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中国作为渔业大国,取得了举世瞩目的成就,但同时面临发展瓶颈。论文例举世界主要渔业强国秘鲁、日本和挪威的渔业发展模式,得出不同国家渔业强国的经验启示,并在此基础上提出我国渔业大国发展方向与策略,即要更加重视增加供给以补充需求,更加重视推进产业技术革命,更加重视开发利用渔业健康水资源,更加重视渔业资源的全球市场配置。  相似文献   

开展渔业资源评估研究是制定渔业可持续发展策略的重要前提,而数据有限是全球渔业资源评估面临的普遍挑战.传统资源评估方法具有数据需求量大、要求高等特点,无法应用于数据缺乏渔业的资源评估中.数据缺乏方法(data-limited method)可结合少量易获得数据和相关历史生物学信息对渔业资源状况、生物学参考点以及资源量等进...  相似文献   

挪威渔业管理概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈思行 《海洋渔业》2002,24(1):47-50
挪威人口仅447.9万,但年渔获量达200多万t,列居世界渔获量前十名的渔业大国,主要原因在于能充分利用沿海富饶的渔业资源,开发高效率的渔业自动化设备,开展完整的渔业资源的调查评估,实施严格的渔业资源保护措施和管理制度等,使该国的渔业资源能稳定而持续利用。一、渔业行政管理体系 (一)渔业部 挪威于1946年在首都奥斯陆建立了渔业部,是世界上最早成立渔业部的国家。主要职能是负责全国海洋捕捞、水产养殖、渔业资源保护、海岸安全、海洋科研、鱼品质量、出口贸易、渔业立法以及渔业资金的具体管理。主要  相似文献   

新西兰海域辽阔,渔业资源开发利用有着得天独厚的优势,渔业在新西兰经济中占有重要地位.从渔业资源、渔业类型、渔船数量、捕捞产量、水产品加工与流通、渔业捕捞配额制度及对外合作等方面分析了新西兰渔业发展的现状,并指出了新西兰渔业发展面临着非商业捕捞区渔业资源破坏严重、渔业作业方式对海洋生态造成负面影响、使用的渔具渔法有待改进...  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着渔业经济的快速发展,我国的渔业发展面一临着渔业资源严重枯竭、渔业监管困难、渔民收入增长幅度放缓等诸多问题。为此学术界在渔业资源管理方法上提出了许多意见,同时也存在着一些分歧。文章通过理论推演,结合文献数据,探讨了渔村社区组织与我国渔业协会的关系,分析了包括渔业协会在内的渔村社区组织对渔业资源管理的作用,通过对代表性渔业资源管理理论的利弊分析,剖析了渔民协会等渔村社区组织的渔业资源管理职能。同时指出由于渔业协会在资源管理中具有重要作用,但因其自身也存在着一定局限性,因此,培育渔业协会、完善其资源管理职能,实行基于渔业协会等渔村社区组织的合作管理也就成为我国加强渔业资源管理的一种制度选择。  相似文献   

休闲渔业,就是利用渔业资源、渔业设施、渔业生产器具、渔产品,结合当地的生产环境和人文环境来规划相关活动和休闲空间,提供给人们体验渔业活动并达到休闲、娱乐功能的一种新型产业。发展休闲渔业,对于调整渔业产业结构,促进渔业资源的合理利用,推动渔业可持续发展以及建设社会主义新农村具有积极意义。近日,笔者通过走访、实地察看等多种形式,  相似文献   

日本西海区水产研究所为应对当前渔业新形势,实施新的组织体制,建造了第三代先进的渔业调查船一阳光丸,以加强对日本近海及东、黄海国际渔场的资源调查,并希望加强与中、韩两国的渔业合作,期待日、中、韩三国在东海实施共同的渔业资源管理。  相似文献   

金枪鱼是太平洋水域的大宗鱼品,整个环太平洋国家都参与了金枪鱼的捕捞。自20世纪九十年代以来,为了推进全球渔业资源的可持续发展和有序的利用,世界渔业组织、美国西太平洋渔业委员会、日本金枪鱼协会等组织每1~2年都要举行一次国际研讨会或协作会,共同讨论环太平洋地区渔业诸问题。2006-2007年研究的主要问题将包括捕捞和经济两方面的课题,在捕捞金枪鱼方面主要有:[第一段]  相似文献   

