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对香叶天竺葵开花泌蜜规律及西方蜜蜂的采集行为进行了研究,结果表明:香叶天竺葵整体花期历时近5个月,单朵花花期17天左右;花蜜分泌主要集中于初花期和整个盛花期的5天时间内,其中,盛花期第一天泌蜜量最大,占总泌蜜量的35.4%,前4天的泌蜜量占总泌蜜量的90%;一天不同时段中8∶00~9∶00泌蜜量最大,13∶00~14∶00花蜜糖浓度最高;西方蜜蜂对香叶天竺葵的采集每天时间跨度为12 h左右,其采集有上午和下午2个高峰期(10∶00~11∶00和13∶00~15∶00);蜜蜂采蜜单花停留时间和访花频率分别为2.22 s和16.5朵/min。本研究可为香叶天竺葵蜂蜜生产和利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

利用蜂类为温室果蔬授粉是一项高效益、无污染的现代化农业增产措施。熊蜂是最好的授粉昆虫之一,农业发达国家已把熊蜂授粉作为一项常规技术应用到农业生产当中。熊蜂与蜜蜂、壁蜂等传粉昆虫相比具有如下特点:一是授粉作物广泛,有蜜腺无蜜腺植物均适合,而蜜蜂仅访有粉有蜜植物;二是熊蜂适应的温湿度范围大,在12~34℃范围内活动正常;三是有较长的吻,对一些深冠花朵植物,如番茄、辣椒和茄子等作物授粉更加有效;四是采集力强,熊蜂个体大,寿命长,浑身绒毛,一次可携带花粉数百万粒,对蜜粉源利用率比其他蜂种更加有效,授粉效率高于蜜蜂80倍;五是耐低温和低光照,在蜜蜂不出巢的阴冷天气,熊蜂可以照常出巢采集、授粉;六是耐湿性强,趋光性差,不像蜜蜂那样飞撞玻璃和棚室,低温高湿也可在植物花朵上采集;七是信息交流系统不发达,熊蜂没有灵敏的信息交流系统,能专心为某一种作物授粉,特别适合温室作物。利用熊蜂授粉的优点主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)增加产量:利用熊蜂授粉可以掌握作物花期最佳授粉时间,花粉活力较强,柱头受粉均匀,使每朵花得到多次重复授粉机会,大幅度增加了果蔬的产量。(2)提高品质:蜂授粉花朵坐果率高,果型圆正,着色好,子粒饱满,蜂授粉果蔬可...  相似文献   

三种授粉方式对温室凯特杏的影响研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
为了比较不同授粉方式对温室凯特杏授粉的效果,在温室内进行了熊蜂(Bombusterrestris)、蜜蜂(Apismellifera)和人工蘸花这3种授粉方式的试验,其结果表明:熊蜂组的杏果实发育期最短,比蜜蜂组缩短了4天,比人工组缩短了5天;在株产量上,熊蜂组产量最高,比蜜蜂组提高了11.96%,比人工组提高了25.77%;在维生素C、可溶性糖和总酸等营养指标上,3组之间差异不大,但熊蜂组的风味更佳。可见,采用熊蜂为温室杏授粉的效果优于蜜蜂和人工。  相似文献   

本研究对米团花的开花与泌蜜规律进行了观测,探究了米团花花序的开花规律、单花泌蜜量与花蜜糖浓度的日变化规律、单花在盛花期内泌蜜量与糖浓度的变化规律、不同区域单花的泌蜜量与糖浓度的日变化规律以及花蜜颜色与花蜜糖浓度的关系。结果表明:花序从出现花苞至所有单花盛开5~7天,直至所有单花枯萎并脱落约30天。花序中有194~575朵单花,单花的花期约10天。在一天的三个检测时间段中,单花在9:30~10:30的泌蜜量最大,在15:30~16:30的花蜜糖浓度最高。在盛花期间,单花在第2天的泌蜜量最大,在第3天的花蜜糖浓度最高。在花序不同区域内,中部区域的单花泌蜜量最大,顶部区域单花的花蜜糖浓度最高。花蜜的糖浓度与花蜜的颜色呈一定的相关性。本研究结果有助于更好的了解米团花的开花与泌蜜习性,从而为米团花期的蜜蜂管理提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

