结果表明,烟草叶片大小、株高、茎粗与翻压绿肥量呈显著或极显著正相关;烟草采收末期,红壤寄生性线虫和非寄生性线虫数量随着翻压绿肥数量的增加而趋于增加,烟草根结线虫危害级别与翻压绿肥量呈极显著负相关。因此,翻压绿肥改善了烟草养分供给,促进了烟草生长,增强了烟草抗御线虫危害的能力,对烟草根结线虫危害起到了防治作用。生产上通常翻压绿肥15 000 kg/hm2,以达优质适产。  相似文献   

白花曼陀罗叶提取物对南方根结线虫生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了白花曼陀罗(D a tura m etel L inn.)叶提取物对南方根结线虫(M eloid ogyne incogn ita Ch it-w ood.)生长发育的影响。结果表明,白花曼陀罗叶提取物对南方根结线虫胚胎发育和胚后发育有抑制作用。1%白花曼陀罗叶提取物处理48 h,仅有19.88%的卵完成胚胎发育,且变异卵增多;胚后发育历程、初侵染、初产卵日分别推迟2、4、6 d,雌虫产卵量降低。  相似文献   

根结线虫接种对黄瓜植株根际土壤pH和微生物的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过人工接种不同数量的根结线虫卵,测定了黄瓜植株根际土壤的pH和微生物数量。结果表明,随接种数量的增加,根际土壤好气性细菌数量、厌气性细菌数量、细菌总数及细菌/真菌(B/F)逐渐降低;真菌数量却逐渐升高;放线菌数量在接种量为2000个·株-1时显著升高,之后随着接种量的增加逐渐降低;放线菌/真菌(A/F)在接种量为2000个·株-1时略有升高,之后随着接种量的增加逐渐降低。接种根结线虫后,黄瓜植株根际土壤中好气性细菌数量和B/F值与pH呈显著正相关,厌气性细菌数量、细菌总数、放线菌数量以及A/F值与pH呈极显著正相关,真菌数量与pH呈显著负相关。根结线虫侵染黄瓜植株导致根际土壤发生"真菌化",显示土壤质量下降。  相似文献   

研究结果表明茄子根围和根内线虫种群数量与茄子黄萎病发病程度有密切关系,重病株根围线虫密度明显高于轻病株和无病株;重病株根内线虫密度也明显高于轻病株和无病株;发病地块茄子根际与非根际线虫密度无明显差异;线虫与黄萎病菌混合接种茄子,黄萎病发病率显著高于仅接黄萎菌,且接线虫数越多其发病程度越重;混合接种较仅接线虫茄子根内线虫密度明显升高。经鉴定寄生茄子根的线虫主要为垫刃线虫属(Tylenchus)、短体线虫属(Prathylenchus)、矮化线虫属(Tylenchornychus)和滑刃线虫属(Aphelenchoidae)。  相似文献   

黄瓜是设施主栽蔬菜,长期连作导致根结线虫病发生和危害加重;嫁接是提高黄瓜对根结线虫抗性的有效手段,但不同砧木品种间存在差异。为探明嫁接提高黄瓜抗根结线虫能力的机制,试验选用不同抗性的砧木品种‘云南黑籽南瓜’(低感)和‘甜砧南瓜’(高感),以‘新泰密刺’自根黄瓜为对照,采用人工接种,研究了黄瓜砧木对南方根结线虫生长和繁殖的影响,并探讨了根系分泌物与线虫卵孵化的关系。结果表明:线虫侵染初期,3个品种根内的二龄幼虫(J2)数差异显著,‘云南黑籽南瓜’最少,‘甜砧南瓜’次之,‘新泰密刺’最多;侵入根内的J2均能正常发育为成虫,根内线虫总数以‘云南黑籽南瓜’最少,‘新泰密刺’最多;根际J2数量以‘新泰密刺’最多,‘云南黑籽南瓜’最少;发生二次侵染前,根际卵粒数呈现出相同的特点。黄瓜及其砧木根系分泌物明显影响根结线虫卵的孵化,孵化率以‘云南黑籽南瓜’最低,‘甜砧南瓜’次之,‘新泰密刺’最高;接种根结线虫后,根系分泌物影响下的卵孵化率较未接种时明显增加,‘新泰密刺’增幅最大,‘云南黑籽南瓜’增幅最小;随着生育时间延长,三者根系分泌物对卵孵化的促进作用逐渐增强。低感砧木根系分泌物对南方根结线虫卵孵化具有明显的抑制作用,可显著降低线虫在其根内及根际的发育,可能是抗线虫的机制之一。  相似文献   

