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全球转基因作物的产业化发展   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
转基因作物进行第一次大规模商业化种植始于1996年,至2007年,12年来,全球转基因作物的种植面积增加了66倍,达到1.143亿hm2,比2006年增加了12%。同时,随着智利和波兰的加入,种植转基因作物的国家由最初6个增加到23个,其中,发展中国家(12)在数量上首次超过发达国家(11)。种植转基因作物的农户比2006年又增加了200万户,总种植户达到1 200万。全球转基因作物市场价值累计约425亿美元。2007年,全球转基因作物市场价值达到69亿美元,占农作物总价值的16%,占种子市场价值的20%。专家预测,2008年全球转基因作物市场价值大约可达到75亿美元。  相似文献   

A strong, global commitment to expanded prevention programs targeted at sexual transmission and transmission among injecting drug users, started now, could avert 28 million new HIV infections between 2005 and 2015. This figure is more than half of the new infections that might otherwise occur during that period in 125 low- and middle-income countries. Although preventing these new infections would require investing about U.S.$122 billion over this period, it would reduce future needs for treatment and care. Our analysis suggests that it will cost about U.S.$3900 to prevent each new infection, but that this will produce a savings of U.S.$4700 in forgone treatment and care costs. Thus, greater spending on prevention now would not only prevent more than half the new infections that would occur from 2005 to 2015 but would actually produce a net financial saving as future costs for treatment and care are averted.  相似文献   

We estimate that to achieve the World Health Organization's tuberculosis control targets, the 22 high-burden countries (HBCs) that collectively account for approximately 80% of the world's tuberculosis cases require about $1 billion per year during the period 2001 to 2005. A further $0.2 billion per year is needed for low and lower-middle income countries outside the 22 HBCs. There is a resource gap of up to around $300 million per year. Substantial progress in tuberculosis control could be achieved with increased investment that is large in the context of existing spending, but small in the wider context of global health expenditure.  相似文献   

The figures in Table 1 yield some interesting results. The total annual value of food and mineral resources taken from the ocean is $8.3 billion, in contrast to $309 billion from the land. Using the land value as the yardstick, if the annual value of produce from the ocean were in ratio to the area relationship of ocean and land, the ocean potential would be $750 billion; the actual recovery for 1964 was only 1.1 percent of that potential. This very low percentage is the basis for either great optimism for the future development of the ocean (on the basis of unrealized potential), or great pessimism (on the basis of high costs compared with further development of land resources, or present exploitation to near the limit of productivity).  相似文献   

Weiss C 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1985,227(4684):261-265
The World Bank, the largest aid-granting agency in the world, has played a substantial but largely unsung role in helping the scientific and technological development of developing countries. Its investments, totaling $15.5 billion in fiscal year 1984, involve choosing appropriate technology and financing local technological development. Since 1980, the Bank has lent $0.5 billion for agricultural research and about $1 billion for scientific and technological education. It contributes to and mobilizes finances for large international research programs in agriculture and the health sciences. It supports research on labor-based construction, low-cost sanitation, renewable energy resources, and control of traffic congestion. It provides training in the technological aspects of development policy. As funds for aid become scarce, the Bank is reexamining its approach to science and technology.  相似文献   

During the past several years there have been significant scientific and technological advances related to the tokamak magnetic confinement scheme. These are summarized in the context of a recent tokamak reactor design study which emphasizes reduced size, higher power density, and enhanced plant reliability and maintainability relative to earlier tokamak reactor design studies. The direct plant cost of the proposed reactor is estimated to be in the range $1000 to $1500 per electrical kilowatt. A three-phase strategy for demonstrating tokamak fusion power generation at a committed site is outlined. It is estimated that implementation of the three-phase program would require about 20 years and a total escalated expenditure $10 billion to $15 billion. The tokamak power plant described here is not viewed as definitive but rather as a point of departure in the development of a plan to demonstrate tokamak power generation.  相似文献   