昆明小鼠早期胚胎发育时程   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以昆明种小鼠为对象,在严格控光条件下,对交配后阴道栓形成时间、排卵时间、精子入卵与原核形成时间以及2-细胞至囊胚的发育时程等进行了系统研究。结果如下:(1)从注射hCG 当天(0 d)21:00(hCG后6 h)至次日(第1 天)1:00(hCG 后10 h),有84.2% 的超排小鼠形成阴道栓;(2)大部分小鼠(66% ~100% )排卵从hCG后第1 天2:00(hCG 后11 h)开始,至3:00~4:00(hCG后12~13 h)结束;(3)从hCG 后第1 天7:00(hCG后16 h)至11:00(hCG 后20 h),小鼠卵受精率为5.6% ~82.4% ;(4)从hCG后第1 天7:00(hCG 后16 h)至11:00(hCG 后20 h),原核形成率为4.4% ~67.5% ;(5)从hCG 后第1 天21:00(hCG 后30 h)至第2 天1:00(hCG后34 h),2-细胞形成率为14.9% ~83.1% ;hCG后第2 天19:00(hCG后52 h)至23:00(hCG后56 h),4-细胞形成率为12.9% ~85.7% ;hCG 后第3 天6:00(hCG后63 h)至10:00(hCG 后67 h),8-细胞形率为12.8% ~88.2% ;(6)从hCG 后第3 天10:00(hCG 后67 h)至24:00(hCG后81 h),8~16 细胞(早期桑葚胚)形成率由100% 下降到42.9% ;从hCG 后第3 天24:00(hCG 后81 h)至第4 天4:00(hCG后85 h),17~32 细胞(晚期桑葚胚)形成率由57.1% 增加到90.0% ;(7)从hCG 后第4 天6:00(hCG后87 h)至8:00(hCG后89 h),囊胚形成率从11.4% 上升到60.9% 。  相似文献   

一、熊蜂授粉的优势及现状自然花粉授粉中,授粉昆虫承担着主要的作用,具有授粉均匀、畸形果少、低成本、省时、省力等特点。熊蜂作为多种植物,尤其是茄科和豆科植物的重要授粉者,现已实现周年化繁育,可在任何季节为设施瓜果蔬菜进行授粉。早在20世纪末,已有专家指出我国现代温室需要熊蜂授粉。相比蜜蜂,熊蜂更耐低温,当温度达到8℃~10℃时,熊蜂就可正常活动;熊蜂趋光性较差,在设施大棚内很少撞击大棚,可专心地在温室内进行采集授粉;除此之外,熊蜂还具有独特的优势,可进行振翅授粉,非常适合番茄等茄果类植物的授粉;熊蜂体表绒毛丰富,飞行速度快,飞行距离远,授粉效率更高。因此,基于我国目前设施农业的发展速度,作物对熊蜂授粉的需求量巨大。  相似文献   

通过观察金柑花期的现蕾数、现蕊数、开花数和谢花数研究金柑花的开花方式、开花周期和泌蜜规律,为金柑授粉提供科学参考。实验结果表明,金柑每年至少有3个集中的花期,花期约8天,两次花期间隔8或9天。第一花期所开的花朵数目最多,第一花期和第二花期第一天开始现蕾,第四天达到盛花期,第六天开始大量谢花。第三花期开花数目与前两次相比明显降低,花期第一天开始现蕾,第三天达到盛花期,第五天开始大量谢花。单个花期金柑树上、中和下三个部位的开花数量,阳面和阴面的开花规律,白天和夜间的开花方式均无显著差异。金柑花的泌蜜主要集中在开花后的第一天,在上午时段泌蜜量最大,单花泌蜜量为10mg,中午和下午泌蜜较少,傍晚比下午略有增多。开花后第二天,泌蜜量很少。单花泌蜜总量常在15mg和20mg之间。第二花期泌蜜规律和第一花期泌蜜规律基本一致,单花泌蜜总量低于第一花期。第三花期泌蜜量与前两次相比显著的减少。金柑树的各个部位,金柑果园的阳面和阴面其泌蜜量之间的差异则不显著。花蜜糖分浓度通常是在中午时分最高,可达40%。  相似文献   

