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犬、猫皮肤丝状菌病(dematophytosis,简称皮肤真菌病)是犬、猫的常见传染病.表现为局部或全身脱毛,脱屑.继发细菌感染可形成脓癣.此病病程长、难治愈、易复发,并且可在动物之间,人与人之间,人与动物之间互相传播,造成一定程度的公共卫生问题.此病多发生于幼龄犬、猫以及体质衰弱、机体抵抗力降低和老龄的犬、猫,也易在犬场、猫场和宠物庇护所流行.  相似文献   

犬猫皮肤真菌病研究进展Ⅰ:发病情况及临床特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犬、猫皮肤丝状菌病(dermatophytosis,简称皮肤真菌病)是犬、猫的常见传染病。表现为局部或全身脱毛,脱屑。继发细菌感染可形成脓癣。此病病程长、难治愈、易复发,并且可在动物之间,人与人之间,人与动物之间互相传播,造成一定程度的公共卫生问题。此病多发生于幼龄犬、猫以及体质衰弱、机体抵抗力降低和老龄的犬、猫,也易在犬场、猫场和宠物庇护所流行。  相似文献   

犬瘟热是由副粘病毒属的犬瘟热病毒引起的一种高度接触性传染病 ,以高烧 (双峰热 )、侵害粘膜为主要特征。1 流行病学犬瘟热是犬的固有传染病 ,尤其对幼犬的危害最严重。犬瘟热易患动物不仅有犬 ,还包括犬科动物、猫科动物、鼬科动物。据报道海豹也发此病。所以此病有广泛的传染源存在。此病主要通过飞沫传播。在早期发热阶段 ,眼、鼻的浆性分泌物中含有大量病毒 ,病犬的粪尿也含有病毒 ,可通过污染物体传播本病。狗舍、运动场地、饲养用具和犬经常聚集的其他场所均有病毒驻留。2 临床症状和病理变化病犬初期食欲减退 ,眼、鼻流水样分泌物…  相似文献   

动物的真菌皮肤病是指病原真菌侵袭动物表皮及其附属构造的疾病,是宠物临床中的常见病、多发病,并且可以在动物与人之间及动物与动物之间传播或传染。真菌性皮肤病也叫皮肤癣菌病,主要是由真菌引起的毛杆和角质层感染,包括犬小孢子菌引  相似文献   

犬膀胱结石是常见的泌尿系统疾病.此病多发于中老年动物,特别是雄犬比雌犬多发,临床上轻则尿频、尿少或影响尿路畅通;重则血尿、尿闭、排尿困难或膀胱破裂导致愈后不良.  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的不断提高,犬做为伴侣动物陆续进入居民家中。但高兴之余,应注意防制犬的常发病——犬瘟热。下面简要介绍一下犬瘟热的诊断与防制。 一、病因及临床症状 犬瘟热是由犬瘟热病毒引起的。未进行免疫注射的犬在机体营养不良、抵抗力下降、遇到气候突变时,常易引发犬瘟热,尤其是冬春季节,极易发病。饲喂腐败变质的肉类食品,也可引发此病。幼龄犬多发且愈后多为不良。  相似文献   

犬细小病毒性肠炎的临床用药探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
犬细小病毒性肠炎的临床用药探讨周庆国(佛山科学技术学院动物医学系,广东南海528231)毕可东(莱阳农学院动物科学系,山东265200)犬细小病毒性肠炎在临诊上主要表现为严重的出血性胃肠炎症状,即呕吐、腹泻、排带血粪便和机体脱水。对于此病的治疗,许多...  相似文献   

一直以来,我们都认为犬猫等动物感染分枝杆菌是很少见的,犬、猫是"溢出"宿主,不是重要的传播源。然而最近的研究发现,犬猫等动物感染分枝杆菌后可以将分枝杆菌再次传给人,这对人与动物的健康来说无疑是一个巨大的威胁。本文对分枝杆菌在宠物中感染的进行介绍,并提出防止分枝杆菌在犬猫等动物与人之间进行传播的措施,希望可以为宠物分枝杆菌感染的防控提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

1危害该病的传染源主要是发病及带菌的羊、牛、猪,其次是犬。感染动物后,首先在同种动物间传播,造成带菌或发病,随后波及人类。人患此病会产生较家畜有更为严重的症状,如波浪热,关节和肌肉疼痛难忍,一般镇痛药不能缓解,不能劳动,还会影响生育,严重者可致死亡。而动物不表现症状,但是患病动物的分泌物、排泄物、流  相似文献   

随着宠物犬猫的饲养增多 ,在兽医临床上 ,犬猫的疾病所占的比例亦逐渐上升。在犬猫病临床上 ,眼睑疾病是犬猫常发生的外科疾病 ,据统计资料证明 ,此病占犬猫外科疾病的 30 %以上。1 眼睑内翻症眼睑内翻是指眼睑缘向眼睑方向内卷 ,使睫毛刺激角膜的异常表现。此病有上眼睑缘或下眼睑缘内翻 ,可一侧或两侧眼发病 ,下眼睑最常发病。内翻后 ,睑缘的睫毛对角膜和结膜有很大的刺激性 ,可引起流泪与结膜炎 ,如不去除刺激则可以发生角膜炎和角膜溃疡。1.1 病因及症状此病可导致大部分或全部睫毛倒向眼球表面 ,刺激球结膜和角膜 ,致使结膜充血潮红…  相似文献   

