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DDT 是防治白翅叶蝉的良好药剂。25?T 乳剂1∶200和1∶300倍液的毒效均在90%以上;1∶400倍液的毒效为75—95%。2.5—5?T 粉剂的毒效也达90%以上。田间使用 DDT 防治白翅叶蝉的残效期约为10—12天。666单独用来防治白翅叶蝉效果甚差,但与 DDT 混合使用有增效作用,残效期与单独使用 DDT 相似;二者混用是最合理的施用方式,可以节省 DDT 用药量,减低药费,同时对多种稻虫可收综合防治之效。25?T 乳剂和6%可湿性666按1∶1∶400及1∶1∶600混用,其毒效相当于单用 DDT 1∶200及1∶300者;用1∶1∶500喷射效果比单用 DDT 1∶300者还略高;5% DDT 粉剂和0.5f6粉剂按1∶1混用,其毒效也和单用5% DDT 粉剂相接近。  相似文献   

小麦吸浆虫药剂防治技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择不同杀虫剂、不同防治时期、施药方法和次数防治小麦吸浆虫的试验表明,在小麦吸浆虫化蛹率达50%时,应用50%甲胺磷乳油、50%甲基异柳磷乳油、50%对硫磷乳油和6%林丹粉剂配成毒土于麦田撒施,均可有效控制小麦吸浆虫危害,穗、粒被害率均比对照降低80%以上;在小麦吸浆虫成虫羽化始盛期,用55%林丹胶悬剂0.4g/66.7m2、0.6g/66.7m2防治,防效达91.86%、94.95%,在这几种杀虫剂中防效最好;小麦播种前施药防治小麦吸浆虫幼虫效果并不理想。小麦吸浆虫的药剂防治策略应是蛹期防治为主,成虫期扫残。  相似文献   

苹果天社蛾是晉中果区后期害虫。以5龄幼虫为害最重,取食量約占整个幼虫期总食量的90%左右。幼虫期平均为31.2天。以蛹在寄主树下距主干1米以內,土深2—12厘米处,做土室越冬。越冬蛹分布的密度因寄主而不同。成虫羽化出土与7、8月份降雨量及越冬蛹深度有密切关系。成虫产卵及幼虫取食对寄主有一定的选择,榆叶梅最爱好,杏树、苹果次之。此虫年只一代。6月中旬成虫开始羽化,7月下旬达盛期。卵7月初出現,8月上旬为盛期。幼虫7月中旬开始为害,8月中、下旬达盛期。9月下旬幼虫逐渐老熟入土化蛹越冬。防治药剂以25%DDT乳剂、50%可湿性DDT、6%可湿性666 150—300倍液效果为佳。要求把幼虫消灭在4龄以前;也可結合秋耕挖蛹,注意果园植物的配置等措施进行防治。  相似文献   

常荣振 《植物保护》1963,1(2):69-69
近几年来,各地防治粘虫大都使用DDT或DDT与666混合剂,效果很好。为了寻求更多的有效药剂,曾以天津农药厂(1962年)试制的4%及2.5%敌百虫粉剂,进行田间防治试验及室内效果测定。 田间药剂试验:在春谷田进行,用4%和2.5%敌百虫粉、5%DDT粉,每亩合3斤及对照区,重复两次,小区面积0.235亩,各药粉均以稀纱布袋抖撒,1962年8月10日下午4—6时施药。当时粘虫孵化率为75—84%,幼虫多为1—2龄,防治效果如表1:  相似文献   

为明确不同药剂对黑尾叶蝉的防治效果,2013年进行了田间药效比较试验。结果表明:烯啶·噻嗪酮70%可溶性粒剂、呋虫胺25%可湿性粉剂、烯啶虫胺60%可湿性粉剂、噻虫嗪25%可溶性粒剂和吡虫啉25%可湿性粉剂等药剂对黑尾叶蝉均具有理想的防治效果,可作为稻田不同时期黑尾叶蝉的防治药剂。其中烯啶·噻嗪酮70%可溶性粒剂对黑尾叶蝉成虫和若虫均具有较好的速效性和持效性,可迅速有效地控制田间虫量,药后1~10d的防效为68.53%~100%。  相似文献   