抗性砧木嫁接是一种有效防治蔬菜根结线虫病的生物方法。研究番茄抗性砧木Beaufort(Lycopersicon ly-copersicum×L.hirsutum)对其靶标生物——根结线虫和非靶标生物——土壤自由生活线虫的种群动态和群落结构影响的结果表明:抗性砧木小区根结线虫2龄幼虫密度显著低于对照小区,根结线虫2龄幼虫取样时间之间变动显著;根据营养来源可将线虫分为4大营养类群,即食细菌、食真菌、食植物、杂食/捕食性,食真菌、食植物线虫密度变动显著,抗性砧木小区食细菌线虫密度高于对照小区,食真菌线虫密度低于对照小区;应用食真菌线虫数量/食细菌线虫数量指数F/B、修改后的F/B指数、多样性指数H′、丰富度指数D、均匀度指数J、优势度指数λ分析比较抗性砧木小区和对照区土壤线虫生物多样性变化规律,F/B、修改后的F/B、丰富度指数H′和均匀度指数J取样时间之间变动显著,F/B、修改后的F/B、优势度指数λ和均匀度J指数能较好地反映抗性砧木嫁接对线虫群落结构的影响。  相似文献   

连作番茄根区病土对番茄生长及土壤线虫与微生物的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探索连作番茄根区病土对番茄根结线虫病的诱导效果及引起连作障碍的微生态机制,可为深入了解番茄连作障碍发生机理及探究番茄连作障碍防治方法提供科学依据。本研究利用盆栽试验,测定了番茄在健康土壤及接种病土土壤中生物学特性变化及根结线虫侵染状况,并分析鉴定了土壤中微生物及线虫的种类与数量。结果表明,接种连作番茄根结线虫病株根区病土会对番茄生长及根结线虫侵染产生影响:1)番茄苗期根系根结数达9个?株~(-1),健康土壤无根结;土壤线虫数量较健康土壤增加390.4%;收获期番茄根结线虫侵染率达62.7%,病情指数为80.0%。2)番茄生长受到抑制,叶片防御酶活性降低,收获期茎叶及根系鲜质量较健康土壤分别减少50.2%及33.1%,苗期番茄叶片PPO活性较健康土壤降低15.8%,POD活性较健康土壤增加24.0%,差异均达显著水平(P0.05)。3)番茄根系更易感染有害菌,根系内病原菌甘蓝假单胞菌数量较健康土壤增加463倍,根区土壤细菌、真菌及放线菌总数分别增加46.3%、94.5%及134.0%。4)食细菌线虫、食真菌线虫及植物寄生性线虫数量分别为健康根区土壤的3.3倍、1.6倍及7.3倍,其中的植物寄生线虫95.6%为根结线虫。综上所述,接入连作番茄根结线虫病株根区病土不仅导致番茄遭受根结线虫侵染,而且会导致土壤线虫总量及植物寄生线虫所占比例大幅增加,并使番茄根系内有害细菌数量显著增加,对番茄生长造成显著抑制作用,同时影响番茄的生理生化特性,受线虫侵染番茄防御性酶活性降低,使其更易被根结线虫及病原菌侵染,番茄根区土壤线虫、微生物及根系内优势细菌的种类与数量及其之间的作用发生改变。  相似文献   

