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城市公园是城市绿肺,如今大力提倡"海绵城市"理念,在这样的背景下,公园设计中加入了与之相关的生态设施,其中一个类型就是雨水花园。雨水花园不仅美观同时具有重要的生态意义。以成都桂溪生态公园的雨水花园为例,对其植物景观应用进行研究,从植物种类、植物结构、植物观赏特性和植物种植形式4个方面入手,进行实地调研并分析、总结,提出合理的优化建议,希望为今后城市公园雨水花园植物景观营造提供参考。  相似文献   

从寒地城市植物景观设计的现状出发,探讨寒地城市居住区植物景观营造的原则和措施,对寒地城市居 住区植物景观营造提供参考。  相似文献   

城市居住区、办公区、道路、公共设施的硬化使强降雨快速汇集而无法渗透到地层,给市政排水带来压力。风景园林与景观绿化联合"海绵城市"的理念,消化处理污染土,利用植物水体的净化功能改善环境;利用植物繁茂的枝叶阻挡吸收雨水;利用盘根错节的根系过滤净化雨水;利用松散的种植土、透水地坪铺装、草坪绿地增强雨水的渗透性;设置植草沟、雨水花园等强化绿地对雨水的收集、过滤、净化、调蓄功能。以桃浦中央绿地项目为例,详细阐述"海绵城市"理论在园林景观营造中的应用,为城市园林绿化的发展指明了创新而持久的发展道路。  相似文献   

为了更好地营造出系统性、多样性、功能性的城市广场植物景观,本文对城市广场植物配置与造景的现状、功能、原则及布局方法进行研究。根据不同的广场性质和类型提出具体的景观营造模式和细部处理手法,以期为各种城市广场的植物景观营造提供参考。  相似文献   

城市休闲广场是城市广场建设的典型代表和树立城市新形象的伟大创举,也是城市广场建设热潮影响下的相应产物.在哈一百中心休闲广场植物造景对环境的影响-温度、湿度、景观效果及广场利用率等方面调查与研究的基础上,提出了几点改进建议:进一步规范城市休闲广场植物造景的设计、施工与养护管理市场;正视"大树",发挥植物群落的生态效益;积极鼓励"公众参与"植物造景设计;避免政绩工程,做好宏观决策与调控.  相似文献   

由于高层住宅小区地下多为车库,雨水下渗少而径流量较大,普通的景观设计对雨水利用率较低,研究高层住宅小区的雨水利用景观,具有一定的现实意义。雨水利用景观是将雨水利用融入到景观设计中,通过雨水利用设施及雨水利用过程的设计来营造具有场地特色的雨水景观,丰富居住区景观环境。本文选择句容市典型高层住宅小区——世茂花园作为研究对象,通过相关理论分析和雨水利用景观案例实地考察与学习,对研究对象的范围进行了调研,选取了世茂花园小区广场、道路铺装、道路排水沟、景观建筑、休闲草坡等样地进行雨水利用景观设计研究,以期对住宅小区雨水利用景观的设计起到参考作用。  相似文献   

雨水花园作为海绵城市发展的重要组成部分,起可持续管控和利用雨洪,并借助雨水花园中的植物进行水质净化和雨洪调节等作用,同时,应用植物造景设计手法,也为雨水花园的景观营造创造更多条件。基于此,以文献对比法和理论分析法,探讨了新自然主义草本植物在城市雨水花园中设计的作用、设计新发展方向及设计与应用策略,以期能为同领域景观设计人员提供一定理论参考。  相似文献   

针对当前寒地城市广场空间水景发展的概况,结合该部分城市气候特点,对我国北方寒地城市广场空间水景设计进行实例评析,阐述寒地城市广场空间水景设计发展的趋势,并尝试对广场空间水景设计在形式、尺度、维护、意象设计和冰雪景观方面做出初步探讨。  相似文献   

