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在上海地区收集血液样品(猪、牛、山羊、马、鸡、鸭、鸽、犬和部分珍禽等)964份,应用双抗原夹心酶联免疫法(DS-ELISA)检测抗HEV抗体。结果表明,猪抗HEV抗体的阳性率为72.18%(301/417),其中母猪阳性率最高,为82.53%(222/269),育成猪阳性率为52.54%(62/118),保育猪阳性率为50.00%(15/30);22个猪场均检测到抗HEV抗体阳性猪,阳性率高于60%的猪场有16个,占阳性猪场的72.72%。在牛、山羊、马、鸡、鸭、鸽等血清中也检测到了抗HEV抗体,阳性率分别为6.00%,24.00%,16.00%,1.90%,12.77%和4.44%,明显低于猪群的阳性率。在宠物犬中检测到了抗体阳性犬,阳性率为17.82%(18/101),说明犬对HEV易感。珍禽中野鸭、火烈鸟对HEV也有一定的敏感性,阳性率分别为6.60%(1/15)和10%(1/10),在孔雀和鸵鸟的血清标本中未检测到HEV抗体。猪群中戊型肝炎病毒存在较普遍,其他与人类密切相关的多种动物也对HEV敏感。  相似文献   

上海等4省市动物冠状病毒的流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对上海、浙江、安徽和湖北4个地区感染鸡、鸭、猪、牛和犬的5种冠状病毒,即禽传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)、猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TEGV)、猪呼吸道冠状病毒(PRCV)、牛冠状病毒(BCV)和犬冠状病毒(CCV)进行病原学和血清学抽查,共完成测试样品2 368份,包括566份拭子样品和1 802份血清样品。检出IBV抗原阳性4份。在血清学调查中,发现IBV抗体的阳性率为86.4%(鸡)和0.7%(鸭);猪TGEV阳性率为6.8%,PRCV阳性率为18.7%;牛BCV阳性率为5.4%;犬冠状病毒的阳性率为50%。  相似文献   

为了解东莞市动物布鲁氏菌病的流行情况,采用布鲁氏菌病虎红平板凝集试验和试管凝集试验,对2012~2016年采自东莞市动物的血清进行检测,共检测猪血清20221份,牛血清203份,羊血清239份,犬血清4508份,马血清329份,其中,猪、牛、羊、犬、马布鲁氏菌病抗体阳性率分别为0.04%、0.73%、0.08%、0.09%和0。结果表明,东莞市猪、牛、羊、犬中可能存在布鲁氏菌病的感染,动物和动物产品存在布鲁氏菌污染的风险。对布鲁氏菌病的防控需采取综合防控措施。  相似文献   

为了解心丝虫、莱姆病、犬埃里希氏体病在东莞市犬中的流行状况,对东莞市210份犬血清进行了心丝虫抗原、莱姆病抗体、犬埃里希抗体检测试验,试验结果:在检测的210份犬血清中,心丝虫抗原阳性0份、莱姆病抗体阳性0份,犬埃里希抗体阳性12份,犬埃里希抗体阳性率为5.71%。  相似文献   

为了调查东北地区部分动物弓形虫病的流行情况,从东北部分地区共采集血清样本3 532份(其中鸡502份、鸭268份、鹅128份、警犬291份、宠物犬328份、马711份、驴738份、羊566份),采用改良凝集试验(MAT)检测血清抗体阳性率。结果表明:鸡、鸭、鹅、警犬、宠物犬、马、驴、羊的抗体阳性率分别为7.4%、9.7%、7.0%、30.9%、10.1%、25.0%、23.6%、4.4%。说明东北地区部分动物存在弓形虫感染,该病会对东北地区的人畜造成潜在的危害,并带来一定经济损失,应该引起相关部门的重视。  相似文献   

沈阳地区七种家禽,家畜军团菌的血清学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用微量凝集试验(MAT),对沈阳地区鸡、鸭、鹅、牛、羊、猪、狗等七种动物进行嗜肺军团菌LP_1、LP_6型血清学调查,结果军团菌Lp_1、LP_6型抗体阳性率为4.5—55.5%,牛的阳性率最高为55.5%,高于国  相似文献   

为了解临沧市牛、羊和犬弓形虫感染情况,分别采集临沧市的临翔区、双江县、凤庆县和沧源县农户、养殖场和餐馆的动物血样品284份(牛143份、羊81份、犬60份),分离血清,采用间接血凝试验(IHA)进行弓形虫抗体检测。结果表明,弓形虫抗体阳性53份,阳性率18.6%,其中牛血清弓形虫抗体阳性20份,阳性率为14%;羊血清弓形虫抗体阳性19份,阳性率为23.5%;犬血清弓形虫抗体阳性14份,阳性率为23.3%。综上所述,临沧市牛羊犬弓形虫抗体阳性率较高,有兽医公共卫生安全隐患。  相似文献   