为掌握柑橘大实蝇成虫发生动态、明确防治适期,于2012-2020年在湖南泸溪开展了柑橘大实蝇羽化进度和成虫诱捕监测.结果 表明,泸溪柑橘大实蝇羽化始盛期和成虫诱捕始盛期分别在5月中旬和5月下旬,二者平均期距为(12.4±1.1)d.3月1日至4月30日逐日平均气温积温值与成虫诱捕始盛期、田间羽化始盛期间均存在显著线性回...  相似文献   

室内研究了球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana不同施用方式对侵染桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis的影响,以及田间喷施球孢白僵菌防治桔小实蝇的效果。结果表明,两种诱集感染方式桔小实蝇成虫存活率分别为40%、41.7%,差异不显著;添加性引诱剂在白僵菌侵染桔小实蝇的过程中没有起到明显地促进感病的作用,只是缩短了病程,IIPC为0.41-0.44,说明两种诱集感染方式对桔实蝇成虫有一定的控制作用。三种施菌方式的桔小实蝇羽化率、成虫死亡率与对照差异均显著;以IIPC为评价指标,施菌方式对桔小实蝇各因子的影响大小顺序为:成虫存活率羽化率化蛹率,其中以对成虫存活率的影响最大。应用化学防治和球孢白僵菌田间防治桔小实蝇的效果表明,施用2500倍40%毒死蜱效果最好,控制作用达到71.9%,其次是喷施2.0×108孢子/mL球孢白僵菌孢子悬浮液,防效达46.9%,施用2500倍4.5%高效氯氰菊酯防治效果达最差,防效仅37.5%。  相似文献   

食诱剂可以同时引诱棉铃虫雌、雄成虫,对其田间种群的防治效果明显。在撒施应用中,氯虫苯甲酰胺常被用作棉铃虫食诱剂的伴施杀虫剂,现阶段推荐使用浓度为0.5 μL/mL。本文测定了食诱剂与低剂量氯虫苯甲酰胺混配对棉铃虫成虫繁殖力及卵孵化率的影响,同时评估了其田间防治效果。在室内,氯虫苯甲酰胺浓度为0.25、0.125、0.0625 μL/mL的食诱剂对棉铃虫雌成虫的致死率分别为75.81%、67.01%和60.24%。以氯虫苯甲酰胺浓度0.25、0.125 μL/mL的食诱剂饲喂棉铃虫雌成虫,其存活个体的繁殖系数较未取食杀虫剂的对照组分别下降95.39%和91.61%。在田间罩笼中,提供相同数量的棉铃虫成虫,无论是仅雌成虫取食氯虫苯甲酰胺浓度为0.25 μL/mL的食诱剂,还是雌、雄成虫均进行取食,田间落卵量较未取食氯虫苯甲酰胺的对照组平均下降73.56%,后代幼虫发生量平均减少75.55%。因此,食诱剂与低剂量氯虫苯甲酰胺混配对棉铃虫成虫及其后代种群有明显控制作用,为棉铃虫食诱剂撒施中伴施杀虫剂氯虫苯甲酰胺的减量使用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

本试验选用了吡虫啉70%可湿性粉剂和吡虫啉60%悬浮种衣剂的两种不同含量、不同剂型药剂对北方玉米田玉米蚜虫进行了田间防治试验。结果表明,各处理浓度的药剂对玉米蚜虫的防治效果均显著高于空白对照;其中吡虫啉70%可湿性粉剂在不同施用剂量(500、600、700g/100kg种子处理)下,防治玉米蚜虫的平均效果分别为57.87%、77.22%和79.68%;吡虫啉60%悬浮种衣剂(700g/100g种子处理)两年的平均防治效果为75.24%。此试验更值得一提的是防治方法——利用化学农药的内吸作用和种子处理的方法相结合防治刺吸式口器害虫,可取代以往田间常规喷雾的防治方法,可避免伤害玉米田中的天敌,保护了田间的生态平衡,同时可兼防玉米田地下害虫。  相似文献   