城市绿化植物景观生态系统是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,城市绿化植物景观生态建设:一方面要符合较高的指标要求;另一方面要科学规划、合理布局,使得整个系统全面、完善。北方寒地城市因其固有的区域、气候特点,对绿化植物景观生态建设的要求更具针对性,在植物种类选择、景观搭配布局、景观区域建设等有更为明确的需要。通过对我国北方寒地城市绿化植物景观生态建设的研究,为北方寒地城市绿地系统建设提出可参考意见。  相似文献   

在城市广场的设计中,植物景观是非常重要的组成部分。本文主要探讨目前城市广场植物造景存在的问题,并详细分析了广场植物景观的功能,最后提出了广场植物景观营造的方式。  相似文献   

对贵阳市植物景观现状调查分析,强调在城市总体规划中绿地同其它用地一样重要,植物景观规划应是城市绿地系统规划中重要一项。植物景观设计应遵循科学性与艺术性相结合的基本原则,要注重园林植物的形式美和意境美及体现地方文化特色。指出贵阳市植物景观特色的体现重要的一点就是向自然学习,体现植物的最佳适用性,把使用乡土树种、以乔木为主的植物配置从图纸上落实在建设中,以此推行节约型、生态型、可持续发展的园林绿化。最后列出几种宜于贵阳市的植物配置模式以供参考。  相似文献   

抽样调查和分析怀化市住宅小区绿地及园林植物应用现状,并用AHP法进行景观评价.结果表明:怀化市住宅小区绿地率较低,所用园林植物种类品种较少;住宅小区绿化景观整体AHP评价为A-.问题主要为景观特色、植物多样性与景观多样性方面的不足,尤其是对小区景观与城市绿地系统的关系,小区生态环境与城市生态系统的关系处理方面的不足.最后,就小区绿化建设如何更好地服务于生态宜居城市建设,从植物种类选择、造景理念与生态效益5方面进行讨论.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between visitor behaviour and certain features of a number of major green spaces in the city of Granada, south-eastern Spain, focussing on key urban, ecological and landscape-related issues. Information on user profiles and numbers, the various uses made of these areas, their design, plant species richness and local urban and sociological background, was collected by means of in situ observation in a total of ten urban green spaces with surface areas of over 5000 m2. Findings indicated that these spaces were used largely for purposes directly related to well-being: recreational and sporting activities, socialising, or simply relaxing. Interestingly, the most common activities in each space were governed by features intrinsic to the space itself: accessibility, design, maintenance and plant richness and distribution, all of which affected the health-related attributes and aesthetic value of the space. The study also highlighted a number of serious deficiencies in certain green spaces, which will need to be addressed in future action plans and replanning projects as an essential step in ensuring that they meet the real needs and expectations of the target population. The information provided by this research may prove particularly valuable for improving the systemic functions of green spaces in Mediterranean cities sharing similar bioclimatic and sociological features, and for ensuring that they fulfil the role assigned to green spaces in sustainable cities.  相似文献   

Interactions between two canopy layers in a designed perennial herbaceous plant community were investigated over a period of four and a half years to see whether it was possible to create an urban landscape vegetation that was both flower rich for an extensive time period and resistant to weed colonization at very low levels of maintenance by sowing seed in situ. The ecologically novel plant community involved a tall over-canopy layer of 18 species of North American prairie and woodland edge forbs, and a shade tolerant under-canopy of eight European and North American, mainly woodland forbs. After 5 years the community was dominated by four over-canopy and two winter green under-canopy species. Interspecific competition generated by the sown biomass restricted weed colonization to very low levels, despite the experiment being surrounded by a weedy brownfield. The winter green canopies of the two dominant under-storey forbs closed down gaps within a winter deciduous, prairie-like vegetation, improving winter appearance and providing a major flowering display in spring. This vegetation is an attractive design model for more sustainable herbaceous planting in urban landscape space.  相似文献   

通过实地调查研究我国一些相关城市绿地地域特征明显的典型案例,阐述区域自然景观肌理、场所景观性格、人文历史脉络、社会文化需求是影响城市绿地地域景观特征表达的4个重要影响因素。剖析各因素的基本内涵、属性、因素间的融合性、相关性及其各类表达手法,以期为更好地塑造并展示城市绿地自身独特景观地域特征提供理论和实践应用依据。  相似文献   

