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施振宁  柏张春 《水产科学》2011,30(9):568-571
在6口面积均为0.4 hm2的微咸水池中养殖凡纳滨对虾,密度为7.5×105尾/hm2,其中4口混养锦鲤,密度分别为1500、3000、60001、2 000尾/hm2,研究混养锦鲤对凡纳滨对虾池水质及产量影响。结果表明:混养池水质比较稳定,透明度、NH4+-N和NO2--N波动幅度较小且数值较低,混养池对虾平均产量为3345 kg/hm2,比单养池平均产量2268 kg/hm2高47.5%,其中混养锦鲤3000尾/hm2的池虾产量最高,达到3765 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

近几年江苏沿海南美白对虾养殖面积逐年扩大,由于病害日趋流行,单养南美白对虾风险逐年加大。为了有效应对病害,海安县滨海新区自2010年开始进行南美白对虾、鲻鱼高位池混养试验与示范,该养殖模式充分利用了鲻鱼的食性,当南美白对虾出现病害时,鲻鱼能在第一时间将病死虾吃掉,从而切断南美白对虾红体病以及白斑综合征的粪-口传播途径,提高养殖成功率,经过3年试验取得了较好的效益。现将混养技术介绍如下。1养殖条件  相似文献   

高位池地膜鱼虾混养试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年3月27日—8月7日在海南省文昌市龙楼耶湾对虾养殖场采用高位池铺地膜进行南美白对虾和鲻鱼混养试验。试验结果:南美白对虾平均单产934kg/667m^2,鲻鱼平均单产40kg/667m^2,平均利润1.68元/667m^2;该养殖模式对改善池塘生态环境、减少病害发生和增产增收起着积极的作用。  相似文献   

低盐水体南美白对虾与鲢鳙鱼混养的试验   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在6口低盐淡水(盐度2~10)池塘中放养体长0 8~1 0cm的南美白对虾(Penaeusvan namei)(30万尾/hm2),其中三口塘再放养鲢(Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix)、鳙(Aristichthysno bilis)夏花(体长2 0~3 0cm)(1500尾/hm2,鲢:鳙=1:1)。鱼、虾分别精养90d和60d。混养池塘中对虾的成活率(24 6%)为单养池(9 1%)的2 7倍,产量(800 0±86 7)kg/hm2为单养池的3 2倍;鱼产量为(93 9±7 9)kg/hm2,鳙的出塘规格大于鲢,产量高于鲢。混养池塘水中氨氮、亚硝态氮和溶解氧含量低;透明度和活性磷含量高;pH值波动幅度小。  相似文献   

鱼虾混养中的水环境调控技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔玥 《齐鲁渔业》2012,(7):33-34
南美白对虾是海水、半咸水和纯淡水均能高密度养殖的优良对虾品种,特别是在内陆半咸水和纯淡水的池塘养殖中得到了快速发展。但随着养殖集约化程度提高,单一品种的南美白对虾养殖备受病害困扰。同时淡水渔业产品价格低迷,养殖效益低下甚至亏本,致使池塘单养面临种种困境。为改变现状,“池塘鱼虾混养模式”正逐步走向成熟。实践证明鱼虾混养比单一的南美白对虾养殖具有更强的优势,既降低了发病率,又增加了鱼产量,收到了事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

正目前,河北省对虾养殖品种主要是南美白对虾、中国对虾、日本对虾三种,养殖总面积2万余hm2,主要养殖模式为池塘粗放型养殖,其中日本对虾主要是蟹-虾、鱼-虾混养模式。2013年,各类对虾养殖产量分别为南美白对虾10 813t、中国对虾4 254t、日本对虾3 815t,平均单产南美白对虾为1 204.05kg/hm2、中国对虾666.6kg/hm2、日本对虾1 035.6kg/hm2,近几年由于  相似文献   

本试验比较分析了2种黄颡鱼高产无公害养殖模式下所取得的产量与经济效益。结果显示,每hm2投放4~5cm黄颡鱼种苗82 500尾,采用主养黄颡鱼、套养主要大宗淡水鱼类(草鱼、鳙鱼、鲢鱼和鲫鱼)的混养池塘生产的总商品鱼每hm2的产量比单养池高出26.1%,其中每hm2比单养池多产出大宗淡水鱼3 105kg,而两种模式中每hm2黄颡鱼产量相当,均在7 500kg/hm2以上;在养殖效益方面,单养池的平均利润为71 550元/hm2,混养池的平均利润为91 770元/hm2,混养池比单养池平均高出20 220元/hm2。因此,主养黄颡鱼、套养主要大宗淡水鱼类(草鱼、鳙鱼、鲢鱼和鲫鱼)的混养模式值得广泛推广。  相似文献   

