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一、孵化条件1.温度种蛋孵化中温度控制至关重要,通常控制番鸭种蛋的孵化温度有两种方式:恒温孵化和变温孵化。恒温孵化是不同批次的种蛋同时进行孵化、流水作业的方式。种鸭规模较小的养鸭场常采用此方式,以满足不同胚龄种蛋的需要。孵化中要注意新老蛋交错放置,孵化机内温度应控制在第1~32天为37.8℃,第33~35天为37~36.5℃。孵化机内前后、左右、上下的温差不应过大,应控制在±0.1~0.2℃,否则孵化率会降低。在温湿度、通风等条件不能保证时不宜采用此方法。变温孵化又叫整机孵化,为“全进全出制”,…  相似文献   

电子工业部41所的新型模糊电脑控制孵化机,由于采用了先进的智能控制技术,孵化水平比原来提高了一个层次。1999年,我场受精蛋全年平均孵化率达到90.70%,健母雏率全年平均达到48.80%,与1998年全年相比,分别高出1%和0.35%,为我场带来了可观的经济效益。该机只要使用恰当,有许多优点;但当使用不当时,极易出现左右偏温等而影响孵化效果,现将我场巷道孵化机使用情况介绍如下,供大家参考。巷道孵化机在环境温度20~27℃、相对湿度为50%~80%的情况下,孵化效果最好。每台每批上蛋前尽量选择种鸡龄期相近的种蛋码盘,以免影响温…  相似文献   

法国番鸭的孵化期比较长,从种蛋入孵至出雏共35天。应按不同季节,掌握好孵化温湿度,春季:室温在20℃左右,孵化机内温度为102.5°F,湿度75~85%。夏季:室温在30℃以上,孵化机内温度为101°F,湿度为80%左右。秋季:孵化机内温度为102°F,湿度为80%左右。冬季:室温在5℃~10℃左右,孵化机内湿度为105°F(看胚胎发育可适当调高温度),湿度为70%左右。法国番鸭的孵化,另一个重要环节是应做好在机外喷水凉蛋。入孵17天后,开始喷水凉蛋,用干净喷  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,对鸭产品的需求越来越多,鸭的饲养和孵化规模也越来越大,但其规模化程度远不及鸡大。究其原因主要是由于鸭种蛋自身的特点,采用普通孵鸡的方法来孵鸭很难取得优异的孵化成绩,因而鸭的专用孵化设备和孵化工艺有其特殊性。本文对目前机器孵化所采用的几种鸭孵化设备及孵化工艺进行探讨,并根据实际需要提出孵鸭设备的新思路、新方法。 一.目前常用的孵鸭设备 目前,适用于规模化生产的鸭孵化设备主要有箱体式孵化机和巷道式孵化机。 箱体式孵化机适用于中小型孵化场,一般采用整入整出法孵化,生产过程中大…  相似文献   

目前生产中使用的箱体式孵化机的电功率一般在5~6千瓦,其中电加热功率(4千瓦)耗电在55%以上。而且孵化场大多分布在郊区或农村,电价较高,一般每千瓦小时0.6~0.8元,个别达到每千瓦小时1.0元以上。近年来养禽业已成为微利行业,在提高孵化机的自动化水平和孵化效果方面已无太大潜力可挖。而孵化场  相似文献   

广西地处亚热带地区,属温润季风气候,夏季长而炎热。南宁夏季温度白昼达35℃~38℃,湿度达77~86%,这样的气候条件对孵化是极为不利的,尤其对鸭蛋的孵化影响更大。据调查,许多鸡蛋孵化效果很好的单位,孵化鸭蛋的效果却不好,一般年平均入孵蛋孵化率在60%左右。夏秋仅达40~50%,低的甚至20~30%,也有少数高达70~80%的。造成差异的原因除了孵化机的性能及孵化操作技术以外,对于大型孵化场来  相似文献   

种蛋的孵化是在孵化机里实现的,孵化机性能的好坏直接影响其孵化效果,然而孵化机各优良性能的体现与对孵化机进行同常维护有关,下面讲述怎样对孵化机进行门常维护。对机器进行日常维护的内容有8点。  相似文献   