Tesar D 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1978,201(4359):880-887
The time of intelligent machines is upon us. But the United States is not actively pursuing this rich field of technological development. This is evidenced by the U.S. trade deficit of $9 billion in this market in 1977. The synergistic approach of Japan, Germany, Russia, and other countries to research, development, and demonstration among government, academic, and industrial groups is paying big dividends in vital U.S. markets. This article outlines a specific solution in terms of a U.S. national research policy for light machinery and robotics.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1994,266(5187):956
The 1994 and 1995 federal science budget appropriations for two of the activities were inadvertently transposed in a table that accompanied the article "Hitting the President's target is mixed blessing for agencies" by Jeffrey Mervis (News & Comment, 14 Oct., p. 211). The correct figures for Defense Department spending on university research are $1.460 billion in 1994 and $1.279 billion in 1995; for research and development at NASA, the correct figures are $9.455 billion in 1994 and $9.824 billion in 1995.  相似文献   

食糖是全球最受政策扭曲的农产品之一。欧盟和美国是主要实施食糖政策扭曲生产和贸易的经济体。随着“多哈议程”谈判的进行,发展中国家要求欧盟和美国改革食糖政策的呼声越来越高。改革食糖政策有利于增进全球福利。最近的研究认为,采用多边方式的改革食糖政策的获益最大,全球取消食糖政策保护1年可获得47亿美元的福利。欧洲和美国每年增加1500万t食糖,可使发展中国家增加上百万个就业机会。本文就全球食糖生产和一些国家的食糖政策作了较为全面的介绍和分析,使我们对世界农产品生产和贸易及政策有比较准确的了解。  相似文献   

Congress last week gave both NASA and the National Science Foundation (NSF) significant hikes for 2001: NSF got $4.42 billion, a $522 million boost over this year that nearly matched NSF's 17% request, and NASA received $14.3 billion, nearly twice the White House's request for a 3% boost-but with hundreds of millions of dollars in earmarks added on.  相似文献   

Transgenic maize engineered to express insecticidal proteins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) has become widely adopted in U.S. agriculture. In 2009, Bt maize was planted on more than 22.2 million hectares, constituting 63% of the U.S. crop. Using statistical analysis of per capita growth rate estimates, we found that areawide suppression of the primary pest Ostrinia nubilalis (European corn borer) is associated with Bt maize use. Cumulative benefits over 14 years are an estimated $3.2 billion for maize growers in Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, with more than $2.4 billion of this total accruing to non-Bt maize growers. Comparable estimates for Iowa and Nebraska are $3.6 billion in total, with $1.9 billion for non-Bt maize growers. These results affirm theoretical predictions of pest population suppression and highlight economic incentives for growers to maintain non-Bt maize refugia for sustainable insect resistance management.  相似文献   

广西公益林生态效益补偿研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了研究合理的公益林生态效益补偿标准,维持公益林的经营动力,该文采用林木资产评估方法和本金折息法,并以价值损失补偿计量标准,计算公益林生态效益补偿金额.结果表明:①如果政府一次性购买广西集体和个人经营的公益林归国家所有,对公益林经营者进行补偿所需的补偿金额为220亿元人民币;②如果公益林产权不变,仍由所有者按公益林建设规程进行经营,保证公益林正常发挥生态效益,每年对公益林经营者进行补偿所需的补偿金额为7.22亿元人民币.各树种类型公益林补偿标准为:杉木236.0元/(hm2·a)、马尾松214.4元/(hm2·a)、阔叶树219.1元/(hm2·a)、桉树195.4元/(hm2·a)、竹林87.4元/(hm2·a)、灌木林39.1元/(hm2·a).公益林有典型的外部经济性,政府必须对公益林经营者进行合理的经济补偿才能维持公益林的经营动力.   相似文献   

对2012年中国蔬菜进出口情况进行了分析,结果表明,2012年中国进口蔬菜约21.14万t,合计2.84亿美元,进口量、值同比分别增长32.56%和35.87%;加工蔬菜和干蔬菜进口明显增长,其中加工蔬菜进口16.19万t,同比增33.36%,干蔬菜进口2.32万t,同比增100.86%;美国、东南亚国家和地区是主要的蔬菜进口来源地,非洲来源蔬菜大幅增长;亚洲其他国家和地区是中国蔬菜主要出口地;受多种因素影响,全年蔬菜出口约934.28万t,合计98.21亿美元,出口量、值同比分别减少3.97%和15.52%,其中干蔬菜出口量、值大幅减少,同比分别减少25.86%和36.79%;月度进出口量波动增长,不同大类间有所差异。整体看,2012年中国蔬菜在国际市场上继续保持比较优势,进出口继续呈贸易顺差态势,预计这种趋势短期内不会发生变化,中国蔬菜进出口贸易将继续保持良好发展态势。  相似文献   

