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●广东林业生态省建设与红树林保护/陈桂珠等生态科学2004-5广东是我国红树林分布最多的省份之一,有红树植物17科31种,红树林湿地面积21438.3hm2,主要分布在粤西,其次是珠江三角洲地区。红树林具有防灾减灾、净化环境、调节区域小气候、保护生物多样性等重要生态功能。在广东林业生态省建设中,保护和发展红树林被列为八大林业生态工程之一。本文对红树林的生态功能进行了具体分析;阐述了广东红树林资源分布现状、红树林在广东林业生态省建设中的作用以及保护、发展状况;指出目前红树林还面临围海造田、围海养殖、沿海城市化、废水污染等威胁…  相似文献   

许艳 《防护林科技》2010,(4):51-53,74
红树林生态系统是陆地向海洋过渡的特殊生态系统,是热带、亚热带海岸的一种独特景观。红树林在调节生态平衡、维护生物多样性等方面具有重要作用。红树林特殊的生态适应性和底质沉积物特征,对于研究红树林净化海水、抵挡风浪、保护海岸和沿海地区生态安全等方面的作用有重要意义。  相似文献   

红树林是陆地过渡到海洋的特殊森林。红树林生态系统是国际上生物多样性保护和湿地生态保护的重要对象。红树林生态系统与沿海防灾减灾、浅海养殖、近海环境、森林、海洋旅游等密切相关,有着陆地森林不可取代的作用。  相似文献   

深圳福田红树林资源保护与生态旅游开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福田红树林自然保护区是深圳市得天独厚的一块生态资源宝地。为了维护红树林湿地的生态平衡,保护宝贵的生态资源,本文从多个方面提出了进行生态恢复的措施,并进一步提出发展生态旅游业是实现红树林资源保护和利用相协调的最佳途径。  相似文献   

正2019年2月25日,自然资源部副部长赵龙率调研组到钦州市调研红树林保护修复情况。考察茅尾海红树林生态保护区的坚心围片区和七十二泾片区后,赵龙强调,要继续落实好中央有关红树林生态修复要求,做好生态文明建设工作,坚决打击破坏自然生态、随意填海造堤行为。要将红树林保护与海洋生态修复、乡村振兴发展有机结合,实现  相似文献   

曾明 《广东园林》2012,34(4):58-61
文章综合分析了全球红树林的生态特性特征、资源分布、生态和经济效益以及目前红树林湿地资源亟需加强管理和保护的问题,以期引起人们的关注和重视,促进红树林的良性营造和可持续发展。  相似文献   

<正>海南省海口市十五届人大常委会第二十次会议近日全票表决通过《关于加强东寨港红树林湿地保护管理的决定》。决定从三个方面对红树林保护提出了具体要求,为红树林划定生态保护红线,从制度保障上加强对东寨港红树林湿地的保护和管理,维护自然资源与生物多样性,维护生态安全,促进社会经济的可持续发展。一、保护修复利用三位一体红树林湿地保护管理遵循"保护优先、科学修复、合理利用、持续发展"的原则。决定要求,着力于通过改善湿地水质、修复湿地功能,使湿地生态系统得以修  相似文献   

通过深入调查研究广东沿海红树林生态系统资源及保护现状,针对近年因围垦养殖、城市建 设发展用地、城市生活污水和工业污水大量排放等,导致一些红树林及其生态环境遭到破坏,面积大幅减 少;现有红树林群落植物种类偏少、结构简单、遗传多样性水平较低;互花米草等外来有害生物入侵严 重,林分质量下降、系统功能退化;加上沿海红树林恢复属困难立地造林,技术措施及建设成本要求高等 实际情况,结合广东沿海滩涂立地条件及红树林经营管护特点等,提出了相应的红树林生态保护修复模式 及特殊立地修复营建关键技术等,为沿海红树林生态系统保护、修复、营建等提供理论依据和技术指导。  相似文献   