上海市奉贤地区淡水池塘凡纳滨对虾和鱼类混养模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为在上海市奉贤全区范围内推广鱼虾混养模式,对该区四团镇有代表性的14个对虾养殖户在凡纳滨对虾和鱼类养殖过程中混养鱼类品种、数量、放养时间和水质管理等关键技术进行了研究和探讨。结果表明:(1)虾池内混养不同品种鱼类的养殖模式,对虾单产由高到低依次为C(对虾、青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙混养)B(对虾、斑点叉尾鮰混养)E(对虾、斑点叉尾鮰、鲢混养)A(对虾、鲢混养)D(对虾、青鱼、鲢混养),平均亩产(15亩=1 hm~2,下同)389.6 kg,与同年四团镇6 331亩单养虾塘平均亩产310.38 kg相比增加了79.22 kg。(2)3种规格斑点叉尾鮰(≤500、500~1 000、1 000 g/尾)与对虾混养,对虾单产为400~525 kg/亩,单位面积效益在12 000~15 000元/亩;≤500 g/尾的小规格斑点叉尾鮰组在养殖期间的净增体质量分别为其它两组的2.1倍和1.7倍,表明小规格斑点叉尾鮰在虾池中的生长速度较快。建议凡纳滨对虾池内混养的斑点叉尾鮰规格以500 g/尾左右为宜。  相似文献   

在室内进行鲻鱼与凡纳滨对虾的混养试验,放养虾苗密度均为100尾/m2,设计了混养大、小规格鱼苗的处理组,混养密度分别为0、0.13、0.26、0.52、1.04、2.07尾/m2和0.13、0.26、0.52尾/m2。试验结果表明,对虾产量、规格和成活率未出现显著差异(P0.05)。混养组对虾产量、规格总体上表现出随混养鲻鱼的密度和规格的提高而呈下降的趋势;混养鲻鱼密度最高两组(2.07、0.52尾/m2)的对虾规格、产量均小于其他混养组;混养组对虾存活率高于对照组,混养鲻鱼密度最高两组对虾成活率最高,且其鱼虾总产量显著高于其他组,其他混养组间未出现显著差异(P0.05)。混养组的饲料系数较对照组均略有降低,混养鲻鱼密度最大组合(2.07尾/m2)的饲料系数最低,饲料转化效率有随混养鲻鱼的密度提高而略有上升的趋势,但不同处理间未出现显著差异(P0.05)。整个试验期间不同处理间水温、盐度、溶氧、pH及生化耗氧量没有出现显著差异;氨氮含量前低后高,亚硝酸氮含量、硝酸氮含量在中后期明显升高,但未表现出与混养鲻鱼密度的明显关系。无机磷含量则在整个养殖期间较稳定,不同处理间未出现显著差异(P0.05)。因此,混养合适密度和规格的鲻鱼不会对凡纳滨对虾产量产生负影响,可以提高对虾成活率,有利于提高饲料转化效率,对水质有一定的稳定作用。  相似文献   

将罗氏沼虾、尼罗罗非鱼单养与混养进行了生长比较,每种养殖方式设3个重要。单养罗氏沼尾虾放养密度为7只/m^2,单养尼罗罗非鱼放养密度1尾/m^2。混养密度为罗氏沼虾7只/m^2和罗非鱼1尾/m^2。罗氏沼虾放养规格为1~1.3g/尾,尼罗罗非鱼放养规格7~8g/尾,养殖5个月捕获。结果表明:罗非鱼单养和混养产量与平均个体重无显著性差异,总产量分别为2952kg/hm^2和2779kg/hm^2,平均个体重分别为350g/尾和334g/尾。罗氏沼虾单养与混养产量分别为1377kg/hm^2和961kg/hm^2,平均个体重分别为56g/只和32g/只。鱼虾混养总产量为3730kg/hm^2,比单养鱼或虾增产。  相似文献   

为探索南美白对虾稳产高效养殖模式,通过对2口面积共计1 hm~2的连栋大棚养殖池塘进行改造,在大棚内设置净面积约35 m~2的篷布池135口,辅以供水、增氧、排水以及尾水处理等设施,引进SPF一代南美白对虾苗种,采用集中标粗后再分级养成的模式进行试验。2020年放养两茬虾苗,单位面积产量达到13.85 kg/m~2,产值595.9元/m~2,利润222.16元/m~2。折合每公顷产量138 500 kg,产值595.90万元,利润222.20万元。试验结果表明,大棚篷布池养殖投资较低,建设周期短,养殖环境可控,是1种适合于推广的南美白对虾高效养殖模式。  相似文献   

