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[目的]探明适合水稻机械化播种+旱育秧模式下培育符合机插标准健壮秧苗的水分管理方式.[方法]以辽粳401为供试材料,选用2种育苗载体(有机质型育苗基质和营养土),于秧苗1叶1心期设置3种喷水间隔处理(24 h、48 h、72 h),研究不同喷水间隔下水稻秧苗素质、移栽质量及产量的变化规律.[结果]喷水时间间隔由24 h...  相似文献   

不同育秧盘对机插双季稻株型与产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】旨在阐明不同育秧盘对机插双季稻株型与产量的影响。【方法】以4个早、晚稻品种为材料,设置毯状盘(CK)、钵体盘(D1)和钵体毯状盘(D2)3种育秧盘试验,系统测定了不同育秧盘处理下早、晚稻植株形态特征与产量结构。【结果】1)不同秧盘处理秧苗素质表现为CK>D1>D2;机插时,D2处理下秧苗整体机插质量最优,表现在漂秧率、伤秧率和漏插率D2均优于CK,提高了栽插质量;2)D2处理下秧苗返青快,拔节期后分蘖快,孕穗期分蘖数D2>D1>CK,有效促进了茎蘖成穗,直接影响产量;从SPAD值看,早晚稻孕穗期时,D2处理下秧苗叶片SPAD值比D1处理平均高出3.2%,比CK处理平均高出9.2%,可有效促进光合作用,为增产提供了营养保障;3)产量数据显示,早晚稻均以D2处理产量最高,早稻分别比CK和D1增产13.04%和1.65%,晚稻分别增产30%和19%,平均比对照(CK)育秧机插增产20%;具体表现在D2处理叶片叶绿素含量高,有效穗数多,结实率和千粒重指标好。【结论】与毯状盘和钵体盘相比,钵体毯状盘可提高秧苗素质和产量,在江西双季稻生产中具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

【目的】筛选出机插水稻基质育秧芸薹素内酯(BR)适宜的施用方法及最佳用量。【方法】以中早39为供试材料,采用稻草基质旱育秧方式,探究BR不同处理方式和浓度对机插早稻秧苗生理特性及栽后生长的影响。【结果】施用BR可以提高秧苗的抗氧化保护酶活性,降低丙二醛含量,增加可溶性蛋白含量、总糖含量及C/N,秧苗根系活力提高了13.24%~48.31%,利于形成抗性强的健壮秧苗;喷施方式对提高秧苗超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶活性效果最佳,基施方式对降低秧苗丙二醛含量效果最好。施用适量BR也可促进秧苗机插后长出新叶、新根及返青,喷施方式效果最好;浸种、喷施方式还能增强秧苗机插后20~30 d的单株分蘖力。【结论】播种前和出苗后进行两次适量的BR处理,有利形成壮苗和栽后活棵返青及分蘖,以播前0.15 mg/L浸种和秧苗1叶1心期0.10 mg/L喷施效果为好。  相似文献   

目的 探究水稻机械化移栽应用中长期存在的晚播晚栽机插稻的特殊应用价值,方法 在苏南设置大田试验,分析了晚播晚栽机插水稻的产量表现及其群体生产特征,并设置密度和穗肥施用处理,解析栽培措施对晚播晚栽机插水稻群体发育和产量形成的影响。结果 机插水稻晚播晚栽产量出现一定程度的下降,主要原因是单位面积穗数和每穗粒数降低。晚播晚栽机插稻群体高峰苗出现时间相对前移,茎蘖成穗率则明显下降。同化物质积累和运转均受到一定影响,抽穗期茎鞘中非结构性碳水化合物积累下降,茎鞘物质输出率和转换率也呈下降趋势。可见,晚播晚栽机插水稻存在物质生产和产量形成的必然劣势。增加栽植密度,单位面积穗数显著增加,干物质积累量上升,产量明显提高。在同一密度条件下,随着穗肥施氮量水平的提高,产量表现为先上升后下降的趋势,过多穗肥施用不利于晚播晚栽机插稻结实期的物质积累。较高密度配合适宜水平的穗肥施用,可提  相似文献   

