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甜柿一年可多次抽梢,不同甜柿品种、不同枝梢类型开花结果能力各不相同。一次梢段其开花坐果率较低,除利用极少数生长充实者短截补空外,其余应予以疏除;二次梢段是坐果的主体,应尽量保留以增加坐果量;三次梢段组成的梢开花数较低,对此类梢可大年多留,小年少留,补空短剪,过密疏剪。  相似文献   

观察了次郎、西村早生、早生富有和阳丰4个甜柿品种的开花结果特性。不同甜柿品种、不同枝梢类型开花结果能力各不相同。一次梢段组成的梢其开花着果率较低.建议栽培管理上除利用极少数生长充实者短截补空外,其余应予以疏除;二次梢段组成的梢是着果的主体,应尽量保留以增加着果量;三次梢段组成的梢开花数较低,可大年多留,小年少留,补空短剪,过密疏剪。  相似文献   

以早熟温州蜜柑为试材,连续4a(2008~2011)调查早熟温州蜜柑的开花结果习性,对其开花坐果动态影响因素进行研究。结果表明:各类结果母枝的开花量和坐果率有明显差异,早秋梢结果母枝、夏梢结果母枝和晚秋梢结果母枝的效果之间,有叶花的坐果率与有叶花的坐果量之间存在显著差异水平,而晚秋梢结果母枝与春梢结果母枝的效果之间不存在显著差异水平;1a有4次落花落果高峰期:第1次发生在5月13~27日;第2次发生在6月9~16日;第3次发生在8月11~18日;第4次发生在10月6~13日;在结果母梢上不同营养梢比例直接影响坐果率,营养梢的比例越小,其坐果率越高;栽植密度大或蛆花率大的果园,坐果率都较低;不同结果母枝长度能够影响坐果率;有叶花枝的叶片数量影响坐果率,4片叶的坐果率最高;留梢的位置在母枝的顶端和控制营养梢的数量越大,其效果越明显;建议生产上提高树体有叶花的比例和调节营养梢的发生量,从而缓解梢果矛盾和提高坐果率。  相似文献   

枣树开花多而坐果少,生产上需要采取提高坐果率的措施.常用的方法有枣头摘心、喷赤霉素、花期放蜂及提高花期枣园的空气和土壤温度等.开花前或花期及时对当年生枣头和二次枝摘心,可抑制枝叶生长,把树体营养集中用于开花坐果.一般枣头按照所在部位的空间大小,留2~4条二次枝摘心或短截.密植园需分2~3次进行,第1次在开花前摘除枣头下部两个二次枝的嫩梢,5~7天后摘除枣头中上部二次枝和开始开花的结果枝的嫩梢,再过5~7天,对尚未摘心的少数结果枝全部摘心,控制营养生长.  相似文献   

1 抹芽与除梢 抹芽在芽眼萌动后即可进行 ,篱架距地面 30cm,棚架距地面 5 0 cm以下的芽眼全部抹除 ,以上部分应保留饱满芽 ,抹除弱芽、并生芽 ,一般需抹 2~ 3次 ,平均每平方米保留 2 0~ 2 5个饱满芽。除梢可分 2次进行 ,第 1次除梢在花序刚出现 ,能区分结果枝和营养枝时进行 ,以除去营养枝为主 ,保留结果枝、补空或更新用的营养枝 ,此次除梢占应除梢量的 70 %~ 80 %。第 2次除梢在花序已全部出现至开花前进行 ,按密度选留生长好、花穗饱满的结果枝 ,疏除病虫梢、密挤梢、隐芽梢。平均每平方米保留新梢篱架 1 5~ 2 0个 ,棚架 1 0~ 1 5…  相似文献   

