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本文就海南大学园艺学专业学位研究生综合培养模式进行探索和实践,通过对园艺专业核心课程教学团队建设、教学平台与教学模式的创新、科研实验室和校外科研实践基地建设等方面进行了研究和总结,提出要重视教研团队建设、教学手段和机制创新、培养模式多元化,以利于研究生综合能力和水平的提升。  相似文献   

研究生教学实践是培养研究生实际工作能力的重要环节,它的实践性决定了其在研究生教育各个环节中至关重要性,同时也是研究生在专业培养过程中从理论学习进入实验室开展课题研究进行实练的一环。文章探讨了研究生课程实践教学的现状及存在问题,并以高级动物营养学为例,阐述了研究生课程创新性实践教学体系的建设与实践。  相似文献   

研究生课程建设是高等学校教学基本建设的重要内容之一。加强研究生课程建设是有效落实研究生教学计划,提高教学科研水平和人才培养质量的重要保证。针对振动理论及应用研究生课程的特点,结合研究生创新教育的目标,对本课程教学现状和问题、教学目标、教学方式、教学改革和实践等进行了较为深入详尽的阐述。  相似文献   

文章讨论了基于一级学科研究生课程体系改革的必要性,以吉林农业大学为实例,具体分析了研究生一级学科课程体系设置与教学运行的基本做法,通过问卷调查的方式从研究生课程学习投入度、研究生课程教学规范性及有效性评价、研究生环境支持度及资源丰富度、研究生学业收获水平以及研究生课程满意度五个方面进行效果评价。研究发现,基于一级学科的研究生课程体系运行效果良好,大多数学生对教师的课堂教学比较满意,学业收获较好。同时,数据还反映出存在部分课程定位不清、部分学生的课程学习投入不足,以及学术型硕士与专业型硕士培养模式趋同的问题。基于这些研究发现,结合学校实际情况,进一步完善研究生课程教学是提高研究生教育质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

笔者针对目前以本科教育为主体的地方院校研究生课程教学中存在的重视已有知识传授、教师课堂讲授为主、课程教学及考核环节不完善等问题,通过以提升畜牧学学科研究生自主学习能力和创新能力为目标,以课程教学和课程考核为载体,以教学内容、方式和方法改革为重点,在研究生教学过程中建立了教师指导,涵盖阅读、写作、讨论和报告等教学环节,以文献查找、阅读、比较、反思、总结和学术交流能力为基础的研究生创新能力培养课程教学改革与探索实践。  相似文献   

采用研讨式教学法,将培养独立从事科学研究能力的目标落实到研究生课程教学中,从查阅、分析和归纳文献到准备演讲文稿、作学术报告等多个方面,注重培养研究生的创新思维,激发学生的创造力和想象力。文中从研讨内容的确定、课堂的组织和管理、教师在研讨课中的作用等三个方面,总结了研究生高等环境化学课程教学实践中的经验,并分析了研讨式教学存在的问题。  相似文献   

我国著名果树育种学家、浙江大学园艺系教授沈德绪先生 ,因突发心脏病 ,于 2 0 0 2年 8月2日 14时 4 0分在杭州猝然逝世 ,享年 80岁。沈德绪教授从事园艺教学、科研和生产推广工作半个多世纪 ,主讲果树育种学、园艺植物遗传学等多门课程 ,培养博士、硕士研究生 2 5名 ,出版专著 7部 ,发表学术论文 130多篇 ,选育果蔬新品种 18个 ,获得多项省、部级奖励。沈德绪教授的逝世 ,是我国园艺界的一大损失。我们将继承他未竟的事业 ,为我国园艺事业作出积极贡献。沈先生永远铭记在我们心中著名果树育种学家沈德绪教授逝世…  相似文献   

文章在实证调查研究的基础上,详细介绍了美国威斯康星大学奶牛科学专业研究生教育的整体情况,希望通过对威斯康星大学奶牛科学专业研究生的培养要求、课程设置、课程教学、学习内容等方面的详实介绍,对我国研究生的培养教育,尤其是奶牛科学专业的研究生培养提供有用的借鉴。  相似文献   

对我国草业科学研究生教学现状进行了调查和分析研究之后,认为应该从课程设置、研究方向以及学位论文方面修订研究生培养方案;培养研究生的综合能力、实践能力和创新能力方面提高研究生教学质量。  相似文献   

探讨了湖南农业大学草学专业全日制学术型硕士研究生学位课程《草学综合技能课》的发展历史,总结了《草学综合技能课》的教学内容。针对目前研究生传统实验课程及内容存在的实验类课程所占比重小,缺少专业综合技能类实验课程;实验课程教学内容与模式陈旧,教学效果不佳;实验课程忽视研究生实践创新能力培养,课程评价考核机制不完善等问题,进行了《草学综合技能课》课程内容的调整与充实,加强了课程教学与实验条件建设,加强了课程网络教学条件建设与教学团队的师资队伍建设,探索了课程教学方式与方法的改革,完成了课程考核评价体系的改革,取得了课程教学改革与实践的良好成果。  相似文献   

双语教学既是培养学生理论学习、文献查阅以及概括总结等综合能力的有效途径,也是提高学生外文听说读写综合能力的重要手段。但如何有效开展《高级动物生态学》课程研究生的双语教学,根据教学大纲和计划,设计教学内容,提高学生参与的积极性和主动性,巩固教学效果,是困扰双语教学的一大难题。阐述了在教学过程中课程设计方面开展的收效,以期促进双语教学的广泛开展,提升研究生教学效果。  相似文献   

