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葡萄从扦插育苗、栽植到结果,一般要3年时间,在加强管理的条件下,进行催根育苗,定植第2年即可结果。选择健壮、冬芽饱满的枝条,截成2~3芽的枝段,上端在芽上3cm处平剪,下端在芽下5cm处斜剪,用生根剂浸泡插穗下端后,将其每50~100条捆扎成1捆。先将生根床上的土挖深30~40cm,把成捆的插穗倒置排在生根床内,上面用细沙覆盖至不露插穗,然后洒水,插穗间的空隙用沙充实。在生根床上搭2层拱棚。这样插条上部温度高而下部低,使生根床上面的温度保持在25%,20天左右即可生根,而下端因温度低故不能发芽。  相似文献   

香椿扦插繁殖的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以红香椿的根条和枝条为试材 ,采用正交试验设计进行扦插繁殖育苗试验 ,结果表明 :香椿根条扦插优于枝条扦插 ,长插穗扦插效果优于短插穗 ;两种插条生根部位有所不同 ,枝插条是愈伤组织生根 ,根插条则以皮部型生根为主 ,少部分为愈伤组织生根。根条和枝条扦插繁殖可用于香椿大规模育苗生产 ,采用直径 0 .5cm以上的根和直径 0 .8cm以上的枝 ,于 3月底扦插 ,剪截长度分别为 8cm、12cm ,扦插前插条下端用HL4 3生根剂分别处理 15~ 2 0s(秒 )、5s(秒 ) ,插于沙床 ,生根率达 94 .3%。  相似文献   

不同树冠部位和粗度插条对榉树扦插生根的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张俊叶 《北方园艺》2012,(14):82-83
对不同树冠部位和粗度插条对榉树扦插生根的影响进行了研究。结果表明:对于不同树冠部位的插条来说,树冠下部枝条硬枝扦插和嫩枝扦插效果均最好,生根率分别达到了42.3%和51.6%;对于不同粗度的插穗来说,粗度为1.3~1.5cm的插穗硬枝扦插和嫩枝扦插效果均最好,生根率分别达到了42.5%和43.9%。  相似文献   

经 3年实践 ,总结出无花果在鲁西南地区塑料大棚绿枝扦插育苗技术。   (1)苗床准备 苗床宽 1.0~ 1.2 m、深 2 5~30 cm,长视需要而定。床内铺经 70 %甲基托布津 50 0倍液消毒灭菌的腐殖质土和河沙 ,比例为 2∶ 1,厚度 2 0cm左右 ,其上再覆以 5~ 10 cm的细沙或锯末 ,平整备用。   (2 )选择插条  9月中下旬 ,选择当年生枝作插条 ,插条长 2 0~ 2 5cm,保留 2~ 3片叶 ,插条的上剪口距芽 2 cm左右 ,下剪口在节下 1cm,每 30~ 50根捆成1捆 ,先用 0 .2 %高锰酸钾浸泡下端 5秒 ,再换用 ABT2号生根粉 50 mg/L浸泡 30分。   (3)扦插 用…  相似文献   

以无花果‘波姬红’1年生枝条为试材,探索基质配比及插条部位对无花果扦插生根效果的影响。结果表明:基质种类对无花果扦插生根有显著影响。其中,珍珠岩基质生根效果最佳,与园土(黄沙+驴粪)相比,萌芽率高52.22个百分点,生根率高46.66个百分点,生根数增多15.33条,平均根长增长3.26cm,最长增长6.84cm,根基部增粗0.07cm,根系效果指数提高14.62倍,根鲜重增重1.70mg,新枝鲜重增重1.97mg,根冠比提高0.55。珍珠岩+草炭(2︰1)和蛭石+草炭(2︰1)与珍珠岩、珍珠岩+草炭(2︰1)相比生根率和其他生根指标不占优势。5种基质处理的生根效果表现为:珍珠岩>珍珠岩+草炭(2︰1)>蛭石+草炭(2︰1)>珍珠岩+草炭(2︰1)>园土(黄沙+驴粪)。插条部位对无花果扦插生根效果存在显著的影响。插条基部的生根效果优于中、顶部的生根效果。因此,无花果扦插时应选择基部的插穗,插穗粗2.0~2.2cm能够取得最佳扦插生根效果。  相似文献   

南蛇藤嫩枝扦插育苗试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李银华 《北方园艺》2011,(15):137-138
以南蛇藤半木质的枝条做插穗进行全光喷雾扦插育苗,研究了插穗长度、扦插深度对南蛇藤插穗生根的影响.结果表明:插穗长9 cm,扦插深度5 cm,生根效果最好.  相似文献   

