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This study examined the reproducibility and repeatability of muscle thickness (MT) measurements with ultrasound for the following muscles: extensor carpi radialis, extensor digitorum longus (both flexed and extended), gluteus medius, longissimus lumborum, semitendinosus, and supraspinatus. Three examiners measured thickness of these muscles in five Thoroughbreds on 3 consecutive days. The day of measurement did not have any effect on the mean MT value of the muscles examined (P > .05). The left longissimus lumborum muscle was the only muscle for which the second measurement varied from the first and third (P < .05). The examiners had an effect on the mean coefficient of variation (CV) of the thickness of the flexed left extensor carpi radialis and flexed left extensor digitorum longus. The daily measurements varied more in the case of one of the examiners. Mean CVs higher or close to 10% were reported for both sides of the flexed extensor digitorum longus and for the supraspinatus muscles. The lowest CV was calculated for the longissimus lumborum and the extended semitendinosus (<5%). The largest disagreements between the examiners were observed for both sides of the flexed extensor digitorum longus and the supraspinatus (>10%–<20%). The best agreement was measured for the extended extensor carpi radialis and the longissimus lumborum (>3%–<7%). The results showed that for some muscles, it was difficult to locate the exact anatomical site for taking the MT measurements. To reduce CV, it was suggested that only one examiner should take all the measurements and the whole procedure must be such that it is as comfortable as possible for this particular examiner.  相似文献   

A staining procedure used for simultaneously determining three different fibre types in single sections bovine, porcine or ovine skeletal muscle was modified for use with ostrich skeletal muscle. The muscle fibres of gastrocnemius pars externa, tibialis cranialis caput tibiale, tibialis cranialis caput femorale and fibularis longus tendo caudalis were studied. The histochemical results revealed the presence of three types of fibre only in the gastrocnemius pars externa muscle: fast-twitch glycolytic fibres (FG), fast-twitch oxidative glycolytic fibres (FOG) and slow-twitch oxidative fibres (SO), while in the other muscles the FG fibres were absent. The percentage distribution of fibres types showed a higher incidence of SO fibres compared to FOG fibres in tibialis cranialis caput femorale and tibialis cranialis caput tibiale muscles, while it was opposite in the case of the fibularis longus tendo caudalis muscle. In the gastrocnemius pars externa muscle the FG fibres outnumber the other fibres, followed by the SO and FOG fibres. The results of the analysis of variance show significant interaction between muscle x fibre type for every morphometric parameter evaluated. Differences about value of fibres area exists between tibialis cranialis caput femorale and fibularis longus tendo caudalis muscles. Both fibre types in tibialis cranialis caput tibiale muscle have mean values of transversal section area smaller than tibialis cranialis caput femorale. The other morphometric parameters show a similar trend. The gastrocnemius pars externa muscle presents similar dimensions of muscle fibres for the FG and FOG types, and significantly smaller for the SO type.  相似文献   

The innervation of the capybara thoracic limb was characterized. The following nerves were observed constituting the right and left brachial plexus: n. dorsalis scapulae (C4 and C5; C4, C5 and C6) which innervates the m. serratus ventralis cervicis and m. rhomboideus; n. suprascapularis (C4, C5 and C6; C5, C6 and C7) supplying the m. supraspinatus and the m. infraspinatus; cranial and caudal nn. subscapulares (C5 and C6; C5, C6 and C7) innervating the m. subscapularis; n. axillaris (C5 and C6; C6, C7 and C8) which supplies the m. triceps brachii (caput mediale); n. radialis (C6, C7, C8 and T1; C6, C7 and C8) which innervates the m. triceps brachii (caput longum and caput mediale) and the m. extensor carpi radialis, m. extensor digitorum communis, m. extensor digitorum lateralis; n. medianus joined to the n. musculocutaneus (C6, C7, C8 and T1; C6, C7 and C8) supplying the m. biceps brachii, m. flexor carpi radialis and m. coracobrachialis; n. ulnaris (C6, C7, C8 and T1; C6, C7 and C8) leading to the m. flexor carpi radialis, the m. flexor carpi ulnaris and the m. flexor digitorum superficialis; n. thoracodorsalis (C6, C7, C8 and T1; C6, C7 and C8) supplying the m. latissimus dorsi; n. thoracicus lateralis (C8, T1; C7, C8, T1) which innervates m. pectoralis profundus (caudal portion); n. thoracicus longus (C6, C7; C7, C8) which is distributed to the m. serratus ventralis thoracis. A communication between the n. radialis and n. ulnaris was observed at the left brachial plexus.  相似文献   