《饲料卫生与安全学》是畜牧学专业的重要课程,教学质量直接关系到学生从事饲料相关行业后的状态及企业认可度。根据学科发展和人才培养趋势,分析了《饲料卫生与安全学》课程教学中存在的问题,通过对教学内容、教学方法及现代化教学手段等方面进行改革探索,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

高职院校畜牧兽医专业是以培养从事畜牧兽医生产、服务及管理等工作第一线的高级应用型人才为目的。随着现代畜牧业的快速发展,用人单位对畜牧兽医专业毕业生综合实践能力提出了更高的要求。从如何提高教师素质、优化课程体系、完善实践教学环节、改进教学内容、建设专业特色教学资源库以及人才培养考核评价体系等方面探讨了新形势下畜牧兽医专业应用型人才的培养模式。  相似文献   

The curricula for both veterinary and human medicine are undergoing review and change as a new and highly competitive practice environment influences what abilities graduates require to be successful. Concerning many is the contention that some graduates lack skills and aptitudes necessary for economic success. If significant changes are to be considered for the curricula of either profession, it will be difficult to plan for meaningful change in the absence of high-quality information about the needs of graduates and related curriculum gaps. The purpose of this article is to argue why educators should design more effective systems of evaluation that are responsive to the needs of educational program planning. One example from a medical school is described. In this case, the authors discuss how their institution's evaluations were insufficient for answering new and important questions that go beyond traditional cognitive measures: specifically, no data set was available that allowed the institution to answer questions about practice environment and curricular innovations. More recently, institutions have become interested in learning to what extent their broad missions are accomplished or not. Similarly, academic leaders are not simply interested in performance of learners on tests of competence; they want to know more about how their graduates are doing in the practice setting. To answer questions such as these, educators must expand their systems of evaluations to address these broader themes. The authors conclude by identifying several lessons learned from their experiences in developing a new system of educational program evaluation.  相似文献   

以黑龙江八一农垦大学选修《动物营养代谢病》课程的临床兽医学专业研究生为研究对象,分别采用传统教学和实践与案例分析式教学法授课,以老师给定研究题目学生查阅文献进行分析论证为考核方式。结果显示,在实践与案例分析式教学方式下,学生对研究题目的分析思路清晰、问题分析全面、技术路线可行性强,是培养具有较强实践能力和创新精神的临床兽医学研究生的有效教学方式。  相似文献   

从提高研究生培养质量的角度出发,探讨了扩招以后研究生培养在课程设置、教学管理、学位论文及答辩中存在的问题。分析其原因并提出优化课程设置,优化师资队伍、实施课程评价、完善学位论文匿名评审制度等相关对策  相似文献   

The evolution of preventive medicine and public health training in professional veterinary medicine curricula is documented. Most veterinary colleges in the US began with a single course in meat hygiene or public health, with a focus on food hygiene issues. These courses laid the foundation for modern veterinary preventive medicine and public health training for veterinary students. Most graduates of veterinary colleges today have extensive training in population health, preventive medicine, and zoonotic diseases.  相似文献   

专业建设标准对专业建设起着指导、规范、评价和反馈作用,制定专业建设标准是现阶段构建职业教育质量保障体系的重要任务。高职饲料与动物营养专业建设标准从人才培养调研标准、就业岗位能力标准、人才培养方案、课程标准、师资队伍建设标准、实验实训条件标准、信息化教学标准、毕业生职业能力评价标准、教学质量监控体系标准9个方面制定和实践,全面推进该专业内涵建设,提高毕业生就业质量。  相似文献   

A review revealed that at 20 veterinary faculties in European countries parasitology is represented in the curriculum of veterinary medicine with an average of 105 core contact hours, devoted to lectures (58%) and practicals (42%). However, there is a high diversity between faculties with ranges of total contact hours between 48 and 156. Three faculties are close to the minimum of 70 core contact hours recommended by WAAVP (2002), and one faculty is below this limit. In one of the faculties parasitology is completely integrated into interdisciplinary teaching activities, in some others there are developments in this direction which include the risk of dissolving parasitology as a discipline. One faculty with a high degree of integrated teaching has already abolished the parasitological examination. Parasitology is preferentially taught in the years three, four and five of the curriculum, but there is great variation between the faculties. Most teachers in the faculties are veterinarians. In many faculties the large numbers of students and the unsatisfactory academic teaching staff:student ratio represent a significant problem. This problem may increase with more teaching obligations caused by new curricula. Due to the high diversity in content and structure of teaching curricula of veterinary medicine between veterinary faculties in Europe international and even national exchange of students is inhibited. Therefore, and for many other reasons more activities should be initiated towards harmonisation of the study curricula in Europe.  相似文献   

Advances have been made in expanding veterinary curricula to deliver basic key knowledge and skills necessary for provision of health care to captive and companion non-domestic or non-traditional species in the veterinary colleges of the United States and Canada. These advances were in large part facilitated by the deliberations and recommendations of the White Oak Accords. Though a five-year review of curricular opportunities at US and Canadian veterinary colleges shows that progress has been made in implementing the recommendations of the White Oak Accords, there remains room for improvement. The broadly comparative and health-maintenance basis of zoological medicine contributes critically to the potential for veterinary medicine to make important contributions to the concept of the integrated health of the planet. Emergence of key zoonotic and production-animal diseases derived from and within wildlife populations since 2000 has increased awareness worldwide of the importance of zoological medicine in protecting both production livestock and public health. These areas are addressed in elective curricula at colleges emerging as centers of excellence in zoological medicine, but it is critical that core curricula in zoological medicine at all schools be strengthened to include these important areas to prepare our DVM/VMD graduates to protect companion-animal, production-animal, and public health.  相似文献   

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