将红宝石无核、爱莫无核、无核白、大粒红无核和火焰无核的1年生枝条,剪成长20-30cm,带2~3个芽的插条。扦插于盛有基质的营养钵中,置于空气温度22土1℃、相对湿度80%,扦插基质温度20土1℃的环境条件下进行生根试验。在所涉及的6种扦插基质中,各品种均以泥炭:河沙:珍珠岩为1:1:1的基质中芽萌动和生根最早,[第一段]  相似文献   

<正>1插条的采集与处理石榴完全落叶后到树液流动前,选择晴天,从生长健壮、无病虫害的优良品种母树上采集12年生营养枝,枝条粗度为0.52年生营养枝,枝条粗度为0.51 cm,采后立即将插条浸入清水中浸泡121 cm,采后立即将插条浸入清水中浸泡1224 h,使插条充分吸水,然后打捆沙藏保湿。育苗时,将插穗截成1224 h,使插条充分吸水,然后打捆沙藏保湿。育苗时,将插穗截成1215 cm,一般每个插穗要有215 cm,一般每个插穗要有23个饱满芽。插穗下端剪成光滑斜面,增加其与土壤的接触面,利于生根。插穗上端距芽眼0.53个饱满芽。插穗下端剪成光滑斜面,增加其与土壤的接触面,利于生根。插穗上端距芽眼0.51 cm处剪平。将剪好的插穗50根为1捆扎好,下端剪口用500 mg/L的ABT生根粉或萘乙酸浸泡。  相似文献   

1 插条的采集及处理在春季石榴树液流动前,选择无风的天气,从生长健壮无病虫害的母株树冠中上部采集 1 ~2年生营养枝,枝条粗度为 0. 5~1cm,采后立即将插条浸入清水中浸泡 12 ~24小时,水深 5 ~6cm,使插条充分吸水。将插穗截成长 12~15cm,一般每插穗 2~3个饱满芽。插条下端剪成光滑斜面,以增加形成层与土壤的接触面,以有利于生根。插条上端距芽眼 0. 5 ~1cm处剪平。将剪好的插穗每 100条一束扎好,下切口用 500mg·L-1的ABT生根粉或萘乙酸处理。2 整地选择排水良好、地势平坦的砂壤地育苗,全园深翻60~70cm,结合整地,每 666. 7m2 施腐熟有机…  相似文献   

1 扦插繁殖 扦插繁殖是蓝莓育苗的主要方法,分为硬枝扦插和绿枝扦插两类。 1.1硬枝扦插 也称休眠枝扦插。在早春芽萌动前(3月份),剪取2年生发育充实、生长健壮、无病虫害的枝条,放在-1-4.5℃条件下贮藏。4月份从枝条顶部开始30-75cm之间剪取10cm长,插条通常留3~5个芽,垂直插入浇透水的扦插基质(腐殖酸土、蛭石或腐苔藓等)。插条粗度以6~10mm为宜,插条细发根容易,但根发育较弱;插条过粗,发根困难。  相似文献   

Either before or after curing their cut surfaces for 5 days, 7 cm- and 15-cm-long decapitated Hylocereus trigonus cuttings were treated by soaking their apical or basal ends in benzyladenine (BA) solution. They were then planted and grown in a greenhouse.For the 7 cm-long cuttings, BA (25–100 mg l?1) applied to the apical ends for 24 h increased the ratio of cuttings with sprouted buds to 64–100%, the number of sprouted buds to 1.9–3.1 and of shoots to 1.6–2.8, and the shoot length to 35–60 mm, compared to the water control which showed 13%, 1.0, 1.0 and 12.5 mm, respectively. Soaking the basal part had only a small effect.Naphthylacetic acid (NAA) applied to the basal ends of cuttings immediately after cutting increased the number of sprouted buds and shoots by inducing early rooting. The number and length of BA-induced axillary shoots in the longer cuttings was greater than those in the shorter ones.In the 15-cm-long cuttings, increasing the soaking time from 5 min to 24 h resulted in a greater promotive effect of BA on shoot formation. BA applied before curing showed the same effect as that given after curing but caused necrosis of the tissue just under the cut surface. Enlarging the area soaked in BA solution from 5 cm to 10 cm decreased the number of sprouting buds and shoots.  相似文献   

The growth of roots and shoots of cuttings taken from nodes 3 to 9 on the parent stem, counting from the apex, have been compared. Comparisons also included dry weight of parts of the cuttings and leaf areas.

The number of cuttings with roots was unaffected by node origin; the weight of roots was similarly unaffected with the exception of one doubtful case.

Shoot growth, on the contrary, was found to be much more advanced in cuttings from older nodes, presumably because the buds were more highly developed. The cutting buds produced the flush-type growth and leaf forms typical of a mature tea bush.

