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选择年龄相近的经产健康妊娠母獭兔120只,随机分为2组,使用平口式和暗箱式产箱进行接产试验,通过母兔的产前拉毛、箱内外产仔和产后哺乳情况判断产箱环境对母兔母性行为的影响,通过仔兔断奶前死亡率、断奶窝重、断奶个体重及断奶窝仔数,判断产箱类型对仔兔健康及生长的影响。结果表明:使用暗箱式产仔的母兔,在产前拉毛、箱内产仔和产后哺乳性能方面均优于平口式产箱的母兔。仔兔的初生窝重、初生个体重和产仔数不受产箱类型的影响(P0.05),但断奶时窝重、个体重和成活率,暗箱式均优于平口式(P0.05)。  相似文献   

本试验旨在探讨繁殖期母貂饲粮中锰的适宜量.试验选取150只平均体重为(1005±113)g的健康成年母貂,根据随机区组法分成5组,每组设30个重复,每个重复1只水貂.各组水貂分别饲喂在基础饲粮中添加0(Ⅰ组)、15(Ⅱ组)、50(Ⅲ组)、100(Ⅳ组)和500mg/kg(V组)锰的试验饲粮.锰以有机螯合锰形式添加,基础饲粮中锰含量约为25mg/kg.试验时间为2011年1月26日至2011年6月23日.结果表明:饲粮有机螯合锰添加水平对母貂血清雌二醇与孕酮含量、妊娠天数、受配率、产仔率、窝产仔数、窝产活仔数,以及仔貂初生窝重、断奶成活数、断奶成活率、1日龄和7日龄平均个体重均无显著影响(P>0.05),但母貂产仔率、窝产仔数、窝产活仔数,以及仔貂断奶成活数、断奶成活率有随着锰添加水平的升高而增加的趋势.饲粮中添加有机螯合锰对配种跨度影响不大,但能够缩短平均初配持续天数,使配种更为集中.饲粮有机螯合锰添加水平对仔貂断奶窝重、15日龄和45日龄平均个体重及1~45日龄平均日增重的影响差异显著(P<0.05).仔貂断奶窝重随着锰添加水平的升高先增后降,Ⅳ组、V组显著高于Ⅱ组(P<0.05);仔貂15日龄平均个体重随着锰添加水平的升高而降低,Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组与V组相比差异达到显著水平(P<0.05);仔貂45日龄平均个体重和1~45日龄平均日增重均以Ⅱ组最小,与Ⅰ组相比有显著差异(P<0.05).本试验条件下,综合母貂繁殖性能及仔貂生长性能,建议繁殖期母貂基础饲粮锰含量在25mg/kg左右时,锰(有机螯合锰形式)的添加水平为100mg/kg,即饲粮中锰总含量在125mg/kg左右.  相似文献   

<正> 正确、及时地进行仔貂断乳和分笼,既有利于仔貂生长,又可确保母貂身体健康。1 准备首先将所要使用的笼箱进行检查,破损的进行修补,然后全部消毒备用;再将所需食盘、水盒清洗后消毒,待用。2 断乳将日龄达到40~45日龄、体重达到250克以上的仔貂断乳,每2~3只装在1个笼箱里饲养。这样做有两个好处:一是通过仔貂的体温来提高小室的温度,防止仔貂受凉发病;二是要让过惯了群体生活的仔貂逐步适应环境,培养独立生活的能力。体重达不到250克的弱小仔貂暂不要急于分出去,让母貂再带养一段时间。这样做既能使弱小  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲粮中添加不同硒源对雌性水貂繁殖性能及其后代生长性能的影响。选取80只配种期初产母貂,随机分成4组,每组20个重复,每个重复1只。对照组(CN组)饲喂基础饲粮(硒含量0.18 mg/kg),试验组分别在基础饲粮中添加0.2 mg/kg(以硒计)亚硒酸钠(SS组)、酵母硒(SY组)、硒代蛋氨酸(Se-Met组)。试验期130 d。结果表明:1) Se-Met组和SY组仔貂21日龄体重显著高于CN组(P<0.05),Se-Met组和SY组仔貂42日龄体重显著高于CN组和SS组(P<0.05)。各组之间母貂窝产仔数及仔貂初生窝重、初生体重、7日龄体重、35日龄体重无显著差异(P>0.05)。2)SY组母貂血清谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性显著高于CN组和SS组(P<0.05),Se-Met组母貂血清活性氧(ROS)含量极显著低于CN组和SS组(P<0.01)。各组之间母貂血清总超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD)活性及硒、丙二醛(MDA)含量无显著差异(P>0.05)。3)SY组和Se-Met组仔貂血清硒含量显著高于CN组和SS组(P<...  相似文献   