A three-month-old dobermann was presented with hyperfiexion of the right carpus. The abnormality had evolved over a three-week period, following circumferential soft tissue trauma to the distal brachium. The carpal joint angle measured at the limit of passive extension was 105 degrees compared with 175 degrees for the left carpus, and prevented placement of metacarpal and digital pads on the ground. Neurological examination revealed marked atrophy of the carpal extensors, an absent extensor carpi radialis reflex and moderate atrophy of the carpal flexors. Spontaneous electromyographic activity consistent with denervation was recorded in the carpal extensor and flexor muscles. Surgical exploration of the distal radial nerve disclosed a region of fibrosis enmeshing the deep branch of the radial nerve. Following relief of the entrapped nerve, carpal hyperflexion, muscle atrophy and the extensor carpi radialis reflex deficit gradually resolved over four months. It is suggested that, In the rapidly growing limb, myoneural dysfunction Induced by trauma was the underlying pathophysiological mechanism for carpal hyperflexion.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 24 cases of inflammation of carpal extensors (m. extensor carpi radialis, m. extensor digitorum communis, m. abductor digiti I longus) was conducted. The findings of anamnestic, clinical, and post-mortem investigations are described. Half of the patients were first calf heifers at the ages of 2 1/2 to 3 years. The rest of the animals were older cows (with one exception). In all of the young cows the disease had become apparent within 11 weeks post partum. The most striking clinical finding is the posture of the animals when lying down: the affected forelimbs are extended forward. Palpation reveals a homogeneous firm swelling of the cranial portion of the forearm. Most of the patients also had pododermatitis in hind and/or front legs, and exhibited signs of a systemic reaction in the form of "polysynovitis" and raised serum total protein concentrations. Post mortem examination revealed a hemorrhagic edematous impregnation of the distal part of the radial carpal extensor muscle and particularly of its fascia. The tendon and tendon sheath had unclear contours and were swollen. Histologically the lesions are typical of subacute granulating inflammation. As to the cause, it is assumed that the ailment is a significant complication of some other disease of the locomotion system. Type and localization of the lesions suggest a traumatic etiology. Therapeutic results have been unsatisfactory.  相似文献   

Two horses were examined due to lacerations at the level of the craniodistal antebrachii. Further evaluation of the lacerations revealed communication with the extensor carpi radialis tendon sheath and potentially the antebrachiocarpal joint. Positive contrast arthrography performed via the palmarolateral pouch of the antebrachiocarpal joint was used to diagnose communication with the extensor carpi radialis tendon sheath. Both the joints and tendon sheaths were treated aggressively with surgical debridement and lavage, followed by post operative medical management and rehabilitation. Both horses made a full recovery and are performing in their intended level of use with acceptable cosmetic results. Traumatic communication with the carpal joints should be considered when evaluating lacerations involving the forelimb extensor tendon sheaths.  相似文献   

The extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus (SOL) muscle fibres from albino rats submitted to experimental chronic alcoholism were evaluated in accordance with their metabolic and morphometric profiles. Twenty-seven male animals aged 4 months and weighing approximately 400 g were used. The animals were divided into three groups: control, isocaloric and alcoholic and sacrifices were carried out after 5, 10 and 15 months. The muscles were dissected, removed, cross-sectioned in a cryostat and submitted to the NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) reaction. The SO (slow-twitch-oxidative), FG (fast-twitch-glycolytic) and FOG (fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic) muscle fibre types exhibited a polygonal, triangular or rounded shape and did not present noteworthy modifications in either muscles during the study. The cross-sectional areas of the fibres from the studied muscles did not present significant differences during the observations. Fibre area behaved similarly in the alcoholic animals up to the 10th month, i.e. it was decreased, as also observed in the other groups. At 15 months, however, all fibres were increased, with a predominance of FG fibres in the SOL muscle. Changes in fibre population were observed mainly in the SOL muscle of alcoholic animals: SO fibres were initially increased in number but decreased after the 10th month, and the opposite was observed for the population of FG fibres. FOG fibres increased linearly in number throughout the experiment. The statistical analysis showed nevertheless that the fibre population and cross-sectional area changes were not significant. In the alcoholic animals quantitative variations of muscle fibres were more evident in the SOL muscle, suggesting that the SOL muscle is more sensitive to the toxic action of ethanol. The results concerning the increased fibre diameter in alcoholic animals would be associated with muscle oedema induced directly or indirectly by the ethanol.  相似文献   

The macroscopic, radiographic and ultrasonographic anatomy of the carpal region of eight clinically normal camels (Camelus dromedarius) was determined with the help of a 7.5-MHz linear transducer. At the dorsal aspect of the carpus and distal radius, the extensor carpi radialis, extensor digitorum communis and extensor digitorum lateralis tendons were easily identified. The ulnaris lateralis tendon was observed laterally. The extensor carpi obliqus tendon was identified with difficulty. At the palmar aspect, the flexor carpi radialis, the flexor digitorum superficialis and the flexor digitorum profundus tendons were observed. Other soft structures examined include the lateral collateral ligament and the medial collateral ligament. Ultrasonographic findings correlated with gross anatomy in the dissected limbs. The results of the present study serve as reference data for ultrasonographic investigation of disorders of camel carpus.  相似文献   

