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河蟹人工育苗幼体饵料的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河蟹蚤状幼体前期以单胞藻、轮虫为主,后期以鱼糜为主,大眼幼体后以枝角类为主的饵料系列,作为河蟹人工育苗幼体饵料,成功育出了大眼幼体。1992年育苗613万只,平均出苗量9.73万只/米^3,平均成活率44.8%。以鱼糜代替丰年虫的饵料成本仅为7%。  相似文献   

糠虾作为河蟹人工育苗饵料的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 在河蟹育苗过程中,溞V变态为大眼幼体及大眼幼体至出池阶段的管理是整个育苗工作的关键。这一阶段营养最为重要,以往主要使用卤虫幼体和成虫。但是,由于蟹苗价格不断下滑,卤籽和卤虫价格不断飞涨,严重影响了河蟹育苗的经济效益。对此,我们改用糠虾作为这一阶段的主要饵料,通过生产性试验,取得了较好的效果,现将试验过程报告如下:  相似文献   

河蟹育苗过程中饵料营养问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河蟹育苗过程中饵料营养问题的探讨本文以河蟹育苗生产为基础,对河蟹幼体培育过程中有关饵料的营养问题进行了初步探讨。一、单细胞藻类投喂幼体的效果Ⅰ期状幼体,起初消耗体内所剩余的卵黄,待卵黄耗尽,开始摄食水中单细胞藻类及一些有机碎屑。本次育苗分两批,第一批...  相似文献   

在全埋式无地沟无法吸污的育苗条件下,利用鲜活生物活饵料进行中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheur Sinensis)俗称河蟹的大棚育苗,配套生物饵料培养池50,000m2, 育苗水体1,680m3,平均每m3育苗水体培育出河蟹大眼幼体0.289kg。共育河蟹大眼幼体486kg,其中试验池为1,520m3水体;单位水体出苗量为0.314kg,对照池为160m3水体;单位水体出苗量为0.190kg。试验池比对照池每m3水体出苗量增产39.5%。  相似文献   

在中华绒螯蟹的育苗过程中,采用添加微生物的方法调节育苗水体的水质,结果表明:与对照池相比,试验池中的氨氮明显下降,溶氧量增加,pH值变化不大;河蟹各期幼体的成活率提高,从SouⅠ期幼体至大眼幼体,试验池的成活率为13.9%,对照池仅8.1%。因此,在河蟹的育苗生产上,利用添加有益微生物的水质循环装置,能有效地提高育苗产量,节约成本。  相似文献   

在青虾育苗中,饵料是影响幼体变态和成活的关键因素之一。2000年,我们在进行青虾育苗试验的同时,进行了青虾幼体饵料研究试验,现将试验情况报告如下。1 材料与方法  相似文献   

在全埋式无地沟无法吸污的育苗条件下,利用鲜活生物活饵料进行中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheur Sinensis)俗称河蟹的大棚育苗,配套生物饵料培养池50,000m^2,育苗水体1,680m^3,平均每m^3育苗水体培育出河蟹大眼幼体0.289kg。共育河蟹大眼幼体486kg,其中试验池为1,520m^3水体;单位水体出苗量为0.314kg,对照池为l60m^3水体;单位水体出苗量为0.190kg。试验池比对照池每m^3水体出苗量增产39.5%。  相似文献   

汤年进 《齐鲁渔业》1998,15(4):44-44
为降低三疣梭子蟹育苗成本,从Z2开始,用“高成”牌幼体开口饵料替代部分卤虫幼体,育苗效果与完全使用卤虫幼体相同。“高成”饵料投后不溶解,不影响水质省工省力易操作。  相似文献   

河蟹人工育苗的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我所在河蟹人工繁殖获得小试成功的基础上,于1978年投入中试,以深入研究河蟹幼体饵料及有效控制培育池水质为主攻方向,进一步完善河蟹人工繁殖技术和操作规程,提高单位面积产量和幼体培育成活率,达到试验池平均亩产蟹苗126-140万只,幼体培育成活率5-7%的水平。  相似文献   

