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本研究对盐土和非盐土种植多花黑麦草进行氮肥施用试验,研究施氮对不同土壤条件下多花黑麦草产量及饲用品质的影响,为提高氮肥利用效率、有效改善牧草产量品质提供依据。试验分别在江苏大丰金海农场和南京六合江苏省农业科学院试验基地进行,设置N0(对照)、N1(氮用量100 kg/hm2)、N2(氮用量150 kg/hm2)和N3(氮用量200 kg/hm2)4个处理,分别在多花黑麦草拔节期和初穗期进行刈割,测定牧草产量和饲用品质。结果表明在盐土和非盐土施用氮肥对多花黑麦草饲草品质和产量的影响存在显著差异:非盐土条件下不同施氮处理的多花黑麦草产量和饲用品质均高于盐土,其中干物质体外消化率(IVDMD),粗蛋白(CP)和非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)含量非盐土条件下高于盐土,且第1茬高于第2茬;CP含量随着施氮量的上升而升高,而NSC含量随着施氮量的上升而下降;作为NSC主要组分的淀粉在盐土条件下的含量高于非盐土;施氮组的IVDMD高于对照,但不同施氮量间差异不显著;中性洗涤纤维(NDF)含量盐土条件下高于非盐土,第2茬高于第1茬;盐土不同茬次、不同施氮处理的干物质含量(DM)均显著高于非盐土,且第2茬高于第1茬,并随着施氮量的增加而下降;非盐土条件下的牧草产量高于盐土,且第2茬高于第1茬,随着施氮量的上升而升高,N2处理组,即氮素施用量150 kg/hm2的产量最高;但在盐土上施氮,多花黑麦草的产量增加幅度高于非盐土。  相似文献   

内蒙古河套地区是我国最大的一首制灌区,有耕地面积55.33万hm2,是我国重要的商品粮,糖,油,番茄,葵花籽,蔬菜生产基地。家畜存栏739万头,是我国地区级最大的肉羊产地。灌区内尚有28.1万hm2盐土,改造和利用这些盐土和盐化草场也是西部地区草地生态建设的组成内容,为此,从2003年开始到2007年巴彦淖尔市草原站和秋林公司对所属的雅玛赖滩万亩以上的盐土进行了行之有效的改良研究,除采用水利工程,物理,化学等传统的盐土改良措施以外,探索到了利用野生真盐生植物一盐地碱蓬(suaeda salsa),在附合自然规律的条件下进行生物排盐的理论依据,并使其做为改良盐土的首选牧草进行培育,利用盐地碱逢的生态生物学特性和牧草—湖南稷子的生物学特性制定了相应的栽培措施,初步完成了对光板氯化物盐土的综合系统性改造研究。使被改良研究的土地耕地面积由改良前的37.3hm2,发展到346.7hm2,增加了9.3倍,土壤含盐量由过去的2%~4%下降到0.4%~1.2%。使雅玛赖荒成为公司的饲草料生产基地。这一研究结果对改造和利用河套大面积的盐生生境有着指导作用和广泛前景。  相似文献   

魏铭  王钦 《中国草地》1995,(1):10-15,20
本文系统地综述了在新围沿海滩涂盐渍化土地上,因地制宜,分类治理滨海盐土的方法,研究了南方沿海滩涂人工草地的建植技术和培育措施;并从牧草种类的选择和组合及其生产量、营养物质保证率、成本,价值等指标,选择最适宜的数量标准,综合评价了牧草的生产效率,为沿海滩涂草地建设提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

为了研究运用农业、生物、水利和化学措施改良松嫩草场盐碱斑的效果,1984~1987年在项目区内进行了此项试验。此项试验由以下三个部分组成: 1.石膏、砂加农肥改良效果的试验; 2.牧草品种耐盐碱能力的鉴定; 3.施用石膏后,进行灌水淋洗的改良试验。现将上述三项试验结果分述如下: 一、石膏、砂加农肥改良效果的试验试验地土壤为盐化草甸土、草甸盐土,碱土盐土和碱土组成的复区,植被盖度为40%左右,除光秃盐碱斑外,生长有少量的碱蒿和禾本科牧草。试验设有对  相似文献   

以建立人工草地为目的的盐渍土综合改良研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在含盐量36.8g/Kg的氯化物-硫酸盐草甸盐土上,经三年试验证明,以种植耐盐牧草为中心的综合农业措施可以实现边改良边利用,第五年草木樨产量可达6.78T/hm^2,并有较高的脱盐效率。在传统盐渍土改良相比,这种方法投资少。见效快,更能适应淡水水源日益短缺的现实和农业发展的需要,是盐渍土改良中水盐最佳调控概念的具体体现。  相似文献   

从土壤溶液盐分含量的变化中,分析试验区盐渍化形成原因。通过盐渍化及改良过程植被种类、盖度、生物量的变化,总结治理硫酸盐氯化物盐土的有效途径。  相似文献   

正1内蒙古河套平原土壤类型河套平原位于内蒙古包头以西,黄河北岸的巴彦淖尔5个旗县以及黄河南岸的鄂尔多斯达拉特旗少部土地。河套平原土壤是长期受地下水和灌溉形成的隐域性土壤,有灌淤土、盐土、碱土和风沙土4类,其土粒细小,湿时粘重,干时龟裂。河套平原盐碱土可分为6种类型。硫酸盐氯化物的白盐土,含盐量小于1%,主要植被为碱蓬、芦草等;氯化物硫酸盐的篷松盐土,主要植被是碱草、白茨等;  相似文献   