由河南省南阳地区患“怪叫病”黄牛脑组织分离鉴定了5株狂犬病病毒,建立了检测狂犬病病毒抗原的夹心间接斑点酶联免疫吸附试验、检测狂犬病病毒抗体和中和抗体的夹心阻断酶联免疫吸附试验和微量免疫酶试验.应用所建立的方法,结合小鼠中和试验,对疫区牛、马、猪、羊、犬、猫、鸡、鼠和蝙蝠9种动物的1138份血清标本进行了检测,结果发现阳性率达12.65%,其中疫点内牛、猪、犬、猫和鼠的阳性率更高,为20%左右.根据动物群中较高阳性率,亦即隐性感染动物的存在,提出了南阳地区黄牛狂大病除因疯犬或带毒犬咬伤所致者外,可能还有因其他动物如鼠等咬伤甚至非咬伤感染途径的存在.在确定病性以及上述流行病学调查的基础上,实施了以管(制)、免(疫)、灭(扑杀)为中心的综合防制措施,经3年的工作,收到了明显的防制效果.  相似文献   

为掌握动物弓形虫病感染状况,应用间接血凝试验在张掖市开展了动物弓形虫病血清学抽样检测,被检血清抗体效价≧1:64判为阳性。结果显示,全市动物平均阳性率为13.8%(396/2866),其中猪阳性率为16.5%(91/550)、牛阳性率为17.5%(133/760)、羊阳性率为19.0%(130/686)、鸡阳性率为1.7%(10/605)、犬阳性率为12.1%(32/265)。结果表明,张掖市普遍存在动物弓形虫的隐形感染,应引起动物防疫工作者和广大养殖户的高度重视。  相似文献   

为了调查石河子地区人畜弓形虫的感染情况,为本地区弓形虫病的防治提供科学依据,应用间接血凝试验(IHA)首次检测了石河子地区人血清336份、犬血清304份、猪血清456份和牛血清390份.结果显示,人、犬、猪和牛血清弓形虫抗体阳性数分别为18、32、139、181份,人、犬、猪、牛抗体阳性率分别为5.4%、10.5%、3...  相似文献   

In the present study, the hemagglutinating activity of 9 reference strains (serovars A-I) of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale was investigated by using fresh erythrocytes from 15 different species: chicken (broiler, rooster, hen), turkey, pigeon, quail, duck, Harris hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus), house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus), cow, sheep, horse, dog, rabbit, pig, human (groups A, B, AB, and O), and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). All 9 strains agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes. None of the strains was able to agglutinate hen, cow, horse, or rainbow trout erythrocytes. The number of positive reactions among the remaining species varied. Results indicate that the use of rabbit erythrocytes is better suited for testing the hemagglutinating activity of O. rhinotracheale.  相似文献   

The effect of sources of Staphylococcus aureus and plasmas, concentration of plasma, temperature and duration of incubation on coagulase-test results was evaluated. Using S. aureus strains of food origin, the value of plasmas in coagulase tests was, in order of superiority, human and rabbit greater than pig greater than donkey greater than chicken greater than cattle greater than duck greater than goat greater than dog. However, with staphylococcal isolates of animal origin the order was cattle greater than pig greater than human greater than duck greater than goat greater than dog greater than rabbit greater than chicken greater than donkey. Regardless of the source of staphylococci, horse plasma was found unsuitable in coagulase tests as it clotted spontaneously. The temperature (25 and 37 degrees C), and duration of incubation and type of anticoagulant had no significant (P greater than 0.05, X2) effect on coagulase-test results. It is concluded that in testing staphylococcal isolates from various sources for coagulase production, it is imperative to use plasmas from several animal species whenever practicable as staphylococcal biotypes display variable ability to coagulate different plasmas.  相似文献   