对华南农业大学园艺学院枇杷属(Eriobotrya Lind.l)植物种质资源圃内种植保存的野生枇杷生长结果习性进行观察,结果表明:依照章恢志简明分类法属于"春季开花的枇杷属植物"春、夏、秋梢多为2次抽完,冬梢1次抽完;"秋冬季开花的枇杷属植物"春、冬梢多只抽发1次,夏、秋梢多抽发2次。偶有3次抽发现象,如野生的普通枇杷的夏梢,南亚枇杷窄叶变型的春梢。同种的不同植株抽梢有不同步现象,不同年份抽梢情况也有差异,受气候环境条件影响大。同种的不同植株开花习性差异大,如台湾枇杷由潮安地区引种与由海南地区引种,花期明显不同。由此认为,《中国果树志.龙眼枇杷卷》按花期对野生枇杷属植物进行分类的方法值得商榷。野生枇杷坐果率低,多数种果实的鲜食价值不大。  相似文献   

北方落叶果树,早春萌芽、抽梢、开花坐果,需水量较多,春旱时应及时灌水。灌水不仅能促进当年的新梢生长,提高坐果率,减轻春寒、晚霜为害,而且对花芽分化和明年的结果也有良好作用。所以,春季是果树灌溉获得丰产的关键时期。  相似文献   

1叶面施肥适宜期在葡萄整个生长季节均可进行叶面喷肥。新梢生长时喷施催梢肥;开花坐果期喷施稳花稳果肥;果实膨大期喷施壮果肥;果实下树后喷施壮树肥。此外,在生长发育期内若出现缺素症时,应对症下药,及早补充。  相似文献   

1 春季看叶和花 春天苹果树发叶后,幼叶转绿快,长梢基部叶和短梢叶大而厚,每花序中花数多,开花整齐,单花寿命长,果台副梢抽出早,果台和果台枝上叶片大而厚,是贮藏营养高的表现。如发芽不齐,叶转绿慢,叶片小,花多而瘦小,花瓣卷缩,说明贮藏营养低。如花序内花数少,坐果率不如花数多的坐果好,表明原来营养生长过旺。  相似文献   

温湿度对杏扁开花坐果的影响试验结果表明:背阴坡、沟底光照时间短,日积累温度较低,能明显推迟杏扁花期,提高坐果率。阳坡的杏扁花期相对较早。花期喷布清水和硼溶液能提高空气湿度,提高坐果率。  相似文献   

Trees in urban areas are pruned for several reasons. Each pruning cut causes a wound, which leads at least in the exposed wood at the wound surface to discoloration and decay. The extension of the resulting defect depends on wound diameter, tree species, time of wounding, wound treatment, and last but not least the attachment of the branch to the stem. The effects of different pruning cuts on urban trees has been investigated in Hamburg, Germany, since 1985. The study of 750 different pruning wounds on typical urban tree species lead to the Hamburg Tree Pruning System (Hamburger Schnittmethode). The system is described in this paper and answers the following questions: How should branches with and without a branch collar be removed? How should dead branches be removed? How should branches with included bark or codominant stems be removed? What are the differences between tree species in wound response? What is the maximum wound size which will be effectively compartmentalised by the tree?  相似文献   

Three pruning treatments were compared on Worcester Pearmain on M.IV rootstock, viz.: open-centre tree, established-spur pruned; delayed open-centre tree, established-spur pruned; regulated pruned tree. In the fifteenth year secondary treatments were begun, the trees being pruned either annually or in alternate years, with and without fruit thinning by hand. The trees were grubbed after 21 years and scion weights were obtained.

There were no important differences in growth and cropping between open-centre and delayed open-centre trees. Regulated trees had an 11% smaller area of branch spread than established-spur pruned trees at 21 years. At 15 years there was no significant difference between treatments in total weight of prunings, but three times as much old wood as new had been removed from regulated trees compared with two and a half times as much new wood as old from established-spur pruned trees. During a 6-year period, the same weight of wood was removed from alternate-year pruned trees as from those pruned annually.

During the first 10 years regulated trees yielded twice as much fruit as did established-spur pruned ones, and 49% more during the second 10-year period. In many years, in the absence of fruit thinning, regulated trees bore smaller fruits than did established-spur pruned trees. Regulated trees had more red colour on the fruits than established-spur pruned trees, and alternate-year pruning, whether regulated or established-spur, gave more red colour on the fruits than did annual pruning, especially in seasons following no pruning. Alternate-year pruning had no harmful effect upon fruit size. Fruit thinning had no important effect upon red colour but it increased the percentage crop weight in the larger size grades, especially on established-spur pruned trees. The regulated method is well suited to the growth habit of Worcester provided that the fruit is thinned by hand or chemical spray in years of heavy setting.