2006~2008年的4~5月,在长白山区共采集野生熊蜂属(Bombus)10种、拟熊蜂属(Psithyrus)2种的1056只越冬蜂王。其中优势种为密林熊蜂(Bombus patagiatus Ny-lander)与红光熊蜂(Bombus ignitus Smith)。密林熊蜂4月下旬~5月中旬出现,红光熊蜂5月上旬~中旬出现。熊蜂出现频率最高时期分别为5月上旬~5月中旬,密林熊蜂主要采集旱柳、杜鹃、山杏等植物;红光熊蜂主要采集杜鹃、山樱桃、稠李等植物。此项调查为研究长白山熊蜂的活动规律及更好地驯化饲养长白山熊蜂提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

为了解贵州蓝莓泌蜜散粉规律,客观评估其储蜜量,对贵州省蓝莓主栽品种的花形、泌蜜量与浓度、花粉量与散粉规律、花量进行了系统研究。结果表明:(1)蓝莓平均花冠长度为9.83 mm,平均花冠口直径为3.56 mm,不同品种之间差异显著;(2)蓝莓花开的第1?2d泌蜜总量显著高于第3天,泌蜜高峰出现在上午10:00为33.02+L,之后随着气温升高而降低。花蜜糖浓度随时间延迟而逐渐升高,最高值出现在下午16:00达48%;(3)晴朗天气,设施大棚内外的蓝莓泌蜜量与花蜜浓度无显著差异,但棚内更趋于稳定,棚外波动较大;(4)蓝莓储蜜量大,平均每公顷蓝莓园储蜜4469 L,但受传粉昆虫数量、授粉时间与质量、果园管理及气候等因素影响较大,生产上引蜂授粉采蜜,应综合考虑树龄、传粉昆虫数量、气候等因素。  相似文献   

2007年4~7月在上海动物园,采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件取样法,对鬃狼的行为、活动规律和行为时间分配进行了研究.结果表明,在春季,运动(33.67%)和休息(27.06%)是鬃狼花费时间最多的行为类型,其次分别是站立(15.96%)、其他(14.21%;包括标记、追逐、搔痒、嗅闻、饮水和排便等)和取食(9.10%);夏季将最多的时间用于休息(43.55%)和运动(29,41%).春季鬃狼的运动行为在1d中有2个明显的高峰期,即9:00~11:00和13:00~14:00,休息的高峰期出现在10:00~12:00和13:00~15:00,其他行为的高峰期则与运动相反.在夏季,鬃狼1d中运动有3个高峰期(9:00、10:00~12:00和13:00~15:00),休息在下午是所有行为类型中所占比例最高的,且一直保持在较高的水平上.圈养鬃狼的站立和休息行为在春季和夏季有显著差异(P<0.05),而其余3种行为差异不显著.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of carbetocin, which is used to control postpartum hemorrhage after giving birth, was studied in cows and gilts after a single intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM) injection. Blood samples from animals were assessed by oxytocin radioimmunoassay, and then the pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using a noncompartmental model. For gilts, there was no significant difference between half-life (T1/2λZ), mean residue time (MRT), and maximum concentration (Cmax) between IM and IV administration. Conversely, the time to reach the Cmax (Tmax) and MRT were higher following administration of 350 μg/animal in cows via the IM administration compared with IV. The longest T1/2λZ was 0.85 hr, indicating carbetocin was absorbed and eliminated rapidly in both animal species after administration. The Tmax was similar between cows and gilts following IM administration. Moreover, the Cmax after IM injection was about half that of IV administration in both animals. The bioavailability was more than 80% in cows, suggesting administration via the IM route is efficient. This is in agreement with the longer T1/2λZ in cows after IM administration. However, the IV route is recommended for gilts due to a lower bioavailability (35%) and shorter T1/2λZ after IM administration compared with IV.  相似文献   