家禽种蛋孵化过程中,胚胎发育需新鲜空气进行气体代谢。吸收氧气,排出二氧化碳。鸡胚孵化至第19天胚胎转为肺呼吸时,耗氧量增多。新鲜空气含氧气21%,二氧化碳0.4%,是能够满足鸡胚发育的,但要求孵化机内二氧化碳含量不能超过0.5%,种蛋孵化率下降。所以要使孵化机内有足够的新鲜空气来满足鸡胚发育的需要。正常孵化机要求温差在0.2—  相似文献   

本孵化技术适应于广大农牧区的小型孵化场,其特点是孵化与出雏同机进行,在同一孵化机内可每天上孵,每天出雏。此孵化技术解决了鸡鸭孵化温度不同的难题。现将整套孵化技术介绍如下:1孵化机的选择孵化机采用自动控温、机械倾斜式翻蛋、人工控湿的孵化、出雏两用机,容...  相似文献   

1肉鸽的人工孵化 饲养肉鸽一般选用纯种王鸽和银王鸽2种肉用王鸽,饲养方式可采用室内三层单笼配对生产。种鸽所产的蛋分批放入小型孵化机进行孵化。因鸽蛋小,故应将鸡蛋的蛋架改成适合放鸽蛋的蛋架,孵化温度控制在37.8~38.2℃,相对湿度为55%~65%、后期湿度为70%~80%。照蛋分3次进行,第1次在入孵后第5天,取出无精蛋和死精蛋;第2次在入孵后第10天;第3次在入孵后第16天,取出死胚蛋后转入出雏机,入孵后第17~18天仔鸽开始出壳。  相似文献   

大美洲鸵,现已被列入IUCN世界濒危动物红色名录(NT)。近年来,众多动物园饲养管理人员对大美洲鸵的饲养管理进行了深入的研究,但有关大美洲鸵人工孵化技术的研究尚属于空白阶段。本研究基于1998年至今的孵化经验和实践操作,着重从大美洲鸵卵的处理、孵化前准备及孵化技术3个方面内容进行探讨。研究显示:1)种卵的新鲜度、形状、大小、重量、卵壳厚度、消毒过程等因素对孵化成功率有直接影响:2)待孵的大美洲鸵的种卵,贮存温度控制在15~20℃间,相对湿度约70%~75%,入孵时必须对种卵进行6h左右的预热处理;3)大美洲鸵的孵化温度宜控制在36.3—36.8℃,可随冬夏环境温度做±0.2℃的调整,孵化湿度宜控制在48%~60%左右;4)通风凉卵应以箱体内温度为准,而非时间长短,一般当箱体内温度降至25~28℃时,可关闭箱门,继续孵化;5)翻卵可通过机器自动控制,每2h1次,全天设定为12次;6)通过照卵查看胚胎的发育状况,以便及时调整孵化方案。一般入孵前照卵1次,孵化中期每周照卵1次,落盘后每天照卵1次;7)“人工助产”可进一步提高出雏率,但要注意“火候”。  相似文献   

以莱茵鹅、籽鹅种蛋为研究对象,在种蛋孵化至20、24、27胚龄时,随机取部分种蛋,从孵化器移至摊床继续进行孵化直至出雏完毕,比较上摊孵化与全程机器孵化的效果,并研究最佳的上摊胚龄。通过试验证明:莱茵鹅全程机器孵化的孵化率为84.80%,上摊孵化的平均孵化率为86.93%,提高2.13%(P〈0.05);籽鹅机器孵化的孵化率为85.84%,上摊孵化的平均孵化率为89.23%,提高3.39%(P〈O.05)。莱茵鹅在20、24、27胚龄上摊孵化率分别为86.46%、88.17%、86.15%(P〉0.05);籽鹅在20、24、27胚龄上摊孵化率分别为87.41%、91.03%、89.19%(P〉0.05),可见机器孵化鹅胚蛋至24胚龄时上摊孵化效果最好。  相似文献   

试验选取健康且体重一致、12周龄的红腹锦鸡15只,随机分为5个处理,每个处理设3个重复,每个重复1只,试验期为12周,分别饲喂蛋白质水平不同的5种试验日粮(A组16.78%,B组17.76%,C组18.75%,D组19.75%,E组20.67%)。结果表明:23同龄时,在能量水平为12.14 MJ/kg、蛋白质水平为18.75%时,育成期红腹锦鸡体重最大,为511.63 g,与其他各组差异显著(P0.05)。蛋白质水平为19.75%时,育成期红腹锦鸡的体型发育最佳。  相似文献   

