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An 8-year-old Thoroughbred mare presented with acute bilateral epistaxis. The mare showed no clinical signs other than cough and profuse bilateral epistaxis. Antibiotic therapy was instituted and a transtracheal wash was collected. Large numbers of inflammatory neutrophils and gram-positive cocci were reported in the tracheal wash. The antibiotic therapy was continued for 7 days at which time the mare appeared clinically normal. The mare was successfully bred and was confirmed pregnant. She was referred to a hospital when the epistaxis recurred. She was treated with another antibiotic, and thoracic radiographs were also taken which revealed a space occupying lesion. The mare foaled a live foal. She developed bilateral thickening of her limbs. The swellings were of boney consistency and affected all four legs, particularly the forelimbs. A diagnosis of pulmonary hypertrophic osteopathy was made. The mare was again sent for further investigation. The thoracic mass had increased in size from the first examination. A biopsy was collected by endoscopy which confirmed a neoplastic process. After deterioration in her condition, the mare was euthanized on humane grounds. An autopsy report revealed that the mare had approximately 80% of the left lung replaced by neoplastic tissue. The right lung contained many small nodular masses. There was an associated cardiomegaly. In this case, the development of periosteal proliferation in multiple metaphyses was secondary to an intrathoracic neoplastic mass.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old Thoroughbred mare had a 2-week history of weight loss and intermittent fever. Examination of abdominal and pleural fluid revealed peritonitis and pleuritis. Ultrasonography of the ventral abdominal midline revealed an intra-abdominal mass. Exploratory celiotomy was performed, but the mass was not surgically excisable. The mare was euthanatized and necropsied. Histologically, the mass was determined to be a fibrosarcoma of omental origin.  相似文献   

A 4‐year‐old Missouri Fox Trotter mare was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine with a reddish mass protruding from the third eyelid and adjacent palpebral conjunctiva of the left eye. On ophthalmic examination, the mare showed mild blepharospasm, mild mucopurulent discharge and mild corneal oedema in the left eye. Menace response, pupillary light reflexes and intraocular examination were normal. A rounded, fleshy red ulcerated mass, approximately 3 cm in diameter, expanded the edge of the outer surface of the medial third eyelid and conjunctiva of the ventromedial palpebral region. Physical examination was otherwise unremarkable. Based on history and clinical findings, surgical removal was elected. The tumour was excised and the conjunctiva in the area of tumour treated with cryotherapy. Histological evaluation revealed a mast cell tumour on the third eyelid. Nine months follow‐up revealed no recurrence.  相似文献   

A 21-year-old Quarter Horse mare presented for a mass of the right nictitating membrane. The entire right nictitating membrane was surgically removed and diagnosed as a mixed cell lymphosarcoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The horse had no systemic signs of lymphosarcoma. Approximately 1.5 years later, the horse presented with a similar mass in the left nictitating membrane. The entire left nictitating membrane was surgically removed and diagnosed as a mixed cell lymphosarcoma. In this case, complete surgical removal of the masses resulted in a cure. The horse has remained free of systemic lymphosarcoma for over 3 years.

Case report

A 21-year-old gray Quarter Horse mare was presented to the Kansas State University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for evaluation of a mass involving the right nictitating membrane. The mass was first noticed 5 weeks before presentation and had been treated by the referring veterinarian with a topical steroid solution twice daily. Administration of the topical steroid caused some decrease in the swelling, but it quickly returned once medication was discontinued. The horse had no other medical complaints and appeared to be otherwise healthy. On ocular examination, chemosis of the third eyelid and conjunctiva of the right eye was evident. Direct and indirect pupillary light reflexes, Schirmer tear test, and intraocular pressures were normal in both eyes. Fluorescein stain uptake was negative in both corneas. Cranial nerve and vision examinations did not reveal any abnormalities. On further examination of the right nictitating membrane, a firm mass was palpated under and protruding from the palpebral conjunctiva (Fig 1). No other abnormalities were found on physical examination.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old pregnant Spanish thoroughbred mare was presented with an extensive granulomatous lesion, of four months duration, on the left medial foreleg. On examination, the wound was covered by a large mass of ulcerated granulation tissue exuding thick serosanguinous fluid. The mare had not responded to previous treatment. Physical examination revealed no fever, no lameness and the presence of intense pruritus. A surgical resection was carried out to take samples for histopathology. On histopathologic examination the dermis and subcutaneous tissue showed large multifocal necrotic eosinophilic areas and inside these areas, irregularly ramified fungal hyphae. Microbiological examination showed abundant fungal growth and the strain corresponded to Absidia corymbifera . Treatment with amphotericin B was started but there was no improvement in the lesion. The mare aborted, became anorexic, had febrile episodes, had very poor body condition and was euthanized.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old Trakehner mare was presented with a firm moveable mass over the left maxilla. Radiography revealed a discrete opaque ovoid mass. Sialolithiasis of left parotid duct was diagnosed. The sialolith was excised by using a transoral approach and found to contain an organic nidus. The mare recovered without complications.  相似文献   