本文针对浙江天台寒山湖的自然环境、渔业资源及区位优势,分析了寒山湖休闲渔业制约要素主要包括观念对立、起点较低、模式落后以及环境污染等,认为发展休闲渔业是转型的重要出路.并从统一思想观念、加强宣传与推广、保护渔业资源、转变经营模式、保护生态环境以及人身安全等方面提出了发展寒山湖休闲渔业的对策和建议.  相似文献   

大水面渔业资源可持续利用与保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
报道了建国50 年来我国大水面渔业所取得的成就和渔业科技的作用以及环境恶化和人为干扰对大水面渔业的影响,从加强大水面渔业资源管理、促进养殖业结构调整和生物操纵等角度探讨了我国大水面渔业资源可持续利用的途径  相似文献   

通过文献研究,对日本资源管理型渔业体系下的典型作业方式管理措施进行梳理,以期对我国典型作业方式准入制度的构建和完善提供参考。对围网、底拖网、刺网和流网、定置网及鱿钓等5种日本渔业主要作业方式的管理措施体系进行了分类和介绍,认为日本的渔业管理通过不同层级的权限许可,根据海洋渔业资源的自然属性差异采取区域化的管理模式,并以恢复渔业资源为目标,逐步推进从总可捕量管理制度向捕捞努力量控制制度的转变。  相似文献   

政府规制理论在我国近海渔业管理中应用的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自由准入状态导致了渔业资源产权的不确定性, 过度投资和过度利用使得渔业资源过度消耗。要实现渔业资源的可持续发展就必须对渔业进行适当的规制。政府规制是指政府直接干预微观经济主体活动的一种行为方式, 可分为经济性规制和社会性规制。渔业规制关注的不仅仅是管理的合法性问题, 更多的是管理的最佳性问题, 即用最佳管理方式实现渔业的可持续性发展。随着现代社会政府与公民的二元对立观念不断减弱, 管理者与被管理者由对立转向合作, 传统的以(捕捞)许可为中心的渔业管理方式已经不适应现代渔业管理的发展, 有必要引进政府规制理论提升和改造命令控制式的渔业规制方式。本研究基于政府规制理论提出了“合作性治理”模式, 改变了“政府—渔民”两方博弈为多主体共同管理, 通过创设合理的产权制度、有效的激励性规制和成本效益分析方法建立起合作、共享机制以实现渔业管理的目的。  相似文献   

山东省渔业资源丰富,渔业经济产值居全国首位,但是渔业资源的过度开发以及持续的生态环境污染导致山东省渔业可持续发展面临严峻挑战。本文基于价值链视角对山东省渔业发展进行了分析,明确了山东省渔业价值链在各环节上的优势和劣势,并以此确立了延伸渔业产业价值链,转变渔业价值链增值方式的发展战略,据此提出建议:大力发展精品养殖业,压缩近海捕捞规模;重点推动渔业加工业向精加工、深加工方向发展;建设多层次的水产流通服务体系,着力发展休闲渔业。  相似文献   

Co-management without involvement: the plight of fishing communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper discusses the role of fishing communities in the stewardship of their adjacent fish resources, and the benefits associated with community participation in co‐management. Contrary to the view of most fisheries management agencies, local communities are able to design institutions that can successfully restore equity and limit access to the fishery. The dismissal of local concerns may be at the root of biological and social crises in fisheries, and the privatization of common fishing rights world‐wide through individual transferable quotas (ITQs) is contributing to these problems. Community involvement that is embedded into a network of management at larger spatial scales would allow fishing communities to regain some control over their livelihoods. Meaningful co‐management arrangements must go beyond consultation by redirecting the flow of social and economic benefits from the fishery back into communities. Unless geographically defined communities are allowed to share power and responsibility with government fisheries managers, both fish stocks and fishing as a way of life are in danger of vanishing.  相似文献   