Infections caused by thermotolerant Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella spp. are the leading causes of human gastroenteritis worldwide. Wild birds can act as reservoirs of both pathogens. A survey was carried out to determine the prevalence, genetic diversity and antimicrobial resistance of thermotolerant Campylobacter and Salmonella in waterfowl used as decoys and wild raptors in Andalusia (Southern Spain). The overall prevalence detected for Campylobacter was 5.9% (18/306; CI95%: 3.25–8.52) in decoys and 2.3% (9/387; CI95%: 0.82–3.83) in wild raptors. Isolates were identified as C. jejuni, C. coli and C. lari in both bird groups. Salmonella was isolated in 3.3% (10/306; CI95%: 2.3–4.3) and 4.6% (18/394; CI95%: 3.5–5.6) of the decoys and raptors, respectively. Salmonella Enteritidis and Typhimurium were the most frequently identified serovars, although Salmonella serovars Anatum, Bredeney, London and Mikawasima were also isolated. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis of isolates showed higher genetic diversity within Campylobacter species compared to Salmonella serovars. Campylobacter isolates showed resistance to gentamicin, ciprofloxacin and tetracycline, while resistance to erythromycin and tetracycline was found in Salmonella isolates. The results indicate that both decoys and raptors can act as natural carriers of Campylobacter and Salmonella in Spain, which may have important implications for public and animal health.  相似文献   

Canine babesiosis caused by different Babesia species is a protozoal tick-borne disease with worldwide distribution and global significance. Historically, Babesia infection in dogs was identified based on the morphologic appearance of the parasite in the erythrocyte. All large forms of Babesia were designated Babesia canis, whereas all small forms of Babesia were considered to be Babesia gibsoni. However, the development of molecular methods has demonstrated that other Babesia species such as Babesia conradae, Babesia microti like piroplasm, Theileria spp. and a yet unnamed large form Babesia spp. infect dogs and cause distinct diseases. Babesia rossi, B. canis and Babesia vogeli previously considered as subspecies are identical morphologically but differ in the severity of clinical manifestations which they induce, their tick vectors, genetic characteristics, and geographic distributions, and are therefore currently considered separate species. The geographic distribution of the causative agent and thus the occurrence of babesiosis are largely dependent on the habitat of relevant tick vector species, with the exception of B. gibsoni where evidence for dog to dog transmission indicates that infection can be transmitted among fighting dog breeds independently of the limitations of vector tick infestation. Knowledge of the prevalence and clinicopathological aspects of Babesia species infecting dogs around the world is of epidemiologic and medical interest. Babesiosis in domestic cats is less common and has mostly been reported from South Africa where infection is mainly due to Babesia felis, a small Babesia that causes anemia and icterus. In addition, Babesia cati was reported from India and sporadic cases of B. canis infection in domestic cats have been reported in Europe, B. canis presentii in Israel and B. vogeli in Thailand. Babesiosis caused by large Babesia spp. is commonly treated with imidocarb dipropionate with good clinical response while small Babesia spp. are more resistant to anti-babesial therapy. Clinical and parasitological cure are often not achieved in the treatment of small Babesia species infections and clinical relapses are frequent. The spectrum of Babesia pathogens that infect dogs and cats is gradually being elucidated with the aid of molecular techniques and meticulous clinical investigation. Accurate detection and species recognition are important for the selection of the correct therapy and prediction of the course of disease.  相似文献   

Our ability to restore rangelands is limited, and it is unknown if seedling herbivory on its own, or in interaction with other stressors, is a major contributor to restoration failure. To address this, we conducted two experiments: a No Defoliation (ND) experiment (n = 48), in which seedlings from three perennial grasses (crested wheatgrass [Agropyron cristatum {(L.} Gaertn.], bluebunch wheatgrass [Psuedoroegnaria spicata {Pursh} Á. Love], Sandberg bluegrass [Poa secunda J Presl]) were subjected to wet and dry water regimes for 4 mo, and a concurrent Defoliation (D) experiment (n = 95), in which seedlings were factorially assigned to two defoliation treatments—frequency (LOW, HIGH) and intensity (30% vegetation removal, 70% vegetation removal). Indicators of seedling performance were aboveground and belowground biomass (AGB and BGB), root:shoot ratio, tillering, and mortality. The effect size statistic, Hedge’s g, allowed for comparisons between performance measures. Water stress induced reductions in most performance measures: BGB (g = ND: –1.3; D: –1.6), root:shoot ratio (g = ND: n.s.; D: –0.2), and tillering (g = ND: –1.7; D: –1.2), though not significantly for all species. For ABG, water stress interacted with defoliation, reducing performance less at an intensity of 70% (g = –2.0) as opposed to 30% (g = –3.0), but not always significantly in the former. Water stress also caused less reduction in AGB when no defoliation occurred (ND: –0.8; g = D: –2.5). Intensity and frequency of defoliation interacted; seedlings were generally resistant to reductions in performance except at high frequency, 70% defoliation. Agropyron cristatum and P. spicata displayed similar sensitivity to treatments, mostly in terms of changes in AGB and BGB, while P. secunda also experienced increased mortality and reduced tillering. If these differences in sensitivity result in differential survival, herbivory could impact species postrestoration population demographics.  相似文献   

