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 用NAA、IBA处理樱桃砧木嫩枝和无根组培苗, 测定了插条生根率、生根条数和生理、生化指标的动态变化。结果表明: 经处理后插穗的各项生根指标都得到了显著提高, 其中100 mg/L 浓度的NAA与IBA处理插穗生根率达到了88.3%和85% , 组织培养的试管苗瓶外生根率达89%和87.5%; 嫩枝插穗的可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、叶绿素、核酸物质的含量与对照组相比发生了显著的变化: 在不定根原基的诱导期, 插穗叶绿素、核酸、可溶性糖含量显著增加, 可溶性蛋白质含量下降; 在不定根的形成期,插穗的可溶性糖被不定根的形成所消耗而含量显著下降, 但可溶性蛋白质含量逐渐上升; 在不定根形成后插穗具有了吸收外界营养的能力, 故在不定根伸长期叶片中可溶性糖开始积累, 含量上升。这些物质含量的动态变化与插穗生根相关, 说明生长调节剂是通过调节插条内代谢物质的含量来促进插穗的生根。  相似文献   

不同生根剂对黄心夜合扦插繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了不同浓度的KIBA钾盐溶液、KNAA钾盐溶液对黄心夜合半木质化枝条扦插繁殖的影响。结果表明:生根剂对黄心夜合插条的生根有显著的影响,处理后的枝条扦插生根率、生根数和根长均高于对照,不同浓度KIBA处理的枝条生根率、平均根长均高于KNAA处理。3 g/L KIBA处理的枝条生根率最高到达62.5%,平均根长最大为8.9 cm。8 g/L KNAA处理的插穗生根数最多为4.3。  相似文献   

华中冬青的扦插育苗技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验采用完全随机区间设计,以不同浓度的IBA钾盐溶液、NAA钾盐溶液、荷尔蒙顿粉末处理华中构骨的嫩枝插穗,研究其在全光照自动喷雾条件下扦插的生根效果。结果表明:与对照相比,生根剂处理能显著提高插穗的生根率、根数和根长。1000 mg/L的KIBA快蘸15 s可极显著提高插穗生根率,最高达到75%,1000 mg/L的KNAA处理后的插穗,平均根长可达到7.8 cm,且根系发达。  相似文献   

以三角枫插穗为试材,采用不同种类、浓度的生长素进行处理,分别于春夏秋3个季节进行扦插繁殖试验,并以夏插生根插穗的韧皮部为材料,研究三角枫扦插生根过程中营养物质含量的动态变化。结果表明:与对照(清水浸泡)比,用100mg·L~(-1) NAA+100mg·L~(-1) IBA浸泡插穗3h生根率最高(77%),生根指数为34.28cm;在插穗生根过程中,该处理与对照插穗韧皮部营养物质含量的动态变化趋势相似,可溶性糖含量的变化趋势为"下降-上升-下降-上升-下降"、可溶性淀粉含量为"下降-上升-下降-上升",可溶性蛋白质含量为"上升-下降-上升";100mg·L~(-1)NAA+100mg·L~(-1) IBA浸泡插穗3h明显提高了可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量、促进了可溶性淀粉含量的降解转化;在缩短不定根发生周期方面,生长素处理无明显作用。  相似文献   

为了提高兴安圆柏扦插生根率,探讨兴安圆柏的扦插生根机理,本试验采取不同激素处理兴安圆柏嫩枝插穗,分析嫩枝插条内水分及营养物质含量变化。结果表明,插穗生根过程中,水分、可溶性糖都是先降低后升高的过程,可溶性淀粉变化呈现升- 降的单峰曲线,可溶性蛋白变化为升- 降- 升- 降的双峰曲线。激素处理促进插穗内营养物质的转化,促进插穗生根。  相似文献   

采用ABT 1号1 000 mg/kg、NAA 500 mg/kg和IBA 400 mg/kg处理金叶女贞嫩枝插穗.以清水为对照,在小弓棚内进行嫩枝扦插试验,结果表明,金叶女贞嫩枝插穗生根为皮部生根型,扦插生根成活率高;不同处理间插穗的生根成活率差异不显著,但能增加生根插穗的根量与根长;NAA 500 mg/kg处理,插稳根量大,生根质量最好.  相似文献   