The effect of node position on dry weights of cuttings was irregular. The greater loss of original leaves among cuttings from older nodes appeared to counteract the expected greater dry weight of these cuttings.  相似文献   

采用菜用枸杞天精3 号一年生硬枝,在春季露地栽培条件下研究了插条长度、斜插和直插、
正插和倒插、生根剂处理与否对其成活率和育苗质量的影响。结果表明:插条长度及正插 与倒插对天精3
号扦插成活率和成苗质量有较大的影响,10 cm 插条的扦插成活率和成苗质量明显不及20 cm 和30 cm 插条,
而20 cm 和30 cm 插条间正插的扦插 成活率差异不显著,均达96% 以上,且成苗质量也相近;倒插使扦
剂处理之间扦插 成活率和成苗质量均差异不显著。在露地栽培条件下,天精3 号的适宜扦插方式为:将一
年生枝条剪成20 cm 茎段,与地面成45°夹角正插 ,尽量避免倒插,不需使用生根剂处理。  相似文献   

粉团蔷薇硬枝扦插生根因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
6种因素处理蔷薇硬枝,观察对其扦插生根的影响。结果表明:除生根粉外,其他因素对蔷薇扦插生根都有显著影响;10~15cm长、带2~4个腋芽的枝条更易扦插成活;1年生的蔷薇硬枝扦插生根率可达到80%;铺黑地膜时破膜有利于蔷薇的扦插生根;生根粉对其扦插生根的影响不明显;雨水充分的5~8月扦插蔷薇更有利于成活率的提高;由于蔷薇存在假活现象,因此及时除草和灌溉可显著提高蔷薇的存活率。  相似文献   

毛梾硬枝扦插和嫁接繁殖技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分别对影响毛株扦插生根的插穗规格、母树年龄、基质种类、激素种类及浓度等因素和对影响嫁接成活的嫁接时间及砧木进行系统研究.结果表明:生长调节剂以200 mg/kg NAA处理插穗生根效果最好,生根率为33%;插穗以母树年龄为1 a生的枝条中部10 cm插穗的生根效果最佳;扦插基质以蛭石∶泥炭∶河沙比例为1∶1∶3最佳;夏季嫁接以红瑞木为砧木的成活率可达83%以上.  相似文献   

Bud initiation in leaf cuttings of Rieger begonia ‘Schwabenland Red’ was not affected by daylength. Approximately 30 buds per cutting were observed 13 weeks after insertion. Of these, an average of 8.2 developed into fully grown shoots in long days as opposed to 1.9 in short days. Competition between buds was apparent in both treatments, its effect being greatest on buds with fewer than 4 leaf primordia.  相似文献   

In one-node stem cuttings of Eucalyptus granáis the absence of leaves was fatal. The optimum leaf area per leaf for rooting was 2-5 cm2, and in this range rooting was higher in one-leaf than in two-leaf cuttings. Axillary shoots started to develop soon after the cuttings were set and their growth was promoted by the presence of the subtending leaf. Thus, in one-leaf cuttings the shoot in the leafy axil grew, at the expense of the shoot in the defoliated axil, while in two-leaf cuttings the shoot in the upper (sub-opposite) axil tended to grow more quickly. Axillary shoots were also vigorous in cuttings from decapitated and disbudded mother plants. Rapid shoot growth was associated with low rates of abscission of the subtending leaf and relatively high rooting ability. Removing axillary shoots from cuttings accelerated leaf abscission and reduced rooting. The stem of the cutting often swelled and discoloured from the base, apparently due to the demand of the cutting for water. Additional leaf wounds had no effect on rooting (but increased mortality), while immersing cuttings in water before setting, or leaving them in a loose heap on the propagation bench, promoted rooting.  相似文献   

Root formation in chrysanthemum (Dendranthemum grandiflora (Ramat.) Kitamura) cuttings was reduced as flowers developed on stock plants. This effect was shown for all ten cultivars evaluated in this study. Not all cultivars were affected equally by the presence of flower buds on cuttings. There was no relationship (r2 = 0.06) between root formation in vegetative cuttings and the ability for a cultivar to root from flowering cuttings. IBA (1 mM) could partially overcome the negative effect of flowering on root formation, but cuttings taken after the flower buds had fully opened failed to root even after auxin treatment. Removing buds from cuttings or continually removing flower buds during stock plant growth reduced rooting compared to cuttings with flower buds intact. Furthermore, cuttings taken from the top three nodes of the stock plant containing flower buds rooted comparably to cuttings taken from the lower stem section that contained only vegetative buds. The negative influence of flowering on root formation appears to be due to the photoperiodic induction of the flowering stimulus rather than a direct competition for resources between flowers and developing roots.  相似文献   

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