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文章简述了农机安全生产"三率"的概念及其重要性,分析了当前农机安全生产"三率"的状况及制约农机安全生产"三率"提高的主要因素,提出了提高农机安全生产"三率"的工作思路及对策,为推动我区农机安全生产工作提供参考.  相似文献   

为了营造<农业机械安全监督管理条例>实施的良好氛围,菏泽市牡丹区农机局立足实际,强化措施,狠抓落实,保障了冬季农机安全生产. 一是加强领导,促进‘平安牡丹区"建设.该区始终把抓好农机安全生产工作作为"平安牡丹区"建设的一项重要措施,区、乡、村逐级成立农机安全生产领导小组,制定实施方案,层层签订<农机安全生产责任书>,做到任务具体,目标明确,责任到人.同时,定期召开农机安全生产调度会,有重点、有计划地安排部署安全生产管理工作.  相似文献   

泗水县农机局以创建"平安农机"为总抓手,切实加强对农机安全生产的监管,认真落实农机安全生产责任制,严把农机驾驶员考试这道关,强监管,重服务,出现了农机手抢答"安全卷"的新局面,从源头上消除了安全隐患,为确保全县的安全形势稳定作出了积极贡献.  相似文献   

农机安全生产的落实关系到农业的健康发展.农机管理服务工作是农机安全工作的一个重要组成部分,管理工作的好坏也直接关系到整个农机发展体系.目前我省已经形成一个运转良好的农机安全生产管理体系,但仍需不断完善.笔者结合目前正在开展的创建"农机安全示范村"活动,谈谈如何通过构筑"三大防线"来保障农机安全生产.  相似文献   

近年来,宝应县积极探索建立镇村农机安全监管机制,以推广"柳堡模式"为切入点,深入推进"平安农机"建设,保障了农机安全生产形势持续稳定,为全县农机化高质量发展提供了安全保障。  相似文献   

农机安全生产是国家安全生产的组成部分,是农机化管理的基础性工作,抓好农机安全生产的方法措施得当,就能收到事半功倍的效果.反之可能会找不着头绪,甚至顾此失彼.笔者从事农机安全监督管理工作多年,认为抓好农机安全生产管理工作要着重在"实、细、全、严"4个字上做文章下功夫.  相似文献   

为强化安全生产监督管理,保持全区农机安全生产形势持续稳定好转,推动"平安坊子"和"平安畅通县区"建设,近日坊子区人民政府办公室下发了<关于进一步加强农机安全生产工作,切实提高农机"三率"水平的通知>,区农机局认真贯彻文件精神,以提高拖拉机联合收割机登记挂牌率,年度检验率及驾驶员持证率为中心工作,成立了专门领导小组和两个稽查小分队,全力以赴做好路检路查工作.  相似文献   

农机安全生产事关广大人民群众生命和财产安全,做好这项工作,是统筹城乡经济发展、全面建设小康社会的重要内容,也是实践"三个代表"重要思想的具体表现.目前农村经济正处于转型期,由于受生产力发展水平和广大农民素质等因素的制约和影响,农村安全生产基础薄弱,农机安全生产形势相当严峻.农机重大事故的频繁发生,将直接影响到农村经济可持续健康发展和全面建设小康社会目标的实现.为保障广大农民群众生命财产,促进农村社会稳定,各级政府和部门必须充分认识到抓好农机安全生产的必要性、艰巨性和紧迫性,从农村经济和社会发展全局出发,对农机安全生产工作引起足够重视,制定和实施好"十一五"期间农机安全生产发展规划.  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实党中央、国务院和省委、省政府关于切实抓好安全生产工作的指示精神和农业部2002年开展"农机质量安全年"活动的部署,进一步深化全省农机"黑车非驾"安全整治活动的内容和方式,把阶段性的安全整治活动与强化安全监管措施结合起来,逐步建立农机安全生产源头管理的长效机制.省农业机械监理所发出"关于进一步深入开展农机‘黑车非驾'安全整治活动的通知".  相似文献   

为了进一步贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于加强安全生产的精神,更好地保障农机安全生产,结合全区安全工作会议精神,宜昌市夷陵区农机安全监理站(原宜昌县农机安全监理站)决定于2001年5~8月,在全区开展"农机百日安全竞赛活动".  相似文献   

随着社会发展,专业人才的缺乏成为阻碍许多行业发展的重要因素,所以培养出适合发展要求的人才成为发展过程中研究和关注的重点.传统的PLC应用技术过于注重理论教学,对学生动手能力培养存在一定缺陷,培养出的学生就业后不能适应技术岗位要求.文章就当下工作过程中的实践能力要求现状进行分析,介绍PLC应用技术含义进行分析,提出促进技术进一步发展的有力措施.  相似文献   

Plants with different abilities for osmotic adjustment (cowpea, bean, and sugarbeet) were subjected to gradually decreasing soil water content. During the development of water deficit stress, various plant water parameters were measured to characterize their relationship to the near infrared R 1300/R 1450 leaf water index, which is based on the measurement of light reflected from leaves. In all three species, leaf water thickness (LWT), leaf cell relative water content (RWC), and overall leaf thickness remained relatively constant under moderate water deficit stress. However, at the point when plants could no longer cope with the increasing level of water deficit stress, LWT, RWC, and leaf thickness were found to decrease substantially, signaling the onset of leaf dehydration. The R 1300/R 1450 leaf water index followed the RWC very closely in cowpea and bean leaves, and with some time lag in sugarbeet leaves. The R 1300/R 1450 index may therefore be used as a feedback-signal in precision irrigation control, signaling effectively the physiological response of plants when water deficit stress becomes detrimental. RWC and the R 1300/R 1450 index were linearly correlated in cowpea and bean leaves, but not in sugarbeet leaves.  相似文献   