Experiments on the intensive cultivation of Pacific white shrimp, Penueus vunnumei, in ponds in South Carolina were begun in 1985 at the Waddell Mariculture Center. A preliminary study involved two 0.1 ha ponds stocked at an average of 43 postlarvae/m2, with management practices based on those used in Taiwan for intensive pond culture of Penueus monodon. Harvest yields averaged 6,757 kg/ha for one crop, demonstrating the technical feasibility of such intensive culture of P. vannumei. In 1986, 2.5 ha of ponds at the Waddell Center (six ponds totaling 2.0 ha at 40 postlarvae/m2 and two totaling 0.5 ha at 60/m2) yielded a total of 13,606 kg (5,442 ke/hn). These results were obtained even though aeration and water exchange rates were substanthlly reduced and South Carolina experienced its worst heat wave and drought. This served as a pilot-sde, proof-ofconcept test. Tank studies in 1985 and 1986 showed little effect of stocking density on shrimp growth rate at densities of 20–100 animals/m2. This was confirmed in ponds in 1987 when no differences in growth rates were observed at densities of 20–100 postlarvae/m2. Harvest biomass increased directly with stocking density in all trials, reaching a maximum of 12,680 kg/ha/crop at 100 shrimp/m2 in 1987. Initial attempts to intensify production in the nascent South Carolina shrimp farming industry occurred in 1986, when approximately 32 ha of private ponds were stocked at densities of 10–32 postlarvae/m2. Farm harvests increased with stocking density, with maximum yield of 3,656 kg/ ha/crop. This trend toward intensification in the private sector is continuing, and in 1987 maximum harvests from private ponds were 5,050 kg/ha from a 0.3 ha pond and 4,625 kg/ha from a 1.5 ha pond. Prospects for further implementation of intensive culture in the private sector appear excellent, with yields of ≥ 10,000 kg/ha/crop expected from private farms within the next few years.  相似文献   

为探索适合长江刀鲚的新的养成模式,于2020、2021年两个年度在主养菊黄东方鲀的池塘中进行了混养长江刀鲚的试验,每年养殖周期为5月中旬至11月底。试验结果:2020、2021年,菊黄东方鲀的单位面积产量分别为2 812.5、3 007.5 kg/hm2,收成规格分别为261.5、268.5 g;长江刀鲚的成活率分别为57.45%、66.90%,收成规格分别为38.6、50.7 g,单位面积产量分别为73.50、112.65 kg/hm2。试验结果表明,在菊黄东方鲀池塘中混养长江刀鲚不会影响主养对象的养成效果,且在不额外增加日常养殖生产成本(不单独投喂饵料或饲料)的情况下,能保证长江刀鲚的养殖成活率和收成规格,从而提高了养殖生产经济效益。  相似文献   

为提高刀鲚和暗纹东方鲀的池塘养殖效益以及获得大规格刀鲚鱼种,2021年在上海市水产研究所奉贤科研基地的4口池塘中进行了1+龄刀鲚(3 000尾/hm2)与暗纹东方鲀成鱼(12 000尾/hm2)的混养试验以及刀鲚生态自繁养殖试验。经过132 d的养殖,刀鲚出塘规格达到24.99~59.90 g/尾,成活率为15.0%~54.1%,其中有3口试验池塘获得了大规格刀鲚自繁鱼种,数量分别为2 515、2 871、3 399尾;暗纹东方鲀出塘规格在280.2~296.3 g/尾,单位面积产量达到3 372.8~3 502.5 kg/hm2,成活率达97.8%~100.0%。  相似文献   

Mariculture ponds, most of which are reclaimed from coastal wetlands, have increased dramatically worldwide. However, ecological damage and compensation of these reclaimed mariculture ponds have not been assessed. A framework was presented to assess ecological damages of reclaimed pond mariculture and applied to the Qingduizi Bay, a typical pond mariculture area in the northern Yellow Sea of China. The results show that ecosystem services affected by reclaimed pond mariculture include marine capture fishery, gene resource provision, climate regulation, erosion control, waste treatment, science and education value, nutrient cycle and storage, and nursery/habitat. Among the values obtained from all services, the average score of damage severity to habitat services (0.74) was the highest. The total value of ecological damage associated with reclaimed mariculture in Qingduizi Bay was approximately 86,858.48 yuan hm?2 a?1, which is 29 times higher than the sea usage fee standard (3,000 yuan hm?2 a?1) currently implemented. Results suggest that the government should update the sea area usage fee with ecological damage compensation for reclamation mariculture and collect enough money to restore damaged marine ecosystem. Moreover, the general framework could also be transferable to other reclamation pond mariculture areas and used to examine reclamation mariculture proposals at different scales.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a commercial microbial product was tested in commercial tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius), ponds for one culture period in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia. Four ponds with replicates for treatment and control were used. The pond bottom was dried but the organic sludge was not removed as normally practised in pond preparation. The ponds were stocked with 15 post‐larvae at the rate of 31.m?2. Physical, chemical and biological parameters of the pond were analysed every 2 weeks during the culture period. Water quality parameters remained within the optimum range for shrimp culture except for ammonia‐nitrogen being significantly higher in control ponds and silica in treated ponds. Benthic organisms were not found in any of the ponds. The average counts of different bacteria were not significantly higher in treated ponds than control. Because of poor health, the shrimp were harvested earlier (72 days) than the usual 120 days. An average of 875.60 ± 67.00 kg shrimp ha?1 was obtained in treated ponds with a feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.57 ± 0.10 and survival rate of 42.35 ± 5.37% compared with 719.50 ± 130.94 kg shrimp ha?1, 2.99 ± 0.70 and 21.25 ± 3.26%, respectively, in control ponds. Neither the microbial product nor the frequent water exchange was effective in overcoming the problems caused by the poor pond bottom.  相似文献   