Vitrification could provide a promising tool for the cryopreservation of fish embryos. However, to achieve cryopreservation using vitrification, chilling sensitivity and cryoprotectants toxicity were determined using tench embryos at four developmental stages (11, 17, 23 and 29 h). Embryos treated with alcalase (2 ml/998 ml, 2 min at 22°C) were exposed to chilling with/without warming. Other embryos were exposed to methanol and glycerol at the concentration of 10% and 20% for periods of 20 min. At last, embryos were incubated at special incubator cages where hatching rates were counted. Regarding chilling sensitivity and exposure to chilling followed by warming, the hatching rates of embryos decreased significantly (p < 0.001) after exposure to 0°C at all developmental stages except the 29-h stage compared with the controls. The embryo stage most sensitive to chilling was 11-h stage. The 29-h stage exhibited the least sensitivity to low temperature while 17-h and 23-h stages were intermediate in their sensitivity to chilling. The toxicity of methanol increased significantly (p < 0.001) with developmental stage for 11, 17 and 23-h stages. The highest hatching rates of tench embryos were obtained with 29-h embryos using various concentrations of methanol. The hatching rates of tench embryos exposed to glycerol concentrations were approximately similar to those embryos exposed to methanol concentrations except for 11-h embryos that showed no hatching. Unfortunately, we could not obtain living embryos in any of the conditions examined after vitrification. In conclusion, it was quite difficult to vitrify the tench embryos during this study using various vitrifying solutions and the method reported by Chen & Tian (2005) and further studies are needed to achieve successful cryopreservation.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to examine post-thaw in vitro developmental competence of buffalo embryos cryopreserved by cytoskeletal stabilization and vitrification. In vitro produced embryos were incubated with a medium containing cytochalasin-b (cyto-b) in a CO2 incubator for 40 min for microfilament stabilization and were cryopreserved by a two-step vitrification method at 24℃ in the presence of cyto-b. Initially, the embryos were exposed to 10% ethylene glycol (EG) and 10% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in a base medium for 4 min. After the initial exposure, the embryos were transferred to a 7 µl drop of 25% EG and 25% DMSO in base medium and 0.3 M sucrose for 45 sec. After warming, the embryos were cultured in vitro for 72 h. The post-thaw in vitro developmental competence of the cyto-b-treated embryos did not differ significantly from those vitrified without cyto-b treatment. The hatching rates of morulae vitrified without cyto-b treatment was significantly lower than the non-vitrified control. However, the hatching rate of cyto-b-treated vitrified morulae did not differ significantly from the non-vitrified control. This study demonstrates that freezing of buffalo embryos by cytoskeletal stabilization and vitrification is a reliable method for long-term preservation.  相似文献   

2002年天津动物园东方白鹳人工孵化与育雏及自然孵化与育雏均同时获得成功。通过对笼养东方白鹳自然育雏与人工育雏过程中的孵化、育雏等行为的观察和比较分析,得出以下结论:从1日龄到70日龄,人工育雏与自然育雏在东方白鹳雏鸟生长发育方面的差异较小;自然育雏与人工育雏日饲喂量都增多,但日饲喂次数及饲喂间隔正好相反'行为表现方面自然育雏的东方白鹳比人工育雏的东方白鹳更早学会啄食、扇动翅膀、站立和行走。  相似文献   