目的 探究油菜素内酯(Brassinolide, BR)浸根对机插水卷苗栽后本田生长及产量的影响。方法 以宁粳8号为试验材料,分析不同浓度BR(T1、T10、T20,分别表示水培营养液中BR浓度为1 mg/L、10 mg/L、20 mg/L)浸根对水卷苗机插本田后返青活棵及产量的影响,以正常水培营养液处理为对照(CK)。结果 BR浸根(T1、T10、T20)能够促进水稻地上部生长,栽插本田21d后株高较CK分别增加11.68%、8.12%和7.61%;BR浸根对水卷苗栽后根系的促生作用更为明显,不同浓度BR浸根对水卷苗栽后根长、根表面积、根尖数、根体积、根直径、根质量和根冠比均产生了显著影响,其中根尖数以低浓度BR处理效果更优,而其他根系指标均以高浓度BR处理效果更优。与CK相比,不同浓度BR浸根降低了叶片过氧化氢浓度(至移栽后12 d,分别降低12.50%、23.25%和22.25%),增强了叶片抗氧化酶活性;与移栽当天相比,移栽后第2天BR浸根处理叶片中玉米素(ZT)浓度迅速增加(分别为197.27%、153.11%和243.78%),而CK增加缓慢(2.94%),根系表现一致,且根系中生长素(IAA)浓度显著高于CK;同时BR处理在栽后一周内赤霉素(GA3)浓度均明显高于对照。与CK相比,T10处理显著提高了每穗粒数和结实率(分别为15.04%和6.62%),T20处理显著提高了结实率(6.17%),但BR处理千粒重均显著下降,最终产量T10和T20处理较CK分别提高5.11%和7.99%。结论 适当浓度的BR(T10~T20)浸根能减轻水卷苗机插植伤,提高抗氧化酶活性,降低H2O2含量,提高ZT、GA3和IAA浓度,高效地促进根系生长,提高了每穗粒数和结实率。本研究可为减轻机插植伤,促进机插水稻高产稳产提供理论依据和技术参考。  相似文献   

【目的】通过喷施多效唑来达到高产所需的足穗,解决南方晚粳稻有效穗数不足的问题。【方法】设计以品种为主区、多效唑浓度为副区的裂区试验。以镇稻11和甬优2640为晚粳稻材料,以晚籼稻H优518为对照;多效唑浓度(以有效成分计)分别设A1(0 mg/L)、A2(84 mg/L)、A3(120 mg/L)、A4(156 mg/L)和A5(192 mg/L)共5种施用水平。2014—2015年评估了不同浓度多效唑对南方晚粳稻秧苗素质、茎蘖动态及产量的影响。【结果】随多效唑浓度增加,2年各品种秧苗苗高均逐渐降低;H优518及甬优2640秧苗叶龄及SPAD值逐渐增加,而镇稻11却先增后降;三品种秧苗单株根长、根数、分蘖数以及有效穗数、结实率、籽粒充实度和产量均随苗期喷施多效唑浓度的增加呈现先增后降趋势,其中H优518及甬优2640两品种的上述指标均在A4时最高,镇稻11在A3表现最佳。【结论】喷施适宜浓度多效唑可显著提高水稻秧苗素质、有效穗数及产量。其中,H优518及甬优2640以A4(156 mg/L)时产量表现最好,而镇稻11却在A3(120 mg/L)时产量达到最高。  相似文献   