出生3~5日龄的仔貂极易被母貂压死或是远离母貂冻饿而死,其原因是母貂分娩前由于腹痛,几顿不能进食;母貂产后,饲养人员怕母貂吃不饱会影响泌乳量,即喂大量适口性强的饲料,母貂吃足食后,加之产仔的疲劳,便昏头大睡,由于仔貂觅食在其身旁拱动,母貂在调换位置时,极易将觅食的仔貂压住,初生仔貂无力挣扎,就会被母貂压死;爬远的仔貂得不到母貂的保护也会  相似文献   

及时进行仔貂分窝,既有利于仔貂生长,又确保母貂身体健康。1分窝前的准备工作仔貂分窝前,首先要将所在地使用的笼箱进行1次检查,破损的修补,然后全部消毒备用。再将所需食盘、水盒清洗后消毒,待子貂分窝后使用。2第1次分窝仔貂分窝应进行2次,第1次将日龄达到40~45日龄,体重达到250克以上(注意体重达不到250克弱小仔貂暂不要急于分出去,让母貂再带养一段时间。这样做既能使弱小貂迅速赶上分出去健壮仔貂,又不因仔貂全部分出去而使母受惊)的仔貂,要2~8只装在1个笼箱里饲养。这样做有两个好处:一是通过仔貂…  相似文献   

出生 3~ 5日龄的仔貂极易被母貂压死或是爬走远离母貂冻饿而死 ,其原因是母貂分娩前由于腹痛 ,几顿不能进食 ,母貂产后 ,饲养人员怕母貂吃不饱会影响泌乳量 ,即喂给大量适口性强的饲料 ,母貂吃足食后 ,加之产仔的疲劳 ,便昏头大睡 ,由于仔貂觅食在其身旁拱动 ,母貂在调换位置时 ,极易将觅食的仔貂压住 ,初生仔貂无力挣扎 ,就会被母貂压死 ;爬远的仔貂得不到母貂的保护也会被冻饿而死。因此 ,为了确保仔貂的成活率 ,在母貂产仔5日内 ,应让母貂食 9成饱为宜 ,使母貂时有饥饿感 ,这样母貂就不会只顾自己大睡而不顾身旁的仔貂了。而母貂在妊娠…  相似文献   

试验研究窝箱不同加热方式对1~7 d仔貂生长性能的影响,选择了150只已成功交配的一岁母貂(标准黑貂),平均体重为( 1084.2±169.6) g,随机分成5组,每组30只,分别是对照组(无加热无笼网结构)、试验Ⅰ组(底部电热板19 ℃)、试验Ⅱ组(底部电热板15 ℃)、试验Ⅲ组(笼网结构加热10 ℃)、试验Ⅳ组(笼网结构不加热,<10 ℃)。结果表明,各组间产仔个数、出生活仔数、出生成活率、7 d活仔数无显著差异(P>0.1),但7 d成活率各组间差异极显著(P<0.01),Ⅰ组7 d后的仔兽成活率显著高于Ⅲ组,而与其他各组间虽差异不显著,但均高于其他各组,Ⅲ组妊娠天数要明显高于其他组(P<0.01),而其他各组间差异不显著;Ⅰ、Ⅱ组的仔貂聚集度要明显低于其他各组,Ⅰ组混合度最高(20.8%),Ⅱ组的仔貂分散度最高(26.34%),Ⅳ组的仔貂分散度最低(4.55%);对照组的营救时间最短(5.24 s),明显低于其他各组。综合以上各项指标得出对于1~7日龄仔貂,窝箱底部电热板加热方式要优于笼网结构加热,当底部加热至19 ℃时,对仔貂成活最有利。  相似文献   