The ostrich industry experiences a high rate of embryonic mortalities during artificial incubation of eggs. Embryonic deaths were studied from data recorded on 37,740 fertile eggs incubated artificially during the 1998-2005 breeding seasons. Roughly 10,000 eggs that sustained embryonic mortalities were classified according to the stage and nature of death, i.e. before 21 days of incubation, after 21 days of incubation, deaths after pipping and rotten eggs. Although infection may have played a role in approximately 1300 rotten eggs, no detailed knowledge of the pathogens involved was available. The remainder of deaths could not be related to pathogens and the deaths were thus generally referred to as non-infectious. The overall level of embryonic mortality in all the eggs studied was 28.5 %. Overall embryonic mortality was affected by incubator, with higher levels (57.0 %) found in eggs incubated in an African Incubator and also in eggs that were transferred between incubators during incubation (38.1%). Overall embryonic mortality also increased in eggs produced by older females. Eggs produced in the autumn had the highest level of embryonic mortality at 53.6 %, whereas eggs produced in the winter had a marginally higher level of embryonic mortalities of 29.2 % compared with eggs produced during summer (27.4 %). Eggs produced by South African (SA) Black males crossed to Zimbabwean Blue females had high levels of embryonic losses of 45.7 %. The embryonic mortality of eggs produced by SA Blacks or Zimbabwean Blue breeding birds subjected to pure breeding was similar at approximately 33-34 %, but embryonic mortality was improved in eggs produced by Zimbabwean Blue males crossed to SA Black females (27 %). Embryonic mortality was increased in eggs that were set directly (32.0 %) or subjected to longer than 6 days of storage (43.5 %). Embryonic mortality was affected by year. The results that were obtained will assist in determining non-infectious factors that have a negative effect on hatching success. Steps can thus be taken to eliminate such factors that may compromise hatching success.  相似文献   

旨在了解红腹锦鸡胚胎期羽毛毛囊的组织结构及毛囊形态发生的变化过程,为研究红腹锦鸡羽毛毛囊发育的分子调控机理奠定组织学基础。分别对5、7、8、9、10、11、13、16、18日胚龄的红腹锦鸡胚胎发育情况进行实体观察;采集上述胚龄的红腹锦鸡背部皮肤,制作石蜡切片并进行HE染色,在显微镜下观察毛囊形态结构并拍照记录。红腹锦鸡胚胎于9日胚龄时羽毛芽开始发育,可以观察到色素在毛囊内的沉积,16日胚龄时毛囊发育基本完成,体表覆盖羽毛。该研究为进一步阐明红腹锦鸡羽毛发育的分子机制奠定了组织学基础。  相似文献   

Ostrich chick mortality was studied in 2522 chicks that were hatched artificially during the 1999/2000 breeding season. High levels of mortality were observed, with 1978 (78.4 %) of these chicks dying before 90 days after hatching. A total of 46.7 % (1,177) of these chicks died before 28 days of age, and a further 30.7% (801) died between 28 and 90 days post-hatching. Chick mortality to 28 days of age could not be conclusively related to sex, day of external pipping or breeder diet. Mortality rates were higher (P< 0.05) at the beginning and end of the breeding season than in the middle months. Differences in mortality levels of chicks incubated in different incubators could be related to the time of the breeding season during which the incubator was mostly used. The regression of chick mortality to 28 days of age on day-old chick mass followed a 2nd-degree polynomial. Chicks with day-old masses below 762.5 g were particularly at risk of dying before 28 days after hatching. Chicks hatching from eggs where excessive water loss to 35 days of incubation (>18%) was recorded were also at risk of succumbing before 28 days of age. Chick mortality percentages for the period from 28 to 90 days of age exceeded 80 % in chicks weighing an average of 1.050 g at 28 days. Mortality percentages declined sharply at higher live masses, to between 20 and 30 % in chicks weighing > or = 1,950 g. This 'core' level of mortality remained throughout, even in the heaviest chicks. It was concluded that the high levels of chick mortality could be related to stress in chicks, resulting from an inability to adapt to the rearing environment. The high subsequent mortality percentages of low live mass chicks that survived to 28 days after hatching could probably be attributed to residual setbacks suffered earlier. Abetter understanding of the underlying principles involved in ostrich chick mortality in intensive rearing environments is required for progress in this field, resulting in more predictable survival rates under these conditions.  相似文献   

选择成年白冠长尾雉5只,白腹锦鸡5只,白鹇3只,红腹锦鸡3只和孔雀11只,同时用L系弱毒冻干苗和新城疫油乳剂灭活疫苗进行免疫接种,通过血凝抑制试验(HI)测定其抗体滴度.结果表明,在免疫接种后26 d,白冠长尾雉抗体效价为9.8log2,白腹锦鸡为8.0log2,白鹇为8.0log2,红腹锦鸡为10.7log2;孔雀在免疫后接种0、8、15、20、25 d,抗体水平分别为3.8log2、5.0log2、6.2log2、7.5log2及8.2log2.  相似文献   

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