The relative ratios between total crop : scion weight and crop 15–21 years : scion weight, were similar; scion weights were twice as heavy as weights of prunings.  相似文献   

The ability of auxin-treated T. scleroxylon cuttings to root was affected by the prior management of potted stockplants. In undecapitated single-stem stockplants more cuttings from upper rather than lower mainstem nodes rooted; a difference paralleled by leaf water potential immediately after severance, although there was also a positive relationship with internode length. The rooting percentage of mainstem cuttings from unpruned stockplants ranged from 15% to 43% whereas that of cuttings from the lateral shoots of pruned stockplants ranged from 40% to 83%. Considerably more cuttings rooted from stockplants which were severely pruned than from those where decapitation removed only the top node; there seemed to be an inverse relationship with the number of shoots per plant and the carbohydrate: nitrogen ratio. However, in tall pruned stock- plants, more cuttings from lower lateral (basal) than from upper (apical) shoots rooted, although the differences between cuttings from basal and apical lateral shoots were less when the stockplants’ mainstems were orientated at 45° or kept horizontal, instead of vertically. Adding NPK 16 weeks before harvesting cuttings from 10-node vertical stockplants increased the rooting ability of cuttings from basal shoots without affecting the rooting of those from apical shoots. More lateral shoot cuttings rooted when two, instead of one or four lateral shoots were allowed to develop per stockplant, this being associated with less cutting mortality than occurred in pruned stockplants. In stock- plants with two shoots, cuttings from basal lateral shoots rooted better than those from apical shoots, although without competition from basal shoots. The rooting of apical shoots was enhanced by application of a complete fertilizer. The presence of basal shoots reduced the rooting ability of apical shoots even with the fertilizer application. Many of the effects of lateral branch position on rooting may be related to light intensity, for greater rooting percentages occurred among cuttings from lower, more shaded, than from upper less shaded branches. This positional effect was eliminated when branches were uniformly illuminated.  相似文献   

对新疆北疆地区仁用杏龙王帽和优一的授粉生物学特性进行研究.结果表明:龙王帽和优一的花期相遇,各年份间相差不大.仁用杏不同的果枝类型,形成的完全花比例不同,短果枝和花束状果枝上的完全花比例最高,其次为中果枝,长果枝最低.通过自花授粉、自然授粉和异花授粉情况的比较发现,龙王帽和优一可以互相授粉,授粉亲和性高.  相似文献   

施用炭化苹果枝粉末对平邑甜茶生长及根系构型的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取冬季修剪下来的‘红富士’苹果枝条,分别在400、600 和700 ℃下厌氧炭化后粉碎过筛,按照1%和2%的质量比施入2 年生盆栽平邑甜茶的盆土中,调查平邑甜茶光合性能、植株生长量、根系活力和根系构型参数等。结果表明,3 种温度热解制备的炭化苹果枝粉末明显提高平邑甜茶叶片净光合速率、株高、干径和植株干质量,明显增加根活力、根系总长度、根系直径、根系表面积和根系体积,并且明显增大根系分形维数,使根系结构复杂化;在400 ~ 700 ℃的范围内,随着炭化温度升高,炭化苹果枝粉末对平邑甜茶的作用效果也逐渐升高;土壤施用2%的炭化苹果枝粉末的作用效果大于施用1%的处理。  相似文献   