徐承旭 《内陆水产》2001,26(6):18-18
1 饵料多样性河蟹食性杂,偏动物性饵料,且生性贪食,在饵料投喂上,即要满足河蟹营养需求,加快脱壳生长,又要降低养殖成本,提高养殖效益。可因地制宜,多种渠道落实饵料来源。一是蟹池移栽足够的水草,覆盖率在40%以上,水草既是河蟹喜食的植物性饵料,又可净化水质。蟹池水草多,有利于小杂鱼、虾、螺、蚬等天然饵料生物的生长繁殖。蟹池水草以沉水植物为主,漂浮植物,挺水植物为辅。二是投放螺蛳,让其自然繁殖,供河蟹自由摄食。螺蛳肉营养丰富,脂肪含量高,口味好,河蟹非常喜欢摄食。蟹池投放螺蛳,不仅提供了优质天然饵料,降…  相似文献   

论河蟹养殖的两个技术误区   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
史为良 《齐鲁渔业》1996,13(3):21-23
目前我国河蟹养殖中存在两个技术误区;遣传污染的海水污染,即蟹苗,扣蟹,亲蟹从不同地区随购入,人工育苗,养殖造成不同种群杂交,使优良群系濒临灭绝;育苗废水排入中,再反复提取污染的海水育苗,造成蟹病逐年增加,给正常河蟹生产带来严重问题。  相似文献   

地下卤水在河蟹育苗中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地下卤水与自然海水所含主要离子种类一致,但含量差别较大。地下卤水经调配后,作为河蟹人工育苗用水,每茬最高出苗量达6.5万只/m^3,平均出苗量2.5万只/m^3。专家鉴定认为:本技术具有不受外源污染、病原少、易操作、成本低、效益好等优点,属国内首创。  相似文献   

覆沙法能降低对育苗池水COD和NH4^+-N含量,提高pH值,减轻池底污染,提高幼体成活率和单体水体出苗量。覆沙前后幼体数量无显著差异。  相似文献   

我国蟹类土池育苗技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾孝连  乔振国 《海洋渔业》2012,34(1):110-116
蟹类养殖产业已成为我国水产养殖的支柱产业之一。中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis,以下简称河蟹)、三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus,以下简称梭子蟹)、拟穴青蟹(Scylla paramamosain,以下简称青蟹)是我国主要的养殖蟹类。目前3种蟹类土池育苗技术发展不平衡,河蟹、梭子蟹土池育苗技术较为成熟,已经普及推广并在养殖生产中发挥重要作用;青蟹土池育苗尚未有成功的报道。本文综述了我国河蟹、梭子蟹、青蟹苗种生产技术,尤其是土池育苗技术的研究进展,并对河蟹、梭子蟹土池育苗关键技术进行分析,旨在探讨蟹类土池育苗技术应用于青蟹土池育苗的可行性。  相似文献   

Brackishwater pond culture has been a major factor in mangrove loss in Southeast Asia, hence, the need to develop environment‐friendly technologies such as mud crab Scylla (Portunidae) culture in mangrove pens exists. This study evaluated the effects of mud crab netpen systems in central Philippines on mangrove macroflora, and the replacement of dietary fish with low‐cost pellets. Wild or hatchery‐sourced Scylla olivacea and Scylla serrata were stocked at 0.5–0.8 m−2 in 167–200 m2 nylon netpens (2.3 cm stretched mesh) in Avicennia‐dominated mangrove habitats. The feeding treatments were: (A) Zarraga: (1) no feeding (natural productivity), (2) no feeding for 1 month+supplementary feeding, (3) fish biomass and (4) low‐cost pellets, and (B) Batan: (1) fish biomass and (2) pellets+fish biomass. Feeds were given ad libitum twice daily. Growth and survival rates of S. olivacea in Zarraga pens were not significantly different among treatments, although crabs fed fish biomass had the highest survival, body weight and production. Similarly, growth and survival of S. serrata were not significantly different between the Batan treatments. Economic analysis of the latter gave a 38.5% return on investment (ROI) and 2.6 years payback period (PP) for pellets+fish biomass treatment compared with 27.5% ROI and 3.6 years PP for fish alone. Sensitivity analysis showed an improved economic performance of the pellets+fish biomass treatment by increasing the survival rate. Evaluation of mangrove community structure showed that crab culture reduced species diversity, numbers and biomass of seedlings and saplings, but not of mangrove trees. Therefore, mud crab pen culture is recommended for mangrove sites with mature trees, but not seedlings and saplings, and low‐cost pellets can reduce dependence on fish biomass.  相似文献   

