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赵军 《陕西林业》2010,(1):15-15
油茶与油棕、油橄榄和椰子并称为世界四大木本食用油料植物,主要分布于我国长江流域以南地区。安康油茶栽培和发展历史已有150多年,是我省最适分布和栽植区之一。全国油茶产业发展规划中,安康有6个县(区)被列入发展范围。  相似文献   

吴灵  杨林 《云南林业》2006,27(4):10-11
滇中地区是云南省著名的森林火灾区,也是国家确定的重点森林火险区,有一级火险县14个,二级火险县18个,三级火险县7个,森林防火任务十分繁重。加快滇中地区森林航空消防工作,是提高滇中地区森林火灾预防和扑救综合能力的有效途径。一、滇中地区森林航空消防的历史、现状及存在的  相似文献   

一我国经济树种种类繁多,资源丰富。如木本油料,其中含油量在50~60%有50多种,作为食用油料传统栽培的有十多种。油茶分布跨15个省区,共约6千万亩,是我国食用木本油料的支柱。油茶林面积在10万亩以上的具有130个,年产茶油50万kg以上的县105个,250万kg的县11个。全国常年产茶油1.3~1.5亿kg。  相似文献   

一九八三年我组对全区桉树引种栽培进行一次全面的调查研究。共调查了八个地区、十个市、五十多个县及十四个国营林场的桉树引种历史,分布状况,生长情况,栽培技术,混交造林,木材及付产品利用等。之后,由各地区整理材料,写出调查报告;现汇总如下:  相似文献   

2006年四川省遭受了80至100年不遇的特大干旱,全省20个市(州)121个县不同程度受灾,特别是川中地区受灾最重,干旱与高温叠加。在6~8月伏旱期间,全省150个县降雨量比常年减少50%以上,91个县高温日数突破历史极限。全省有近1 000万人和596.6万头牲畜出现饮水困难,受旱农作物面积20  相似文献   

编辑同志: 去年三月份,寒流侵入我省,气温急剧下降,三月一日开始冰冻,小雨加雪,使我省大部分地区24小时内气温降低11℃左右,昆明地区极端最低气温降到-5℃,为历史同时期最低气温。冷空气气流过后,又出现平流辐射霜冻,全省45个县分别降了小到中雪,百多个县农业遭受低温冻害。这次低温突袭,冰凌加雪,雪后重霜,使我省林木以及花卉、果树、小春作物、蔬菜等蒙受严重影响,灾情遍及坝、山区,是一次摧残严重,历史上罕见的自然灾害。  相似文献   

泡桐丛枝病又叫疯病、扫帚病、鸟巢病,是泡桐生产中的严重病害。在河南等十余个省市均有不同程度的分布,以华北平原为害严重。近年来,在我省也有发生,局部地方,日趋严重。据天水、庆阳、平凉三个地区十一个县(市)的初步调查,均有不同程度的发病。天水地区的天水市、徽县、西和、天水县、张川县、秦安县、漳县和武山等七个县(市)的三十三个城镇、单位和社队栽植五至七年生的兰考桐2754株,其中,轻病株(枝条感病三分之一  相似文献   

食用昆虫的资源价值与可利用方式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
作为食物被人类利用的食用昆虫具有种类繁多 ,资源数量大 ,繁殖力强 ,可培育等特点。人类利用食用昆虫的历史非常悠久 ,中国和世界上的许多民族都有食用昆虫的历史 ,而且 ,这种习俗一直延续至今。现代研究结果表明 ,食用昆虫含有蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、脂肪酸、维生素和矿质元素等成分 ,营养价值很高。食用昆虫的这些特点表明其具有很好的开发利用价值 ,是一种值得人类利用的宝贵资源。根据食用昆虫的特点 ,人类可以以原形昆虫食品、昆虫蛋白食品、昆虫油料产品和昆虫保健食品等方式加以利用  相似文献   