The hair and skin of 300 clinically healthy animals, 268 dogs and 32 cats, were examined mycologically. The method described by Mariat and Tapia (1966) was used for the examination, along with square pieces of the fitted carpet Kovral. The dermatophytes were isolated in 12 samples, all from the material taken from dogs. Trichophyton mentagrophytes was isolated six times, Microsporum canis four times, Trichophyton gallinae once, Trichophyton rubrum once. The origin of the dermatophyte Trichophyton gallinae, found in a village dog, was not determined. In one case of occurrence of the dermatophyte Trichophyton mentagrophytes in a dog the dermatophyte was probably transmitted from man to the dog. Microsporum canis was not proved to be the most frequent dermatophyte in dogs or cats in this country.  相似文献   

瘙痒是犬皮肤病的典型临床症状之一,通常除瘙痒外还常伴脱毛、红斑等皮肤症状。瘙痒问题不仅困扰动物本身,也影响到饲养者的生活质量。瘙痒的发生机制复杂,目前国内外已有大量对人和犬瘙痒性皮肤病的临床和基础研究,揭示了瘙痒和神经免疫系统之间的关系,引入了"瘙痒-抓挠"循环的概念,且表明了免疫系统、皮肤屏障和神经系统的单独促进作用和交互作用是瘙痒产生的关键因素,任一环节的问题都可开启"瘙痒-抓挠"的恶性循环。临床上引起犬瘙痒的病因复杂,参照2007年由国际瘙痒研究论坛成员提出的瘙痒分类,将引起犬瘙痒的疾病根据病因类比对应分为了六大类,引起皮肤病性瘙痒的疾病分为了感染性、过敏性、肿瘤性等,其中在临床上最主要的是犬过敏性瘙痒。犬瘙痒性皮肤病的诊断方法及鉴别诊断多样,需从多方面对患病犬进行信息收集,按一定顺序进行排查和鉴别诊断。犬瘙痒性皮肤病的治疗周期长且疾病易反复,目前常用的西医药物存在副作用大、靶点单一、价格昂贵等不足,中药方剂成分复杂,有效成分多,可从多通路多途径治疗机制复杂的瘙痒,在犬瘙痒性皮肤病的治疗上具有优势和广阔前景。文章对瘙痒发生的机制、犬瘙痒性疾病的分类、诊断及中西医治疗思路等最新研究进展进行综述,以期为小动物临床瘙痒相关疾病的诊治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) represent an emerging group of diseases that have been labeled as "prion diseases" because of the recent characterization of the infectious agent. TSEs are caused by prions, which induce neurodegenerative fatal diseases in humans and animals. Some TSEs (scrapie and kuru), have existed in both animals and humans for a very long time, whereas others such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy and variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease have either recently emerged or are more thoroughly described and recognized. It is obvious that the medical community will be forced to consider these diseases in humans and animals for the future. This article offers a short review of the TSEs of immediate concern to zoo and wildlife veterinarians and wildlife biologists and suggests risk management strategies for the prevention of these diseases, with special focus on chronic wasting disease of cervids in North America.  相似文献   

坏死杆菌病是由坏死杆菌感染引发各种哺乳动物和禽患病的一种慢性传染性疾病,通常表现为皮肤和相关组织出现损伤后坏死杆菌才会通过损伤的组织侵染,大量繁殖产生毒素,表现出相应的临床症状。该类疾病发病不集中,大多呈散发流行或地方流行,发病过程较为缓慢,虽然造成的死亡率较低,但是会严重影响到动物的生长发育。生猪规模化养殖产业发展过程中,坏死杆菌病发生率呈现逐年升高趋势,并且经常和各种细菌性疾病、毒性疾病混合感染,表现的临床症状十分复杂,给疾病诊断工作带来很大难度。该文主要探讨坏死杆菌病的发病原因和临床诊治方法。  相似文献   