目的 机插密度对水稻产量和品质有重要影响,但机插株距对优质食味水稻品种产量与群体质量的调控作用尚不清楚。明确优质食味水稻品种的适宜机插株距可为水稻机械化高产优质栽培提供理论与实践依据。方法 以南粳9108、南粳5055和南粳46三个江苏优质食味水稻品种为材料,在机插行距固定为30 cm的情况下,研究了10、12、14、16和18 cm五种株距对上述水稻品种产量和群体质量的影响。结果 南粳9108、南粳5055和南粳46三个水稻品种的茎蘖成穗率、高效叶面积指数、粒叶比(粒重/叶面积)、抽穗后群体冠层净光合速率和抽穗至成熟干物质积累量均在株距为12 cm时最大。上述水稻品种产量均随株距增加呈现先增加先减少的趋势,产量与株距呈二次曲线关系。依据曲线方程计算出两年中南粳9108、南粳5055和南粳46高产最适株距分别为11.6 cm,11.6~12.3 cm和10.8~11.4 cm。结论 机插秧行距固定为30 cm时,11~12 cm的株距有利于改善优质食味水稻的群体质量指标并提高其产量,可作为江苏省代表性优质食味水稻品种的适宜机插株距。  相似文献   

以超级杂交稻中浙优1号和国稻6号为材料,研究比较了12 d、17 d、22 d和27 d秧龄秧苗素质及不同秧龄秧苗机插对水稻产量的影响。结果表明,随着秧龄的延长,植株株高和干物质量均增加,但秧苗后期生长趋缓,叶片生长变慢,根冠比降低;不同秧龄的秧苗对机插漏秧率影响不大,短秧龄秧苗机插秧苗易返青,缓苗期短,虽然成穗率低,但有效穗数多;参试水稻品种均以17 d秧龄机插处理的产量最高,主要是有效穗数增加,结实率和千粒重较高;随着秧苗秧龄的增加,机插水稻生育期会推迟。综上所述,在我国长江中下游单季稻机插中,适宜的秧龄应为15~20 d,此时秧苗素质好,适合机插,最终产量高。  相似文献   

在辽宁西部早春温室大棚条件下,以北方粳型超级稻辽粳399为参试品种,探讨了不同育秧基质与秧盘组合处理对机插稻秧苗素质及产量的影响。结果表明,与采用客土作育秧基质相比,其他3种育秧基质均具有提升秧苗素质的作用;与对照(客土+盒式秧盘)相比,其他7个组合处理下的秧苗素质更好,且运输更加方便,移栽根系损伤轻、缓苗时间短,并以M2K2组合处理(有机育苗基质+钵形毯状秧盘)表现最优,产量也最高,比对照增产11.91%。  相似文献   

陈兰 《中国稻米》2017,(6):101-103
以中早39为试验材料,探讨了苗床不同培肥措施对机插水稻秧苗素质和产量的影响。结果表明,通过添加复合肥进行床土培肥,不同育秧土类型处理的秧苗素质和产量有显著差异,采用本地黄泥土育秧,以12 g/盘(M4)底肥的处理秧苗素质最佳,产量高;采用本地田土育秧,以8 g/盘(N3)底肥的处理秧苗素质最好,产量高。  相似文献   

播种量对机插水卷苗秧苗素质及产量形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】本研究旨在探明水卷苗机插高产适宜的播种量。【方法】以长江中下游地区代表性品种武运粳24号(常规粳稻)和6两优9368(杂交籼稻)为供试材料,研究不同播种量对水卷苗秧苗素质、机插质量、大田生长特性及产量的影响。【结果】移栽前秧苗地上部和根系干物质量、发根力、根系活性、成苗率、苗基宽、重高比及光合速率均随着播种量的降低而显著增强,叶面积指数显著下降。小播量处理秧苗返青活棵快、分蘖发生力强、每穗粒数多,但播量过小导致基本苗和穗数不足,当武运粳24号播种量从180g/盘降低到120g/盘(738.9g/m2)、6两优9368播种量从110g/盘降低到70g/盘(431.0g/m2)时,产量没有显著变化;但播种量继续降低,产量均显著下降。【结论】水卷苗育秧方法适宜播种量,常规粳稻为2.03粒/cm2,杂交籼稻为1.14粒/cm2。  相似文献   

