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播期推迟对冬小麦产量形成和籽粒品质的调控效应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为了明确推迟播期对小麦产量形成和品质的影响,选用2个冬小麦品种(轮选987和京冬8号),在大田条件下研究了播期推迟对小麦群体动态、物质积累、产量构成和籽粒品质的调控效应.结果表明,播期推迟能显著降低小麦冬前分蘖数,促进春季分蘖的发生和成穗,提高分蘖成穗率.播期对小麦植株干物质积累的影响存在基因型差异.播期推迟引起小麦产量构成因素的变化,进而导致籽粒产量下降,且京冬8号出现显著下降时对应的播期早于轮选987.播期推迟后小麦籽粒中的淀粉含量呈下降趋势,蛋白质含量呈上升趋势,同时二者的主要组成成份也随之改变.因此,冀东地区选用轮选987且适当早播(10月5日播种)可以获得高产;推迟播期至10月10日则籽粒品质提高,但要注意加强小麦生育后期的田间管理,防止粒重明显降低.  相似文献   

盆西平原麦区小麦早播早熟与超高产的气候生态条件分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为给盆西平原麦区稻麦两熟制条件下早播早熟型超高产小麦新品种选育提供气候生态依据,深入分析了该区小麦生育期旬平均温度、旬降雨量和旬日照时数.结果表明,该区光、热、水资源在时间上分布具有较好的同步性,从10月中下旬到翌年5月中旬的生态条件基本能够满足弱春性小麦出苗、分蘖、幼穗分化、开花结实和籽粒灌浆的需要,适当提前小麦播期,有利于开发利用10月中下旬的光、热、水资源,并延长了小麦全生育期,有利于小麦高产.综合考虑该区气候生态条件和育种现状,早播早熟型小麦品种的目标播种期、抽穗期和成熟期分别以10月20日、3月中旬和5月10日左右为宜;而产量结构以穗重型为宜,其构成因素为:穗数300×104/ha左右,穗粒数达60粒左右,千粒重50 g左右,产量7 500 kg/ha以上.  相似文献   

播期和播量对冬小麦尧麦16群体性状和产量的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为确定高产小麦尧麦16的适宜播期和播量,采用田间裂区设计,研究不同播期和播量对该品种群体性状、产量结构及产量的影响。结果表明,随着播期的推迟,小麦营养生长期缩短,成熟期却不推迟。同一播期下,播量对小麦生育进程无影响;早播增加冬前至拔节期总茎数,而对生育后期总茎数无影响。增加播量可显著增加各生育时期总茎数;随着播期推迟,同一播量水平的干物质积累量明显降低。相同播期下,干物质积累量、叶面积指数随播量的增加而递增;相同播量下,随着播期的推迟叶面积指数降低。小麦叶面积指数随生育时期的推进先升高后下降,在抽穗期达到最大。随着播量增加,产量和有效穗数逐渐增加,穗粒数和千粒重呈下降趋势;与播量相比,播期对尧麦16产量及产量结构的影响较大。尧麦16的最佳播期为10月7日,播量为300×10~4粒·hm~(-2);9月27日至10月2日播种,播量为225×10~4粒·hm~(-2),10月12日至10月17日播种,播量为375×10~4粒·hm~(-2),也可以获得较高的产量。  相似文献   

扬麦16耐迟播早熟特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦品种扬麦16自2009年审定以来推广种植面积不断扩大,生产中表现出耐迟播、早熟的特性。为阐明其耐迟播、早熟的生长发育机制,比较了在不同播期(10月20日,早播;11月5日,适播;11月20日,迟播)下扬麦16和当前本地区其他小麦主栽品种的生育特性、群体结构、灌浆特性及产量性状。结果表明,扬麦16在迟播条件下穗粒数和千粒重以及产量下降幅度均最小,稳产性好;扬麦15和扬麦22的早播和适播产量高,而迟播相对于适播的减产幅度大,但减产原因不同,扬麦15穗粒数下降幅度较大,扬麦22则是千粒重下降显著。随着播期的推迟,所有品种的全生育期天数均逐渐缩短。迟播时扬麦16生育期最短,开花期至成熟期天数比其他品种缩短3~5d,但其快速灌浆启动早,持续时间长,灌浆速率峰值大,千粒重高。迟播条件下,扬麦16越冬期茎蘖数、LAI及干物质积累量最大,能保持较大的生长量及分蘖发生量,群体结构协调,这是其迟播高产的基础。扬麦16耐迟播、早熟的特性明显,稳产性好,能满足当前长江中下游麦区小麦迟播早熟的种植需求。  相似文献   