深入研究了当归属及其相关7属,古当归属,高山芹属,柳叶芹属,独活属,欧当归属,山芹属及前胡属毛状体和果实结构。结果显示毛状体及果实结构(如:毛状体细胞,翅,油管,维管束,中果皮,内果皮,结合面及结晶)可以用于区分当归属及其相关类群。滇南当归及隆萼当归应从当归属移入独活属,其余当归属物种分为结合面宽及结合面窄两组,前者与前胡属较为相似,但与独活属差别较大,后者与古当归属,高山芹属,柳叶芹属,欧当归属有相似之处。支持分子系统学揭示的当归属不是个自然类群,当归属与前胡属共同位于当归分支,而独活属位于独活分支。山芹属果实结构与其他属不同,翅的中果皮无细胞,且伴生油管位于维管束内侧,为分子系统学显示此属与高山芹属,柳叶芹属,及欧当归属亲缘关系较远提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   

This study estimated genetic and phenotypic parameters and annual trends for growth and fertility traits of Charolais and Hereford cattle in Kenya. Traits considered were birth weight (BW, kg), pre-weaning average daily gain (ADG, kg/day) and weaning weight (WW, kg); calving interval (CI, days) and age at first calving (AFC, days). Direct heritability estimates for growth traits were 0.36 and 0.21; 0.25 and 0.10; 0.23 and 0.13 for BW, ADG and WW in Charolais and Hereford, respectively. Maternal heritability estimates were 0.11 and 0.01; 0.18 and 0.00; 0.17 and 0.17 for BW, ADG and WW in Charolais and Hereford, respectively. Direct-maternal genetic correlations ranged between −0.46 and 1.00; −0.51 and −1.00; −0.47 and −0.39 for BW, ADG and WW in Charolais and Hereford, respectively. Genetic correlations ranged from −0.99 to unity and −1.00 to unity for growth and fertility traits respectively. Prospects for improvement of growth and fertility traits exist.  相似文献   

