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A Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment for a beam of electrons has been realized in a two-dimensional electron gas in the quantum Hall regime. A metallic split gate serves as a tunable beam splitter to partition the incident beam into transmitted and reflected partial beams. In the nonequilibrium case the fluctuations in the partial beams are shown to be fully anticorrelated, demonstrating that fermions exclude each other. In equilibrium, the cross-correlation of current fluctuations at two different contacts is also found to be negative and nonzero, provided that a direct transmission exists between the contacts.  相似文献   

Bulk icosahedral-quasicrystalline aluminum-palladium-rhenium alloys of high structural quality and thermal stability are found to exhibit low-temperature electrical resistivities that are four orders of magnitude larger than those found in disordered metals and metallic glasses. Experiments suggest that these quasiperiodic alloys, which have a semimetallic electron density, are insulators at low temperature. The findings are discussed in light of theories on electron localization and band-gap formation in ordered metallic systems.  相似文献   

The origin of superconductivity in the iron pnictides has been attributed to antiferromagnetic spin ordering that occurs in close combination with a structural transition, but there are also proposals that link superconductivity to orbital ordering. We used bulk-sensitive laser angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on BaFe(2)(As(0.65)P(0.35))(2) and Ba(0.6)K(0.4)Fe(2)As(2) to elucidate the role of orbital degrees of freedom on the electron-pairing mechanism. In strong contrast to previous studies, an orbital-independent superconducting gap magnitude was found for the hole Fermi surfaces. Our result is not expected from the superconductivity associated with spin fluctuations and nesting, but it could be better explained invoking magnetism-induced interorbital pairing, orbital fluctuations, or a combination of orbital and spin fluctuations. Regardless of the interpretation, our results impose severe constraints on theories of iron pnictides.  相似文献   

Neutron scattering has played a key role in the microscopic understanding of the static and dynamic properties of magnetic materials. Modulated magnetic structures first discovered in the late fifties can no longer be referred to as exotic; more than a hundred such phases have already been found in a variety of magnetic systems. Neutron and x-ray magnetic scattering have played a complementary role in the recent discovery and understanding of the modulated magnetic phases in rare earth metallic systems.  相似文献   

A glassy fulgurite, formed recently on a morainal ridge in southeastern Michigan, contains micrometer- to centimeter-sized metallic globules rich in native silicon, which unmixed from a silica-rich liquid. The unusual character of these globules and their potential for elucidating conditions of fulgurite formation prompted further study. Thermodynamic calculations indicate that temperatures in excess of 2000 K and reducing conditions approaching those of the SiO(2)-Si buffer were needed to form the coexisting metallic and silicate liquids. The phases produced are among the most highly reduced naturally occurring materials known. Some occurrences of other highly reduced minerals may also be due to lightning strike reduction. Extreme reduction and volatilization may also occur during high-temperature events such as lightning strikes in presolar nebulae and impacts of extraterrestrial bodies. As a result of scavenging of platinum-group elements by highly reduced metallic liquids, geochemical anomalies associated with the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary may have a significant terrestrial component even if produced through bolide impact.  相似文献   

The theory of second-order phase transitions is one of the foundations of modern statistical mechanics and condensed-matter theory. A central concept is the observable order parameter, whose nonzero average value characterizes one or more phases. At large distances and long times, fluctuations of the order parameter(s) are described by a continuum field theory, and these dominate the physics near such phase transitions. We show that near second-order quantum phase transitions, subtle quantum interference effects can invalidate this paradigm, and we present a theory of quantum critical points in a variety of experimentally relevant two-dimensional antiferromagnets. The critical points separate phases characterized by conventional "confining" order parameters. Nevertheless, the critical theory contains an emergent gauge field and "deconfined" degrees of freedom associated with fractionalization of the order parameters. We propose that this paradigm for quantum criticality may be the key to resolving a number of experimental puzzles in correlated electron systems and offer a new perspective on the properties of complex materials.  相似文献   

