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为评价转基因大豆MON 87701RR2Y和MON 87701的自身杂草化生态风险,在农田生态环境下研究2种转基因大豆、受体大豆和当地常规大豆的生存竞争力(出苗率、相对盖度、株高、叶龄)、繁育能力(生育期、产量)、自生苗、种子延续能力和落粒性以及对大豆田常用除草剂的耐性。结果表明:在适宜季节2种转基因大豆的生存竞争能力和繁育能力与受体大豆相当,且显著低于当地常规大豆,表现为植株较矮、复叶数少、产量低;在非适宜季节4种大豆竞争能力相似,4种大豆均没有形成自生苗,落粒性不强且种子的延续能力都很弱,4种大豆对乙草胺、精喹禾灵和乳氟禾草灵的耐性相当。研究结果表明在南京农田生态环境下,2种转基因大豆的生存竞争能力与受体大豆相似,低于当地常规大豆或与其相似,自身杂草化风险较小。  相似文献   

抗草铵膦转基因水稻明恢86B杂草化潜力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 为评估抗草铵膦转基因水稻明恢86B大规模推广后演化为杂草的生态风险,在农田生态环境下比较了明恢86B、明恢86和杂交稻组合汕优63的生存竞争能力、繁育能力、落粒性、种子生存能力以及对常规除草剂氟吡磺隆的耐药性。结果表明,无论在适宜季节还是非适宜季节,明恢86B和明恢86的生存竞争能力和繁殖力都低于杂交稻组合汕优63,尤其在非适宜期时,汕优63的生存竞争力、繁殖力明显强于明恢86B和明恢86。主要表现在植株较高、分蘖较多以及高产。明恢86B的生存竞争力和繁殖力都略低于明恢86。3个材料的落粒性都不强,且尚未见自生苗产生。在浅埋和深埋处理下,明恢86B种子的生存能力弱于汕优63和明恢86。3个材料对除草剂氟吡磺隆的耐药性无明显差异。表明抗草铵膦转基因水稻86B在中国南京地区环境条件下演化为杂草的可能性较小。  相似文献   

18份大豆品种耐盐碱性筛选与综合鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用水培方法,用60 mmol·L-1混合盐(NaHCO_3∶Na_2CO_3的摩尔比为9∶1)溶液,对18份大豆品种的幼苗进行盐碱胁迫。处理7 d后,测定株高、茎粗、叶面积、主根长、地上干重、净光合速率(Pn)、胞间CO_2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和气孔导度(Gs)等指标,通过主成分分析法和模糊数学隶属函数法对18份大豆品种进行耐盐碱性综合评价,并进行聚类分析,筛选出相对耐盐碱的大豆品种,从而为盐碱地大豆品种的应用提供理论依据。结果表明:经主成分分析,株高、主根长和净光合速率(Pn)的负荷量最大,可作为衡量大豆耐盐碱性与品种筛选的主要指标。不同品种大豆材料经过模糊数学隶属函数法进行耐盐碱性排序,品种间耐盐碱性表现出明显差异,最后通过聚类分析,18份大豆品种可以被分为三大类,其中杂交豆5号等4个品种为耐盐碱品种,吉育611和吉育299等11个品种为中等耐盐碱品种,吉育256和东农63为盐碱敏感品种。  相似文献   

以转入几丁质酶和葡聚糖酶双价抗病基因(Chi+Glu)的中棉所24为试验观察品种,以对应的受体中棉所24为第1对照品种(ck1),以非特抗病基因棉赣棉11号为第2对照品种(ck2),在荒地生态条件下(以荒地地表用不除革模式播种检测技术)进行出苗率、株高、生育期、落粒性、自生苗竞争力等项目检测。结果表明:转入双价抗病基因棉花的出苗率平均低于第1对照0.6个百分点,低于第2对照3.8个百分点,无竞争优势;株高强于第1对照8.25cm,弱于第2对照12.25cm,总体无竞争优势;生育进展速度与两个对照基本相当;落粒性低于第1对照8.1百分点,低于第2对照5.9个百分点,且三者均无自生苗,也无竞争优势。说明棉花转入双价抗病基因后无变为杂革的可能性而安全。试验筛选结果表明,荒地检测转双价抗病基因棉的竞争能力,以4月下旬地表不除草两个播种方式为佳。  相似文献   