螺旋环剥对幼龄‘桂味’荔枝果期光合和蒸腾作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以6年生幼龄‘桂味’荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.‘Guiwei’)为试材,于5月果实发育期,从螺旋环剥处理和对照树上分别选取来自同一基枝的有果枝和无果枝,观察枝梢生长的情况并进行叶片光合和蒸腾作用的研究。结果表明:螺旋环剥有利坐果;螺旋环剥缩小有果叶与无果叶在光合效率上的差别,显著降低了叶片的最大光合速率(Amax)、表观量子效率(AQY)和羧化效率(CE),提高了光补偿点(LCP),削弱了光合效率;净光合速率(Pn)与蒸腾速率(Tr)极显著相关,螺旋环剥显著降低了叶片的Tr,Pn也下降但差异不显著,蒸腾作用减弱的程度比光合作用减弱的程度大;对照叶片的Pn和Tr日变化为单峰曲线型,14:00时达最高峰,螺旋环剥叶片的Pn和Tr在13:00时有明显的午休现象,气孔限制是午休的主要因素;相同处理的有果枝叶片,其日均Pn和Tr都高于无果枝叶片,说明果实的存在可提高‘桂味’荔枝的Pn和Tr。  相似文献   

苹果树枝杆栽培香菇研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
以苹果树修剪枝杆为主要原料栽培的香菇,其菌丝生长、原基分化与发育、子实体产量与品质均优于青冈木为原料栽培的香菇,生物学效率可以达到133.6%,花菇率达到79%。研究结果表明,苹果树修剪枝杆可以作为栽培香菇的优质原料,这为我国北方果区大量苹果树修剪枝杆的开发利用提供了依据。  相似文献   

以基砧为八棱海棠,中间砧为SH40、冀砧1号和冀砧2号的“信浓红”苹果树为试材,研究了“信浓红”嫁接在3种矮化中间砧上的生长结果表现。结果表明,3种砧穗组合的树高、行间枝展均无显著差异,SH40中间砧干径增长较慢;冀砧2号中心干主枝数增长较快,3种砧穗组合的枝类组成无显著差异;短枝比例均在50.0%~55.0%之间,中枝比例在8.0%~10.0%之间,长枝比例在35.0%~40.0%之间。SH40和冀砧2号短枝比例最高,为54.0%;冀砧1号中枝比例最高为10.0%;半成品苗栽植第5年单株产量达11.45 kg,显著高于SH40和冀砧1号。3个砧穗组合单果质量、硬度无显著差异,冀砧1号可溶性固形物和苹果酸含量最低。综合分析认为,以SH40、冀砧1号和冀砧2号为中间砧时,“信浓红”树体生长结果表现均较好。以冀砧2号做中间砧,初期产量高,结果表现更优。  相似文献   

核桃树休眠期间修剪伤流严重,为了减少伤流,促进核桃树体生长,在秦岭山区以休眠期修剪为对照,在核桃落叶前、萌芽前及萌芽后进行修剪,监测不同修剪时期对枝条伤流量、剪口枯枝长度、萌芽率、成枝率、枝条生长状况及结果状况等的影响.结果表明:休眠期(对照)修剪的伤流量最大且持续时期最长,且极显著高于萌芽前修剪;与休眠期(对照)相比,3个修剪时期的剪口枯枝长度均显著或极显著减小;落叶前和休眠期(对照)修剪的萌芽率均较高,萌芽前修剪居中,萌芽后修剪的较低;萌芽前修剪的成枝率最高,极显著高于其他3个修剪时期;萌芽前修剪的雌花序数、雌花数、结果数、翌年结果母枝数均高于其他修剪时期,且1年生枝长势最好.综上,推荐秦岭山区核桃在萌芽前15d左右进行修剪,可减少伤流,提高核桃产量,促进枝条生长.  相似文献   

银杏叶黄酮含量变化及分布规律的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 对银杏不同枝类、叶位叶及叶柄黄酮含量进行全周期测定, 结果表明: 叶黄酮含量, 长枝叶最高; 长枝有3 次高峰, 中短枝和叶丛枝各有2 次高峰, 均以最后一次峰值最大。叶黄酮含量增长幅度同时期相比为长枝> 中短枝> 叶丛枝> 叶柄。在生长发育后期, 叶片与其叶柄黄酮含量变化趋势相反, 长枝不同叶位叶黄酮含量最大值是中部叶> 基部叶> 顶部叶。就叶黄酮含量变化及分布与叶片采收、分级及修剪等关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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