2013年,全省完成造林绿化面积31.9万公顷,园林水果及食用干果产量1345.9万吨,林业产业总产值达1230.5亿元,再创历史新高。第一批“四个十工程”中10个3万亩以上造林大县共完成造林生产任务5.9万公顷,占全部造林生产任务18.5%;10个万亩以上封山育林县共完成无林地和疏林地新封1.9万公顷,占全省新封山育林面积的31.6%。  相似文献   

酸浆酸浆(Physalis alkekengi)又名红菇娘、挂金灯、戈力、灯笼草、洛神珠、泡泡草等,北方称为菇蔫儿、姑娘儿,以果实供食用。原产于中国,南北均有野生资源分布。酸浆在中国栽培历史较久,在东北地区种植较广泛。其他地区种植较少。  相似文献   

松毛虫应用价值研究在综合管理中的作用初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
探讨了松毛虫应用价值研究与松毛虫综合管理的关系。介绍了云南民间利用松毛虫的概况,简述了松毛虫利用价值研究所取得的进展和成果。从昆虫资源的角度来看,松毛虫的种资源是相当丰富的。从森林有害生物综合管理的观点出发,松毛虫也是森林生态系统中的重要成员。如果人对松毛虫资源进行开发利用,也可以把人视为森林生态系统中抑制松毛虫种群数量增长的天敌。人类的天敌作用与对松毛虫的需求量有密切的关系。松毛虫的应用价值越大,需要量越多,松毛虫种群数量的抑制作用也就越大。因此,人类开发利用松毛虫可以视为综合管理的技术之一。  相似文献   

西双版纳傣族传统利用竹子的研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
西双版纳以其具有多样化的民族文化和丰富的植物种类而著称。该地区居住着傣、哈尼、布朗、瑶、佤、基诺、拉祜、傈傈、苗族等少数民族,他们在认识、管理、利用竹类资源方面的传统知识是非常引人注目的。这些传统知识有助于我们对该地区的传统文化、农村经济和传统社会历史发展的了解。本文应用民族植物学的方法,研究分析西双版纳傣族竹子传统利用经验,提出了该地区竹子经营存在的问题和改进措施。  相似文献   

Comparisons of Mayan forest management, restoration, and conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous communities associated with at least five distinct ethnic Mayan groups in southern Mexico and Central America continue to rely upon forested areas as integral components of their agricultural systems. They carefully manage these areas so that forests provide food, raw materials, and animals. Management practices include removing and planting of woody and herbaceous species, apiculture, and seed harvest. Mayan agroforestry systems in geographically and ecologically distinct areas of Mesoamerica were evaluated to better understand traditional agroforestry system components and how indigenous Mayan agroforestry could be a part of regional forest conservation and restoration. Systems were within Mexican land grant areas (ejidos) or on contested land. Although these systems rely upon different woody species and management techniques, common among them are: (1) the use of multi-stage and successional pathways with forest as a part of the larger system, (2) species that are believed by traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) to accelerate forest regeneration - more than 30 tree species are recognized and managed as potential facilitators of forest regeneration and (3) direct human consumption of forest products at all stages of regeneration.  相似文献   

本文研究了灭幼脲Ⅰ号对油松毛虫室内毒力测定,以及对寄生天敌的影响。在林间用灭幼脲Ⅰ号低容量和超低容量喷雾大面积防治油(赤)松毛虫,并用灭幼脲Ⅰ号对鹌鹑作了毒性试验。结果证明:在林间大面积防治松毛虫后,除对中华草蛉幼虫有影响外,对其他寄生性天敌——松毛虫狭颊寄蝇、黑足凹眼姬蜂无不良影响。对异色瓢虫、蠋蝽等捕食性昆虫亦无不良影响。对白僵菌、粉拟青霉菌在常规使用浓度下无抑菌作用。对鹌鹑也是安全的。因此,灭幼脲Ⅰ号在松毛虫的综合治理中值得推荐。  相似文献   

论述森林害虫资源化研究在有害生物综合管理中的作用以及松毛虫、白蚁等森林害虫的研究进展.认为森林害虫的资源化研究能将昆虫转化为对人类有益的生物资源,减轻其对森林资源及其生态系统的危害,同时又能减少农药的使用量.人工采集害虫进行利用的行为可被视为害虫综合管理的组成部分.  相似文献   