(1)冀粳16号:由河北省稻作研究所选育而成。亲本组合为京越1号×花76~49,1997年2月通过河北省农作物品种审定委员会审定。株高110cm左右,茎秆粗壮,根系发达,叶片宽厚、直立上举,叶色浓绿。稳长15cm,密穗型,每稳粒数85粒,千粒重26g。谷粒呈黄色,颖尖无色,有顶芒。属晚熟品种,全生育期177天左右。前期生长旺盛,发苗快,后期落黄好,活棵成熟不早衰。分桑力强,成穗率高,抗逆性强,耐肥抗倒,耐盐碱,抗干旱,抗稻瘟病和精曲病,中抗纹枯病和白叶枯病,精米率和整精米率高。大田一般每667m’产量600kg,最高750kg。适宜冀东、…  相似文献   

培育和筛选适宜在盐碱地种植的花生品种,对盐碱地开发及提高土地利用率有重要意义。本研究对种植在滨州盐碱地的13个高油酸花生品系和1个普通油酸对照品种的产量和品质性状进行测定,发现5个花生品种(系)在盐碱地种植相对产量较高,分别为花育33号、P16-8、P16-7、P16-10和P16-41。此外,在盐碱地种植的品种(系)的含油量、油酸含量和油亚比值均有不同程度的降低。本研究为耐盐碱花生品种(系)的筛选提供了参考数据。  相似文献   

盐粳468是辽宁省盐碱地利用研究所选育出的晚熟水稻新品种。生育期161 d,抗早衰能力强,耐盐碱能力强。丰产性好,增产潜力大,田间稻瘟病抗性表现为抗病,米质达到部优三级标准,适宜在丹东、大连滨海稻区种植。  相似文献   

大豆胞囊线虫(Heterodera glycines Ichnohe,简称SCN)病是一种大豆最严重的病害之一,应用抗病品种和轮作是控制该病最经济有效的方法.上个世纪80年代以来我国也相继育成了一些抗大豆胞囊线虫病品种,为了探讨不同抗性品种与大豆胞囊线虫群体动态关系和抗性品种的抗性机制,在黑土区的中国科学院海伦农业生态试验站的长期定位区,取我国大豆主产区常见的小麦--玉米--大豆轮作、玉米--大豆--玉米--大豆迎茬、小麦--大豆--小麦--大豆迎茬和大豆连作13年4种轮作方式,以在我国大豆主产区育成的抗大豆胞囊线虫3号生理小种的抗线4号和非抗病品种黑农35为材料,研究了不同抗性品种大豆在不同轮作系统中根内不同龄期线虫和根面雌虫发育动态.结果表明,不同大豆品种根内二龄幼虫(J2)数量存在着差异,在大豆连作13年、豆米豆和豆麦豆茬口上种植的抗线4号根内J2数量高于黑农35;在大豆连作13年、轮作、米豆米豆迎茬和麦豆麦豆迎茬4个茬口中抗线4号根内三龄幼虫(J3)、四龄幼虫(J4)数量和根面雌虫数量明显低于黑农35.由此推断抗线4号对大豆胞囊线虫3号生理小种的抗性机制可能是抗线虫发育,而不是抗线虫侵入.  相似文献   

玉米杂交种苗期耐盐碱筛选与大田鉴定的比较分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
基于所确定的玉米苗期耐盐碱筛选最宜浓度和适宜的生理生化指标,对14个吉林省主推玉米杂交种进行苗期盐碱耐性分析和大田鉴定。结果表明:大田鉴定结果与苗期耐盐碱能力综合评价分级基本吻合;苗期盐碱耐性弱的杂交种其大田减产明显,其减产率最高为44.12%,最低为17.39%,证明鉴定方法与评价指标科学有效,并可以初步筛选剔除一些苗期胁迫表现弱的材料;对于苗期胁迫耐盐碱能力综合评价表现较强的杂交种,其大田减产率变化幅度不大,变化范围在9.33%~11.76%,具体品种是否适宜盐碱地种植需经进一步的大田鉴定。  相似文献   

傅婕 《北方水稻》2004,(3):48-48
针对东港市长山镇稻田“坝埂耕地”种植品种问题,开展了大豆品种对比试验。结果表明,引进的“美国矮豆”,具有杆较矮株形紧凑,粒大荚多,无紫、褐斑,抗倒、抗病,耐瘠、耐盐碱,产量高等特点,适合本地推广种植。  相似文献   

