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韩宇 《上海蔬菜》2022,(2):45-47
大蒜二次生长是一种生理异常现象,对大蒜的产量和品质影响较大.为找出引发大蒜二次生长的原因,作者开展了播种期、施肥量、地膜覆盖、蒜种大小等因素对鲁西南地区大蒜二次生长率的影响试验.试验结果表明,播种期、施肥量、覆盖地膜以及蒜种大小等因素均会影响大蒜的二次生长率.播种过迟会促进大蒜二次生长,蒜农应根据品种熟性适期播种;每6...  相似文献   

氮肥对影响大蒜二次生长的效果试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大蒜二次生长是指收获前萌发蒜头的异常现象,蒜农称其为羊胡子。我县地处沂蒙山腹地,大蒜种植面积1.33万hm2,主要品种是苏联杂交大蒜,以生产蒜头为主,一般采用秋播,在蒜种贮藏期间,不会遇到容易诱发二次生长的低温和冷凉条件,该品种只发生内层型二次生长。由于多年连作,二次生长发生严重,有的地块发生率高达90%以上,严重影响了大蒜的品质、产量,  相似文献   

韩春梅 《蔬菜》2018,(3):12-14
为研究不同贮藏温度对大蒜二次生长的影响,测定了0、2、4、6、8、10、12℃处理下的蒜种播后出苗率和二次生长发生率。结果表明:0、2、4、6、8℃的低温处理大蒜蒜种,大蒜出苗率较对照显著下降;0、2、4、6、8、10℃低温处理蒜种,大蒜二次生长率较对照显著增加,而12℃处理的蒜种,大蒜二次生长率不受影响;由以上2项指标可以得出,12℃为大蒜蒜种的最佳贮藏温度。  相似文献   

播前蒜种温度和光暗处理对大蒜二次生长及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究结果表明,蔡家坡红皮蒜以外层型二次生长为主,苍山蒜以内层型二次生长为主,改良蒜不发生外层型二次生长。播前蒜种在冰箱(0~5℃)或地道(14~16℃)条件下处理30天与室温(24~27℃)下处理相比,前者内层型和外层型。次生长株率均极显著地提高,使蔡家坡红皮蒜商品蒜头产量降低28.6~35.6%,苍山蒜蒜薹产量提高23.7~30.9%,改良蒜蒜头产量提高3.1~5.7%,并使前二个品种蒜薹和蒜头收获期提早约一周。蒜种处理期间见光与否对大蒜二次生长、早熟性及产量无显著影响。  相似文献   

大蒜二次生长主要受品种遗传的支配,并受生态条件和栽培措施的影响,‘蔡家坡红皮’蒜受影响最大,‘苍山’蒜次之,‘改良’蒜最小。播前30天,蒜种贮藏在低温(0~5℃,35~60%RH)或冷凉(14~17℃,85~95%RH)或低温加高温(75~100%RH)条件下,冷凉贮藏蒜种而且早期播种,土壤相对含水量高(90%),多次施用速效性氮肥以及稀植均有利于外层型二次生长和内层型二次生长的发生。大蒜瓣比小蒜瓣易发生外层型二次生长。这些是大蒜二次生长综合防止措施中的重点问题。  相似文献   

大蒜二次生长发生原因及预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以硫酸钙为试验材料,针对大蒜生长过程中出现的二次生长现象,造成植株生长缓慢.不健壮,品质降低,产量不高,蒜心数量增多,易早衰,散瓣等现象。试验结果表明,提高大蒜产量,杜绝二次生长,应掌握大蒜的生育特点,在保证有机肥施用的情况下,氮、磷、钾肥应配合施用,特别注重微肥的施用,试验效果显著。主要表现在植株健壮,叶片增宽增犀,叶色浓绿,根系寿命延长,提高了产量和品质,并有效地控制了大蒜的二次生长现象。  相似文献   

对16个不同熟期油桃不同时期果实大小进行跟踪测定,并绘制了不同熟期油桃的果实发育规律图,为生产上因种栽培提供依据。结果表明:特早熟油桃果实发育速度呈直线型,早熟油桃呈近"S"型,中熟油桃呈"S"型。特早熟期油桃在整个结果期仅出现1个生长高峰期,早熟、中熟整个结果期出现2个生长高峰期。所有的油桃品种均需在定果期施追肥,早熟品种的壮果肥在5月中旬施入,中熟品种的壮果肥在5月下旬施入。  相似文献   

陈红娟  柏林  李彦苇 《蔬菜》2017,(10):36-38
为解决大蒜生产上常发生"面包蒜"、二次生长而造成鳞茎、薹蒜减产的问题,总结出前期氮肥使用达到一定量时大蒜易发生"面包蒜"这一规律,及短日照是大蒜发生二次生长的直接原因。探索出推迟播期防止二次生长,定时定量施肥控制"面包蒜"的产生,同时结合覆盖地膜以提高大蒜产量与品质等有效措施,为全面克服大蒜生产中出现的新问题,提供了有益经验。  相似文献   