为明确粮棉轮作两年三熟模式下棉茬小麦适宜的播期和播量,采用田间裂区试验,研究了不同播期(10月15日、10月25日和11月5日)和播量(187.5kg·hm~(-2)、225.0kg·hm~(-2)、262.5kg·hm~(-2)和300.0kg·hm~(-2))对小麦生长发育、产量及其相关性状的影响。结果表明,在拔节期,小麦叶面积随着播期的推迟而下降;在孕穗期,10月25日播期时,播量过大(300.0kg·hm~(-2))会降低小麦叶面积;在扬花期,11月5日播期时,播量过小(187.5kg·hm~(-2))会降低小麦叶面积。随着播期的推迟,小麦生物量逐渐降低,且随小麦生长发育推移,播期对小麦生物量的影响程度逐渐降低。晚播可以提高小麦灌浆期旗叶叶绿素含量,延缓叶片衰老。播期推迟会降低小麦拔节期、扬花期和成熟期的茎蘖数,播量增加会提高小麦的茎蘖数。随着播期的推迟,小麦的成穗数下降,从而导致产量降低。穗数对小麦的产量贡献最大。增加播量使小麦穗粒数和千粒重下降,但穗数增加,所以相同播期时,播量对小麦的产量没有显著影响。本试验中,以播期10月15日、播量262.5kg·hm~(-2)产量最高。建议棉茬小麦适当早播,如果播期推迟,则应适量提高播量以保证产量。  相似文献   

播期对不同筋力型小麦旗叶光合及籽粒灌浆特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为给不同筋型小麦高产种植筛选适宜的播期,以强筋小麦品种济麦20和中筋小麦品种中麦8号为试验材料,采用盆栽方法,研究了播期对两种筋型小麦旗叶光合及籽粒灌浆特性的影响。结果表明,不同播期下济麦20和中麦8号的旗叶光合和籽粒灌浆特性不尽相同。适期播种(10月7日)有利于改善济麦20旗叶光合和籽粒灌浆特性;而早播(9月30日)有利于改善中麦8号旗叶光合和籽粒灌浆特性。不同播期下,济麦20和中麦8号籽粒灌浆进程均符合Logistic方程。在本试验条件下,综合来看,济麦20以10月7日播种最优,而中麦8号以9月30日播种最优。  相似文献   

为了提高小麦的水分利用效率,并为小麦高产优质栽培提供参考,以强筋小麦品种皖麦38为材料,按小麦叶龄指标设计了9个时期的灌水试验,研究了灌水时期对强筋小麦产量和品质的影响。结果表明,皖麦38主穗的籽粒粗蛋白含量随灌水时期的推迟逐渐降低,主要分蘖穗籽粒粗蛋白含量随灌水时期的变化趋势与主穗一致;皖麦38各主要分蘖(1蘖~3蘖)穗的籽粒粗蛋白含量高于主茎穗。春4叶前的灌水处理对穗数的增加有利,春5叶至孕穗期的灌水处理对提高穗粒数有利,孕穗期至灌浆前期的灌水处理更有利于千粒重的提高,灌水时期推迟至灌浆中期会对籽粒产量造成不利影响。籽粒产量随灌水时期推迟呈增加趋势,但灌水推迟至灌浆中期会对籽粒产量造成不利影响。灌浆期进行灌水处理会使沉降值和干、湿面筋含量下降。  相似文献   