为了研究7种家养动物全基因组微卫星的分布是否存在差异,本试验利用软件MSDB搜索了猪、马、牛、山羊、绵羊、鸡和犬7种家养动物全基因组微卫星序列,并对其进行了分析研究。初步结果显示,7种家养动物全基因组微卫星在数量、丰度和密度上都存在差异,其中数量、丰度和密度最高的是犬,共1 436 242个位点,数量最少的是鸡,共276 564个位点,但丰度和密度最低的是马,共430 760个位点。对这些微卫星的分析表明,所有物种全基因组中单碱基重复微卫星最丰富,六碱基重复微卫星数量最少,且6种重复类型的优势微卫星都富含碱基A和T。除这些共同点之外,微卫星的分布规律也存在差异。总的来说,牛、山羊、绵羊微卫星的分布规律最为相似,鸡与其他物种微卫星的分布规律相差最远。分析还发现,7种动物微卫星长度大多集中在12~20 bp之间,这可能是受到趋同选择压力的结果。据以上可以推测,物种间微卫星的分布存在差异,但也存在一定的保守性,且物种间亲缘关系越近,微卫星的分布也越相似。以上结果为以后微卫星的功能研究提供依据。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to demonstrate and characterize IgG Fc receptors of Mycoplasma synoviae. Two IgG Fc receptors were recognized with molecular weights (MW) of 80,000 and 90,000 and isoelectric focusing points (pI) of 5.3 and 4.3, respectively. The activity of the IgG Fc receptors was eliminated by exposure to 0.1 unit of protease for 10 minutes. Mild reduction in activity was observed with trypsin between 100 to 1000 units for 10 minutes. The IgG Fc receptors were resistant to exposure to 60 C for 60 minutes and to 100 C for 20 minutes. The M. synoviae IgG Fc receptors were strongly reactive to affinity-purified Fc Fragment of chicken IgG; affinity-purified chicken IgG; and serum IgG of chicken, quail, pigeon, and turkey. A moderate reaction was detected to human affinity-purified IgG, and weak reactions were detected to affinity-purified IgG of cat, cow, dog, goat, guinea pig, horse, and rabbit. No reaction occurred with IgG of duck, goose, mouse, pig or rat.  相似文献   

To investigate whether difference in SSRs distribution of 7 domestic animals genomes, the microsatellite sequence were searched by using MSDB (Microsatellite Search and Building Database) and analyzed in pig, horse, cow, goat, sheep, chicken and dog genomes.Preliminary results showed that SRRs number, frequency and density were found to be largely variable among these animals.The most abundant distribution was observed in dog genome with 1 436 242 identified SSRs loci.The minimum SSRs (276 564) number was found in chicken genome.Yet, the minimum SSRs (430 760) frequency and density were found in horse genome.Among these SSRs, mononucleotide repeat type motif was the most abundant and pentanucleotide repeat type motif was the rarest in all animals.Meanwhile, all the dominant SSRs for different repeat types were abundant in nucleotide A and T.In addition, there was variability among 7 animals of SSRs distribution.In general, SSRs distribution was the most similar in cow, goat and sheep genomes, and chicken was the most different from other animals.The results also showed that the length of microsatellite ranged mainly from 12 to 20 bp in all animals, which might be due to selection pressure of convergence.In short, these results revealed difference as well as conservation in SSRs distribution among different domestic animals genomes.In particular, genetically close animals tended to have similar SSR distribution patters.This would provide a basis for subsequent research of SSRs function.  相似文献   

Using antisera specific for the heavy chain of human IgE and bovine reaginic immunoglobulin, the degree of cross-reaction amongst sera from pig, rat, rabbit, guinea pig, goat, cow, horse, dog, cat and human was tested. Antihuman IgE antiserum gave strong reactions with pig, rabbit, cow, goat and human sera (100% to 15.1%) and weak reactions with rat, guinea pig, horse, dog and cat sera (10.1% to 3.22%). Antibovine reagin antiserum produced a considerable amount of cross-reaction with sera from pig, rat, rabbit, goat, horse and human (43.6% to 20.1%) with limited reactions with guinea pig, dog and cat sera (13.9% to 9.3%).  相似文献   

The results from studies to measure lytic complement (C') in sera of different animal species were reviewed. The traditional system, using sheep red blood cells (RBC) and rabbit antibody, was confirmed as the most sensitive to measure C' levels in man, monkey, dog, guinea pig, and rat serums. Sera C' from horse, cow, and sheep were found to be best assayed using rabbit RBC, whereas C' from goat, cat, and rabbit were best assayed with human RBC. Antibodies and C' from the same species usually mediated lysis of foreign RBC, but this lysis occurred more readily with some RBC targets than with others and may be associated with the presence of natural antibodies in the test sera. The effects of the species origin of a C' source in immunologic reactions in vitro and in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

Nine commercially available monoclonal antibodies and two monoclonal antibodies from The American Type Culture Collection, raised against various human leucocyte surface antigens, were tested on lymphocytes from cow, sheep, goat, swine, horse, cat, dog, mink, and rabbit as well as man. Four antibodies bound to lymphocytes from some of the animals. These were the antibodies against CD8 and CD4 antigen, the antibody to C3b-receptor, and the antibody to the HLA-DR antigen. The CD8 antigen-reactive antibody reacted with lymphocytes from mink, cat, dog, and sheep, while the CD4 antigen-reactive antibody reacted with lymphocytes from mink. The anti-C3b-R antibody reacted with lymphocytes from horse, swine, dog, and cat, and the anti-HLA-DR reacted with lymphocytes from cow, goat, sheep, horse, dog, cat, and mink.  相似文献   

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