A 16 month old filly was presented with the complaint of a severe laceration to the right foreleg with resultant transection of the extensor carpi radialis. Normal principles of wound treatment were followed and a bandage and splint were used for support and immobilization. The return to partial function of the damaged extensor carpi radialis was evidenced by resolution of the wound and an improvement in the patient's gait four months after the time of injury.  相似文献   

采用7.5MHz的线扫探头对4只奶牛尸体腕关节和6头奶牛的8个腕关节的正常结构进行了超声检查。一般骨骼的回声为光环或光线,关节囊呈明显的液性暗区,腱质呈实性强回声。桡腕关节囊、腕间关节囊及囊内绒毛可见。腕关节的腕桡侧伸肌腱、臂二头肌腱、指浅屈肌腱和指深屈肌腱都可清楚地看到,腕关节外侧由于腱比较细,加上侧副韧带多,在声像图上较难辨别其结构,腕关节内侧超声声像图不清楚。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the usefulness of magnetic motor-evoked potentials (MMEPs) for assessing the integrity of the cervical, thoracic, and thoracolumbar spinal cord in horses with bilateral hind limb ataxia. ANIMALS: 9 horses and 1 donkey with bilateral hind limb ataxia of various degrees. PROCEDURE: The motor cortex was stimulated magnetically, and MMEPs were recorded bilaterally from the extensor carpi radialis and cranial tibial muscles. RESULTS: In 5 horses and 1 donkey, MMEPs with normal onset latencies and peak-to-peak amplitude were recorded from the extensor carpi radialis muscles, whereas abnormal onset latencies and peak-to-peak amplitudes were recorded from the cranial tibial muscles. In these animals, a spinal cord lesion in the thoracic or thoracolumbar segments was suspected. In 4 horses, onset latencies and peak-to-peak amplitude of MMEPs recorded from the extensor carpi radialis and cranial tibial muscles were abnormal. In these horses, a cervical spinal cord lesion was suspected. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Transcranial magnetic stimulation can be considered a valuable diagnostic tool for assessing the integrity of the spinal cord, and MMEPs may be used for differentiating thoracic or thoracolumbar spinal cord lesions from mild cervical spinal cord lesions that cause ataxia in the hind limbs only.  相似文献   

The function of several intrinsic muscles of the fore-and hind limbs of 5 ponies walking normally was evaluated via surface electromyography. Electromyographic signals were band-pass filtered, rectified, linear enveloped, and standardized to the stride duration. Mean data from the muscles of the left and right limbs that were obtained from at least 30 strides in 2 recording sessions were recorded as electromyographic signals-time curves. The timing of muscle activity was determined from these graphs. On the basis of the major peaks in the electromyographic signal, muscle functions were identified. In the forelimb, the extensor carpi radialis muscle was involved in extension of the carpus at the end of the swing phase of the stride, and it provided support to flexion of the cubital joint at the beginning of the swing phase. The common digital extensor muscle extended the distal joints of the forelimb at the end of the swing phase. The ulnaris lateralis muscle provided support to extension of the cubital joint at the beginning of the stance phase, and the flexor carpi radialis muscle flexed the carpus at the beginning of the swing phase. The flexor carpi ulnaris muscle extended the cubital joint at the end of the swing phase. In the hind limb, the long digital extensor muscle flexed the tarsus at the beginning of the swing phase and extended the digital joints preceding the stance phase. The deep digital flexor muscle prevented overextension of the distal interphalangeal joint during the stance phase and flexion of the digital joints during the swing phase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Five dogs with unusual muscle and tendon disorders of the forelimb are described. In one dog, mineralisation of the tendon of insertion of the supraspinatus muscle was treated surgically but lameness returned following the resumption of exercise. Of two cases of avulsion of the origin of the extensor carpi radialis muscle, one was successfully managed conservatively while the other needed surgical intervention to resolve the lameness. A single case of chronic avulsion/rupture of the tendon of insertion of the extensor carpi radialis muscle was successfully managed conservatively while a case of medial displacement of the biceps brachii tendon was surgically corrected by repair of the transverse humeral ligament. The aetiology, diagnosis and management of the above conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