为了提高兴安圆柏扦插生根率,探讨兴安圆柏的扦插生根机理,以改进的HPLC法测定了兴安圆柏嫩枝插穗生根过程中4种内源激素的含量变化。结果表明,外源激素处理促进了插穗内IAA合成,显著提高了插穗内IAA含量、IAA/ABA值,ABA含量变化不明显;低浓度的ZT促进生根,插穗生根过程中ZT含量较低,NAA处理使ZT含量比对照显著降低;外施激素降低了生根初期插穗内GA含量,促进了愈伤组织和根原基形成,提高了不定根形成期插穗内GA含量,有利于不定根生长。  相似文献   

三峡库区岸生植物枸杞扦插生根技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以三峡库区岸生植物枸杞为试材,研究了不同浓度IBA(400、200、50mg/L)及生根粉(10、5、2、0.5g/L)处理对枸杞扦插过程中生根数量、生根长度和须根多度的影响。结果表明:IBA400mg/L处理的插穗生根数量和生根长度显著高于其它处理组;生根粉10g/L处理的插穗须根多度显著高于其它处理组。  相似文献   

北美香柏硬枝扦插繁殖技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王玲  刘明国  董胜君 《北方园艺》2010,(24):100-102
研究了激素种类、浓度、处理时间和插穗年龄对北美香柏硬枝扦插生根的影响。结果表明:生根率最高的组合为2 a生插穗经500 mg/L的NAA处理2 h,生根率为88.3%。各因子对北美香柏硬枝扦插生根均有极显著影响,其中处理时间和插穗年龄是影响插穗生根的主要因子。  相似文献   

沙藏埋枝处理对促进平欧杂种榛绿枝扦插生根的机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探讨埋干黄化促进榛子嫩枝扦插生根的生理生化基础,为榛子及其他木本植物的扦插繁殖提供理论依据和技术支持。【方法】以平欧杂种榛为材料,对1 a生硬枝进行埋干催芽,获得基部黄化嫩枝,结合生长素处理,进行扦插生根试验并测定插穗营养物质、酚类化合物和内源激素含量。【结果】榛子黄化嫩枝的生根率显著高于非黄化嫩枝,黄化处理提高了榛子嫩枝的可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白和酚酸含量,降低了类黄酮和ABA含量,对IAA含量没有影响。在生根诱导初期,榛子黄化嫩枝的IAA含量极显著升高,IAA/ABA值显著上升,ABA含量变化不显著;未黄化嫩枝的IAA含量、ABA含量和IAA/ABA值没有显著变化。施加外源IBA后在生根诱导初期,黄化嫩枝的IAA含量升高了176%,IAA/ABA值极显著上升,ABA含量没有显著变化;未黄化嫩枝的IAA含量升高了75%,IAA/ABA值显著上升,ABA含量变化不显著。【结论】埋干黄化可以提高榛子嫩枝扦插的生根率,黄化处理促进了榛子嫩枝内源生长素的运输和对外源生长素的吸收转化,IAA/ABA值是衡量榛子嫩枝生根能力的一个重要指标。  相似文献   

以“龙榛1号”杂交榛根蘖为试材,利用(500、750、1 000、1 250mg·L^-1)IBA、ABT和GGR处理根蘖基部,研究了激素及浓度处理对根蘖育苗生根的影响,以期探讨生根过程中营养物质含量的动态变化。结果表明:不同激素处理中以1 000mg·L^-1 IBA处理的生根效果最好,生根率平均87.92%,一级侧根数量、长度和粗度显著地高于其它处理和对照。在生根过程中,IBA处理的根蘖基部可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量呈“下降-上升-下降”的趋势,在不定根形成期达到峰值;而全氮含量变化为先上升后下降,含量整体低于对照;C/N比值的变化呈先下降后上升趋势。IBA处理枝条可促进可溶性糖的积累,降低全氮含量,提高C/N比值,有利于诱导根原基和不定根的形成。  相似文献   