梨大食心虫在我国分布很广,有时为害非常严重。三年来在不同地区研究,初步明确了发生世代、田间发生消长及虫期历期,常因地而异。出蛰初期正是梨花芽萌动期,转果初期正是脱萼期,可根据物候期指示防治适期。室内药效测定结果:0.05%E 605、0.25%可湿性 DDT、0.14%敌百虫对幼虫有显著效果,0.0083%E 605、0.05%马拉松有极好的杀卵作用。田间防治试验结果证明,在幼虫集中出蛰的地区,于幼虫出蛰初期至盛期(花芽萌动至花芽开放),喷布一次50% E605 1000倍液,有很好的防治效果。幼虫害果期喷布50%可湿性 DDT 200倍液;初孵幼虫害芽期喷布50%可湿性DDT 200倍液混加波尔多200倍液,都有很好的效果。  相似文献   

两年来室内和試驗場試驗証实:有机磷杀虫剂如1605及敌百虫等能兼治小地老虎和黄地老虎的卵和初龄幼虫;有机氯杀虫剂如DDT及666等对卵几乎无效,但对初龄幼虫效果頁好。两类药剂混用杀卵效果提高。大田試驗用50%敌百虫乳剂1份、25%DDT乳剂1份、水600份,在卵孵化率为28.6—95.0%时亩施混合液50公斤,防治效果良好;防治适期比药杀初龄幼虫可提早十天左右,大大緩和了时間紧张的矛盾。  相似文献   

Effectiveness of Some Insecticides on Wheat Blossom Midges in Winter Wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Orange wheat blossom midge damage can impart serious loss of quantity and quality of winter wheat. Wheat midges were evaluated in large scale field in winter wheat in Bad Lausick (Leipzig, Saxsony) central Germany. The present study aimed at studying the activity of wheat blossom midges WBM, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin) and Contarinia tritici (Kirby) using pheromone, sticky traps and two types of water traps. Management of midges with different treatments was studied; Karate (pyrethroid), Biscaya (neonicotinoid) and NeemAzal T/S (botanical insecticide) were sprayed on wheat at heading stage (GS 55). Monitoring was conducted before the treatment and continued for 4 weeks after the treatment. Pheromone traps were used for forecasting midge adult population and determine the control date. Water traps were used to assess midge larvae, while midge adults were surveyed using sticky traps. A strong correlation between midge catches and weather conditions was obtained; as well a coincidence between pheromone catches and wheat midge infestation in the susceptible growth stages (GS 47–65) was recorded. Insecticide applications to fields of midge-infested winter wheat significantly reduced the wheat midge damage. There were significant differences in wheat midge numbers between treated and untreated; wheat midge numbers were lower in the treated than in control. The results proved that both Karate and Biscaya caused more mortality to wheat midges than NeemAzal T/S.  相似文献   