播种方式和播种密度对杂交籼稻机插秧节本增效的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
【目的】探索机插杂交籼稻稀播育秧秧苗生长特性、栽插质量、产量与效益特点。【方法】以F优498和Ⅱ优498的种子为材料开发并优选条播器后,采用两因素裂区设计,播种方式为主区,播种量为副区。【结果】条播播种均匀度优势明显,24行条播规格效果最佳。播种14 d后,秧苗开始产生分蘖芽,播后17至23 d是分蘖芽发生速率最快时期。随播种密度的增加,成苗率、干物质积累量、根冠比、秧苗充实度、N积累量、分蘖芽发生率、发根力、漏插率都呈降低趋势,同时有效穗数增加,每穗粒数减少,产量先增加后降低。条播相对于散播,秧苗整体素质较好,易形成壮秧,产量较高。【结论】投入与产出综合分析,采用条播方式,播种密度为50 g/盘时,秧苗群体密度和个体优势之间能得到较好的协调,产投比最高。  相似文献   

【Objective】Mechanical transplanting results in serious transplanting shock of rice seedlings and a longer recovery stage, which negatively impacts the growth of rice seedlings in the paddy field and the yield formation of machine-transplanted rice. The objective of the research is to investigate the effects of brassinosteroid (BR) soaking on transplanting shock and grain yield of hydroponically grown long-mat seedlings (HLMS) under mechanical transplanting. 【Method】We analyzed the effects of different concentrations of BR (CK, T1, T10, T20, BR concentrations of 0 mg/L, 1 mg/L, 10 mg/L, 20 mg/L in the nutrient solutions, respectively) soaking on morphological traits, dry matter accumulation, antioxidant system, endogenous hormone concentrations and grain yield of HLMS under mechanical transplanting. 【Result】Root soaking in BR could promote above-ground part growth of rice, the plant height under T1, T10, T20 was 11.68%, 8.12% and 7.61% higher than CK, respectively; and the effect on the root was more obvious, BR soaking significantly increased the root length, root surface area, root tip number, root volume, root diameter, root weight and root/shoot ratio. At low BR concentration, root tip overnumbered that at high BR concentration while other root system indicators were better under high concentration BR treatment. Compared with CK, BR (T1, T10, T20) soaking decreased the H2O2 content in leaves by 12.50%, 23.25% and 22.25% 12 days after transplanting, respectively, and increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes. Compared with the day of transplanting, the zeatin (ZT) concentration in the leaves under BR soaking treatments increased rapidly (197.27%, 153.11% and 243.78%, respectively), while under CK treatment it increased slowly (2.94%), the root performance was consistent with leaves, and the auxin (IAA) concentration in the roots was significantly higher than that of CK on the second day after transplanting. The gibberellin (GA3) content of roots in BR soaking treatments was significantly higher than that of CK within one week after transplanting. Compared with CK, T10 significantly increased the number of spikelet per panicle by 15.04%, and the seed-setting rate by 6.62%. T20 obviously increased the seed-setting rate by 6.17%. However, T1, T10, and T20 notably decreased 1000-grain weight. The grain yield under T10 and T20 treatments (the corresponding values were 10.58 t/hm2 and 10.84 t/hm2) were 5.11% and 7.99% higher than CK (10.04 t/hm2), while grain yield under T1 (9.68 t/hm2) was 3.58% lower than that of CK, and there was no significant difference among these treatments. 【Conclusion】Briefly, BR (T10, T20)soaking at proper concentrations could mitigate the transplanting shock, increase antioxidant enzymes activities, decrease H2O2 content of leaves, improve the contents of ZT, GA3, and IAA to different extent, efficiently promote roots growth, increase the number of spikelet number per panicle and seed-setting rate of HLMS under mechanical transplanting. This study will lay a theoretical basis and provide technical reference for reducing machine-transplanting shock and promoting high and stable yield of mechanical transplanted rice.  相似文献   