播期、收获期对玉米生长发育及冠层性状的调控   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用均匀试验设计,研究6个播期配合6个收获期对郑单958和伟科702生长发育、株型结构和产量性状的影响,通过播期、收获期调控实现高产。结果表明,冀中地区6月12日前播种,玉米抽雄和吐丝持续时间更为集中,播期每推迟3 d,抽雄和吐丝日期后推1 d;继续推迟播期,抽雄和吐丝日期后推4~5 d。2014年6月12日播种处理吐丝期冠层温度最高,不利于玉米授粉;6月15日后播种穗位叶SPAD值降低,尤其是生育后期伟科702叶片SPAD值降低幅度较大。播期对株高、穗位高和基部茎粗影响较大,播期与收获期对产量及其构成影响均显著,穗粒数随播期推迟而降低,千粒重随生育期延长而提高。经回归分析得出,夏玉米每提早播种1 d,产量平均增加98.4 kg/hm2;每推迟收获1 d,平均增产103.3 kg/hm2。郑单958获得较高产量的播期、收获期最佳组合为6月6日至6月12日播种,10月4日至10日收获。  相似文献   

土壤质地和播期对强筋小麦藁城8901品质及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了明确强筋优质小麦品种藁城8901的推广利用价值,于2002~2003年在大田生产条件下,选择轻壤、壤土、粘土三种质地的土壤,采用分期播种,研究了不同土壤质地和播期对藁城8901产量和品质的影响.结果表明,藁城8901在不同质地土壤上品质表现存在显著差异,壤土上可以生产国标一等强筋小麦,轻壤土上可以生产国标二等强筋小麦,粘土上生产的小麦不能达到国标强筋小麦的要求;随播期推迟,籽粒蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量逐渐降低,降落值和吸水率的变化较小,形成时间、稳定时间和软化度以10月5日至10月10日播种表现最好;不同土壤质地间的籽粒产量差异达极显著水平,籽粒产量大小表现为:轻壤土>粘土>壤土;在壤土和轻壤土上,藁城8901的单位面积穗数和穗粒数无显著差异,而千粒重却存在极显著差异,说明千粒重大小是影响藁城8901产量高低的主要构成因素;播期也影响藁城8901的产量,以10月5日至10月10日为最佳播期.  相似文献   

播期对不同习性小麦品种籽粒灌浆特性的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
为了给小麦高产栽培提供理论依据,2002~2003年对河南省不同习性的小麦品种在不同播期下的籽粒灌浆速率进行了研究。结果表明,不同播期下小麦品种的籽粒灌浆规律均符合Logistic曲线,灌浆过程中平均灌浆速率、渐增期灌浆速率、快增期灌浆速率对粒重影响较大。因此选择适宜播期、提高渐增期灌浆速率、快增期灌浆速率和平均灌浆速率对提高粒重有重要意义;播期对不同习性品种灌浆高峰出现的日期影响基本一致,但早播时冬性小麦洛旱2号灌浆高峰出现较早,灌浆速率大,晚播时春性品种豫麦18灌浆高峰出现较早,灌浆速率大。因此,在河南生态条件下,春性品种适宜播期为10月中下旬,半冬性品种适宜播期为10月中旬,冬性品种的适宜播期为10月上旬至4中旬。  相似文献   

为拓宽山西优质小麦品种资源,采用田间试验,分秋播(2010年9月28日)和春播(2011年2月28日)两个播种时期,研究了来自黄淮冬麦区和长江中下游冬麦区的9个优质小麦品种在晋中晚熟冬麦区的农艺、产量及品质性状表现。其中黄淮冬麦区品种为烟农19(冬性,强筋)、淮麦18(半冬性,中筋)和宁麦9号(冬性,弱筋),长江中下游冬麦区品种为镇麦168(春性,强筋)、皖麦33(春性,强筋)、宁麦13(春性,弱筋)、扬辐麦2号(春性,弱筋)、扬辐麦4号(春性,弱筋)和扬麦15(春性,弱筋)。结果表明,烟农19和淮麦18在晋中麦区秋播可正常越冬,并获得相当的产量,且烟农19的成穗数和产量高于淮麦18;9个引进小麦品种在晋中麦区春播均可抽穗成熟,但因2010-2011年度秋冬春三季连旱,所有品种在苗期到拔节期受旱,因而均未能获得较高的籽粒产量。烟农19和淮麦18的籽粒产量和品质秋播明显高于或优于春播。总体来看,在晋中麦区,烟农19和淮麦18适宜通过秋播种植加以利用,扬辐麦2号、宁麦9号有望通过春播种植加以利用。  相似文献   