无公害甜瓜生产基地要求土壤环境、灌溉水检项指标符合产品要求.甜瓜要以增施腐熟有机肥为主,化肥为辅,尽量减少化肥施用量,要注意改善土壤结构和田间生长环境,减轻病虫害. 1 茬口及品种选择 可在温室内育苗,苗龄30~35天,田间栽培覆盖好地膜,提早采收上市.选择早熟、优质、高产甜瓜品种.  相似文献   

大蒜二次生长,也就是人们常说的“马尾蒜”、“面包蒜”,它使大蒜既不能留种,也不能食用,严重降低了大蒜的商品性和经济效益。究竟是什么原因使大蒜出现了二次生长,该如何预防?笔者根据近几年的观察和试验,总结出了一些经验,现介绍如下。1产生原因1.1种蒜选用不当大蒜二次生长的主要因素是遗传,所以栽种大蒜时首先应选用适宜本地区种植的品种。种蒜应头大、瓣肥,蒜瓣分体明显,4~8瓣构成一头。若选用不适宜本地区种植的品种,将会大大促进大蒜二次生长现象的发生。1.2蒜种贮藏场所环境不适若蒜种在播前30d(天)处于14~16℃或0~5℃,空气相对…  相似文献   

通过叶分析研究了不同葡萄品种叶柄全钾5~9月含量动态变化规律.结果表明:葡萄叶柄钾含量在生育期内整体呈波浪式下降趋势,前期下降迅速,中期平缓,进入浆果成熟期后又趋于下降;强势品种在整个生长季节内对钾的吸收大于弱势品种;早熟品种叶柄内钾含量变化趋势比晚熟品种提前.根据新疆农五师葡萄园区土壤有效钾含量分布现状,建议生产中应根据葡萄钾元素动态变化特点,不同团场应结合当地土壤有效钾含量相应补充.  相似文献   

不同基质配比对辣椒幼苗生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将不同配比的基质应用在辣椒育苗上,筛选最适合海南辣椒育苗的基质配比.试验采用随机区组设计,以椰糠+园土为对照(CK),设7个处理.通过对不同时期幼苗的综合性状、成苗叶片叶绿素含量、基质的理化性质、根系活力以及壮苗指数的测定表明,处理7的植株生长最好,与处理1(CK)差异显著.由此得出,椰糠:河沙:农家肥=5∶4∶1为辣...  相似文献   

During each of the four years 1957-60 the growth of the carrot crops in a long-term manurial experiment was studied. Significant increases in the yield of roots were produced by the application of farmyard manure and of potassic fertilizer but not by the application of nitrogenous or phosphatic fertilizers. The mean annual yields, and the responses to the applications of FYM and K, varied considerably from year to year.

The applications of FYM resulted in increases of 15-20% in the net assimilation rates and relative growth rates of the plants but these increases persisted for only 4-7 weeks when growth of the leaves on all plots was exponential. Subsequently net assimilation and relative growth rates of the plants on the FYM plots were slightly less than those on the no-FYM plots. It appeared that the initial differences in net assimilation rates were the main cause of the increased leafiness of the plants on the FYM plots, and hence of the increases in yields of roots.

Year-to-year differences in the total weight of leaves produced were related mainly to differences in the amount of rainfall during their growth. Yearly variation in root yields, however, was related both to the amount and to the distribution of the rainfall during growth.

The relative importance of variations in net assimilation rate and in leaf weight ratio are discussed.  相似文献   

For three years the influence of biowastecompost, greencompost and farmyard manure (horse) on several soil properties and on the growth of Ligustrum vulgare L. were investigated on a sandy soil with about 3% organic matter. The following treatments were carried out: 200, 400 and 800 dt/ha farmyard manure and corresponding amounts of biowastecompost and greencompost to result in equal amounts of applied organic carbon as well as no addition of organic fertilizer. Frequency of application was also investigated: only once within three years and twice within three years, i.e. the organic fertilizers were given again before the second culture of Ligustrum vulgare L. after two years.There were no significant differences in soil organic matter between the treatments and the untreated plots.Already for the 200 dt/ha-treatments the amount of N given with the organic fertilizer was much higher than the uptake of most of the tree nursery plants. The mineralization of N from the biowastecompost and the farmyard manure increased the mineral N-Content of the soil compared to the untreated plots. The mineralization was biggest for the 400 dt/ha treatment. The mineralized N was not taken up by the plants. For the greencompost the mineralization was smaller compared to the untreated plots. Immobilization took place, which was for the 200 and 400 dt/ha treatments in part compensated by the mineralization of N from the organic matter of the soil.Plant growth was slightly increased for the greencompost. This was attributed to lower water tensions during times of high water tensions. The greencompost used in this experiment can be recommended as a good substitute for farmyard manure.  相似文献   