神经肌亚体内肌纤维型的生后发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将生后2天、2周、4周、8周、12周、16周、20周、24周的家兔胫骨前肌分成前、后亚体,分别得到腓得神经主要肌分支的支配,腓深神经分支的神经分布型式随年龄增长而递降.每个肌亚体组织化学特征经由乙酰胆碱碘溶液孵育后的运动终板而确定.肌纤维可分成SO、FG、FOG和FO型.除外生后2天龄之外,前、后亚体内SO、FG、FOG肌纤维在生后2周龄、4周龄、8周龄分别约占30%左右,生后12周龄以后,在前亚体内的SO型与FOG型纤维比率下降和FG型纤维升高要超过后亚体.全部肌纤维型在生后2周龄、4周龄、8周龄、12周龄的每个肌亚体的深、中、浅部都是均匀性分布.然而,不同部位的肌纤维类型差别明显,深部以氧化型为主,而浅部则以糖酵解型为主.这种差别在生后16、20、24周龄是最典型的.两个亚体生后发育期间的每条肌纤维毛细血管数(NCF)表明SO>FO>FOG>FG型纤维和毛细血管数与肌纤维横切面积比(CCA)显示FO>SO>FOG>FG型纤维,由此指出氧供较大需求的获得是通过减小肌纤维的面积而不仅仅是依赖于增加毛细血管数量.  相似文献   

A 5 year old Arabian mare was evaluated for a non-painful swelling located dorsal to the right carpus which had been present for 2 years. Radiographically, multiple mineralized bodies were identified dorsal to the distal radius and carpus in the region of the tendon sheath of the extensor carpi radialis muscle. The radiographic appearance of the carpal bones was within normal limits. On ultrasound examination, multiple hyperechoic foci with posterior shadowing were seen adjacent to the extensor carpi radialis tendon. There was minimal distension of the tendon sheath and no abnormalities within the substance of the extensor carpi tendon were identified. Considering the radiographic and sonographic findings, a presumptive diagnosis of tenosynovial osteochondromatosis was made. Histological confirmation of this diagnosis was not obtained as the owner declined further diagnostic evaluation.  相似文献   

This paper reports the diagnosis and repair of synovial fistulae between a carpal hygroma and both the antebrachiocarpal (ABC) joint and the extensor carpi radialis (ECR) tendon sheath of the left carpus in a 7-year-old gelding. The communication was confirmed using contrast radiography. Arthroscopy visualised the synovial fistulae and aided in the surgical repair. The gelding made a full athletic and acceptable cosmetic recovery.  相似文献   

Wick catheters were used to measure intracompartmental muscle pressures (ICMP) within the long heads of the triceps brachii and extensor carpi radialis muscles of 8 horses maintained under halothane anesthesia while their breathing was controlled by intermittent positive-pressure ventilation. Blood gas, cardiac output, and blood pressure determinations were monitored to maintain a stable plane of anesthesia. The horses were positioned in left lateral recumbency and were placed sequentially on each of 4 contact surfaces for 1 hour. The 4 surfaces used for each horse were concrete, foam rubber, air dunnage bag, and a water mattress. Hematologic and biochemical determinations were made before and 24 hours after anesthesia. All horses recovered from the anesthesia. One horse had forelimb lameness for 36 hours after anesthesia, which was clinically diagnosed as a myoneuropathy. The ICMP values were markedly elevated in the muscle bellies of the lower limb of all horses. Supporting the horse on a water mattress caused the least dramatic pressure elevation and foam caused the most. The triceps muscle and, to a lesser extent, the extensor carpi radialis muscle of the lower limb are at risk of ischemia in anesthetized horses because the ICMP may exceed the critical closing pressure of 30 mm of Hg required for capillary blood flow.  相似文献   

A cranial approach to the humerus was developed for application of a compression plate for repair of comminuted humeral fractures in a weanling foal, a calf, a heifer, and a mature cow. An incision was made from the cranial portion of the greater tubercle of the humerus to the radius. The cranial aspect of the humerus was exposed by retraction of the brachiocephalicus muscle and blunt dissection between the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. A second plate was applied laterally in the heifer and cow by retraction of the brachialis muscle and elevation of the extensor carpi radialis muscle. Successful fracture reduction, alignment, and stabilization were achieved in all four animals.  相似文献   

The extensor and flexor group muscles and their related muscles were functional-morphologically observed in the dead body of the giant panda to clarify the action of the forearm and the palm in the manipulation of the species. The Musculus flexor carpi ulnaris had two developed heads, however, we can conclude that the contraction of this muscle slightly changes the angle of the accessory carpal bone to the ulna. The data pointed out that the accessory carpal bone acts as a supporting post, when the giant panda seizes the object. The M. abductor digiti I longus possessed the well-developed origin in both ulna and radius. These findings suggest that this muscle may function as a supinator of the forearm. We also suggest that the well-developed M. pronator quadratus and M. pronator teres, and the proximal part of the M. abductor digiti I longus and the M. supinator may efficiently contribute to the pronator-spinator action of the forearm, when the giant panda brings the food to its mouth using the manipulation system equipped in the palm region.  相似文献   

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