随着土壤盐碱地面积不断扩大,盐碱胁迫成为影响花生萌发的重要因素之一。为探究花生品种耐盐碱特性,筛选耐盐碱花生品种,以发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和盐害率为指标,益花1号、花育25号、花育39号、汾花1号、豫花37号为试验材料,分析NaCl、NaHCO3和NaCl+NaHCO3(1∶1)3种盐碱类型,4种胁迫浓度(0.3%、0.6%、0.9%、1.2%)对花生种子萌发的影响,对比分析各指标间的差异,并进行耐盐碱能力评价。研究结果表明,盐碱胁迫抑制种子萌发,随着盐碱溶液浓度增加发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均呈下降趋势,盐害率呈上升趋势,且NaCl+NaHCO3(1∶1)胁迫程度大于NaCl和NaHCO3,0.9%和1.2%浓度下种子不萌发。盐害等级划分结果与隶属函数综合评价结果显示,益花1号在3种盐碱胁迫下耐盐碱水平均较高,花育39号在各盐碱胁迫下耐盐碱性最差;益花1号为盐碱胁迫下的优势品种;新疆盐碱土壤类型主要为混合盐碱,综合各指标考虑,0.6%的胁迫浓度可作为评价各品种的耐盐碱性强弱的参考浓度。  相似文献   

Four varieties of perennial ryegrass, (S24, S321, S23 and Endura), were grown in monoculture and in all possible binary mixtures. Three spatial arrangements of varieties within mixtures were used. Total DM yields were recorded from nine harvests during 1969 for mooocultures and mixtures and for the mixture components. The arrangement of varieties within mixtures had no effect on the total DM yield of the mixtures. Monocultures and mixtures did not differ significantly in yield at any harvest or in annual total, bnt there were differences between monocultures at some harvests. No differences between mixtures were detected. The experiment took the form of a competition diallel in which monocultures corresponded to the parents in a genetic diallel and mixtures to the crosses between these parents. There was a significant interaction hetween the rows (i.e. main variety effects) and the columns (i.e. associated variety effects) of the diallel table only at the first harvest. The change in the competitive ability of the four varieties throughout the season was examined. The relative ranking order of varieties for competitive ability altered as the season progressed.  相似文献   

提出在新种子法实施和农业供给侧改革的形势下以及我国玉米生产季节面临气候条件多变和种业面临严重竞争压力前提下,玉米育种家和种子经营者应该根据不同玉米生态类型区、不同环境和市场的需求,在玉米育种过程中选育出满足不同市场需求的多元化品种组成优势互补的品种群,从而化解品种过于单一给玉米生产和企业带来的潜在风险,为品种多元化利用和玉米生产提供支撑。  相似文献   

We compared intra-varietal variation of two rice varieties (Ashoka 200F and Ashoka 900F) produced by a very simple bulk breeding method (mass selection with no line selection at any stage) with one line-selected variety (Ashoka 228), all derived from the same cross. Their parents, the upland variety Kalinga III and the irrigated transplanted medium-lowland variety IR64, both originated through line selection and were used as control varieties.

Panicle-to-row progenies of all the varieties were evaluated in eastern India under irrigation in the dry season and in the rainy season using two water regimes; entirely rainfed or with supplementary irrigation. Intra-varietal variation for quantitative traits, irrespective of the method of breeding, was low. Only Ashoka 200F had significant variation for grain yield, days to flowering and plant height but only in the dry season. This season was not the target of the breeding programme and selection would be unlikely to produce a worthwhile response for the rainy season.

At 43 SSR loci there was more genetic variation between lines within the bulk-selected varieties than within Ashoka 228. Kalinga III was the least variable variety while IR64 had less heterozygosity but greater heterogeneity than the two bulk-selected varieties.