An environmental assessment was made of Alabama channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus farming which is concentrated in the west‐central region of the state. There are about 10,000 ha of production ponds with 10.7% of the area for fry and fingerlings and 89.3% for food fish. Food fish production was about 40,800 tons in 1997. Watershed ponds filled by rainfall and runoff make up 76% of total pond area. Water levels in many of these ponds are maintained in dry weather with well water. The other ponds are embankment ponds supplied by well water. Harvest is primarily by seine‐through procedures and ponds are not drained frequently. The main points related to Alabama catfish farming and environment issues are as follows: 1) catfish farming in Alabama is conservative of water, and excluding storm overflow, about two pond volumes are intentionally discharged from each pond in 15 yr; 2) overflow from ponds following rains occurs mostly in winter and early spring when pond water quality is good and stream discharge volume is high; 3) total suspended solids concentrations in pond effluents were high, and the main sources of total suspended solids were erosion of embankments, pond bottoms, and discharge ditches; 4) concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in effluents were not high, but annual effluent loads of these two nutrients were greater than for typical row crops in Alabama; 5) ground water use by the industry is about 86,000 m3/d, but seepage from ponds returns water to aquifers; 6) there is little use of medicated feeds; 7) copper sulfate is used to control blue‐green algae and off‐flavor in ponds, but copper is rapidly lost from pond water; 8) although sodium chloride is applied to ponds to control nitrite toxicity, stream or ground water salinization has not resulted from this practice; 9) fertilizers are applied two or three times annually to fry and fingerling ponds and occasionally to grow‐out ponds; 10) hydrated lime is applied occasionally at 50 to 100 kg/ha but this does not cause high pH in pond waters or effluents; 11) accumulated sediment removed from pond bottoms is used to repair embankments and not discarded outside ponds; 12) sampling above and below catfish pond outfalls on eight streams revealed few differences in stream water quality; 13) electricity used for pumping water and mechanical aeration is only 0.90 kW h/kg of production; 14) each metric ton of fish meal used in feeds yields about 10 tons of dressed catfish. Reduction in effluent volume through water reuse and effluent treatment in settling basins or wetlands does not appear feasible on most farms. However, some management practices are recommended for reducing the volume and improving the quality of channel catfish pond effluents.  相似文献   

An experiment consisting of eight potassium fertilization rates ranging from 0 to 60 kg K2O/ha was conducted in earthen ponds stocked with bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, at Auburn University in Alabama. Each pond also received nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization at 6 kg N and 3 kg P2O5/ha per application. After 11 fertilizer applications for over 7 mo, potassium concentrations in pond water ranged from 3.3 mg/L in control ponds to 38.9 mg/L in the pond receiving 60 kg K2O/ha. The coefficients of determination (R2) between potassium fertilization rate and bluegill production and between potassium concentration in pond water and bluegill production were 0.039 and 0.071, respectively. Potassium fertilization appears unnecessary in bluegill ponds where water contains more than 2 mg/L of potassium.  相似文献   

Research and development efforts concerning freshwater prawn farming have in the past been principally conducted in tropical regions. However, activities in temperate regions also date back several decades. Culture of Macrobrachium in temperate zones offers positive opportunities, despite the inability to culture year‐round. Unique problems imposed by a restricted growing season must be addressed, and opportunities capitalized on, to attain commercially viable production in these regions. Much recent research in the South and Central USA has been directed towards intensifying production (kg ha?1) without decreasing average harvest sizes or deteriorating water quality. Particular areas of research include evaluating and maximizing the relative contributions of natural foods, effects of artificial substrates on growth and prawn population structure and grading of animals before pond stocking to reduce heterogeneous individual growth and aggressive interactions. Recent studies have concentrated on combining these factors into a ‘best management practices’ (BMPs) production model. With these factors combined, production has increased from an average of 1000 kg ha?1 of 30 g animals to almost 3000 kg ha?1 of 40 g animals produced in research ponds in 110 days of culture. In commercial ponds, 1500–2000 kg ha?1 has been achieved in a similar period using BMPs.  相似文献   

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