GL生根剂对扶桑插条生根及碳水化合物分配的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
李玲  黄得兵 《园艺学报》1997,24(1):67-70
用GL生根剂(IBA1000mg/L+粉锈宁150mg/L+PP3332mg/L)50mg/L浸泡扶桑插条基部24小时,提高了插条的生根率、生根数、根干重,并扩大了生根范围。插条叶光合速率高于对照82.8%,分配到叶的14C-光合产物比对照少,而分配到茎和不定根的光合产物高于对照。插条叶和不定根中的可溶性糖、淀粉和纤维素含量低于对照,并随处理后天数的延长逐渐减少,木质素含量增加;茎和插条基部的可溶性糖含量高于对照,淀粉和木质素含量低于对照  相似文献   

Root regeneration in shoot tip cuttings responds to graduated nitrogen (N) fertilization of stock plants. In pelargonium cuttings, reduced carbohydrate reserves caused by high N absorption by the donor plants and post-harvest storage of cuttings limit adventitious root formation, especially in low-light environments. In contrast, in chrysanthemum, similar carbohydrate reserves do not have this dominant effect on rooting capacity. The positive correlation between rooting capacity and internal N status is stable across a wide range of environments and is genotypically consistent for this species. However, the influence of N and carbohydrates on adventitious rooting of Euphorbia pulcherrima is unknown. We investigated the consequences of different N fertilization regimens applied to E. pulcherrima stock plants and cold and dark storage of the cuttings on N absorption, carbohydrate distribution, and rooting capacity of cuttings. Increasing time of stock plant cultivation with graduated N nutrition produced cuttings with N contents, ranging from 19 to 51 mg N g−1 dry mass (DM). High N absorption resulted in low carbohydrate concentrations in cuttings, and subsequent storage decreased carbohydrate concentrations further, particularly in stems. Lower sucrose contents in leaves were correlated with reduced rooting of stored cuttings at a particular harvest date. However, despite the lower carbohydrate levels, root numbers and lengths correlated positively with internal N concentrations. These relationships remained stable in unstored and stored cuttings, even when overall rooting intensity was reduced under lower natural light during autumn. Multivariate regressions accounting for nitrogen content, sucrose content and daily light integral during rooting highlighted these relationships and explained up to 79% of rooting variances. We conclude N nutrition of stock plants and N absorption by cuttings are the dominant factors determining the rooting capacity of poinsettia when rooting occurs under sufficient light, as is commonly available during propagation. To maximize rooting capacity of poinsettia cuttings their nitrogen content should exceed a threshold of 40 mg N g−1 DM.  相似文献   

Stem cuttings of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) with pre-formed roots responded to a range of IBA and IAA concentrations with increased root emergence and without damage to the cuttings. No similar promotion of rooting was observed in cuttings lacking pre-formed root primordia. The data are discussed with respect to the differentiation and elongation phases of adventitious root formation. Root emergence from oregano cuttings and the continuity of stem vessels into the growing root are described.  相似文献   

Stock plants were grown in a glasshouse under standard growing conditions. Single-node leafbud cuttings were excised and numbered according to the position on the stock plant. Rooting took place at basal temperatures of 17,20 or 23°C and at different durations at 17 or 20°C followed by 23°C. The rooting period lasted 9 weeks.

The temperature of 17°C for 9 weeks completely suppressed root formation. A temperature of 20°C was decisive for root formation. The optimal rooting temperature was higher than 23°C. Temperature treatments of 17 or 20°C for 2–4 weeks only suppressed rooting slightly compared with the 23°C treatment. Cutting position on the stock plant affected the number of roots formed per cutting but not the rooting percentage. Best rooting was observed in cuttings from the middle part of the stock plant.

Axillary bud break was accelerated with increasing rooting temperature and decreasing duration of the lower temperatures. With increasing cutting position number (numbered from top to base), axillary bud break was considerably delayed.