The Casimir force is the attraction between uncharged metallic surfaces as a result of quantum mechanical vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. We demonstrate the Casimir effect in microelectromechanical systems using a micromachined torsional device. Attraction between a polysilicon plate and a spherical metallic surface results in a torque that rotates the plate about two thin torsional rods. The dependence of the rotation angle on the separation between the surfaces is in agreement with calculations of the Casimir force. Our results show that quantum electrodynamical effects play a significant role in such microelectromechanical systems when the separation between components is in the nanometer range.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion data suggest that the composition of major elements in seawater changes slowly over geological time scales. This view contrasts with high-resolution isotope data that imply more rapid fluctuations of seawater chemistry. We used a non-steady-state box model of the global sulfur cycle to show that the global δ(34)S record can be explained by variable marine sulfate concentrations triggered by basin-scale evaporite precipitation and dissolution. The record is characterized by long phases of stasis, punctuated by short intervals of rapid change. Sulfate concentrations affect several important biological processes, including carbonate mineralogy, microbially mediated organic matter remineralization, sedimentary phosphorous regeneration, nitrogen fixation, and sulfate aerosol formation. These changes are likely to affect ocean productivity, the global carbon cycle, and climate.  相似文献   

Superconductivity in compressed lithium is observed by magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity measurements. A superconducting critical temperature (Tc) is found ranging from 9 to 16 kelvin at 23 to 80 gigapascals. The pressure dependence of Tc suggests multiple phase transitions, consistent with theoretical predictions and reported x-ray diffraction results. The observed values for Tc are much lower than those theoretically predicted, indicating that more sophisticated theoretical treatments similar to those proposed for metallic hydrogen may be required to understand superconductivity in dense phases of lithium.  相似文献   

The recent report of electrical conductivity in the alkali metal fullerides and the discovery of superconductivity at 18 K for KxC(60) has raised fundamental questions about the electronic states on either side of the Fermi level, their occupancy with K intercalation, and the mechanism of superconductivity. Direct photoemission evidence is presented of filling of bands derived from the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital as a function of K incorporation for the metallic and insulating phases. This filling is not rigid band-like, and it reflects disorder in the K sites. Theoretical analysis indicates that KxC(60) is a strong coupling superconductor, and we suggest that the enhanced electron-phonon interaction is related to the unique hybridization of the C sp-derived states.  相似文献   

Electronic phases with symmetry properties matching those of conventional liquid crystals have recently been discovered in transport experiments on semiconductor heterostructures and metal oxides at millikelvin temperatures. We report the spontaneous onset of a one-dimensional, incommensurate modulation of the spin system in the high-transition-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O6.45 upon cooling below approximately 150 kelvin, whereas static magnetic order is absent above 2 kelvin. The evolution of this modulation with temperature and doping parallels that of the in-plane anisotropy of the resistivity, indicating an electronic nematic phase that is stable over a wide temperature range. The results suggest that soft spin fluctuations are a microscopic route toward electronic liquid crystals and that nematic order can coexist with high-temperature superconductivity in underdoped cuprates.  相似文献   

A central question in the study of amorphous materials is the extent to which they are ordered. When the crystalline intermetallic R-Al(5)Li(3)Cu is compressed to 23.2 gigapascals at ambient temperature, an amorphous phase is produced whose order can be described as defects in a curved-space crystal. This result supports a structural relation between quasi-crystals and amorphous metals based on icosahedral ordering. This result also shows that a metallic crystal can be made amorphous by compression.  相似文献   

Electrons in correlated insulators are prevented from conducting by Coulomb repulsion between them. When an insulator-to-metal transition is induced in a correlated insulator by doping or heating, the resulting conducting state can be radically different from that characterized by free electrons in conventional metals. We report on the electronic properties of a prototypical correlated insulator vanadium dioxide in which the metallic state can be induced by increasing temperature. Scanning near-field infrared microscopy allows us to directly image nanoscale metallic puddles that appear at the onset of the insulator-to-metal transition. In combination with far-field infrared spectroscopy, the data reveal the Mott transition with divergent quasi-particle mass in the metallic puddles. The experimental approach used sets the stage for investigations of charge dynamics on the nanoscale in other inhomogeneous correlated electron systems.  相似文献   