杭州市城区主干道路绿地现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对杭州市城区主干道路绿地进行调查,从道路绿地结构、绿化树种和群落结构类型等方面对杭州主干道路绿地进行分析。结果表明:杭州市道路绿地主要应用的树种有66科、112属、144种,常绿树与落叶树的数量比为1.31∶1.00。为进一步优化道路绿地景观,应提高植物多样性水平,充分发挥路侧绿地的生态功能,并注重道路绿地建设的文化特色。最后讨论了杭州市在道路绿地建设中存在的问题并提出改进意见。  相似文献   

Andy Millard 《Landscape Ecology》2008,23(10):1231-1241
The species composition of semi-natural vegetation in urban areas is influenced by a diversity of factors operating at a variety of spatial scales. This study investigates relationships at the landscape scale between species numbers of semi-natural plant communities and variations in the nature of designated urban green space. Species’ records were obtained from a survey of tetrads (2 km × 2 km) across a contiguous central area of built-up landscape and nearby satellite settlements in the metropolitan borough of Leeds, northern England. Plant species were categorised into natives, archaeophytes, neophytes, casuals and conservation-designated species. The type and extent of designated urban green space within a tetrad was determined using GIS. There was more built-up and designated green space area in the central urban area than in the satellite settlements. However, this difference was not reflected statistically significantly in plant category species’ numbers. Numbers of native species correlated positively with areas of green space designated for relatively high nature conservation value. Neophytes and casuals correlated positively with semi-natural green space lacking rare native species or high native species richness but designated principally for local community accessibility. The value of such spaces and the importance of their appropriate management, not only for community benefits like individual physical health and mental well-being, but also for overall urban plant biodiversity, is highlighted.  相似文献   

祁建春 《现代园艺》2011,(11):124-125
现代城市广场是现代城市开放空间体系中最具公共性、最具艺术性、最具活力最能体现都市文化和文明的开放空间。广场绿地规划应具有清晰的空间层次,独立形成或配合广场周边建筑、地形等形成良好、多元、优美的广场空间体系,充分体现了人文尊重与关怀。  相似文献   

以齐齐哈尔市绿地分布的53种木本植物为研究对象,在对植物萌芽展叶物候与物候相进行基础调查的基础上,通过萌芽与展叶参数的相关性分析及物候相的聚类分析,揭示齐齐哈尔市园林绿化树种春季萌芽展叶物候特征与物候相规律。结果表明:萌芽期从3月下旬一直持续到5月上旬,高峰期集中在4月上中旬;展叶始期从4月中旬持续到5月中旬结束。萌芽期与展叶始期、展叶盛期、展叶末期存在极显著的正相关性。聚类簇群分析共划分为4种类型,处于相同物候相类型的植物萌芽与展叶持续时间物候呈现相对的同步性。齐齐哈尔园林绿化树种的春季物候与物候相特征的研究,可为北方寒地春季园林绿地空间植物景观的营造提供科学依据,也为构建多样性的植物群落提供参考。  相似文献   

Vegetation in cities keeps climate warming down and improves the health of people and ecosystems while making for a pleasant urban setting. Contemporary urban planning promotes sustainable green cities. Green and blue infrastructures, which help maintain an eco-friendly environment, are the primary instruments of this movement. This paper attempts to show the relative weight of plant life (trees, grass, orchards, etc.) seen from buildings in different urban settings (local urban patterns of high or low density of buildings). Landscapes open to view are identified by combining a digital elevation model and an 11-class land-use layer (including buildings, facilities, grey infrastructures, green and blue surfaces) in a computational tool that calculates viewsheds. The results show that vegetation is very much present in urban landscapes. In high-density built areas of city centres, the landscape is varied although not open and is dominated by trees, low-rise residential buildings and grass. Grey infrastructures and bushes are also very common. In low-density built areas the rank order of objects in view is similar but the landscape is more panoramic.  相似文献   

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