Sanguinarine (SA) is a benzo[c] phenanthridine alkaloid which has a variety of pharmacological properties. However, very little was known about the pharmacokinetics of SA and its metabolite dihydrosanguinarine (DHSA) in pigs. The purpose of this work was to study the intestinal metabolism of SA in vitro and in vivo. Reductive metabolite DHSA was detected during incubation of SA with intestinal mucosa microsomes, cytosol, and gut flora. After oral (p.o.) administration of SA, the result showed SA might be reduced to DHSA in pig intestine. After i.m. administration, SA and DHSA rapidly increased to reach their peak concentrations (Cmax, 30.16 ± 5.85, 5.61 ± 0.73 ng/ml, respectively) at 0.25 hr. Both compounds were completely eliminated from the plasma after 24 hr. After single oral administration, SA and DHSA rapidly increased to reach their Cmax (3.41 ± 0.36, 2.41 ± 0.24 ng/ml, respectively) at 2.75 ± 0.27 hr. The half-life (T1/2) values were 2.33 ± 0.11 hr and 2.20 ± 0.12 hr for SA and DHSA, respectively. After multiple oral administration, the average steady-state concentrations (Css) of SA and DHSA were 3.03 ± 0.39 and 1.42 ± 0.20 ng/ml. The accumulation indexes for SA and DHSA were 1.21 and 1.11. The work reported here provides important information on the metabolism sites and pharmacokinetic character of SA. It explains the reasons for low toxicity of SA, which is useful for the evaluation of its performance.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to compare the progeny of 1) late-maturing beef with dairy breeds and 2) Charolais (CH), Limousin (LM), Simmental (SM) and Belgian Blue (BB) sires bred to beef suckler dams, for feed intake, blood hormones and metabolites, live animal measurements, carcass traits and carcass value in bull and steer production systems. The bull system included 50 late-maturing beef breeds and 22 Holsteins (HO) slaughtered at approximately 15 months of age, whereas the steer system consisted of 56 late-maturing beef breeds and 23 British Friesians (FR) slaughtered at approximately 24 months of age. Beef breeds were suckled until approximately 8 months of age, while dairy breeds were artificially reared until weaning at approximately 3 months of age. All animals were finished on an ad libitum concentrate diet. Mean live weight, live weight gain, carcass gain and feed efficiency were greater (P < 0.05) in beef than dairy breeds in both systems during the finishing period when offered concentrates. Although there was no difference in feed intake between beef and dairy breeds, intake expressed relative to live weight was lower (P < 0.001) in beef breeds in both systems. At 10 months of age and pre-slaughter, beef breeds had higher (P < 0.001) muscularity scores and greater scanned muscle depth (P < 0.001) than their dairy contemporaries. Carcass weight, kill-out proportion, carcass conformation score, meat proportion and value were greater (P < 0.001) and carcass fat and bone proportions were lower (P < 0.05) in beef than dairy breeds in both systems. Insulin concentrations were lower (P < 0.001) in beef than dairy breeds, whereas there was no difference in blood metabolites or IGF-1 concentrations. Feed intake expressed relative to live weight or feed efficiency did not differ between CH, LM, SM or BB sired progeny. Muscularity scores were greater (P < 0.05) in BB than SM, whereas skeletal scores were lower (P < 0.05) in LM than SM. Limousin had lower (P < 0.05) carcass gain per day of age than CH and SM, whereas SM had a lower (P < 0.05) carcass conformation score than BB and CH and a higher (P < 0.05) carcass fat score than CH. Simmental had a lower (P < 0.05) carcass meat proportion and a higher (P < 0.05) carcass fat proportion than CH, LM and BB, which were similar (P > 0.05). The improvement obtained for beef over dairy breeds in live weight gain was 12%, while the improvements in carcass gain and meat produced was 24% and 33%, respectively. This demonstrates that the importance of carcass data contributing to breed comparison studies cannot be over-emphasised.  相似文献   

A study was conducted examining the effects of prebiotics and probiotics separately and in combination on growth parameters, fecal and cecal microbiota. Six dietary treatments consisted of: 1) control, 2) control + 0.2 lb/ton calculated to contain 1 × 1010Pediococcus acidilactici/kg, 3) control + 0.2 lb/ton calculated to contain 2 × 1010 live Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii/kg, 4) control + 2 lb/ton yeast cell wall extract (YCWE), 5) control + 0.2 lb/ton calculated to contain 1 × 1010 /kg Pediococcus acidilactici/kg and + 2 lb/ton YCWE, and 6) control + 0.2 lb/ton calculated to contain 2 × 1010/kg live Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii/kg + 2 lb/ton YCWE. Dietary treatments had 10 replicates during the brooder phase; 6 replicates from grower phase through conclusion of the study. Bovan white pullets were utilized for the study. There was not a significant difference between treatments for feed intake, body weight, body weight gain or feed conversion. There were no significant differences between treatments for Salmonella enteritidis presence or fecal counts of E. coli, coliform, and Salmonella spp. Cecal E. coli and coliform counts were not affected by treatment. There was a significant treatment by time effect for Enterobacteriaceae cecal counts. Enterobacteriaceae counts increased at 16 wk of age and decreased through the study for all treatments, except for YCWE. The addition of prebiotics and probiotics, individually or in combination, did not significantly improve growth or alter the potentially pathogenic bacteria microbiology of feces or ceca in pullet chicks.  相似文献   

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