A numerical model of mantle convection shows that sea level fluctuations are not simply associated with temporal changes in ocean c plate spreading. In the dynamic model, sea level rises rapidly and then falls toward a steady value (but one still higher than the initial) following increased ridge spreading; this time dependence results from profound changes in the deep thermal structure under ocean and continent. The use of past variations in oceanic spreading to infer sea level fluctuations is called into question. With more realistic models and better continental stratigraphy, constraints may be placed on the viscosity structure of the mantle.  相似文献   

Earth's Variable Rotation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent improvements in geodetic data and practical meteorology have advanced research on fluctuations in the Earth's rotation. The interpretation of these fluctuations is inextricably linked with studies of the dynamics of the Earth-moon system and dynamical processes in the liquid metallic core of the Earth (where the geomagnetic field originates), other parts of the Earth's interior, and the hydrosphere and atmosphere. Fluctuations in the length of the day occurring on decadal time scales have implications for the topography of the core-mantle boundary and the electrical, magnetic, and other properties of the core and lower mantle. Investigations of more rapid fluctuations bear on meteorological studies of interannual, seasonal, and intraseasonal variations in the general circulation of the atmosphere and the response of the oceans to such variations.  相似文献   

随着纳米科技的快速发展,人工合成的金属纳米颗粒已在农业生产、生物医药、个人消费品等领域广泛应用。同时,越来越多研究表明植物也能介导金属纳米颗粒的合成。这些研究为制备金属纳米颗粒提供了新思路,但是,多数研究只局限于植物合成方法的表观描述,缺乏对过程及机理的深入研究。这不仅阻碍了金属纳米颗粒与植物相互作用的理论认知,还限制了植物合成方法的大规模应用。本文总结了近年来植物体内金属纳米颗粒的鉴别与表征方法及植物合成纳米材料的应用,重点对植物合成纳米颗粒的过程进行了梳理,发现有机酸、还原性糖类、蛋白质等生物成分都会参与纳米颗粒的生成过程。今后需研发更多的表征手段,以原位技术全面揭示植物合成金属纳米颗粒的机制。  相似文献   

Mechanisms of trace metal transport in rivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trace metals transported by the Amazon (and Yukon rivers were analytically partitioned among the transport phases: in solutions, ion exchange, organic materials, metallic coatings, and crystalline solids. The distribution for both rivers is similarly proportioned, with copper and chromium transported mainly in the crystalline solids, manganese in coatings, and iron, nickel, and cobalt distributed equally between precipitated metallic coatings and crystalline solids.  相似文献   

Heavy-electron metals exhibit highly correlated electronic behavior at liquid helium temperatures, with conduction-electron masses some hundred times the free-electron mass. Whether "normal," antiferromagnetic, or superconducting, their electronic behavior differs drastically from their ordinary metallic counterparts. The physical origin of the large mass and unusual superconducting and magnetic properties is the strong coupling between the conduction electrons and the local f-electron moment fluctuations characteristic of these materials.  相似文献   

The Atmosphere Structure Instrument on the Galileo probe detected wavelike temperature fluctuations superimposed on a 700-kelvin temperature increase in Jupiter's thermosphere. These fluctuations are consistent with gravity waves that are viscously damped in the thermosphere. Moreover, heating by these waves can explain the temperature increase measured by the probe. This heating mechanism should be applicable to the thermospheres of the other giant planets and may help solve the long-standing question of the source of their high thermospheric temperatures.  相似文献   

Quantum phases of matter are characterized by the underlying correlations of the many-body system. Although this is typically captured by a local order parameter, it has been shown that a broad class of many-body systems possesses a hidden nonlocal order. In the case of bosonic Mott insulators, the ground state properties are governed by quantum fluctuations in the form of correlated particle-hole pairs that lead to the emergence of a nonlocal string order in one dimension. By using high-resolution imaging of low-dimensional quantum gases in an optical lattice, we directly detect these pairs with single-site and single-particle sensitivity and observe string order in the one-dimensional case.  相似文献   

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