文章阐述了《单片机应用技术》课程教改实施的意义、思路及方案,总结了这门课程的教改特点、创新及取得的成果,并对在教改实施过程中碰到的问题进行了反思.  相似文献   

机械制图是机械工程类的语言,对它的掌握将直接影响学生今后的学习和发展,所以文章主要分析职业学校《机械制图》课程的特点和学生情况,从几个方面来阐述机械制图的教学方法.  相似文献   

《机械基础》是机械类专业学生的入门课,同时为学生学习其他机械专业课程打下基础.随着社会的发展,信息技术日新月异,新技术层出不穷,社会对高技能人才提出了更高的要求,传统的教学模式已经很难以适应教学需要,教师要结合中职学生实际情况,不断改进教学方法,以学生为主体,更多地采用趣味教学,激发学生的学习兴趣,优化课堂,加强教学效果.  相似文献   

The implementation of nutrient management plans for confined animal feeding operations requires recording N and P loads from land-applied manure, including nutrients applied in irrigation water from manure treatment lagoons. By regulation, lagoon irrigation water nutrient records in Mississippi must be based on at least one lagoon water nutrient analysis annually. Research in Mississippi has shown that N and P levels in lagoon water, and the N:P ratio, vary significantly through the year. Nutrient estimates based on one annual analysis do not account for this variability and may overestimate or underestimate N and P loads. The present study reports an improved method to more precisely estimate N and P loads in irrigation water from swine manure lagoons. The method is based on predictable annual cycles of N and P levels in lagoon water and employs simple curve-fitting of lagoon-specific formulas derived by analyses of historical data. Similarity of curves from analyses of Mississippi lagoons and other lagoon studies suggests that the method can be applied using the often limited nutrient data for a lagoon to more precisely estimate seasonal shifts of N and P and to improve the precision of estimates for N and P in irrigation water. Although the present study focused on swine manure lagoons in the southern US, recognition that the annual N cycle in lagoon water is temperature driven, suggests that additional research incorporating temperature into future models could extend these models to other types of waste treatment lagoons and climates.  相似文献   

This study deals with the effects of intermittent irrigation on actual evapotranspiration (ET) and leaf area index (LAI) of “Superior” grapevines grown in a semiarid environment in northeastern Brazil. The field experiments were carried out during two consecutive fruiting cycles (dry season and rainy season) of grapevines (Vitis vinifera, L) irrigated by drip at a rate of 2.3 L h−1. Four irrigation time intervals were used as follow: one turn irrigation-time (I-1), two turn irrigation-time (I-2), three turn irrigation-time (I-3), and four turn irrigation-time (I-4). The growing cycles received different amounts of water by irrigation, which for dry and rainy seasons were 470.5 and 243.5 mm, respectively. The ET increased from 5.7 to 7.5 mm day−1 when the irrigation time interval changed from I-1 to I-4 and resulted in a higher value of LAI. The values of ET during the rainy-season growing cycle were much lower throughout the phenological stages, reaching a maximum of 6.4 mm day−1 for I-4 in the maturation stage. For both growing cycles, an increase in the cumulated vineyard evapotranspiration was observed when changing the irrigation time interval from I-1 to I-4, except I-2, which was slightly greater than I-3. Soil water drainage had a very gradual exponential decrease from I-1 to I-4 in both fruiting cycles. The grapevine coefficient under intermittent irrigation can be described as function of days after pruning by polynomial models.  相似文献   

Water and land salinization, caused by ill-practiced irrigation and drainage is acute and widespread in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan. A crop frequently grown in these marginal areas is sorghum because of its capability to adapt to saline conditions. However, the salt uptake potential of local varieties for salt-ameliorative purposes, as well as possible income-generation benefits, have not yet been studied. Therefore, field experiments on low, medium and highly saline soils were conducted using four sorghum cultivars (S. vulgare, S. cernuum, S. durra, and S. technicum). The effect of soil salinity on biomass, stover and grain yield, the baking and feed quality, and total water soluble salt (TDS) accumulation, was assessed according to varieties, plant fractions and growth phases. Results showed that S. cernuum had the highest grain yield on the low (5.13 t ha−1), medium (6.05 t ha−1) and highly (3.3 t ha−1) saline soil. S. technicum showed the lowest growth potential under all salinity levels. TDS accumulation varied between 406 and 185 kg ha−1 depending on variety, site, plant fractions and growth stage. Irrespective of the soil salinity levels and varieties, TDS was highest in stover and leaves, while highest TDS uptake, mainly chlorides and bicarbonates, occurred between booting and flowering. Baking quality of all varieties was extremely low, whereas the in-vitro feed was assessed as of medium quality. The findings indicate the scope of local sorghum varieties for phytomelioration of marginal lands in Karakalpakstan, while concurrently satisfying a wider range of rural livelihood needs.  相似文献   

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