为筛选高效安全的杀虫资源,从海底淤泥中分离到一株对根结线虫(Meloidogyne spp.)高毒力的芽胞杆菌YBf-10,PCR扩增16S rRAN基因,经测序、序列比对分析和系统进化树构建,发现其与坚强芽胞杆菌(Bacillus firmus)Z1-7菌株16S rDNA同源性为99%,初步确定所分离的菌株为坚强芽胞杆菌。将该菌株培养至芽胞成熟,离心取上清,10倍稀释后进行生物测定,发现其对北方根结线虫二龄幼虫有很高的毒力。处理24h校正死亡率达到50%以上,72h达到100%。对根结线虫虫卵进行毒力测定表明,作用48h后能显著抑制虫卵孵化达到80%以上。在培养过程中分不同时段取样,并用所取样品上清进行生物测定,发现从稳定期开始表现出了对北方根结线虫的毒力,在整个稳定期毒力持续增强,直到衰亡期后期,毒力达到最高,表明坚强芽胞杆菌所产生的杀线虫活性物质主要是在稳定期合成的。将发酵上清80℃处理30min毒力无明显变化,通过饱和硫酸铵沉淀上清中蛋白,该蛋白对线虫无明显毒力,但是去蛋白后的上清对线虫仍然具有与未经处理上清相似的杀线虫活性,表明坚强芽胞杆菌产生的杀线虫活性物质是一种非蛋白类的小分子化合物。研究结果提示,本研究所分离的坚强芽胞杆菌在稳定期能够大量合成对线虫具有毒杀活性的小分子化合物,对根结线虫表现出极高毒力,为利用该菌株开发植物寄生线虫生防制剂提供了杀虫资源。  相似文献   

为探讨不同种(品系)昆虫病原线虫共生细菌的不同稀释倍数对南方根结线虫Meloidogyne incognita卵孵化的影响,采用培养皿法进行室内生测,定期调查根结线虫卵孵化情况。结果表明,4种(品系)昆虫病原线虫(斯氏属两个种和嗜菌异小杆两个品系)共生细菌的10×稀释液,6 d时Hb-NJ共生菌使M.incognita的卵孵化率最低,为8.6%,以TSY培养液为对照,其孵化率为29.1%,Hb-NJ共生菌对M.incognita卵孵化的抑制作用最强,相对抑制率为70.6%,其它3种昆虫病原线虫Hb-IGA、Sc-All和Sf-IGA共生细菌的孵化率为分别为24%、22.6%和25.2%,其相对抑制率是17.2%、22.3%和13.4%;8 d时线虫Hb-NJ、Hb-IGA和Sc-All共生菌的相对抑制率分别为67.1%、39.3%和41.7%,10 d时4种(品系)昆虫病原线虫共生菌对M.incognita的孵化率和抑制率均无显著性差异(p0.05)。4种(品系)昆虫病原线虫共生菌的20×和50×稀释液对M.incognita卵孵化没有明显的抑制作用。基于以上结果,Hb-NJ的共生细菌可以通过抑制南方根结线虫的卵孵化导致线虫群体下降而达到防治线虫的目的,因此是一种潜在的生物杀线虫剂。  相似文献   

防治韭菜的主要地下害虫韭蛆(迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphaga)是造成韭菜农药残留超标主要原因。室内实验表明,生物天敌昆虫病原线虫Steinernema feltiae处理60h后,韭蛆杀死率显著高于使用农药的对照组。2010年4月18日在山东省寿光市丰城地区韭菜地施用昆虫病原线虫以防治韭菜的主要害虫韭蛆,同时以施用化学农药辛硫磷作为对照,处理后第35d和第175d调查结果表明,昆虫病原线虫处理组的昆虫病原线虫多度显著高于化学对照组,其中第175d调查结果表明,经昆虫病原线虫处理后的韭菜鲜重比化学农药处理的对照组增加了10.4%,但差异未达到显著效果。上述结果表明,昆虫病原线虫能够有效控制韭蛆危害。第35d取样结果表明,昆虫病原线虫处理组的土壤线虫群落Shannon多样性指数高于化学农药处理组;第175d调查结果表明,两种处理之间土壤线虫群落各指标相近。试验结果表明昆虫病原线虫能够有效防治韭蛆。  相似文献   