The frequency with which chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides appear in samples of southern Florida surface waters decreased sharply between 1968 and 1972. Sediment analyses attest to the earlier widespread use of chlordane, DDT, and dieldrin. Insecticide residues are more frequently detected in southern Florida than in other U.S. cropland soils. Transport of DDT, DDD, and DDE from the Everglades agricultural area into water conservation areas and undeveloped parts of the Everglades of southeastern Florida is facilitated by a system of water-management canals. Canal sediments within the urban area of southern Florida have high DDD, DDE, and dieldrin residue concentrations which may reflect local use of insecticides rather than their transport from adjacent agricultural areas.  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟对六六六抗药性及取代药剂的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国使用六六六水平高的二季玉米种植区如山东、河北、河南、安徽、天津等省(市)的一些地区,亚洲玉米螟对六六六产生了不同程度的抗性,最高抗性达13.4倍。而使用六六六较少的一季玉米种植区的吉林、甘肃等省以及南方的一些山区,对六六六未产生或未明显产生抗性。六六六抗性玉米螟种群对尚未广泛应用的甲基对硫磷、对硫磷及辛硫磷未表现交互抗性,对呋喃丹、氰戊菊酯仅表现出不明显交互抗性。总之,我国玉米螟对六六六的抗性为获得性抗性,基本上属六六六单一抗性,通过35种药剂对六六六抗性及敏感玉米螟毒力比较,29种药剂防治六六六抗性玉米螟田间试验,再结合作者关于不同药剂对玉米螟抗性诱变的研究结果(另文发表)进行全面衡量,认为以甲基对硫磷取代六六六为适宜。  相似文献   

麦红吸浆虫滞育不同时期幼虫蛋白质双向电泳分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为筛选与麦红吸浆虫滞育相关的蛋白,采用双向电泳及图像分析技术分析了麦红吸浆虫滞育前、后和滞育期的蛋白质图谱及其变化。结果表明,在滞育前幼虫的双向电泳图谱上平均可检测到蛋白质点约300个,其它时期约275个,其中多数分布在分子量8.0~50.0kD、等电点4.0~9.0的区域。在所检测到的蛋白质点中,26个在滞育前特异表达;3个在滞育前缺失,其它阶段表达;2个在滞育后200天特异表达;3个在滞育前和滞育解除后表达,滞育期缺失;34个在所有时期均表达,但各时期的表达量存在显著差异。  相似文献   


Organochlorine, organophosphate (o.p.) and carbamate insecticides have been extensively used in Australia to combat Lucilia cuprina Wied. the main initiator of fly-strike of sheep occurring wherever sheep are run on the continent. The improved mules operation, mid-season crutching and insecticides are important in the management of Merino sheep. Insecticides are particularly valuable against body strike, especially in young sheep, in years with intermittent rain during the warmer months. Resistance to larvicides developed in the blowfly over a period of 10y from 1957. The time between the introduction of various insecticides and development of resistance is considered and a comparison made between the emergence of resistance problems to the newer synthetic insecticides in the housefly in Denmark, and in the blowfly in Australia. To provide a complete history of insecticides against the blowfly reference is made to arsenicals, to which there was no suspicion of resistance until low order cross resistance was diagnosed in o.p.-carbamate resistant strains. Some seven years after their introduction DDT and γ BHC were replaced by cyclodiene insecticides in 1954/1955. Reasons are advanced to explain the non-emergence of resistance to DDT and BHC in that period. Resistance to dieldrin and aldrin developed in late 1957 after which diazinon was introduced. The resistance has a typical BHC/dieldrin resistance spectrum and is due to a semi-dominant gene which has persisted in the field in the absence of pressure from cyclodiene insecticides. Non-specific resistance to o.p. insecticides developed in two steps. Low order resistance, diagnosed in 1965, was supplemented by an additional resistance mechanism in 1966, three alleles on two chromosomes are involved. The carbamate, butacarb, was effective against o.p. resistant strains of the blowfly when introduced in the 1966/67 season. In 1967, resistance to butacarb was diagnosed and rapidly became widespread. For the past three fly seasons larvae have been used to monitor resistance levels to o.p. and carbamate insecticides; resistance factors to both these classes of insecticide are significantly higher in larvae than adult females. Resistance levels to o.p. insecticides have stabilised. By contrast resistance levels to butacarb have doubled. A combined o p.-carbamate resistance generally applies in field samples. Larvae from o.p.-carbamate resistant strains form artificial strikes earlier than susceptible larvae, particularly on sheep treated with butacarb. It is concluded that registered o.p. insecticides, but not butacarb, will still give considerable protection against fly-strike, providing the maximum levels of o.p. resistance, reached in laboratory selection programmes, are not exceeded in the field. Investigation into o.p. resistance in the species suggests that the resistance mechanisms place their carriers at a disadvantage in the absence of selection pressure. Measures to minimise the amount of insecticide used against the blowfly are therefore strongly advocated—these include: the improved mules operation, mid season crutching and good animal husbandry.  相似文献   