一、作好产前准备:产前对地面、食具、笼舍进行消毒处理,搞好清洁卫生,预防疾病。由于仔貂恒温机制不健全,易受外界环境变化的影响,产前要在产箱内铺足够的垫草,严防仔貂感冒或患肺炎。 二、对乳量不足的采取找“奶妈”代养:对产仔多,产后无乳的可找“奶妈”。“奶妈”要乳量充足,母性好、产仔较少、两窝仔貂的日龄和个体大小相同或相近。代养时,把被代养的健康仔貂放在代养母貂小窝门附近,仔貂嘶叫,母貂就会把仔貂叨入窝中。也可将母貂赶出窝,用隔板挡住,直接把仔貂放入窝中,为使寄养成功,可将仔貂身上涂上“奶妈”的奶液或尿液。注意动作要轻、快、静,手上不能带有异味,不破坏窝形。对落  相似文献   

母貂产仔后适时进行仔貂分窝,既有利于仔貂正常生长发育,又可确保母貂身体健康。 1 分窝前的准备 首先要准备好分窝用的笼箱,将所要使用的笼箱进行认真检查,经修补破损之处后,进行彻底消毒备用。然后将所需食盘、水盒清洗消毒后留作仔貂分窝使用。 2 第一次分窝 对仔貂应进行2次分窝:第一次将40~45日龄、体重达到250克以上的仔貂2~3只装在一个笼箱里分出饲养。这样做有2条好处:一是可通过仔貂的体温来提高貂舍的温度,防止仔貂受凉;二是可使过惯了群体生活的仔貂逐步适应独立生活,为第2次分窝打下基础。 千万要注意体重达不到250克的弱小仔貂,暂不要急于分出去,可让母貂再代养一段时间。这样做  相似文献   

Woody encroachment has influenced wildlife distributions and, thus, predator-prey dynamics, for many taxa in North American grasslands. In 2015 and 2016, we examined how vegetative characteristics influenced avian nest predator assemblages and nest predation rates in semiarid grasslands of south Texas, where encroachment of woody plant species is common. We monitored 253 nests of 17 bird species and deployed infrared cameras at 107 nest sites within four vegetation types at our study sites. We also used data from a concurrent, multispecies monitoring project within our study area to assess predator activity within these same vegetation types. We divided bird species into four nest types based on nest shape and size (i.e., small, medium, and large cup-shaped nests and exposed nests with little structure). We then used logistic regression to examine relationships between shrub cover, concealment, and distance to edge and the probability of nest success and predation by snakes. We observed a significant decrease in nest success of our medium-sized, cup-shaped nest type when shrub cover increased at the nest site, indicating small increases in shrub cover (≈ 10%) could have substantial impacts on birds using this nest type. Snakes were our primary predator at camera-monitored nests (59%), and snake activity increased by 6.7% with every 10% increase in shrub cover at the nest site. Mesomammalian and large mammalian predators were most active in vegetation types predominated by herbaceous cover, small mammals were most active in vegetation types predominated by woody cover, and snake activity was highly variable. Predator activity did not reflect predator identity at camera-monitored nests, suggesting that potential nest predator activity may not accurately reflect the risk of nest predation. Results of our study will help inform management of bird species using semiarid grasslands affected by woody encroachment and offer recommendations for improved nest success.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):180-186
The mesopredator release hypothesis predicts that reductions in top-predator abundance in a community will increase the abundance or activity of smaller ‘mesopredators’, and increase predation pressure on mesopredator prey, including bird nests. Top predators have been extensively controlled in rangelands managed for sheep in South Africa, because top predators prey on sheep. To test whether this control of top predators has increased nest predation risk for breeding birds in rangeland landscapes, I compared nest predation rates between rangeland areas subject to predator control, and large protected areas with no predator control. An artificial nest experiment found that nest predation by mammalian mesopredators was non-significantly higher in rangeland areas, providing weak support for increased predation by mammalian mesopredators as a consequence of mesopredator release. However, nest predation rates on natural nests of a suite of nine species did not differ between rangeland and protected area landscapes. Thus, control of top predators does not appear to reduce bird nesting success in this system. This result may reflect complex interactions between mammalian mesopredators and other predators of birds’ nests, particularly snakes.  相似文献   