The potential of the invertebrate communities in agricultural and natural soils to suppress Meloidogyne incognita on coleus (Coleus blumei) was evaluated in two greenhouse experiments. Soil from adjacent natural and agricultural habitats was collected from four locations that had very different soil types (loamy sand, muck, sand and rock). Soil of each type was placed into pots, planted with coleus seedlings, inoculated with 2000 eggs of M. incognita, and arranged in a 4 × 2 factorial design. Root-knot nematodes were suppressed in natural soil compared to agricultural soil for loamy sand, sand and rock soils, but not for muck soil. Plants grew larger and had less root galling in natural soils than in agricultural soils. Free-living nematodes (bacterivores, fungivores, omnivores and predators) were monitored but did not show population patterns consistent with the suppression of root-knot nematodes observed in natural soils. Reasons for the opposite result (higher root-knot levels in natural than in agricultural soil) on muck soil are unknown, but this soil type was very different from the other soils in its unusually high organic matter content and very low levels of omnivorous and predatory nematodes. The agricultural muck in particular was unusually low in fungivorous nematodes and extremely high in levels of sodium and macronutrients. Despite the exception on the muck soil, the relative suppression of root-knot nematodes in natural compared to agricultural soils of the other three soil types (loamy sand, sand and rock) support the idea that potential for nematode suppression may be greater in natural than in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Effect of Li, Al, Cd, Cu(II), Mn(II), Pb(II), Se(IV) and Zn on entomopathogenic nematodes S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora mortality, pathogenicity, and productivity was studied under laboratory conditions. These ions were administered as the sole ions as well as in the Li-Al, Li-Cd, Li-Cu(II), Li-Mn(II), Li-Pb(II), Li-Se(IV) and Li-Zn pairs. Lithium as the sole acting ion exhibited a weak lethal effect on the nematodes. In combinations with other metal ions under study lithium used to inhibit their harmful effects.  相似文献   

A total of 237 Plant Introduction in eleven Trifolium species were evaluated for resistance to Meloidogyne arenaria (Neal) Chitwood race 1, M. hapla Chitwood, M. incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood race 3, and M. javanica (Treub) Chitwood. Plants were infected with 1500 nematode eggs collected from 'Rutgers' tomato (Lycoperiscon esculentum Mill.) roots with 0.5% NaOCl. Ratings of galling severity and egg mass production were assigned to each plant 8 wk after inoculation. Host plant reaction was classified as immune, highly resistant, resistant, moderately resistant, intermediate, moderately susceptible, susceptible, and highly susceptible according to the resistance index . More than 95% of 171 white clover accessions were moderately to highly susceptible to all four nematodes species. The best white clover accessions were only moderately resistant to either M. arenaria (PI 291843 and PI 306286) or M. hapla (PI 100250 and PI 204930). Accessions with moderate resistance or resistance to root-knot nematodes were found among relatives of white clover, with T. ambiguum M. Bieb. exhibiting the greatest resistance level. Among the other Trifolium species evaluated, T. carolinianum Michx. PI 516273 was immune or highly resistant to all four nematode species while accessions of T. hirtum All. showed a wide range of reaction to root-knot nematodes. Identified germplasm of white clover relatives with resistance to root knot nematodes should be useful for the selection of parents in white clover breeding programs.  相似文献   

A chemical basis for discrimination between attended and unattended aphid mutualists by the ant Lasius niger (L.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) was investigated. In an arena bioassay, hexane extracts of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Homoptera, Aphididae), which had been attended by the ant colony provoked significantly longer examination by ants than extracts of unattended aphids. Extracts of the ants themselves were significantly more active than hexane. In an olfactometer, ants spent significantly longer in the arm containing the odour of live aphids that had been attended by the ants than in arms containing the odour of unattended aphids. When unattended aphids were introduced onto an aphid-infested plant under attendance by L. niger, they suffered higher levels of attack and removal by the ants than did previously attended aphids. Unattended aphids treated with the extract of attended aphids suffered higher levels of attack than attended aphids, but lower levels of removal than unattended aphids. The results show that L. niger can discriminate between aphids that the colony have attended and unattended aphids of the same species using chemical cues.  相似文献   