正记者近日从国家林业和草原局获悉,我国持续加大红树林资源保护修复力度,全面恢复提升红树林湿地生态功能,20年来红树林面积增加7000公顷,成为世界上少数几个红树林面积净增加的国家之一。目前我国55%的红树林湿地纳入保护范围,远高于世界25%的平均水平。今年世界海洋日的主题是"保护红树林保护海洋生态"。红树林是生长在热带、亚热带海岸潮间带,由红树植物为主体的常绿乔木或灌木组成的湿地木本植物群落,在净化海水、防风消浪、固碳储碳、  相似文献   

通过对三亚河红树林自然保护区生态修复的研究分析,探讨了红树林独特的生态功能、环境效益、景观价值,以期得到科学的保护和发展。  相似文献   

Human activities have dramatically reduced the world’s area of mangroves just as the ecological services they provide are becoming widely recognized. Improving the conservation tools available to restore lost mangroves would benefit from a better understanding of how human activities influence the conservation of these ecosystems. We took advantage of historical information and long-term landscape analyses to relate land use change with the area of mangroves in Puerto Rico. We found that mangroves experienced dramatic changes over the last 200 years, and four distinct eras of change were visible. During the agricultural era (1800–1940) the area of mangroves declined 45%. As the economy changed to industrial in the late 1940s the area of mangrove increase due to reduced land use pressure on the wetlands. Nevertheless, urban expansion between 1960s and 1970s produced another decline. Public concern for mangrove conservation resulted in the legal protection of all the mangroves in 1972, and since then their area has expanded. We found that past human activity altered the original proportion of mangrove species. The number and size of mangrove-forest fragments was impacted by land use, and urban areas had fewer and smaller fragments than vegetated areas. Uncontrolled expansion of urban areas emerged as a major threat to mangrove conservation. Mangroves are resilient and recover quickly when given an opportunity if the geomorphological and hydrological features of the habitat are not changed by their use. The key to conservation appears to be a combination of the type of human activity in mangrove watersheds combined with strong legal protection. The following steps are recommended: (1) identify the areas that satisfy the ecological requirements of mangrove development; (2) incorporate better zoning regulations to maintain these areas natural and to protect the fluxes of water, nutrients, and organisms in and out of the system; and (3) monitor results.  相似文献   

广东省是全国红树林分布面积最大的省份。开展红树林分布与动态变化研究,有利于促进红树林的保护、恢复和合理利用。采用遥感区划与现地调查相结合的研究方法,对广东省红树林现状分布进行了调查。研究结果表明,广东省现有红树林面积为12 039.80 hm2,主要集中分布在雷州半岛、粤西区域和珠江口区域;斑块比较破碎;红树林起源以天然林为主,但人工林的面积比例逐年增加;红树林保护情况较好,85.5% 的红树林纳入了各级保护区。与2001 年相比,广东红树林面积有所增加,但天然林面积有所减少,树种、起源结构也发生了相应的变化。对红树林的保护和培育方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

红树林对潮汐浸淹适应性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海平面上升引起潮汐水位降低和淹水时间增加,探明红树林对潮汐淹浸适应的生理生态特性有助于科学保护和修复红树林,而且科学选取红树林营林宜林地也需要了解红树林与潮汐浸淹之间的相互关联。文中从红树林潮汐浸淹的研究方法出发,重点论述水淹胁迫对红树植物形态表征、光合作用、呼吸作用、抗氧化系统、渗透调节物质和化学计量特征的影响,以及潮汐浸淹下红树植物分子生物学机制,以期为揭示红树植物对潮汐浸淹的适应机制以及全球气候变化背景下我国红树林造林实践和宜林地选择提供参考。  相似文献   