为探究北方蚁(Formica aquilonia Yarrow)对蚁巢及周围土壤理化性质的影响,本文以北方蚁蚁巢为研究对象,对蚁巢边缘进行不同距离的划分,探究不同生境、不同距离下土壤理化性质的变化特征。结果表明:草地类型、离巢距离及二者交互作用均对土壤参数有极显著影响(P<0.01),碱解氮和有效磷主要受离巢距离的影响,其余参数受草地类型的影响更大;不同草地的蚁巢均表现出蚁巢中心pH值显著低于周围土壤(P<0.05),并与离巢距离呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),其余参数显著高于周围土壤(P<0.05),并与离巢距离呈极显著负相关(P<0.01);通过拟合曲线,各土壤参数与离巢距离均符合函数模型;综合各土壤参数分析,除离巢距离、有效磷与pH值无相关性外,其余参数间均表现出显著相关(P<0.05)。北方蚁影响蚁巢内外的土壤性质,对周围生态系统具有重要影响,并促进了自然生态系统中物质和能量的循环。  相似文献   

朱井丽  吴庆明 《野生动物》2012,33(3):143-145
2011年4月,在七星河保护区内用生境因子测定法、样方法对苍鹭的巢选择进行了初步研究。结果表明:(1)七星河保护区苍鹭巢为地面型,均营巢于芦苇沼泽,窝卵数以4~5枚卵居多(84.21%);(2)巢外径为95.31±1.30 cm,巢内径为40.29±0.54 cm,巢高为57.51±1.91 cm,巢深为11.51±0.35 cm;(3)巢周水深为42.18±1.94 cm,距道路距离为446.58±13.9 m,巢周芦苇高度为323.12±3.87 cm,密度为263.17±4.20根/m~2,直径为8.11±0.41 mm,盖度为1.32±0.07%。进一步比较分析发现:栖息型、水位、芦苇处理方式的不同,苍鹭巢特征和巢周环境也不同。  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):274-278
The southern ground hornbill, Bucorvus leadbeateri, is on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as a ‘Vulnerable’ species with a decreasing population. Despite a myriad of threats, including loss of nesting sites, accidental poisoning and persecution, there has been no detailed study of the southern ground hornbill in Zimbabwe. We collected data on nest sites and usage for 42 nests over three breeding seasons in the communal areas surrounding the Matobo National Park. For the active nests in the breeding seasons of 2008/9 and 2009/10 the mean nearest neighbour distances were 4.41 km and 3.53 km, respectively. Most nests were found in granite crevices (67%) while the remainder were found in five different tree species. Most nests (90%) were in areas of subsistence crop farming, the remainder (10%) were found in forests and open savannas. The high breeding density of the southern ground hornbill in the communal areas surrounding the Matobo National Park in Zimbabwe could be attributed in part to traditional Ndebele culture which, for the most part, protects this species. Food also appears to be relatively abundant under communal farming conditions.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of maternally selected nests in shaping offspring phenotypes, our understanding of how the nest environment affects embryonic development and offspring traits of most non-avian reptiles is rather limited largely due to the logistical difficulty in locating their nests. To identify the relative contributions of environmental (temporal [seasonal] and spatial [nest-site]) and intrinsic (clutch) factors on embryonic development and offspring traits, we conducted a cross-fostering experiment by swapping eggs between maternally-selected nests of the toad-headed agama (Phrynocephalus przewalskii) in the field. We found that nest environment explained a large proportion of variation in incubation duration, hatching success, and offspring size and growth. In contrast, clutch only explained a small proportion of variation in these embryonic and offspring traits. More significantly, compared with spatial effects, seasonal effects explained more phenotypic variation in both embryonic development and offspring traits. Eggs laid early in the nesting season had longer incubation durations and produced smaller hatchlings with higher post-hatching growth rates than did later-laid eggs. Consequently, hatchlings from early-laid eggs reached larger body sizes prior to winter. In addition, we found that female toad-headed agama did not select nests specific to reaction norms of their own offspring because hatchlings from original or translocated nests had similar phenotypic traits. Overall, our study demonstrates the importance of seasonal variation in nest environments in determining embryonic development and offspring phenotypes, which has not been widely appreciated at least in non-avian reptiles.  相似文献   

The woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) is a common and widespread bird in Morocco (North Africa). I examined, over 2 years (2010 and 2011), the breeding density and nest placement of this game species in relation to nest site habitat and degree of human disturbance. The study area was in the Middle Atlas Tighboula mountain forest, Morocco, in a disturbed and an undisturbed site. Using data collected in the 2 study sites, I aimed to identify the factors influencing the placement of nests within holm oak trees (Quercus rotundifolia) and their densities. I found that habitat structures, influenced by grazing disturbance, have affected nesting density and the location of nests of this species. Woodpigeons place their nests in a higher position (3.42 ± 0.19 m) when disturbance intensity is high and lower (1.68 ± 0.1 m) when disturbance intensity is low, and show higher nesting density in less disturbed zone (3.1 ± 0.4 nests/ha) than in highly disturbed zones (1.4 ± 0.2 nests/ha). Grazing disturbance could pose a threat to population persistence at a broader scale and could potentially reduce the abundance of this species by altering the composition and the structure of the forest nesting habitat. Further multi‐scale studies are needed to assess the effects of different levels of grazing disturbance on woodpigeon nest density and placement, and to enhance our knowledge of the breeding behavior of this game species under variable environments.  相似文献   

选择45日龄健康公母水貂各50只,随机分为5组,每组10个重复,其中A、AB、AC、AD组均为新型窝箱且构造各不相同,E组为传统窝箱。结果表明:窝箱环境对母貂的体重没有显著影响(P>0.05);AD组公貂的体重明显低于其他各组,与E组差异显著(P<0.05);不同组别水貂采食量所呈现的差异性基本上与水貂体重所呈现的差异性大体一致;窝箱环境对水貂干物质和蛋白质消化率没有显著性作用(P>0.05);不同组间母貂的氮代谢水平基本一致(P>0.05),E组公貂食入氮和粪氮最高,但在氮沉积和净蛋白利用率上与其他各组不存在显著性差异(P>0.05);AC窝箱干净度最高,各组间不存在显著性差异(P>0.05)。由此得出:窝箱环境不能影响饲粮营养物质的消化代谢能力,但能影响公貂的采食量及体重。  相似文献   

以废弃物为铺网进行地毯式草皮培植及其铺坪建植,并对培植草皮、草皮铺坪建植性能指标进行了研究.结果表明,由于同草种废弃物铺网不同,培植草皮性能差异相对较大,铺网生产性能差异相对较小;除个别废弃物外,多数废弃物生产地毯式草皮均十分理想.草种不同,草皮及铺坪效果也不同.因此,生长快、根系发达并对铺网适应性好的草种是理想草种.  相似文献   

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