Colonic adenocarcinoma with osseous metaplasia in a horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rectal palpation of a 30-year-old mixed-breed mare with chronic weight loss and intermittent, refractory abdominal pain revealed a mass in the right caudoventral portion of the abdomen. Hematologic and serum biochemical findings were normal except for slight mature neutrophilia and mildly high alkaline phosphatase activity and total bilirubin concentration. Cytologic examination of a specimen obtained by abdominocentesis revealed equal numbers of nondegenerative neutrophils and macrophages, but no evidence of neoplastic cells. The mare continued to have signs of abdominal discomfort and was euthanatized. Necropsy revealed a large mass at the junction of the right dorsal colon and transverse colon, and several smaller masses in the liver. Histologic characteristics of the small-colon mass were consistent with colonic adenocarcinoma with osseous metaplasia.  相似文献   

A 27‐year‐old Shetland mare was examined for persistent coughing, increased respiratory rate and mild exercise intolerance. Over the previous 5 months, the mare had experienced a persistent cough nonresponsive to medical and environmental management. Upon endoscopic examination of the lower airways, a mass was seen within the left mainstem bronchus; biopsy identified a granular cell tumour. The tumour was successfully reduced by repeated transendoscopic diode laser photoablation over a period of 4 months with no evidence of recurrence at 10 months post treatment.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old ex-polo pony maiden mare with an extensively damaged endometrium was initially used as an embryo donor in a research herd. Embryos recovered from the mare were of normal morphology and size. Subsequently, the mare was inseminated and left pregnant. Early conceptus development was normal and she foaled a small (22 kg) but healthy filly after a gestation of 360 days. Examination of the placenta showed that development of the microcotyledons accurately reflected the damage to the uterus. Plasma progestagen profiles throughout gestation also provided evidence for placental pathology and fetal stress.  相似文献   

A mare with hemorrhage caused by guttural pouch mycosis was treated by insertion of a balloon-tipped catheter into the left internal carotid artery. During recovery from general anesthesia, the mare had profuse epistaxis, and was anesthetized again to determine the site of hemorrhage. The affected guttural pouch was opened to confirm that hemorrhage was from the left internal carotid artery. The mare was euthanatized, and, at necropsy, the balloon catheter was found in an aberrant branch that arose from the internal carotid artery and joined the basilar artery. The mycotic plaque was on the left internal carotid artery, distal to the origin of the aberrant branch, so that the balloon did not obstruct retrograde flow through the infected segment. Additional dissection of the internal carotid artery before insertion of a balloon catheter is recommended to identify any aberrant branches. Ligation of aberrant branches at their bifurcation with the internal carotid artery is recommended to prevent both inadvertent catheterization and retrograde flow from the cerebral arterial circle.  相似文献   

An 18-year-old Arabian mare was examined with a large mass on the left hind pastern and fetlock. The mare was located in the Central Valley of northern California, and had never been out of the state. Routine histopathological processing and examination of biopsy samples from the mass showed several hyphal organisms that were delineated with a silver stain. Using immunohistochemistry the organism was diagnosed as Pythium insidiosum. The owner declined debulking surgery, and despite treatment with an immunotherapeutic vaccine, the horse's condition deteriorated leading to euthanasia.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old Cob mare was presented for investigation of a mandibular mass. Radiography identified an oval-shaped mass occupying the intramandibular space, with a heterogeneous osseous opacity throughout the left hemimandible. Histopathology combined with immunohistochemistry was consistent with a diagnosis of sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma, which to date has only been described, rarely, in human patients. The mass was removed using a mandibular-sparing surgical technique allowing preservation of the dental arcade. Follow-up 5 years after surgery confirmed no signs of regrowth. This case report describes the successful treatment of a previously unreported mandibular neoplasm in the horse.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old crossbred Thoroughbred mare was referred to the University of Tehran Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for evaluation of a mass in the pelvic cavity. The mare had been partially anorectic and pyrexic. On clinical examination, the mare was thin and depressed, with body temperature of 38°C, a pulse rate of 38 beats/minute, and a respiratory rate of 10 breaths/minute. Palpation per rectum revealed a large, smooth and tense mass in the anterior part of the pelvic cavity. Ultrasound examination confirmed the presence of a soft tissue mass with a thick wall. The inner surface of the mass had a villous-like appearance. The stroma of the mass was mottled, with accumulation of speckled and hypoechoic to slightly hyperechoic fluid. Hormone assays revealed low serum concentration of testosterone. Serum progesterone concentration indicated that active luteal tissue and serum estradiol concentration was 24 pg/ml. On histological examination, the sections from the tumor were composed of oval- or spindle-shaped cells loosely arranged in diffuse sheets or irregularly interlacing fascicles. On the basis of these histological findings, the large tumor mass of the left ovary was considered to be a thecoma. To our knowledge, the details of the clinical, ultrasonographic, endocrinologic, and histologic findings of this tumor in the mare have not been described in the veterinary literature.  相似文献   