An assessment of the effects of airline deregulation on travelers and carriers indicates that deregulation has provided travelers and carriers with $14.9 billion of annual benefits (1988 dollars). Airport congestion, airline safety, airline bankruptcy, and mergers are also analyzed and found in most cases to have reduced benefits. But, these costs should not be attributed to deregulation per se, but to failures by the government to pursue appropriate policies in these areas. Pursuit of policies that promote airline competition and efficient use of airport capacity would significantly increase the benefits from deregulation and would provide valuable guidance for other industries undergoing the transition to deregulation.  相似文献   

Palumbi SR 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2001,293(5536):1786-1790
In addition to altering global ecology, technology and human population growth also affect evolutionary trajectories, dramatically accelerating evolutionary change in other species, especially in commercially important, pest, and disease organisms. Such changes are apparent in antibiotic and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) resistance to drugs, plant and insect resistance to pesticides, rapid changes in invasive species, life-history change in commercial fisheries, and pest adaptation to biological engineering products. This accelerated evolution costs at least $33 billion to $50 billion a year in the United States. Slowing and controlling arms races in disease and pest management have been successful in diverse ecological and economic systems, illustrating how applied evolutionary principles can help reduce the impact of humankind on evolution.  相似文献   

Researchers met in New Mexico last week to map out priorities for the proposed Next Generation Lighting Initiative embedded in a broader energy bill moving through Congress. The 10-year, $500 million project is designed to help the United States stay ahead of competitors in Japan, Europe, and Korea for global leadership in the $40 billion lighting industry.  相似文献   

中国农产品贸易平衡分析与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张小瑜 《农业展望》2013,9(5):60-64
21世纪以来,中国农产品贸易发展迅速,2012年农产品进出口总额由2001年的277.8亿美元增长到1740.5亿美元,年均增速18.2%。耕地和水资源不足、劳动力资源丰富的资源禀赋决定了农产品贸易明显的结构性特征,自2004年开始出现逆差且呈扩大之势,2012年逆差额达到489.2亿美元,是2004年的10倍。其中,既有国内供需矛盾、结构性调剂、主动开放市场和利用国外市场资源的原因,也有国际市场价格变动和国际贸易壁垒的因素。展望未来,中国农产品贸易规模将不断扩大,逆差将成为常态但增速有望放缓,农产品贸易政策调控也将有针对性地因势利导。  相似文献   

Academic scientists are hoping that two new reports calling for increased funding of research and education and an improved climate for commercializing new technology will finally boost an R&D budget that has been stagnant since 1996. One report argues for a variety of measures to reduce the country's reliance on such low-tech commodities as agriculture and precious metals and stimulate innovation. The second report, based on an innovation summit held in February, recommends spending $1.4 billion over 5 years on research, facilities, and education.  相似文献   

庞玉良 《农业展望》2013,9(2):65-70
近20年来,美国农产品贸易规模不断扩大,贸易总额由1991年的817.4亿美元增加到2011年的2756.1亿美元,成为全球最大的农产品进出口国。美国农产品贸易的产品结构特征突出,出口以谷物、食用油籽和棉花等资源密集型产品为主,而进口则以饮品、水产品、蔬菜和水果等劳动密集型产品为主。美国农产品贸易的市场架构具有非常强的地缘性,出口市场靠“北关自由贸易区”和中、日、韩东亚三国两个轮子驱动,而进口来源地则较为牢固。总之,近20年来,美国在主要农产品进出口方面仍占主导地位,但其在国际市场上的份额和统治力均有所下降。预计2013年和2014年美国农产品出口额将会继续保持20%左右的增速,进口额增速将保持在10%左右。  相似文献   

Maryland is the most research-intensive state in the country, according to a new report that describes in unprecedented detail where the federal government's annual $80 billion research budget is spent. Its authors hope the report will raise public awareness about research as well as inform politicians.  相似文献   

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