Temperature treatments which delayed root formation also delayed axillary bud break. On the other hand, the cutting position on the stock plant, which had only a minor effect on the speed of root formation, had a pronounced effect on the speed of axillary bud break.  相似文献   

Several factors contributing to the successful rooting of stem cuttings of four peach clones and one almond × peach hybrid under intermittent mist were tested. With the almond × peach cross, leaf-bud cuttings were also tested.Severe cutting back of adult peach mother trees in winter favoured rooting of the cuttings, but less severe cutting back induced maximum roots per cutting.For short periods vermiculite was found to be a suitable medium. Sand alone or mixed with vermiculite or gravel gave poor results. Gravel alone or mixed with vermiculite was intermediate. For growing the rooted cuttings for a longer period, a mixture of perlite and peat was very suitable.A period of illumination of 3 h starting at midnight with incandescent light improved rooting of peach cuttings in August and October, but not in June.With cuttings obtained from old fruit-bearing peach trees highest rooting rates were obtained in July, but best root development occurred when rooting was carried out in October. In July rooting rate of basal cuttings was much higher than that of terminal ones. Success with leaf-bud cuttings (including a small branch piece) obtained from young mother trees of the almond × peach hybrid was only achieved at the end of May or in June.Dipping the base of peach cuttings in water before rooting was of advantage with one cultivar rooted in September, but of no advantage with another cultivar rooted in June.When the base of stem cuttings was dipped for a prolonged period in IBA solutions of various concentrations, highest rooting rates were obtained with 25–50 ppm IBA for peaches and with 200 ppm for the almond × peach hybrid. The addition of Phygon XL to this solution was of some advantage for peach cuttings. The concentration inducing maximum root development was higher than that required for maximum rooting and callusing. The optimal IBA concentration for rooting of almond × peach leaf-bud cuttings was 100 ppm.Penetration of the IBA into the leaf-bud cuttings reached a maximum 45 min a after floating them on a 100 ppm solution.Transplanting cuttings which had been rooted under mist was somewhat difficult; however, high rates of survival were obtained with cuttings planted in September which had developed a good root system.  相似文献   

The effect of the nitrogen nutrition of stock plants of Justicia gendarussa L. on the rooting of cuttings was studied in sand culture under high, medium and low levels of nitrogen.

Nitrogen starvation induced rooting. Exogenous application of the auxins IAA (indol-3yl-acetic acid), IBA (indol-3yl-butyric acid) and NAA (naphth-lyl-acetic acid) greatly increased the rooting response of cuttings from-stock plants grown with small amounts of nitrogen.

The root-promoting effect of a low nitrogen supply was associated with a retardation of growth in the stock plants from which the cuttings were made. High C/N (total available carbohydrates/total nitrogen) and P/N (total phosphorus/total nitrogen) ratios increased anthocyanin pigmentation in the shoot, and increased rooting cofactor activity in the tissues of cuttings. The phenolic compounds, ferulic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-coumaric acid were present in the shoots of all three nutritional treatments and acted as important cofactors in the cuttings. In general, rooting cofactor activity was inversely related to nitrogen supply and the activity was highest under low nitrogen.

The cuttings taken from plants grown under different levels of nitrogen interacted differentially with the exogenously applied auxins.  相似文献   

Root formation in chrysanthemum (Dendranthemum grandiflora (Ramat.) Kitamura) cuttings was reduced as flowers developed on stock plants. This effect was shown for all ten cultivars evaluated in this study. Not all cultivars were affected equally by the presence of flower buds on cuttings. There was no relationship (r2 = 0.06) between root formation in vegetative cuttings and the ability for a cultivar to root from flowering cuttings. IBA (1 mM) could partially overcome the negative effect of flowering on root formation, but cuttings taken after the flower buds had fully opened failed to root even after auxin treatment. Removing buds from cuttings or continually removing flower buds during stock plant growth reduced rooting compared to cuttings with flower buds intact. Furthermore, cuttings taken from the top three nodes of the stock plant containing flower buds rooted comparably to cuttings taken from the lower stem section that contained only vegetative buds. The negative influence of flowering on root formation appears to be due to the photoperiodic induction of the flowering stimulus rather than a direct competition for resources between flowers and developing roots.  相似文献   

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