An intra-abdominal abscess was diagnosed in a 7-year-old mare by palpation per rectum and from abnormal clinicopathologic findings. Initial treatment with procaine penicillin for 21 days was unsuccessful in halting the deterioration of the physical condition of the mare. Surgical exploration of the abdomen revealed a mass in the wall of the left ventral colon. Drainage was achieved by marsupialization. Serratia marcescens was isolated from the abscess. Recovery appeared complete, and the mare has resumed broodmare capability.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old Thoroughbred mare was referred to Tennessee Equine Hospital for evaluation and treatment of a subepiglottic mass. Physical and laboratory examinations revealed no other abnormalities. The tumour was excised through a laryngotomy site using transendoscopic laser and sharp excision. Histological evaluation revealed a poorly differentiated sarcoma with features of a leiomyosarcoma, a rarely identified neoplasm in the oropharynx of the horse. The mare developed intermittent dorsal displacement of the soft palate (iDDSP) after surgery but was able to resume full training. There was no evidence of regrowth 8 months post-operatively.  相似文献   

Small-colon rupture attributable to granulosa cell tumor in a mare   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large granulosa cell tumor was believed to be responsible for causing obstruction and subsequent rupture of the small colon in a 10-year-old Quarter Horse mare. Two months earlier, a mass, tentatively diagnosed as granulosa cell tumor of the left ovary, had been identified by means of rectal palpation and ultrasonography. The mare was evaluated for clinical signs of acute, severe, abdominal pain, increased heart rate, cyanotic mucous membranes, clinical dehydration, with high PCV, leukopenia, and extreme abdominal distension. A large soft tissue mass and taut band that constricted the lumen of the small colon were palpable per rectum. Septic peritonitis was diagnosed on the basis of results of abdominocentesis. Exploratory surgery revealed extensive fecal contamination of the abdominal viscera, and the mare was euthanatized because of the resultant poor prognosis. At necropsy, the small colon was occluded by a taut, left broad ligament and the ovarian mass that was proved to be a granulosa cell tumor. The occlusion had caused impaction of the small colon, with subsequent perforation at the level of the broad ligament.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old mare presented for evaluation of recurrent colic episodes. The horse was diagnosed with a mass within the spleen at the ultrasound examination of the abdomen; the levels of Serum Amyloid A and the fibrinogen were high and so a presumptive diagnosis of an abscess involving the spleen was made base on clinical, ultrasonographic and laboratory findings and it was decided to perform n exploratory laparotomy for a definitive diagnosis and possible treatment. Upon abdominal exploration a mass involving the spleen, the lateral wall of the ventral colon adherent to the left abdominal wall was diagnosed and with an intraoperative ultrasound examination a linear hyperechoic foreign body was diagnosed within the mass. It was removed through an enterotomy of the left ventral colon that allowed the digital exploration of the mass without spilling of pus within the peritoneal cavity. The horse was discharged and the long term follow-up revealed no complications and no more signs of abdominal pain.  相似文献   

Ureteroliths were removed on two occasions from a mare by different techniques. A 3 cm calculus was removed by right ureterolithectomy during a ventral midline celiotomy. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine were measured monthly and remained within normal limits for 5 months. During the fifth postoperative month, after 9 days of lumbar pain, the mare was represented with an increased BUN and creatinine and a ureterolith in the left ureter. Using a Dormia basket stone dislodger, the second ureterolith was removed through a vestibulourethral approach. Fourteen days after surgery, the BUN and creatinine had returned to normal limits and the mare remained asymptomatic for 3 months. The mare then developed severe laminitis after 2 days of strenuous exercise and was euthanized. At necropsy, both kidneys contained multiple calculi.  相似文献   

A 12‐year‐old Paint‐Arab mare was admitted for evaluation of a penetrating chest laceration at the thoracic inlet. The left brachiocephalic muscle was transected and the recurrent laryngeal nerve was traumatised. Subsequent to the injury, the horse developed Horner's syndrome on the left side of the neck and face, Grade IV left laryngeal hemiplegia, dysphagia, cough and subcutaneous emphysema. The defect was closed in multiple layers. Antimicrobial and antiinflammatory therapy was instituted along with local wound care. The mare remained bright and responsive and the wound healed normally. The mare showed no signs of respiratory distress. Dysphagia and ptosis persisted at 30 days post trauma.  相似文献   

An 18‐year‐old Quarter Horse mare presented with an 18 week history of dermatological lesions characterised by recurrent urticaria and recent signs of enlarged mammary glands, pyrexia, alopecia and intense pruritus. Haematological and serum biochemical analyses revealed anaemia, leucocytosis, thrombocytopenia and hyperfibrinogenaemia. Mammary discharge was evaluated and revealed neutrophilia. Cytological examinations of fine needle aspirates from the parotid lymph nodes were normal. Common causes of anaemia were ruled out by specific tests. The initial diagnosis was mastitis and 2 weeks later the animal returned to the hospital with worsening of clinical signs, intermittent fever, intense pruritus and generalised alopecia. Blood samples were collected for haematological and serum biochemical analyses, and the mammary gland and parotid lymph nodes were biopsied. Rectal palpation revealed a large irregular mass near the left kidney with adhesions of surrounding structures. The animal died before the laboratory results were ready. This report details the clinical, histological and immunophenotypic findings of a case of large lymphoma in a mare.  相似文献   

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