The recent decline of Mediterranean oak woodlands in SW Iberian Peninsula is related to insect pests which affect both cork oak (Quercus suber) and holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia). We identified twenty-six bird species as potential regular predators of twenty major pests by reviewing the diet of breeding, wintering and resident species in this ecosystem. Foraging guilds are strongly associated with predation at distinct stages of the pests’ life-cycle: ground-foragers prey on overwintering pupae and larvae of seed-borers, tree-foragers prey on eggs, larvae and pupae of defoliating and wood-boring pests, and aerial-sweepers prey on airborne imagines. Bird predation can cover the complete life-cycle of pest species because different species may be complementary due to a dissimilar exploitation of foraging niches and periods. Small generalist tree-foraging passerines are important pest predators given their high densities and widespread distribution in Mediterranean oak woodlands, but management practices can have a significant negative effect in their populations.  相似文献   

Investigations were made on migration-behaviour of caterpillars ofLymantria monacha influenced by pure metals, whose effects together with those of electric-magnetical powers are normally effective inside of zones of earth radiatons in fields. It was ascertained, that attraction of food, lying in different distances from the metals varied between normal zones and zones of earth-radiations. Inside of zones of earth-radiations the larvae were found very numerous (90–100%) on twigs next the metal, but inside of normal zones 40% and more migrated to food in maximal distance of the metal. From these results it can be assumed, that metals inside of normal-zones very likely restrict the caterpillars, but inside of zones of earth-radiations they seem to atract them. In the first case probably additional metal effects serve for diminishing of too strong electric-magnetical powers. The migration behaviour inside of normal zones influenced by metals would be in coincidence with preceding trials with nun-caterpillars inside of metal-zones, where the larvae showed a very high mortality. Diseased larvae were assembled nearly 100% by food in minimal distance of the metals.  相似文献   

佳多频振式杀虫灯在森林害虫预报、防治中的应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
该文应用佳多频振式杀虫灯进行森林害虫的预测预报和防治试验,结果表明对许多森林害虫都有诱集作用,试验中共诱集到约30种森林,完全可以用于森林害虫的监测。在利用佳多频振式杀虫灯进行松毛虫的防治试验中取得了平均80%以上的防治效果,说明该灯可以用于防治。与化学防治及利用白炽灯、性诱剂进行测报对比,该种杀虫灯的防治、测报成本远远低于前者。  相似文献   

“九五”期间重大森林病虫害发生动态及原因分析   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
文章重点叙述了我国“九五”期间森林病虫害发生的特点和原因,并对松毛虫,美国白蛾、杨树天牛、杨树食叶害虫,松材线虫病,森林鼠害等主要病虫害发生变化及原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

A public mail survey was sent to a sample of New Brunswick (NB) and Saskatchewan (SK) residents in 2007 to investigate their attitudes about controlling two very different forest pests: spruce budworm (SBW) (Choristoneura fumiferana) and forest tent caterpillar (FTC) (Malacosoma disstria). Participants were asked a series of questions related to their knowledge of these pests and their preferences over control options and program extents. SBW was the most widely known forest pest in NB, and FTC was most widely known in SK. Both groups largely supported (at over 80%) controlling future SBW and FTC outbreaks with biological control. They generally agreed that ecologically sensitive areas and wildlife habitat were the top priority that should be protected during the next outbreak of either pest. However, provincial differences in attitudes were found over the rank order of forest-type priorities that should be protected and the rank order of control options. Socio-demographic factors found to positively influence the preferred SBW and FTC control extent included those who had a high level of pest knowledge, those who had family members work in the forest industry, those who were residents in New Brunswick, those who were male, those who were aged 55 and over, those who had an education level beyond secondary school, and those who had household income of $50,000 or more. Results of this study can be used to assist policy makers and forest managers to arrive at publically acceptable pest control policies and make better informed decisions about future pest outbreaks.  相似文献   

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