【Objective】The objective is to elucidate the effects of different seedling raising trays on plant type and yield of machine-transplanted double cropping rice.【Method】Field experiments were conducted in Jiangxi in 2019, involving two early and two late rice cultivars and three types of nursery trays [blanket tray(CK), bowl tray(D1) and bowl-blanket tray(D2)]. The changing characteristics of plant morphology and yield components were systematically measured. 【Result】The results indicated that: 1) The seedling quality of different seedling raising trays followed the trend of CK>D1>D2. The whole transplanting quality of seedlings under D2 was the best, as reflected by lower floating rate, injure rate and missed rate of seedling than CK. 2) Under D2 treatment, the seedlings turned green quickly and tillering was accelerated after jointing stage. The average number of tillers at booting stage was D2 > D1 > CK, which effectively increased the tiller number and panicle number and directly promote the yield. In the booting stage of early and late rice, the SPAD value of seedling leaves under D2 treatment was 3.2% higher than that under D1, and 9.2% higher than that under CK treatment, which effectively promoted photosynthesis and provided nutrition guarantee for increasing yield; 3) The yield data showed that D2 treatment had the highest yield in early rice, 13.04% and 1.65% higher than CK and D1, 30% and 19% higher than CK, respectively, and 20% higher than CK on average; The high yield of D2 treatment was due to its high chlorophyll contents in leaves, high effective panicle number, high seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. 【Conclusion】Compared with the blanket nursing tray and bowl tray, the bowl-blanket tray can raise seedling quality and grain yield, which has a potential to be widely applied for high yield cultivation in double cropping rice production.  相似文献   

【Objective】 The purpose of the study is to ascertain the effect of precise hill-sowing and drill-sowing methods on seedling raising and the characteristics of mechanized transplanting of hybrid rice with a low seed sowing rate below 70 g, and to further break the current technical bottleneck in mechanized transplanting process of hybrid rice. 【Method】 In this study, Zhongzheyou 1 and Yongyou 1540 were mechanically hill-sowed and drill-sowed in standard seedling raising trays with mechanized broadcasting as the control. The hill-sowing specification was 16×34 hill, and 16 drills were set in longitudinal direction for drill sowing. The seed sowing rates were 5 seeds, 3 seeds, and 2 seeds per hill for hill sowing, and the same seed rates were set in drill sowing. The effects of different sowing methods on the growth of seedlings and their mechanical transplanting characteristics were investigated. 【Results】 1) Sowing methods presented no significant effect on seedling percentage with a reduction in seeding rate. 2) A reduction in seeding rate improved rice seedling consistency, especially in hill sowing and drill sowing as compared with broadcasting. 3) In comparison with seed broadcasting, under hill seeding and drill seeding, seedling roots were more entwined as seedling mats. Under hill-sowing and drill sowing, Zhongzheyou 1 and Yongyou 1540 had 75.4% and 81.0% higher intertwining force than that of broadcasting, respectively. Precise hill- and drill-sowing generated effective seedling blanket without significant difference between the two treatments, while broadcast sowing did not. 4) Hill sowing and drill sowing significantly reduced the missed hill percent of machine transplanting. The missed hill percent of Zhongzheyou 1 and Yongyou 1540 under hill sowing and drill sowing were 76.3% and 74.6% lower than that of broadcast sowing in average, respectively. The missed hill percent for hill-seeding and drill-seeding with 3 seeds per hill was below 1%, 10% lower than that of broadcast sowing. 5) The uniformity of machine-transplanted seedling under hill sowing and drill sowing were better than that of broadcast sowing. And the proportion of the treatments with expected seedling-catching number in mechanized transplanting (2 to 5 seedlings with 5 seeds per hill, 1 to 3 seedlings with 3 seeds per hill and 1 to 2 seedlings with 2 seeds per hill) for the two cultivars were all above 80% in hill-sowing and drill-sowing in combination with machine transplanting, and the seedling uniformity of machine-transplanted Zhongzheyou 1 and Yongyou 1540 was 121.2% and 67.0% higher than that under broadcast sowing. Meanwhile hill sowing had a better result than drill sowing. 【Conclusion】 Precision hill seeding and drill seeding provide an alternative measure to current problems such as large amount of seeds, high missed hill percent and uneven seedling taking in the process of machine transplanting of rice.  相似文献   