Insects killed by entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) represent a resource with which soil arthropods can interact. These interactions can be positive for EPN (e.g., arthropods serve as parasitic or phoretic hosts) or negative (e.g., EPN serve as prey). Plant diversity and soil disturbance may influence these interactions. We investigated the effects of maize and flower strip habitats on microarthropod abundance and community composition in soil surrounding greater wax moth larvae, Galleria mellonella, infected with the EPN Steinernema carpocapsae (Sc). In the first year of the experiment (2005), we compared microarthropod communities responding to burial of Sc-killed insects with a control (no soil disturbance). In 2006, we added two control treatments: burial of freezer-killed insects and sham burial. Soil samples (including G. mellonella) were collected 2 and 20 days (2005) or 2 and 12 days (2006) after application. In 2005, arthropod abundance and community composition were similar between maize and flower strip habitats. In 2006, we detected more arthropods in the maize than the flower strips. In both years, community composition differed between treatments providing resources (Sc-killed and freezer-killed insects) and those without (sham burial and no disturbance), with the greatest difference on the final sampling date. Soil surrounding Sc-killed and freezer-killed insects contained more dipterans, acarid mites, staphylinid beetles, onychiurid and entomobryid collembolans, and immature and male mesostigmatid mites than soil at sham burial and no disturbance sites. Most of these taxa are capable of nematophagy; however, EPN relative abundance was not associated with arthropod community composition.  相似文献   

Impact of soil fumigation practices on soil nematodes and microbial biomass   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
This study was designed to understand the impact of methyl bromide (MB) (CHaBr) and its alternatives on both free-living and root-knot nematodes in the soil. A randomized complete block experiment with six treatments and 4 replicates (each replicate in a separate greenhouse) was established in Qingzhou, Shandong Province, China. In addition to MB and untreated control (CK) treatments there were four alternative soil fumigation practices including MB virtually impermeable films (VIF), metam sodium (MS), MS VIF and soil solarization combined with selected biological control agents (SS BCA). Two tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) cultivars, cv. Maofen-802 from the Xian Institute of Vegetable Science, China, and cv. AF179 Brillante from the Israeli Hazera Quality Seeds, were selected as test crops. The results indicated that Rhabditidae was the most dominant population with percentage abundance as high as 85% of the total number of identified free-living nematodes, followed by that of Cephalobidae. Methyl bromide and its alternatives except for the non-chemical SS BCA treatment controlled the target pest, root-knot nematodes. Also, the impact of the three chemical alternatives on free-living nematode number and functional group abundance was similar to the impact associated with a typical methyl bromide application. Chemical fumigation practices, especially that with MB, significantly reduced the number of nematodes in the soil and simultaneously significantly reduced the number of nematode genera thereby reducing nematode diversity. All the four soil chemical fumigation activities decreased soil microbial biomass and had an obvious initial impact on microorganism biomass. Furthermore, both plant-parasitic and fungivore nematodes were positively correlated with soil microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) in the families Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae occur naturally in the soil and are produced commercially for the management of soil-dwelling pests. EPN infected cadavers also represent a potential resource for other soil organisms. We examined the short-term (24 h) response in abundance, diversity and community composition of localized soil microinvertebrates to the presence of EPN-infected insect cadavers in no-till and conventional-till maize. We hypothesized that the response of soil microinvertebrates to the EPN-infected cadavers would vary by soil management practices and EPN species. We expected to observe greater numbers and diversity of arthropods in no-till compared with conventional-till soil, and in the vicinity of steinernematid-infected insect cadavers compare to what would be found in the vicinity of heterorhabditid-infected cadavers. 45,606 invertebrates were collected and identified to 134 morphotaxa. Tillage regime accounted for the majority of the variation observed (84.6%), whereas nematode treatment accounted for 7.5%. Taxonomic richness of invertebrates was greater in treatments with Steinernema carpocapsae-infected cadavers than with Heterorhabditis bacteriophora-infected cadavers. Some invertebrates increased in abundance where EPN were applied whereas others decreased, regardless of tillage practice. Applications of Galleria cadavers infected with steinernematids elicited positive responses from two mite taxa, Galumnidae and Scheloribates spp., while negative responses were elicited from three mite (Histiostomatidae, Scheloribates spp., Eupodes spp.), taxa and Entomobryidae (Collembola) in response to applications of Heterorhabditis-infected cadavers.  相似文献   

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