The distribution, ecology, conservation and management of Chinese mangroves are reviewed. Mangroves naturally occur along the southeast Chinese coast and traverse the provinces of Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Taiwan, intermittently extending from 18°N. Thirty-seven mangrove tree species, representing 20 families and 25 genera, have been documented, with thermophilic eurytopic species being the dominant components. A remarkable decrease of species richness is evident from Hainan (18–20°N) to Fujian (23.5–27°N) (35 vs. 9 species). The existing mangrove area is ≈ 17 800 ha, accounting for slightly more than 0.1% of the world's total. Nearly two-thirds of China's mangroves have been lost during the past 40 years, largely due to conversion for rice-farming, embankment for aquaculture ponds and, recently, rapid urban development. A total of 201 papers on Chinese mangroves was published between 1950 and 1995, 178 of which are in Chinese; thus, they are not easily accessible to the international scientific community. Most of the work was conducted after 1985 (91% of the papers published) and research emphasized floristics with little attention to managementrelated issues. The net primary production of the Chinese mangroves shows a latitudinal trend, also significant deviations from predictions on models generated using non-Chinese data. Although 28 Chinese institutions have dealt with mangrove research, only five maintain long-term projects. The bulk of research has been carried out in six mangrove reserves: Qinglan, Dongzhai (Hainan), Mai Po (Hong Kong), Futian (Guangdong), Shankou (Guangxi) and Jiulongjiang (Fujian). Twelve mangrove reserves have been established so far in mainland China, one in Hong Kong (Mai Po) and one in Taiwan (Tanshui). These reserves cover an area of over 19000 ha, of which 8445 ha are mangroves (47% of existing mangrove area). Six measures that can facilitate mangrove conservation and management are recommended: (a) declare more mangrove areas as nature reserves; (b) set up a national mangrove committee and mangrove research centre to foster research and management; (c) develop concrete management guidelines; (d) enact protective legislation and ensure its strict enforcement; (e) launch education programmes in the major mangrove reserves; and (f) stop further nonsustainable exploitation of mangroves and their habitats.  相似文献   

三亚是我国红树林分布的最南端,红树林植物种类最多、群落类型最丰富、结构最复杂,是我国红树林景观的典型代表。随着三亚旅游业的爆炸式增长,红树林面临严重威胁。论述三亚红树林景观资源特点,分析保护利用现状,提出保护与开发对策。  相似文献   

湛江红树林的保护策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对湛江红树林的保护策略进行了探讨,提出要站在发展湛江及邻近地区大农业的高度上来认识保护湛江红树林的重要性;提出要就地保护好现有的12423hm^2的红树林及适宜其生长滩涂的具体措施;开展迁地保护和引种红树林遗传种质资源,为发展当地经济作贡献;建议成立“湛江红树林研究中心”和“湛江市生物多样性保护委员会”,切实做好湛江红树林的保护和合理开发利用工作。  相似文献   

红树林真菌的生物多样性和生物工程应用潜力(英文)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对现今红树林真菌研究的热点领域进行了综述,包括红树林真菌的生物多样性,生态作用,新颖的代谢产物和生物工程应用前景四个方面。首先,红树林真菌按照其生态作用被分为腐生,寄生和内生真菌。其中腐生真菌对于红树林生态系统的降解和能量循环方面起着重要的作用,另外,它们也会产生一些毒素:寄生真菌对于红树林的存活,长势和健康程度起着重要的作用;而内生真菌分布于大部分红树之中,所产的活性物质是红树林真菌中最丰富的。其次,虽然已有大量文献报道了红树林真菌可以产生很多新酶和具有’抑菌,杀虫及其它活性的物质,并且很多由内生真菌产生的活性物质被认为对红树起着重要作用,但只有少量研究对此提供了有力的证据,因此,本文对现今应用分子技术来将红树林真菌的生态作用与其代谢产物联系起来的进展进行了讨论。最后,本文还讨论了利用代谢工程和后基因组技术来生产大量新酶和活性物质并将其商业化应用的前景。  相似文献   

我国红树林群落生境特征研究简述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄星  辛琨  王薛平 《热带林业》2009,37(2):10-12
文章在概述红树植物的分类及其生境特征的基础上,综述了盐度、温度、氧气、土壤、光等其他生态因子对红树植物生长、发育、分布位置的影响,不同红树植物的盐度适应范围、抗寒能力、耐淹水能力、对缺氧生境的适应能力。  相似文献   

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