Light interception and utilization in relay intercrops of wheat and cotton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In China, a large acreage of cultivated land is devoted to relay intercropping of winter wheat and cotton. Wheat is sown in strips with interspersed bare soil in October and harvested in June of the next year, while cotton is sown in the interspersed paths in the wheat crop in April and harvested before the next wheat sowing in October. This paper addresses the question how strip width and number of plant rows per strip of wheat or cotton affect light interception (LI) and light use efficiency (LUE) of both component crops.  相似文献   

Rotation of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays L.) is the prevailing double-cropping system in the North China Plain. Typically, winter wheat is planted at the beginning of October and harvested during early June. Maize is planted immediately after wheat and harvested around 25th of September. The growing season of maize is limited to about 100–110 days. How to rectify the sowing date of winter wheat and the harvest time of summer maize are two factors to achieve higher grain yield of the two crops. Three-year field experiments were carried out to compare the grain yield, evapotranspiration (ET), water use efficiency (WUE) and economic return under six combinations of the harvest time of summer maize and sowing date of winter wheat from 2002 to 2005. Yield of winter wheat was similar for treatments of sowing before 10th of October. Afterwards, yield of winter wheat was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) by 0.5% each day delayed in sowing. The kernel weight of maize was significantly increased (P < 0.05) by about 0.6% each day delayed from harvest before 5th of October. After 10th of October, kernel weight of maize was not significantly increased with the delay in harvest because of the lower temperature. The kernel weight of maize with thermal time was in a quadratic relationship. Total seasonal ET of winter wheat was reduced by 2.5 mm/day delayed in sowing and ET of maize was averagely increased by 2.0 mm/day delayed in harvest. The net income, benefit–cost and net profit per millimetre of water used of harvest maize at the beginning of October and sowing winter wheat around 10th of October were greater compared with other treatments. Then the common practice of harvest maize and sowing winter wheat in the region could be delayed by 5 days correspondingly.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):383-390

Accumulation of soluble carbohydrates plays an important role in enhancement of resistance to freezing and snow mold of plants during cold acclimation. Nevertheless, few studies have examined whether changes in cell wall properties are involved in enhancement of resistance during cold acclimation. In this study, four winter wheat cultivars were sown in a field on six different dates during August–October, and their resistance to freezing and snow mold were compared in relation to soluble carbohydrate content and cell-wall mass in leaves. Resistance to freezing and snow mold was much higher in the plants sown on 23 September than in those sown on 9 September. The percentage of cell-wall mass in leaf to total dry mass (%CW) and water-soluble carbohydrate content also increased considerably during 9–23 September. Multiple regression analyses revealed that %CW contributed significantly to freezing resistance, whereas total water-soluble carbohydrate content contributed significantly to snow mold resistance. These results suggest that increased %CW enhances freezing resistance during cold acclimation.  相似文献   

为确定北疆小麦适宜的播种模式,以北疆主栽冬小麦品种新冬18号和新冬41号及春小麦品种新春44号和新春48号为材料,设置晚播冬小麦(10月8日播种,用B1表示)、极晚播冬小麦和冬播春小麦(10月28日播种,用B2表示)以及春播春小麦(4月4日播种,用B3表示)三种播种模式,比较分析了播种模式间小麦的生育进程、总茎数、叶面积指数、光合势、干物质积累量、经济系数、产量及水分利用效率的差异。结果表明,B2处理的冬小麦较B1处理晚熟约7 d,生育期缩短162 d,出苗率、最高总茎数、LAI、总光合势、干物质积累量及总耗水量分别降低27.6个百分点、17.1%、11.5%、9.6%、3.7%和15.9%,而水分利用效率提高15.7%,平均经济系数和产量与B1处理无显著差异;B2处理的春小麦较B3处理早熟7 d,生育期延长约4 d,出苗率、最高总茎数、LAI和总耗水量分别降低28.1个百分点、7.6%、5.2%和12.3%,总...  相似文献   

设置3种稻田三熟制模式与“冬闲+早稻+晚稻”模式对比,研究了冬季作物对早稻返青缓苗期植株生长的影响。结果表明:三熟制模式下水稻返青期推迟2~3 d、缓苗期推迟1~3 d,期间水稻株高、叶龄、叶绿素含量(SPAD)、根茎叶干物质下降;在移栽至缓苗期内,三熟制模式下水稻植株根冠比比对照的小;移栽至返青期,三熟制模式下水稻生长速率均比对照处理低,在返青至缓苗期表现则相反。本研究结果表明,三熟制模式下冬季作物明显抑制了早稻返青缓苗期植株生长,其抑制作用在水稻返青后变小。  相似文献   