【目的】明确杂交稻70 g以下低播量精量穴播和条播对育秧效果及机插特性的影响,突破生产中杂交稻机插的技术瓶颈。【方法】以中浙优1号和甬优1540两个杂交稻品种为材料,利用机插标准9寸盘,设置机械穴播和条播两个精量播种方式,并以机械流水线撒播为对照,穴播规格为16(纵向)×34(横向)穴,条播为纵向16条,以穴播5粒、3粒及2粒的播种量进行播种试验。考查了低播量下不同播种方式对秧苗生长影响及配套取秧效果【结果】1)低播量下不同播种方式对秧苗成苗率的影响不大。2)降低播种量提高秧苗生长一致性,且穴播和条播秧苗生长一致性好于撒播。3)与撒播相比,精量穴播和条播能够在低播量下提高秧苗根系盘结力和成毯性,中浙优1号和甬优1540根系盘结力比撒播平均高75.4%和81.0%,播量每穴3粒时即能有效成毯,穴播和条播差异不大。4)精量穴播和条播能够显著降低低播量下机插漏秧率,中浙优1号和甬优1540机插漏秧率平均分别比撒播低76.3%和74.6%,穴播和条播下,两个品种每穴播量3粒的漏秧率均在1%以下,与撒播相比降幅在10个百分点以上。5)精量穴播和条播机插取秧苗数均匀度比撒播要好,两个品种预期取秧2~5苗(5粒)、1~3苗(3粒)和1~2苗(2粒)比例均达80%以上,中浙优1号和甬优1540机插苗数均匀度平均比撒播高121.2%和67.0%,其中,穴播机插取秧苗数均匀度及预期取秧苗数比例高于条播。【结论】精量穴播和条播可以解决目前杂交稻机插用种量大、漏秧率高和机插取秧苗数均匀度差的问题。  相似文献   

【目的】明确精准条播育秧机插对籼粳杂交稻产量形成的影响及其在减氮条件下降低产量损失的作用。【方法】以甬优538和甬优1540为供试品种,精准条播(precision drill sowing, PS)16条机插,并以相同播种量传统撒播(broadcast sowing, BS)机插为对照,同时设置不施氮肥(0 kg/hm2, zero-nitrogen application rate, 0N)、适氮(240 kg/hm2, suitable nitrogen application rate, SN)、减氮15%(204 kg/hm2,reduced nitrogen application rate, RN)等3个氮肥施用梯度处理,分析比较产量形成、植株均匀度、干物质积累及氮利用效率。【结果】1)与撒播相比,精准条播通过提高有效穗数使籼粳杂交稻产量平均提高4.3%,减氮条件下精准条播处理的水稻产量降幅小于撒播。2) 精准条播显著降低漏秧率,提高机插苗数均匀度以及有效穗数均匀度。与撒播相比,精准条播处理提高减氮下高峰苗数,两个品种趋势一致。3)与撒播相比,精准条播增加抽穗期叶面积指数,同时增加了抽穗期和抽穗开花后的干物质积累和氮吸收总量,其中减氮处理下表现尤为明显。4) 除0N外,氮素干物质积累量和氮素稻谷生产效率在不同品种方式及氮处理间无显著差异,但精准条播处理显著提高了氮肥吸收利用效率和氮肥农学利用效率,两个品种趋势一致。【结论】精准条播机插能够提高籼粳杂交稻植株均匀度,增加高峰苗数和叶面积指数,促进干物质积累和氮素吸收,进而提高产量,有效减少氮肥减施下籼粳杂交稻的产量损失。  相似文献   

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