Many diseases can affect the pinna of the dog and cat. These diseases represent most categories of cutaneous disease, from infectious to neoplastic. Although some diseases affect primarily the pinna, most pinnal dermatoses occur in conjunction with other integumentary disorders. One should approach the diagnostic work-up of pinnal disease in an organized manner, obtaining first a thorough history and physical examination. A systematic approach is required in the diagnostic evaluation in order to arrive at a tentative or definitive diagnosis. Skin scrapings, cytologic examination, and culture for dermatophytes provide the minimum database. A variety of diagnostic tests, including hematology, serum biochemical profiles, urinalysis, serology, intradermal skin testing, hypoallergenic diet trials, histopathology, and direct immunofluorescence, may be necessary in some cases before a definitive diagnosis is reached. The ears are somewhat difficult to biopsy, although in many instances histopathologic examination is essential to the diagnosis. In this author's opinion, it is preferable to use a no. 15 scalpel blade rather than a punch biopsy when obtaining a pinnal biopsy. This allows the veterinarian to obtain an elliptical or wedge biopsy, which can frequently be sutured. In some instances, biopsies are required from the ear margin and a full ear thickness biopsy is obtained. Sutures may not hold in this situation, and cautery may be necessary for hemostasis. As in other situations in which the ear is bleeding (aural hematomas, vasculitis, fly bite dermatitis, and so on), bandaging and immobilization of the ear may be necessary to prevent further trauma. Although symptomatic therapy is sometimes helpful when treating pinnal diseases, a definitive diagnosis is preferred. This is especially important following the second or third presentation of an animal for ear disease. Although ear diseases are frequently viewed as a nuisance rather than a serious condition, anyone who has owned or worked closely with an animal suffering from chronic otitis externa should appreciate the animal's discomfort and the owner's frustration. All too frequently, the chronic otitis externa is the result of a hypersensitivity (either inhalant or food) that has been overlooked in the attempt to treat the subsequent infectious otitis. Thus, in animals with recurrent otitis externa, every attempt should be made to identify and treat the underlying etiology.  相似文献   

Background – Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae is a Gram‐positive facultative anaerobe found worldwide and is most commonly associated with skin disease in swine, while anecdotal reports of cases in dogs have been associated with endocarditis. Hypothesis/Objectives – Clinicians should consider systemic infectious diseases as a potential cause of erythematous skin lesions. Animals – A 5‐year‐old female spayed Labrador retriever presented with lethargy, anorexia and erythematous skin lesions while receiving immunosuppressive therapy for immune‐mediated haemolytic anaemia. Four days prior to presentation, the dog had chewed on a raw turkey carcase. Methods – Complete blood count, serum chemistry profile, urinalysis and blood cultures. Results – Blood cultures yielded a pure growth of E. rhusiopathiae serotype 1b. Amoxicillin 22 mg/kg orally twice daily for 2 weeks and discontinuation of azathioprine resulted in remission of fever and skin lesions. Conclusions and clinical importance – This report is the first documentation, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, of Erysipelothrix infection, a known zoonosis, in an immunosuppressed dog, highlighting the need for infectious disease monitoring in patients receiving such therapy. This information may also help educate veterinarians to include Erysipelothrix infection as a differential diagnosis in dogs with fever and skin lesions, as well as the role of blood cultures in diagnosing this disease.  相似文献   

Demodicosis of dogs--a factorial disease?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Demodex canis is a normal resident of the intact canine skin, being present in small numbers in virtually every dog. Most animals are only carriers of the mites and do not develop clinical symptoms, therefore, demodectic mange has already to be considered as a factorial disease. The modus operandi of transition of clinically inapparent colonization of the mites into a disease may be explained according to investigations so far published multifactorially and thereby essentially as consequences of primary or secondary immunodepression. A primary immunodepression is initially based most probably on a hereditary defect of T-cells and is subsequently reinforced by substances, which are presumably synthesized and liberated not only by mites but also by secondary bacterial agents. A secondary immunodepression operates as trigger mechanism of a clinical manifestation after corticosteroid or cytostatic therapy or in course of underlying diseases of potentially immunodepressive nature, i.e., malignant neoplasia, hepatopathies, hyperadrenocorticism and lymphosarcoma.  相似文献   

犬瘟热是危害犬、狐、貂最严重的烈性传染病之一。作者对某试验动物犬饲养厂的病死犬进行临床症状观察,病理剖检及实验室诊断,通过病毒的分离培养及间接免疫荧光鉴定,确诊为犬瘟热病毒感染。鉴于该病的危害程度,建议加强对犬瘟热病的诊断及监控。  相似文献   

Some invasive wildlife species have the potential to act as additional host and vector species for parasitic and other infectious diseases. We used the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonides), a carnivore species that has its origin in Asia, as an example to demonstrate biological and ecological prerequisites which enables an invasive species to occupy a new habitat permanently. Studies conducted during the last ten years identified a total of 23 endoparasites, two ectoparasites, six bacterial or protozoan species and five viruses, found in the Nyctereutes procyonoides ussuriensis subspecies in its newly occupied range or in N. procyonoides koreensis in its original range. Results of studies in Finland and Germany furthermore showed that biological characteristics of the raccoon dog make this carnivore an appropriate host or vector for a variety of parasites and infectious diseases. This may result in a growing importance of this invasive carnivore for the epidemiology of transmissible diseases in Germany. Especially with regard to zoonotic disease outbreaks, the raccoon dog should therefore be paid more attention in disease prevention and eradication strategies.  相似文献   

The clinical and diagnostic features of two cases of pemphigus erythematosus in the dog are described. This disease, which is one of the autoimmune bullous skin diseases, should be included in the differential diagnosis of nasal dermatitis or of so-called ‘Collie-nose’.  相似文献   

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