Despite the greater simplicity of the method, mass selection in bulk populations produced varieties that met the distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) criteria for seed certification in India. Such uniformity was achieved because of the high selection pressures applied to the bulk. We conclude that this very simple bulk-population breeding approach is highly cost-effective and produces sufficient seed for wide testing earlier than any alternative method.  相似文献   

The competition model of de Wit proved to be applicable to the yields of early and late varieties in mixed culture. The mixture can be advantageous. The calculated maximum yield increase led to different ratios of the varieties in the seed mixture. The dry matter content of the early varieties decreased in mixed culture, that of the late varieties increased. The haulm/tuber ratio was decreased compared with that of the late variety. In growing the varieties row by row the early variety was crowded out tot a greater extent than at interchanging the varieties in the row. Mixed culture would need to be restricted to the growing of potatoes for the starch industry or for other uses for which a mixed product is admissible. The prospects are dependent on the availability of the appropriate varieties.  相似文献   

The components of actual and potential seed yield were examined in field experiments on a wide range of varieties of white clover (Trifolium repens L.). The factors affecting seed yield under conditions typical of management regimes used in the production of commercial seed crops were assessed in two experiments. In the first, carried out on spaced plants, considerable diferences are shown between six varieties across the range of leaf sizes in the distribution and profuseness of inflorescence production through the flowering season. In the second, carried out in plots, typical on-farm criteria were used to choose a single harvest date. Significant variation was found between varieties, including representatives of different leaf size categories, for seed yield components that include number of inflorescences m?2, number of florets per inflorescence and harvestable seed weight. Large-leaved varieties tended to produce more seeds per floret and higher seed weights per inflorescence, whereas small-leaved varieties gave the highest number of inflorescences ?2. However, the small-leaved variety AderDale, selected for strong peduncles, was exceptional, giving high values for all seed yield components. The impact of weather conditions on many seed yield components (e.g. total number of inflorescences) was demonstrated by the differences between the 2 years of the experiment. However, other characterstics, e.g. number of florets per inflorescence and number of seeds per floret, did not vary between years. Deviations from potential seed yield were assessed fromthe perspective of commerical seed production. The implications of these results for the production of white clover varieties with increased seed yields under UK conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

落粒性是影响裸燕麦产量与品质的关键性状。本研究对228份具有代表性的裸燕麦材料的落粒性及小花的形态等15个性状进行田间多点鉴定,并建立了裸燕麦小花形态表型的鉴定方法。结果表明,15个性状在3个试验地点之间均表现出了不同程度的差异;裸燕麦的落粒性同内稃宽度(相关系数r=-0.36)、内稃面积(r=-0.30)、外稃宽度(r=-0.26)等9个性状呈显著或极显著负相关,与种子同内稃宽度的比值(r=0.37)及种子同外稃宽度的比值(r=0.20)呈极显著正相关,说明内外稃的宽度影响小花中种子的包裹程度,外稃厚度影响小花抵抗外力的能力,从而影响裸燕麦的落粒性。K-means聚类分析将参试材料分为两大类,Ⅰ类占整个群体的48%(110个),内稃和外稃整体上更加窄小,落粒性较高;Ⅱ类占群体的52%(118个),内稃和外稃整体上更加宽大,落粒性较低。对3个地点参试材料落粒性的密度分布进行了分析,提出了裸燕麦落粒性评价的等级划分标准:0~0.03为低落粒性,0.03~0.08为中落粒性,0.08~0.16为较高落粒性,0.16~0.23为高落粒性,大于0.23为极高落粒性。  相似文献   

Seed yield is of crucial importance for the marketing of lucerne varieties. Statistical records for farmers’ production of certified seed suggested a slightly higher seed‐yielding ability of Italian landraces over improved varieties (proportionately 0·052). The aims were to: (i) assess the variation among landraces, and compare the germplasm of landrace and improved varieties, for seed‐yielding ability; and (ii) investigate the relationships between seed yield, environment of origin and forage yield of the landraces. Thirteen farm landraces belonging to the seven commercial ecotypes of northern Italy and four improved varieties were evaluated for seed yield in the third cropping year and for herbage yield over twelve harvests. Landraces differed in seed yield and herbage yield (P < 0·05). Landrace material, compared with variety germplasm, showed a non‐significant trend towards higher seed yield (proportionately 0·047) and had similar herbage yield and plant density at the onset of the third cropping year. Seed yield of landraces was unrelated to forage yield and was associated with frequent mowing and earlier year of seed production on its farm of origin.  相似文献   

高丽辉 《杂粮作物》2010,30(6):438-440
分析了玉米丝黑穗病严重发生的原因,主要包括:土壤中病菌大量积累;玉米多年连作;感病品种不合理种植;气候条件不利;种衣剂使用不正确;栽培管理措施失当。同时分析了玉米丝黑穗病的发生规律和主要症状。提出以选用抗病品种为基础,化学防治为主、农业保健栽培措施为辅的综合防治对策。  相似文献   

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