The implications of adopting alternative seeding methods for rice and wheat establishment were examined at three geographically separate sites in the rice-wheat system of the Indo-Gangetic plains, across northern India. Rice yields in cultivated plots, established by either wet or dry seeding methods, were evaluated in comparison to yields from zero-tillage plots and under conventional transplanting methods. In the same trials, the effects of crop establishment methods in wheat were assessed both on wheat yields and rice yields. Rice crop establishment methods markedly influenced the emerging weed flora and attainable yields were measured in relation to intensity of weed management. Over four years, average rice grain yields in the absence of weed competition were greatest (6.56 t ha−1) under wet seeding (sowing pre-germinated rice seed on puddled soil), and similar to those from transplanted rice (6.17 t ha−1) into puddled soil, and dry seeded rice after dry soil tillage (6.15 t ha−1). Lowest yields were observed from dry seeded rice sown without tillage (5.44 t ha−1). Rice yield losses due to uncontrolled weed growth were least in transplanted rice (12%) but otherwise large (c. 85%) where rice had been sown to dry cultivated fields or to puddled soil, rising to 98% in dry seeded rice sown without soil tillage. Weed competition reduced multiple rice yield components, and weed biomass in wet seeded rice was six-fold greater that in rice transplanted into puddled soil and twice as much again in dry seeded rice sown either after dry tillage or without tillage. Wheat grain yields were significantly higher from crops sown into tilled soil (3.89 t ha−1) than those sown without tillage (3.51 t ha−1), and also were elevated (5% on average) where the soil had been dry cultivated in preparation for the previous rice crops rather than puddled. The method of wheat cultivation did not influence rice yield. Soil infiltration rates in the wheat season were least where the land had been puddled for rice (1.52 mm h−1), and greater where the soil had been dry-tilled (2.63 mm h−1) and greatest after zero-tillage (3.54 mm h−1).These studies demonstrated at research managed sites across a wide geographic area, and on farmers’ fields, that yields of dry seeded rice sown after dry cultivation of soil were broadly comparable with those of transplanted rice, providing weed competition was absent. These results support the proposition that direct seeding of rice could provide an alternative to the conventional practice of transplanting, and help address rising costs and threats to sustainability in the rice-wheat rotation. Further, analysis of patterns of long-term rainfall data indicated that farmers reliant on monsoon rainfall could prepare fields for dry direct seeded rice some 30 days before they could prepare fields for either transplanting or seeding with pre-germinated seed. Dry, direct seeding of rice contributes a valuable component of an adaptive strategy to address monsoonal variability that also may advance the time of wheat establishment and yield. Whilst the results illustrate the robustness, feasibility and significant potential of direct seeded rice, they also highlight the critical nature of effective weed control in successful implementation of direct seeding systems for rice.  相似文献   

江苏射阳地区红皮小麦品种不同播期筛选试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在江苏射阳县新洋农场进行16个红皮小麦品种不同播期的筛选试验,对参试品种早晚2个播期下的生育期、农艺性状、抗性及产量进行汇总分析。结果表明:早播组全生育期变幅在221~225 d,晚播组全生育期变幅在213~217 d,扬麦23全生育期均最短,华麦6号全生育期最长。早播组产量变幅为591.67~739.67 kg/667 m2,华麦6号最高,扬麦15最低;晚播组产量变幅为637.00~707.67 kg/667 m2,扬麦23最高,扬麦27最低。未防治条件下,锈病早播组发病明显重于晚播组,早播情况下华麦7号、扬江麦580-1、宁麦13(CK)锈病发生极重,华麦6号锈病早、晚播发生均轻,锈病抗性突出。总之,早播组平均产量水平低于晚播组,产量变幅明显高于晚播组,品种间产量差异较大。扬麦23、华麦1430表现最为突出,在早播组、晚播组产量均居于最前列,赤霉病、锈病均发生较轻。  相似文献   

研究出云南省宾川县亚麻种植的适宜播期为9月25日至10月25日,最适播期为10月5日至15日,在最适播期播种的亚麻经济性状好,原茎产量高。  相似文献   

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