2009年5月16—17日,盐城市举办盐土农业高层论坛暨盐城市盐土农业发展规划论证会。全国人大农业与农村委员会舒惠国副主任、农业部原副部长洪绂曾教授、科技部原副部长韩德乾教授等相关领导,中科院南京土壤研究所赵其国院士、中国农业科学院刘更另院士、中国农业科学院方智远院士等30多名知名专家出席了会议。  相似文献   

生物炭添加对滨海盐土柳枝稷生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究生物炭在滨海盐土改良中的作用以及对植物生长的影响,通过田间试验,采用穴施方式添加450℃热解玉米秸秆炭(1%、2%),分析了滨海盐土理化性质和柳枝稷生长特性的响应。结果表明:生物炭添加后第一个生长季,土壤容重降低3.9%以上,田间持水量、毛管孔隙度、有机碳含量分别提高7.4%、4.0%、68.3%以上,柳枝稷成活率提高18.4%以上,地上和地下干重分别增加198.4%、91.4%以上,地上部和地下部的生长明显改善,柳枝稷可以选择性地吸收K+。因此,采用穴施方式添加生物炭,可以改善滨海盐土的部分理化性质,进而促进柳枝稷的生长,提升其耐盐能力。  相似文献   

1概述松嫩草地开发利用已久,由于气候条件、盐化成土母质、地貌特征及不合理的利用等因素,导致盐碱土的形成和草地盐渍化,盐土、碱土面积达24万hm2,盐渍化土壤面积已达69万hm2,还有很大面积的草地受到次生盐渍化的威胁,如安达33%放牧场盐渍化,面积达...  相似文献   

Ovine scrapie was first recorded in Cyprus in 1985. Subsequently four dairy goats kept in two mixed flocks with affected sheep developed characteristic clinical signs similar to those seen in sheep. Fifteen goats from the two flocks were examined histologically and neurological lesions consistent with a diagnosis of scrapie were found in the four animals and in three others which had subsequently developed early neurological signs. These lesions were similar to those of naturally-affected sheep although neuronal degeneration and vacuolation were more severe in some cases.  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1984   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1984, 1853 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1984 and 35% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 97,794 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 1417 dogs (1.45% of those tested) were found with heartworm. Another 34 dogs were amicrofilaremic, but were diagnosed as having heartworm disease, to give the total number diagnosed in 1984 as 1451 (1.48%). Heartworm was reported from all provinces except Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland but most (1310) of the cases were in Ontario. In Quebec, 126 cases were reported mostly from west of Montreal.

Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 27% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 72% had a history of not having left Canada. Southwestern Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1985   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1985, 1485 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1985 and 44% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 137,300 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 1210 dogs were found with heartworm. Another 36 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number diagnosed in 1985 as 1247 (0.91%).

Heartworm was reported from all provinces except Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Saskatchewan but most (1126) of the cases were in Ontario. Southwestern Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection in Canada. From Quebec, 91 cases were reported mostly from and around Montreal. From Manitoba, 19 cases were reported from Winnipeg and surrounding areas. Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 28% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 78% had a history of not having left Canada.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1988   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1988, 1581 small and mixed animal clinics and institutional veterinarians across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1988, and 46% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 181,577 dogs were blood-tested for heartworm disease and 367 dogs were found with D. immitis microfilariae. Another 60 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number of cases diagnosed in 1988 as 441 (0.24%).  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1989   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1989, 1732 clinics and institutional veterinarians were sent a questionnaire to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis, and 51.7% responded. Of 247,716 dogs tested, 394 had D. immitis microfilariae and 51 were amicrofilaremic for a total of 445 cases and heartworm prevalence of 0.17%. Most (408) of these dogs had no preventive medication and the prevalence among dogs tested and unprotected was 1.01%. That prevalence was considerably higher in endemic areas. Thirty-seven dogs with heartworm had preventive medication. Heartworm was most frequent in companion dogs over three years of age maintained outdoors in rural areas. About 75% of the cases had never left Canada, 26% had clinical signs and 125 were not treated.

Heartworm was reported from British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, but 383 cases were in Ontario. South-western Ontario was the primary focus of infection. There were 33 cases in Quebec and 24 in Manitoba, mainly found in and around Metropolitan Montreal and Winnipeg respectively.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1987   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1987, 1246 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1987, and 50% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 165,428 dogs were blood tested for heartworm disease and 511 dogs were found with D. immitis microfilariae. Another 78 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number of cases diagnosed in 1987 as 589 (0.35%).  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1986   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1986, 1224 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1986; 46% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 150,989 dogs were blood-tested for microfilariae and 869 dogs were found with heartworm. Another 65 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease and one was found with heartworm at necropsy to give the total number diagnosed in 1986 as 935 (0.62%).

Heartworm was reported from Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec, but most (810) of the cases were from Ontario. South-western Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection in Canada. There were 103 cases reported from Quebec, mostly from and around Montreal, and 21 cases from Manitoba, from Winnipeg and surrounding areas. Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 33% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 81% had a history of not having left Canada.


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