The inland fisheries of Sri Lanka are essentially artisanal on most of the reservoirs in the country. The annual inland fish production declined dramatically after 1990, when state patronage for the development of the inland fisheries was discontinued for 4 years. This decline was shown to be a result of growth overfishing of the two dominant cichlid species which accounted for over 90% of landings. This was a result of using small mesh ( < 6.9 cm) gillnets in the absence of the State-sponsored monitoring procedure in the fishery after 1990. This indicates that it is necessary to monitor inland fisheries management in Sri Lanka through a centralized authority in the current situation. However, in some Sri Lankan reservoirs, fishing communities can be categorized as 'organized' because they collectively make decisions to define procedures for the rational exploitation of the fishery resources. In reservoirs with 'organized' fishing, the communities themselves have developed mechanisms to regulate the landing sizes of dominant cichlid fish species through community-based fisheries management strategies. In such reservoirs, over-exploitation of fish stocks was not evident, even after 1990, when state-sponsored monitoring procedures were suspended. Based on these observations, an alternative approach is recommended for the management of Sri Lankan reservoir capture fisheries in which the Government and resource-users have equal responsibilities in the management of the resources.  相似文献   

The efficiency of Finnish inland fisheries administration has improved during the past 15 years because of changes in fisheries legislation. The establishment of regional management units particularly has improved the practice of co-management, which has allowed the participation of many relevant interest groups in the decision-making process. The long-term private market equilibrium supply for recreational fishing with active types of gear accounted for 50% of the Finnish lake surface area. Presently the public sector has become involved in the supply of recreational fishing licences. The improvement in the system owes much to political initiatives. As regards commercial fishing, state-ownership of fishing grounds is a channel for recruitment into the occupation. Private ownership has led to a suboptimal allocation of fisheries resources, particularly in the commercial branch of the industry. However, by giving priority to social instead of economic goals the statutory fishery associations will help to maintain social and community values, which are locally important.  相似文献   

China is the world’s biggest fishing nation and a major player in the global seafood trade. Its fisheries development can decisively influence the global seafood trade, food security and marine conservation. In recent years, significant changes have taken place in China’s fisheries management priorities, policies and regulations. In this paper, we review the evolving fisheries management practices in China to delineate changes in the management policies, methods and their performances from 1949 to 2019. We determined that the following issues impede the development, implementation and enforcement of fisheries policies and regulations, namely the large size of the fishing fleet, large and poorly organized fisheries population, the “hidden” fishing capacity, uniform management approaches that sometimes fail to account for local conditions, lack of clearly defined and allocated fishing rights, limited data quality and availability, insufficient fisheries monitoring programmes, absence of a robust scientific input framework and insufficient stakeholder involvement. Combining those problems with China’s current management initiatives, we propose recommendations for China’s future fisheries reforms. We hope this paper can inform China’s marine fisheries policies and provide valuable references for further researches related to China’s sustainable fisheries management.  相似文献   

Understanding and managing fishery selectivity to target species and desirable size are instrumental to fisheries management. China, as the world's largest producer of marine capture fisheries, has been widely perceived to possess unselective domestic fisheries. To date, this perception remains largely anecdotal and conjectural, hindering the development of evidence-based and effective management solutions. Here, we conducted a literature review to examine the magnitude and scale of unselective fisheries in China. By collating and analysing 140 fishery-level and 807 species-level records from 66 peer-reviewed publications from 2010 to 2021, we found that primary target species were absent in 59% of fisheries, while unidentifiable low-value and juvenile mixed catch were universal. Key commercial taxa were subject to nationwide multi-gear and multispecies fisheries, each involving an average of 3.33 types of gear and accounting for less than 25% of catch individually. The ‘permissible gears’ defined by the national gear regulatory catalogue were selective over target species and caught negligible by-products, though they were used less frequently, representing only 24% of catch records. While unselective fishing can provide seafood supplies for China's large population and potentially facilitate balanced harvest, management actions are needed to control the fishing pressure on primary target species and by-product species. Amid the ongoing fisheries management reform in China, we proposed management recommendations tailored to China's needs and social contexts, including accounting for the trade-off between socio-economic and ecological goals, contemplating impacts of unselective fishing when implementing TAC programmes, and strengthening fisheries monitoring to inform management at multiple scales.  相似文献   

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