泥蚶人工育苗立体附苗技术的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用不同附着基,进行泥蚶人工育苗中立体平面附着与池底平面附着的对比试验。结果:立体平面附着基使单位水体出苗量增加了3.4~5.3倍;透明和黑色波纹板附着效果较好,沙盘次之,扇贝盘和棕帘最差;底辅黑色有孔波纹板,好于透明波纹板。并发现泥蚶一般在大潮期间产卵,光照800~1000Lx下幼虫发育未见异常。  相似文献   

利用传统对虾育苗池,采用人工控温、生态调控育苗技术,成功培育出健康半滑舌鳎苗种,体色正常,育苗成活率37.5%。  相似文献   

对美国硬壳蛤亲贝进行了人工育苗试验。通过对育苗期各阶段的观察测定,对温度、饵料、水质、盐度等方面进行了研究。2004年6月21日共获得稚贝总量15.03亿粒。  相似文献   

河蟹池塘养殖底层微孔曝气增氧技术的研究和应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在2007年-2008年通过底层微孔曝气技术的开发应用,开展了河蟹池塘养殖增氧研究。结果表明养成河蟹规格和单产显著提高,池底增氧技术是河蟹池塘养殖中的关键控制技术,示范区、推广区河蟹的平均规格、单产、毛利比同期常规技术的一般平均水平分别提高了11.37%~36.26%、7.07%~28.49%;50.29%~71.67%、49.11%;177.51%.187.31%、122.2%;养蟹池塘水体DO、NH3-N、NO2—N、TN、TP、COD等主要水质指标明显优于对照池,总体达到地表水环境质量标准(GB3838—2002)Ⅲ类以上,并实现了养殖期内零排放,是一项节水、环保的新型水产养殖技术。  相似文献   

The present study aims to evaluate the effects of several types of larval feed on seed production of the oriental river prawn Macrobrachium nipponense and water quality in extensive rearing systems. Healthy M. nipponense were distributed into fifteen 15-m2 pond outdoors, and each pond was stocked with 90 prawns including 41 egg-bearing (berried) female prawns, 37 not bearing female prawns, and 12 male prawns for larval production. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four diet groups (diet A: soybean homogenate, diet B: yeast, diet C: yeast?+?fermented soybean meal, and diet D: yeast?+?fermented soybean meal?+?microparticulate diet) and one no feeding control and three replications. There are equal levels of the total protein content in diets A–D. Higher larvae and postlarvae number was obtained for diet C and diet D. Furthermore, the increase of M. nipponense larvae and postlarvae in diets B–D can result in the decrease of zooplankton and increase of phytoplankton in the pond during some periods, simultaneously improving the water quality. The Spearman correlation coefficient (rM,N) between the amounts of larvae and postlarvae of M. nipponense per pond and zooplankton per pond during the entire experiment period was ??0.56. The highest juvenile M. nipponense production was obtained in the diet D group (3140.00?±?461.63), which was slightly higher than that in the diet C group (2940.33?±?382.60). The juvenile M. nipponense production in diet B (2303.00?±?449.23) was also significantly higher compared to diet A (1106.33?±?176.64) and the control group (1039.67?±?212.85). There were no significant differences in the amounts of juvenile M. nipponense between the control and diet A groups, which indicated that the soybean homogenate could not increase the amount of M. nipponense juveniles. Our results clearly showed that diet D significantly raised per unit yield of prawn seed comparing with no feeding and other diet group in extensive rearing systems and that the cost of producing prawn seed with diet D is low, which provide an important foundation for the expansion of oriental river prawn culture.  相似文献   

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