在水培条件下,对大蒜品种‘金乡3号’、‘苍山糙蒜’和‘四川早薹’不同分瓣方式(单瓣、半头和整头)种植的青蒜苗生长和品质产量进行比较,结果表明:在单瓣种植条件下,‘金乡3号’的生长量(株高、假茎粗、假茎长及单株鲜质量)、综合品质及青蒜苗产量显著高于其他两个品种。‘金乡3号’单瓣种植的蒜苗生长量(株高、假茎粗、假茎长及单株鲜质量)、色素含量、光合参数、根系活力、综合品质及产量显著高于其他两个处理。因此,水培青蒜苗较好的品种为‘金乡3号’,且较好的种植方式为单瓣种植。  相似文献   

大蒜二次生长概念及分类探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
程智慧  陆帼一 《园艺学报》1991,18(4):345-349
在调查研究及田间试验的基础上,从植物学和栽培学意义上探讨了大蒜二次生长的概念,对大蒜二次生长的各种现象进行了描述和分类。根据二次生长发生部位将其分为外层型(SGo)、内层型(SGi)和气生鳞茎型(SGb)三种类型,并提出了各种类型二次生长严重程度的分级标准和二次生长的调查统计方法。  相似文献   

大蒜有性生殖技术研究初报   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
 为探讨可控条件下实现大蒜有性生殖的可能性, 1996~2004年, 从国内外搜集的160份大蒜种质中筛选出41份抽薹早、总苞发育好的品系, 于现薹后8~10 d (打弯期) 切取带茎花总苞, 剔除营养芽(气生鳞茎) , 置温度(25 ±2) ℃, 日光照13~16 h, 相对湿度75%的培养室液培促进开花, 延长开花时间, 花期最长达76 d。混合花粉人工授粉426朵花, 其中319朵( 78.6% ) 子房明显膨大。从11份子房、胚珠发育好的品系中选膨大的子房固定, 石蜡切片, 用普通光镜观察到完整的有性胚结构; 选240个膨大子房接种在B5 +蔗糖4%~12%培养基上, 置培养室内培养47~56 d, 53个子房继续膨大, 保持绿色,形成不同发育阶段的胚, 其中34个子房发育出76个完整胚。将完整胚接种到MS +BA 0.01~0.05 mg/L +NAA 0.05~0.10 mg/L +蔗糖40~80 g/L培养基上, 置同上条件的培养室内培养42~47 d, 发育成有性生殖的完整小植株。  相似文献   

应用^15N示踪研究生姜吸氮规律   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
徐坤  赵德婉 《园艺学报》1993,20(2):161-165

遮荫对匙叶天南星生长及光合特性的影响   总被引:49,自引:3,他引:46  
范燕萍  余让才 《园艺学报》1998,25(3):270-274
研究了不同遮荫程度对观叶植物匙叶天南星生长的影响及其生理作用机制。结果表明:在75%和50%的遮荫条件下,匙叶天南星幼苗叶片叶绿素含量上升,叶片浓绿,植株生长快,叶片较大,叶片数增多;叶片叶绿体结构完整,有较完整的片层结构;植株净光合速率较大,呼吸速率减弱。在广州夏季气候条件下,适度遮荫有利于促进匙叶天南星的生长,提高其观赏品质。  相似文献   

Poultry manure (PM) must be disposed of from poultry farms, but is a potentially valuable source of macro- and micronutrients for plant growth. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of poultry manure on the growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants. Yields of fruits and vegetative material of plants grown in soil with 0, 10, 20 and 40 g kg−1 PM added were measured. Concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Mo, Cl, Si, Br, Rb, Sr and Ba in leaves at flowering and at final harvest and in fruits were determined by polarized energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (PEDXRF). Poultry manure fertilization improved tomato shoot growth and also fruit yield and increased leaf N concentrations at the harvest stage. In addition, P concentrations of the leaves and fruits were increased as the application rate of PM was increased. Fruit Ca and Mg were significantly reduced by increased rate of PM application, but not to the extent to cause the calcium deficiency disorder blossom end rot. Applied high levels of PM slightly increased the concentrations of leaf Mo and Br at the harvest stage. Poultry manure applications had a positive effect on the concentrations of leaf Zn, Cu, Cl and Rb at both sampling stages, but leaf Si concentration was reduced by PM treatments. The concentrations of Zn and Rb were increased in the fruits by PM treatments, but the concentrations of Br were decreased. Applied PM levels had no significant effects on the concentrations of K, S, Fe, Sr or Ba in tomato plants. It is concluded that the increased fruit yield, and the increased concentration of Zn (an element required in the human diet) and the lowered concentration of potentially harmful Br in the fruit make poultry manure a valuable growing medium for tomato production.  相似文献   

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