A study of the metabolism of 14C-labeled dieldrin, DDT, malathion, and carbaryl during penetration of the isolated midgut of two insects (Blaberus discoidalis and Manduca sexta) and a section of the intestine of a mammal (Mus musculus) is reported. There was appreciable metabolism of malathion during penetration, including differences in the activation reaction to malaoxon, between insects and mammals. Metabolism was relatively slow during penetration of carbaryl and the chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides, and little difference in metabolic patterns was noted among the three species. The penetration studies were supported by experiments in which insecticides were incubated with intact and homogenized midgut preparations.  相似文献   


All fifteen insecticides tested significantly reduced pest levels. Permethrin 25 e.c. @ 150ga.i./ha proved significantly superior than other insecticides during both the years when observed 3 days after treatment but was at par with deltamethrin 2.8 e.c. and fenvalerate 20 e.c. when observed 7 and 15 days after spraying. Isofenphos was least effective, however, it did not differ significantly from phosalone during 1981–82 and fenitrothion, triazophos and phosalone during 1982–83. Maximum and the minimum cost benefit ratios of 1 : 10.6 and 1 : 4.0 were obtained in gamma BHC and fenvalerate treated plots respectively.  相似文献   

杭州地区油菜病毒病的发病规律及防治研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油菜苗期病毒病的发生,决定于带毒有翅蚜从毒源寄主上迁入的时间与虫口数;本田期病毒病的流行为害,在很大程度上与苗床后期和本田初期有翅若蚜的长成和扩散有关。杭州地区的传毒蚜虫主要为菜缢管岈,其有翅蚜的发生及迁飞高峯期约在9月下旬至10月下旬,油菜病毒病发病率的高峯与有翅蚜发生高峯成正相关。本研究进一步证实了带病的十字花科杂蔊菜的蓿根,越夏后萌发的植株是秋菜及油菜的重要毒源之一。在7月中旬正8月上旬的炎热夏天仅看到火白菜是菜缢管蚜的寄主,但未检查到病株,另一试验火白菜感病后无隐蔽现象。杭州地区10月份的降水量、降雨天数以及相对湿度对当年病毒病流行与否影响最大,天气干旱病毒病相当严重。暴雨或连续降雨两天以上能影响有翅蚜,发生量与迁飞量显著下降,因而在一定程度上抑制了病毒病的蔓延。播种时用6%可湿性六六六粉每亩3斤撒施畦面,苗床期两片真叶开始,连续用乐果及二二三、六六六混合液治蚜4次,与加强肥水管理,效果达84.7%。  相似文献   

菜青虫抗药性的调查与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国菜青虫抗药性的形成大体上可分为两个阶段,六十年代末为滴滴涕抗药性高峰期,停用滴滴涕后,其抗性有所衰退。七十年代中期进入敌百虫抗性高峰期。目前的菜青虫多为敌百虫-滴滴涕联合抗性种群。敌杀死对敌百虫表现出正交互抗性,滴滴涕与敌百虫之间未表现明显的交互抗性,而辛硫磷对敌百虫却表现负交互抗性现象。用33种杀虫剂对联合抗性菜青虫种群做了田间药效试验及毒力测定,按药效将其分为六级:属特效、高效和有效级的药剂共有22种;属低效,基本无效和无效级的药剂共有11种。沙蚕毒素类药剂杀虫环对菜青虫药效高,对菜青虫体内的某些种类的寄生蜂影响较小,有利于协调防治。  相似文献   

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